24 research outputs found

    Activation of K+ channels and Na+/K+ ATPase prevents aortic endothelial dysfunction in 7-day lead-treated rats

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    AbstractSeven day exposure to a low concentration of lead acetate increases nitric oxide bioavailability suggesting a putative role of K+ channels affecting vascular reactivity. This could be an adaptive mechanism at the initial stages of toxicity from lead exposure due to oxidative stress. We evaluated whether lead alters the participation of K+ channels and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA) on vascular function. Wistar rats were treated with lead (1st dose 4μg/100g, subsequent doses 0.05μg/100g, im, 7days) or vehicle. Lead treatment reduced the contractile response of aortic rings to phenylephrine (PHE) without changing the vasodilator response to acetylcholine (ACh) or sodium nitroprusside (SNP). Furthermore, this treatment increased basal O2− production, and apocynin (0.3μM), superoxide dismutase (150U/mL) and catalase (1000U/mL) reduced the response to PHE only in the treated group. Lead also increased aortic functional NKA activity evaluated by K+-induced relaxation curves. Ouabain (100μM) plus L-NAME (100μM), aminoguanidine (50μM) or tetraethylammonium (TEA, 2mM) reduced the K+-induced relaxation only in lead-treated rats. When aortic rings were precontracted with KCl (60mM/L) or preincubated with TEA (2mM), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 5mM), iberiotoxin (IbTX, 30nM), apamin (0.5μM) or charybdotoxin (0.1μM), the ACh-induced relaxation was more reduced in the lead-treated rats. Additionally, 4-AP and IbTX reduced the relaxation elicited by SNP more in the lead-treated rats. Results suggest that lead treatment promoted NKA and K+ channels activation and these effects might contribute to the preservation of aortic endothelial function against oxidative stress

    Toxic effects of mercury, lead and gadolinium on vascular reactivity

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    Heavy metals have been used in a wide variety of human activities that have significantly increased both professional and environmental exposure. Unfortunately, disasters have highlighted the toxic effects of metals on different organs and systems. Over the last 50 years, the adverse effects of chronic lead, mercury and gadolinium exposure have been underscored. Mercury and lead induce hypertension in humans and animals, affecting endothelial function in addition to their other effects. Increased cardiovascular risk after exposure to metals has been reported, but the underlying mechanisms, mainly for short periods of time and at low concentrations, have not been well explored. The presence of other metals such as gadolinium has raised concerns about contrast-induced nephropathy and, interestingly, despite this negative action, gadolinium has not been defined as a toxic agent. The main actions of these metals, demonstrated in animal and human studies, are an increase of free radical production and oxidative stress and stimulation of angiotensin I-converting enzyme activity, among others. Increased vascular reactivity, highlighted in the present review, resulting from these actions might be an important mechanism underlying increased cardiovascular risk. Finally, the results described in this review suggest that mercury, lead and gadolinium, even at low doses or concentrations, affect vascular reactivity. Acting via the endothelium, by continuous exposure followed by their absorption, they can increase the production of free radicals and of angiotensin II, representing a hazard for cardiovascular function. In addition, the actual reference values, considered to pose no risk, need to be reducedResearch supported by CAPES and CNPq/FAPES/ FUNCITEC (#39767531/07), Brazil, and MCINN (#SAF 2009-07201) and ISCIII (Red RECAVA, #RD06/0014/0011), Spai

