2,668 research outputs found

    Increase in organic consumption and dietary health – a dynamic approach.

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    The paper investigated whether an increase in the consumption of organic food was related to an improvement in diet composition of individual households

    Inedita from the MS. Hauniensis 1899

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    The poems here presented are all found in the fragmentary manuscript Hauniensis 1899. Following a poetic exchange by John Geometres and a certain Stylianos, they form part of a content wise random selection of poetry followed by prose texts, of which the last one ends abruptly. The earliest of the identified authors is John Geometres who was active in the second half of the 10th century, next comes Christopher of Mytilene who was born around the turn of the 10th century and died sometime after 1050 or 1068, John Mauropous who lived from 1000 until 1081 and Michael Psellos who lived from about 1018 to around 1081 marking a possible terminus post quem for the compilation. Most of the poems have, however, been transmitted to the manuscript as anonymous or with wrong authorship. The manuscript consists of a quire of four bi-folios and codicological and palaeographical features suggest a time of production in the late 13th or early 14th century. The edition of the inedita is presented with an introduction, notes, and translations.The poems here presented are all found in the fragmentary manuscript Hauniensis 1899. Following a poetic exchange by John Geometres and a certain Stylianos, they form part of a content wise random selection of poetry followed by prose texts, of which the last one ends abruptly. The earliest of the identified authors is John Geometres who was active in the second half of the 10th century, next comes Christopher of Mytilene who was born around the turn of the 10th century and died sometime after 1050 or 1068, John Mauropous who lived from 1000 until 1081 and Michael Psellos who lived from about 1018 to around 1081 marking a possible terminus post quem for the compilation. Most of the poems have, however, been transmitted to the manuscript as anonymous or with wrong authorship. The manuscript consists of a quire of four bi-folios and codicological and palaeographical features suggest a time of production in the late 13th or early 14th century. The edition of the inedita is presented with an introduction, notes, and translations

    Inedita from the MS. Hauniensis 1899

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    The poems here presented are all found in the fragmentary manuscript Hauniensis 1899. Following a poetic exchange by John Geometres and a certain Stylianos, they form part of a content wise random selection of poetry followed by prose texts, of which the last one ends abruptly. The earliest of the identified authors is John Geometres who was active in the second half of the 10th century, next comes Christopher of Mytilene who was born around the turn of the 10th century and died sometime after 1050 or 1068, John Mauropous who lived from 1000 until 1081 and Michael Psellos who lived from about 1018 to around 1081 marking a possible terminus post quem for the compilation. Most of the poems have, however, been transmitted to the manuscript as anonymous or with wrong authorship. The manuscript consists of a quire of four bi-folios and codicological and palaeographical features suggest a time of production in the late 13th or early 14th century. The edition of the inedita is presented with an introduction, notes, and translations.The poems here presented are all found in the fragmentary manuscript Hauniensis 1899. Following a poetic exchange by John Geometres and a certain Stylianos, they form part of a content wise random selection of poetry followed by prose texts, of which the last one ends abruptly. The earliest of the identified authors is John Geometres who was active in the second half of the 10th century, next comes Christopher of Mytilene who was born around the turn of the 10th century and died sometime after 1050 or 1068, John Mauropous who lived from 1000 until 1081 and Michael Psellos who lived from about 1018 to around 1081 marking a possible terminus post quem for the compilation. Most of the poems have, however, been transmitted to the manuscript as anonymous or with wrong authorship. The manuscript consists of a quire of four bi-folios and codicological and palaeographical features suggest a time of production in the late 13th or early 14th century. The edition of the inedita is presented with an introduction, notes, and translations

    CareSam:A Cross-border Collaboration Contesting notions of elderly Care

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    This article presents findings and discussions generated on the basis of the Danish-Swedish development project CareSam. The article will on the one hand focus on how work in groups consisting of representatives from different levels in the elderly care sector at one time served as learning spaces and cultural encounters in which established notions of older people and elderly care were challenged and discussed. Inspired by action research these challenges were brought forth through discussions of and through insight in practical experiences. On the other hand it will focus on the tendencies to narrow the diversity of perceptions of elderly people and their care, which were also seen in the project and led to stories in which the meaningfulness of care work were honored. Departing from the interviews presented in the CareSam film and parts of the empirical material produced in Connection to the work in the project-groups this paper will ask whether it is possible to represent care work for elderly people with all the ambiguities it holds: How can we as researchers represent both meaningfulness and straining dimensions of care work? Can we avoid either supporting Florence Nightingale-ideals or cementing negative cultural perceptions of help-needing elderly and the people who support them in everyday life? In answering these questions and thereby reflecting on our own work process we apply a caring, a learning and a political perspective. Hereby the article wishes to formulate a methodological point: The CareSam cross sector collaboration produced important experience near knowledge, but also lead to present somewhat one-sided understandings of elderly care. Applying theoretical perspectives to analyze the empirical material and the working process, nuances the understanding and makes it possible to maintain immediately conflicting dimensions in this kind of work

