890 research outputs found

    Correlation Effects in Orbital Magnetism

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    Orbital magnetization is known empirically to play an important role in several magnetic phenomena, such as permanent magnetism and ferromagnetic superconductivity. Within the recently developed ''modern theory of orbital magnetization'', theoretical insight has been gained into the nature of this often neglected contribution to magnetism, but is based on an underlying mean-field approximation. From this theory, a few treatments have emerged which also take into account correlations beyond the mean-field approximation. Here, we apply the scheme developed in a previous work [Phys. Rev. B 93{\bf \text{93}}, 161104(R) (2016)] to the Haldane-Hubbard model to investigate the effect of charge fluctuations on the orbital magnetization within the GWGW approximation. Qualitatively, we are led to distinguish between two quite different situations: (i) When the lattice potential is larger than the nearest neighbor hopping, the correlations are found to boost the orbital magnetization. (ii) If the nearest neighbor hopping is instead larger than the lattice potential, the correlations reduce the magnetization.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    User Evaluation of the SYNFACE Talking Head Telephone

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    Abstract. The talking-head telephone, Synface, is a lip-reading support for people with hearing-impairment. It has been tested by 49 users with varying degrees of hearing-impaired in UK and Sweden in lab and home environments. Synface was found to give support to the users, especially in perceiving numbers and addresses and an enjoyable way to communicate. A majority deemed Synface to be a useful product.

    Simulation and optimization of evacuation routes in case of fire in underground mines

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    Risks of fire occurrence in underground mines are known for a long time. Evacuation and rescue plans allow to each underground mine to respond and establish control in case of emergency. The primary goal of this paper is to determine the optimal system for evacuation in case of fire in underground mines and through a process of computer simulation to be presented to all workers that are affected by this issue. In this study is developed a system that allows by using available software to work out the complete evacuation plans that include analysis of fire scenarios and optimal routes for evacuation. With development of database of fire scenarios, it is possible to plan routes for evacuation in all situations. This presented methodology can serve to make effective system for evacuation and rescue in case of fire and to help save lives and protect the financial investment in the mine. This methodology represents the most economical option of making an effective system for evacuation and also can serve as an idea of making a software package that includes all the steps of making a system for evacuation and rescue in case of fire in underground mines. This presented model will have increased accuracy compared to other models presented so far, because of the prepared 3D model of the underground mine which includes the actual dimensions of the mine along with its associated elements from which the fire dynamics and system for evacuation depends

    Lättskum som skydd av egendom vid brand i byggnad

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    This report tries to introduce a new way to use high expansion foam in case of a fire, namely as a protection for property. The use of high expansion foam as a tool to extinguish a fire in a building is widely known in Sweden. But the tool is not the first action taken by the fire service and the knowledge of how to use high expansion foam is not very high. Information on how Swedish rescue service personnel feel about using this tool where analyzed by conducting a survey among commanders within Swedish rescue service. Results from three experiments prove that high expansion foam is a good tool for protecting property from hot gases produced by a fire and from heat radiation. Although the high expansion foam easily is destroyed by heat radiation. There is more research needed on this subject to prove the best way of use high expansion foam

    Livsmedelssäkerhet ur ett försörjningskedjeperspektiv

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    .Sammanfattning Titel: Livsmedelssäkerhet ur ett försörjningskedjeperspektiv Författare: Cecilia Eken Jonas Karlsson Handledare: Carl-Henric Nilsson, Ekonomihögskolan, Lunds Universitet Fredrik Nilsson, Avdelningen för Förpackningslogistik, Lunds Tekniska Högskola Christina Skjöldebrand, Avdelningen för Förpackningslogistik, Lunds tekniska Högskola Torgny Nyholm, General Manager Food, Schenker AB Problemställning: Vilka, för produktsäkerheten och spårbarheten, kritiska punkter finns det inom den studerade livsmedelsförsörjningskedjan? Hur bör de kritiska punkterna bäst hanteras/åtgärdas/förbättras? Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att utvidga begreppet kritiska punkter, från att enbart fokusera på produktsäkerhet, till att även innefatta för spårbarheten kritiska punkter i informationsflödet samt relationerna företagen emellan. Vidare syftar examensarbetet till att ta fram en modell för att hantera försörjningskedjans utvidgade kritiska punkter. Metod: Examensarbetet är en studie av en hel försörjningskedja, bestående av ett antal fristående och icke-linjärt interagerande enheter, i ett livsmedelssammanhang. Studien av denna är utförd inom systemparadigmet och det angreppssätt som använts en fallstudie. Inom denna har sedan process- och agentkartläggningsmetoder använts. Slutsatser: Vi har identifierat fysiska, informationsmässiga och relationsmässiga faktorer som tillsammans bildar kritiska sammanhang. Utifrån dessa utformades ett prioriteringsverktyg -3K- för att hantera de kritiska faktorerna. Enligt detta verktyg så uppstod de mest kritiska sammanhangen vid mottagning samt utlastning av varor. Detta berodde på att dessa kritiska sammanhang har de högsta kriticitetsvärden för alla ingående nivåer av kritiska faktorer och därmed den största sammanlagda kriticiteten

    Locally finitely presented categories and functor rings

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    In this paper, 40 Gbaud transmission of single polarization (SP) and Polarization-Multiplexed (PM), RZ-DQPSK and RZ-D8PSK signals is analyzed numerically. The impact of nonlinear crosstalk arising from the presence of neighbouring intensity-modulated channels is analyzed in terms of required OSNR for the BER of 10-3versus launch power.QC 20120607</p