    Toxic Effects of Mercury on the Cardiovascular and Central Nervous Systems

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    Environmental contamination has exposed humans to various metal agents, including mercury. This exposure is more common than expected, and the health consequences of such exposure remain unclear. For many years, mercury was used in a wide variety of human activities, and now, exposure to this metal from both natural and artificial sources is significantly increasing. Many studies show that high exposure to mercury induces changes in the central nervous system, potentially resulting in irritability, fatigue, behavioral changes, tremors, headaches, hearing and cognitive loss, dysarthria, incoordination, hallucinations, and death. In the cardiovascular system, mercury induces hypertension in humans and animals that has wide-ranging consequences, including alterations in endothelial function. The results described in this paper indicate that mercury exposure, even at low doses, affects endothelial and cardiovascular function. As a result, the reference values defining the limits for the absence of danger should be reduced. History More than 2500 A.C., the prehistoric man used the cinabrio (mercury sulfide), due to its red-gold color, to draw on cave walls and perform face painting. Subsequently, mercury has been used in the amalgamation (direct burning of metallic mercury on the gravel, promoting the separation of gold), in photography and as an antiseptic in the treatment of syphilis Exposure to mercury brought harmful effects to health of humans, but changes resulting from human exposure to mercury only called the attention of the scientific society after the accidents in Japan and Iraq Mercury Characteristics Mercury is characterized as a highly malleable liquid at normal temperature and pressure Inorganic Mercury Compounds Elemental Mercury or Metalic Mercury Compounds. In its liquid form, the elemental mercury (Hg 0 ) is poorly absorbed and presents little health risk. However, in the vapor form, metallic mercury is readily absorbed through the lungs and can produce body damage Elemental mercury is used in thermometers and sphygmomanometers because of its uniform volumetric expansion, high surface tension, and lack of vitreous adherence to surfaces. Low electrical resistance and high thermal conductivity allow metallic mercury to be used in electrical and electronic materials. Because of its high oxidation power, metallic mercury is used in electrochemical operations in the chlorine and soda industries. Metallic mercury is also used in metallurgy, mining, and dentistry because of the easy amalgam formation with other metals. In addition, gold extraction with archaic and dangerous methods predispose miners to mercury poisoning. The burning of metallic mercury on the gravel promotes the separation of gold, a process called amalgamation, which causes emission of large amounts of mercury vapor that is inhaled immediately by the miner, since they do not use appropriate personal protective equipment Mercurous Mercury and Mercuric Mercury Compounds. The mercurous mercury in the form of mercurous chloride (Hg 2 Cl 2 ) is little absorbed in the body. It is believed that in the body the form of metallic mercury is changed to elemental mercury and mercuric mercury Mercuric mercury compounds, such as mercury salts, result from the combination of mercury with chlorine, sulfur, or oxygen. Mercuric mercury can be found in different states when combined with other chemical elements, including mercuric chloride (HgCl 2 ), which is highly toxic and corrosive; mercury sulfide (HgS), which is often used as a pigment in paints due to its red color; mercury fulminate (Hg(CNO) 2 ), which is used as an explosive detonator In the cardiovascular system, acute inorganic mercury exposition in vivo promotes reduction of myocardial force development Organic Mercury. Organic mercury compounds, also called organometallic, result from a covalent bond between mercury and the carbon [8] atom of an organic functional group such as a methyl, ethyl, or phenyl group. Methylmercury (CH 3 Hg + ) is by far the most common form of organic Hg to which humans and animals are exposed. CH 3 Hg + in the environment is predominantly formed by methylation of inorganic mercuric ions by microorganisms present in soil and water Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology 3 The organomercury antiseptics still used are Merthiolate, Bacteran, and Thimerosal [40]. Thimerosal is an organomercurial compound that since 1930 has been widely used as a preservative in biological material such as vaccines and serums used to prevent microbiological growth Forms of Mercury Exposure Mercury is now considered an environmental pollutant of high risk to public health because of its high toxicity and mobility in ecosystems More natural sources of mercury include volcanic activity, earthquakes, erosion, and the volatilization of mercury present in the marine environment and vegetation Mercury contaminates the environment through a cycle involving the initial emission, the subsequent atmospheric circulation of the vapor form, and the eventual return of mercury to the land and water via precipitation ( Mercury present in seas and rivers after methylation can contaminate fish Transport and Elimination of Mercury Inhaled elemental mercury vapor, for example, is readily absorbed through mucous membranes and the lung and is rapidly oxidized but not as quickly as to prevent the deposition of considerable amount in the brain Then, toxicity for man varies depending on the form of mercury, dose, and rate of exposure. The target organ for inhalted mercury vapor is primarily the brain Oxidized mercury binds strongly to SH groups; this reaction can inactivate enzymes, lead to tissue damage and interfere with various metabolic processes Doses of Mercury and Safety Legislation The chemical form of mercury in the air affects its time of permanence and its dispersion in the atmosphere. The elemental mercury form can