    Productivity, Size, and the Disintegration of Industrial Production

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    I develop a theoretical model of firms’sourcing decisions along the productivity dimension as in Antrás and Helpman (2004), while also incorporat- ing task trade as in Grossman and Rossi-Hansberg (2008). The combination of these two effects permits a framework for sourcing strategies along two dimensions, which generates results where firms spread the production process of the final good over several different sources simultaneously. While reproducing the results from the aforementioned models, my model contributes refined and more detailed predictions. Testing these on firm-level data for Spanish manufacturing firms, I find strong empirical support for the model's predictions.Outsourcing; Productivity; Production processes

    Capital Constraints, Trade and Crowding Out of Southern Firms

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    Introducing capital market imperfections to a 'footloose capital'’model, I show how such distortions may explain the observed phenomena of an industrialized north and an underdeveloped south. Further, I show that with inter-generational savings internationalization will cause a crowding out of manufacturing firms in the south, increasing the share of the southern population that are credit-constrained, and also reducing total income in the country. This should not, however, be taken as an argument for protectionism, as welfare may indeed be higher with trade than in autarky, if trade costs are sufficiently low.Capital constraints; Home market effect; Gain from trade

    Making food waste illegal in Sweden – Potential gains from enforcing best practice in the public catering sector

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    Food waste is an inefficiency problem that needs to be reduced significantly to achieve a sustainable food system. Best practices and knowledge are available on how to reduce waste but large volumes of food are still wasted every year, so policies that support or enforce broader implementation of best practices are needed. One policy that could be used to push implementation and successful use of best practices to reduce food waste is the Swedish Environmental Code, which states that all actors must consider every possibility to reduce the amount of waste generated in any facility, unless this is unreasonably expensive. However, there is no clear definition on the actual waste reduction needed to comply with this requirement, so it is not enforced in practice.This study explored the potential gains of applying the Environmental Code, potential benchmarking thresholds for illegal levels of food waste and best voluntary practices that can achieve low levels of food waste. The Environmental Code is applicable to most operator food handling systems, and was assessed here using the Swedish public catering sector as a case. All 290 Swedish municipalities were asked to provide raw data for the study and some agreed, resulting in a dataset covering 458 public catering units serving care homes, schools and preschools. The data were analysed to identify different permissible levels of food waste, while the best canteens provided information on their best practices to keep food waste low.The results showed that with best voluntary practice for each type of catering unit, overall food waste would be reduced by up to 76 %. Best voluntary practices used by the best-performing canteens were identified as: ‘reusing buffet leftovers’, ‘adjusting recipes based on previous consumption’, ‘advising guests to start with small tasting portions’, ‘setting goals for waste reduction’ and ‘serving smaller volumes in buffet containers and refilling more often’. All these actions can realistically be implemented as standard practices by public catering organisations. The present analysis could not confirm that all these actions have actually been implemented, or to what extent, but practical implementation of identified best voluntary practices meeting stated benchmarks is recommended.The Environmental Code is technology-neutral and goal-oriented and participating food business operators are not forced by law or official regulations to introduce resource-saving measures, but this study shows that some measures can lead to a large reduction in food waste. The study does not show whether harsh, i.e. costly, measures can be enforced on businesses, which can only be determined by case law (court practice). However, in the specific cases in this study, measures that could have been enforced based on the Environmental Code would have led to at least 76 % reduction in food waste. This would be a major step towards a sustainable food system

    Target Framework for Sustainable Deployment of Welfare Technology in Eldercare

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    Building on existing research and experiences regarding the use of supportive and assistive technology -- called welfare technology -- in elderly care, we have developed a framework to represent a holistic view of the complex tangle of factors contributing to the sustainable integration of these technologies into the elder care context. The framework is described here for the purpose of initiating a conversation regarding the framework with interested researchers. We will also conduct discussions with managers, caregivers, and other stakeholders involved in welfare technology deployment in eldercare in Sweden to obtain their feedback on the framework. Our ultimate goal with the framework is to provide general guidelines that municipalities and care organizations can use to improve the quality of life for elderly citizens through the successful selection, rollout and use of welfare technology that meets the needs not only of the elderly citizens needing support but also of the care providers and organizations