persist for more than four years in the air, while its compounds are deposited in a short time at locations near their origin. In the northern hemisphere, their average concentration in the atmosphere is estimated at 2 ng/m 3 and in the southern hemisphere is less than 1 ng/m 3 . In urban areas, there is a great variability of these concentrations being found up to 67 ng/m 3 with a mean of 11 ng/m 3 in Japan In 2004, the Joint FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United National)/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) established that the safe concentration of methylmercury intake, without the appearance of neurological disorders, is 1.6 mg/kg of body weight. However, in 2006, JECFA stated that this concentration is not safe for intrauterine exposure, because fetuses are more sensitive to the onset of neurological disorders after exposure to methylmercury Currently, the general population is exposed to mercury by the following main sources: the consumption of contaminated fish, the use and manipulation of dental amalgam, thimerosal contained in vaccines, workers in industries of chlorine, caustic soda, miners, and workers in industries of fluorescent lamps In Brazil, the rules for vaccination of the Ministry of Health, published in June 2001, shows that thimerosal is used in many vaccines. These vaccines prevent flu (influenza vaccine), rabies (rabies vaccine), infection with meningococcus serogroup b, and hepatitis B The US Environmental Protection Agency's recommended a reference blood concentration of mercury to be 5.8 ng/mL; concentrations below this level are considered to be safe In the following sections, we will describe results obtained from animals with chronic and acute exposure to mercury. Some of these studies were performed with mercury exposure protocols that led to blood concentrations slightly above the reference values. Nevertheless, these concentrations could be easily found in exposed populations and may even be considered low when compared with concentrations in humans who consume large amounts of fish or who live in areas contaminated with mercury. Effect of Mercury on the Central Nervous System (CNS) Among the compounds of mercury, the methylmercury is primarily responsible for the neurological alterations present in humans and experimental animals. It is believed that the mechanisms are related to the toxic increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS). Oxidative stress is associated with the etiology of neurodegenerative diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and Alzheimer's disease Reinforcing the hypothesis that the majority of injuries caused by methylmercury (MeHg) in the central nervous system are related to its ability to increase reactive oxygen species, Studies also demonstrate that mercury has the ability to reduce the number of neuron and cytoarchitecture in individuals with prenatal exposure to mercury In addition, because of its high affinity for sulfhydryl groups in tubulin, methylmercury inhibits the organization of microtubules that are important in CNS development Corroborating these findings, the study conducted by Halbach et al. [90] studied a correlation in Iraqi children between the level of maternal exposure to methylmercury during pregnancy and psychomotor retardation. SandborghEnglund et al. Effect of Mercury on the Cardiovascular System For decades, the toxic effects of mercury were associated mainly with the central nervous system; however, inorganic mercury also produces profound cardiotoxicity The mechanism by which mercury produces toxic effects on the cardiovascular system is not fully elucidated, but this mechanism is believed to involve an increase in oxidative stress. Exposure to mercury increases the production of free radicals, potentially because of the role of mercury in the Fenton reaction The reduction in glutathione peroxidase with seleniumdependent activity is the result of the decreased bioavailability of selenium, a molecule that is required for enzymatic activity Cardiovascular changes resulting from mercury poisoning are also described in animal models. However, the mechanism involved in the effects of mercury on the cardiovascular system is not fully understood but seems to be dependent on both the dose and time of exposure. Raymond and Ralston [123] studied the hemodynamic effects of an intravenous injection of HgCl 2 (5 mg/kg) in rats and observed that mercury produced cardiac diastolic failure and pulmonary hypertension. Moreover, Naganuma et al. Our group has found that chronic exposure to low doses of mercury (1st dose 4.6 μg/kg followed by 0.07 μg/kg/day for 30 days, im) attained a blood mercury concentration of approximately 8 ng/mL, a concentration similar to the levels found in exposed humans. This exposure produced a negative inotropic effect in perfused hearts, although increasing myosin ATPase activity. Invivo, arterial or ventricular pressures did not change The chronic exposure to low concentrations of mercury was also able to induce endothelial dysfunction in resistance and conductance vessels, most likely because of the decreased nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability due to the increased superoxide anion (O 2 •− ) production from NADPH oxidase Taken together, these data show that chronic low doses of mercury have an important and deleterious effect on vascular function by reducing NO bioavailability. The degree of severity of mercury exposure is comparable to traditional cardiovascular risk factors, such as hypertension diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. Therefore, mercury could be considered an important risk factor for cardiovascular disease that could play a role in the development of cardiovascular events. The association between mercury exposure and an increased risk of developing cardiovascular and neurological diseases is apparent. Thus, continuous exposure to mercury can be dangerous, and current reference values, once considered to be without risk, should be reevaluated and reduced

    Functionality and quality of life of people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and perception of overload and social support of informal caregivers

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    Objective: This research aims to measure the functionality and quality of life of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) patients and provide evidence about the potential excessive burden of care generated for their informal caregivers. Method: This is a quantitative, exploratory and descriptive study,  and cross sectional investigation. The study sample was 24 participants, being 12 patients with ALS and 12 informal caregivers, recruited at a Specialized Rehabilitation Center. Individuals with ALS were administered the following instruments: Demographic Information Questionnaire; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R); Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ-40) and caregivers: Informal Caregiver Burden Assessment Questionnaire (QASCI); Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS). Results: Strong correlations were found between ALSFRS-R and ALSAQ-40 (r = - 0.709 p < 0.010), between the Daily Living Activities domain and ALSFRS-R (r = - 0.877 p < .001), between the domains of QASCI and MOS, Efficiency and Control Mechanism and material support (r = - 0.598 p < 0.040), Role and Family Satisfaction and Affective Support (r = - 0.604 p < 0.037), and Family Support and Interaction Positive Social (r = - 0.683 p < 0.014). Conclusion: The functionality and quality of life of the patient with ALS influence the provision of care, the perceived social support was a moderating variable of the caregivers' stress burden.Objetivo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo mensurar a funcionalidade e qualidade de vida de pacientes com Esclerose Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA) e fornecer evidências sobre a possível sobrecarga de cuidados gerados aos seus cuidadores informais. Método: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo exploratório do tipo quantitativo, com delineamento transversal. A amostra do estudo foi composta por 24 participantes, sendo 12 pacientes com ELA e 12 cuidadores informais, recrutados em um Centro Especializado de Reabilitação. Foram administrados aos indivíduos com ELA os instrumentos: Questionário sobre Informações Demográficas; Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Functional Rating Scale-Revised (ALSFRS-R); Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assessment Questionnaire (ALSAQ-40) e aos cuidadores: Questionário de Avaliação da Sobrecarga do Cuidador Informal (QASCI); Escala de Apoio Social do Medical Outcomes Study (MOS). Resultados: Foram encontradas fortes correlações entre ALSFRS-R e ALSAQ-40 (r = - 0.709 e p < 0.010), entre o domínio Atividades de Vida Diária e a ALSFRS-R (r = - 0.877 e p < .001), entre os domínios da QASCI e MOS, Mecanismo de Eficácia e de Controle e Apoio material (r = - 0.598 e p < 0.040), Satisfação com o Papel e com o Familiar e Apoio Afetivo (r = - 0.604 e p < 0.037), e Suporte Familiar e Interação Social Positiva (r = - 0.683 e p < 0.014). Conclusão: A funcionalidade e a qualidade de vida do paciente com ELA influenciam na provisão de cuidados, o suporte social percebido foi uma variável moderadora da sobrecarga de estresse dos cuidadores.   

    Na+K+-ATPase activity and K+ channels differently contribute to vascular relaxation in male and female rats.

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    Gender associated differences in vascular reactivity regulation might contribute to the low incidence of cardiovascular disease in women. Cardiovascular protection is suggested to depend on female sex hormones' effects on endothelial function and vascular tone regulation. We tested the hypothesis that potassium (K+) channels and Na+K+-ATPase may be involved in the gender-based vascular reactivity differences. Aortic rings from female and male rats were used to examine the involvement of K+ channels and Na+K+-ATPase in vascular reactivity. Acetylcholine (ACh)-induced relaxation was analyzed in the presence of L-NAME (100 µM) and the following K+ channels blockers: tetraethylammonium (TEA, 2 mM), 4-aminopyridine (4-AP, 5 mM), iberiotoxin (IbTX, 30 nM), apamin (0.5 µM) and charybdotoxin (ChTX, 0.1 µM). The ACh-induced relaxation sensitivity was greater in the female group. After incubation with 4-AP the ACh-dependent relaxation was reduced in both groups. However, the dAUC was greater in males, suggesting that the voltage-dependent K+ channel (Kv) participates more in males. Inhibition of the three types of Ca2+-activated K+ channels induced a greater reduction in Rmax in females than in males. The functional activity of the Na+K+-ATPase was evaluated by KCl-induced relaxation after L-NAME and OUA incubation. OUA reduced K+-induced relaxation in female and male groups, however, it was greater in males, suggesting a greater Na+K+-ATPase functional activity. L-NAME reduced K+-induced relaxation only in the female group, suggesting that nitric oxide (NO) participates more in their functional Na+K+-ATPase activity. These results suggest that the K+ channels involved in the gender-based vascular relaxation differences are the large conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels (BKCa) in females and Kv in males and in the K+-induced relaxation and the Na+K+-ATPase vascular functional activity is greater in males

    Carvedilol prevents ovariectomy-induced myocardial contractile dysfunction in female rat.

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    Carvedilol has beneficial effects on cardiac function in patients with heart failure but its effect on ovariectomy-induced myocardial contractile dysfunction remains unclear. Estrogen deficiency induces myocardial contractile dysfunction and increases cardiovascular disease risk in postmenopausal women. Our aim was to investigate whether carvedilol, a beta receptor blocker, would prevent ovariectomy-induced myocardial contractile dysfunction. Female rats (8 weeks old) that underwent bilateral ovariectomy were randomly assigned to receive daily treatment with carvedilol (OVX+CAR, 20 mg/kg), placebo (OVX) and SHAM for 58 days. Left ventricle papillary muscle was mounted for isometric tension recordings. The inotropic response to Ca(2+) (0.62 to 3.75 mM) and isoproterenol (Iso 10(-8) to 10(-2 )M) were assessed. Expression of calcium handling proteins was measured by western blot analysis. Carvedilol treatment in the OVX animals: prevented weight gain and slight hypertrophy, restored the reduced positive inotropic responses to Ca(2+) and isoproterenol, prevented the reduction in SERCA2a expression, abolished the increase in superoxide anion production, normalized the increase in p22(phox) expression, and decreased serum angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) activity. This study demonstrated that myocardial contractile dysfunction and SERCA2a down regulation were prevented by carvedilol treatment. Superoxide anion production and NADPH oxidase seem to be involved in this response

    Low-level lead exposure increases systolic arterial pressure and endothelium-derived vasodilator factors in rat aortas.

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    Chronic lead exposure induces hypertension and alters endothelial function. However, treatment with low lead concentrations was not yet explored. We analyzed the effects of 7 day exposure to low lead concentrations on endothelium-dependent responses. Wistar rats were treated with lead (1st dose 4 µg/100 g, subsequent dose 0.05 µg/100 g, i.m. to cover daily loss) or vehicle; blood levels attained at the end of treatment were 9.98 µg/dL. Lead treatment had the following effects: increase in systolic blood pressure (SBP); reduction of contractile response to phenylephrine (1 nM-100 µM) of aortic rings; unaffected relaxation induced by acetylcholine (0.1 nM-300 µM) or sodium nitroprusside (0.01 nM-0.3 µM). Endothelium removal, N(G)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (100 µM) and tetraethylammonium (2 mM) increased the response to phenylephrine in treated rats more than in untreated rats. Aminoguanidine (50 µM) increased but losartan (10 µM) and enalapril (10 µM) reduced the response to phenylephrine in treated rats. Lead treatment also increased aortic Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase functional activity, plasma angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) activity, protein expression of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-1 subunit, phosphorylated endothelial nitric oxide synthase (p-eNOS), and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Our results suggest that on initial stages of lead exposure, increased SBP is caused by the increase in plasma ACE activity. This effect is accompanied by increased p-eNOS, iNOS protein expression and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase functional activity. These factors might be a compensatory mechanism to the increase in SBP

    Acetylcholine (ACh) concentration-response curve for the aortic rings from male and female rats.

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    <p>Endothelium intact (Control) and 4-aminopyridine (4-AP 5 mM) curves (A); Difference of the area under curve (dAUC) control and 4-AP (B); Control and iberiotoxin (IbTX 30 nM) curves (C); dAUC control and IbTX (D); Control and apamin (0.5 µM) curves (E); dAUC control and apamin (F) and Control and charybdotoxin (ChTX 0.1 µM) curves (G); dAUC control and ChTX (H). <i>R<sub>max</sub></i> *P<0.05, male vs. female 4-AP, IbTX, Apamin and ChTX incubations. *P<0.05, dAUC male vs. female. Student’s <i>t</i>-test. Number of animals used is indicated in parentheses.</p

    Parameters from the maximum response (<i>R<sub>max</sub></i>) and agonist concentration that produced 50% of the maximum response (<i>EC<sub>50</sub></i>) for the ACh concentration-response curve in aortic rings from male and female rats in an intact endothelium (Control) and incubated with tetraethylammonium (TEA), aminopyridine (4-AP), iberiotoxin (IbTX), charybdotoxin (ChTX) and apamin.

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    <p>Results are expressed as the mean ± SEM; maximal effect (<i>R<sub>max</sub></i>); -log one-half <i>R<sub>max</sub> (pEC<sub>50</sub></i>); male and female intact endothelium (Control); tetraethylammonium (TEA); 4-aminopyridine(4-AP); iberiotoxin (IbTX); charybdotoxin (ChTX); apamin; and <i>N</i><sup>G</sup>-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME). *P<0.05 (<i>pEC<sub>50</sub></i> of female <i>vs.</i> male rats) and †P<0.05 (<i>R<sub>max</sub></i> of female <i>vs.</i> male rats). Results are expressed as the mean ± S.E.M. Differences were analyzed using Student’s <i>t</i>-test, and P<0.05 was considered significant.</p><p>Parameters from the maximum response (<i>R<sub>max</sub></i>) and agonist concentration that produced 50% of the maximum response (<i>EC<sub>50</sub></i>) for the ACh concentration-response curve in aortic rings from male and female rats in an intact endothelium (Control) and incubated with tetraethylammonium (TEA), aminopyridine (4-AP), iberiotoxin (IbTX), charybdotoxin (ChTX) and apamin.</p