15 research outputs found
Business logic: – the missing link between strategy, business model and business process?
The business model concept has moved business research closer to the conceptual structure traditionally applied in military studies. Missing a concept with a function similar to military doctrine we suggest that an equivalent concept, dubbed business logic, may facilitate our understanding of change in relation to strategy and business models
Re-Combining Value Chains: Cross-Industry Cooperation for Business Model Innovation
The interplay between the value chain and business model innovation is a comparatively overlooked topic in business model literature. This paper explores how incumbents create a business model for biodiesel production through the re-combination of established value chains. The case study highlights the importance of ownership and cross-industry cooperation for business model innovation
Modal shift to inland waterway transport: Five case studies in the North Sea Region
Modal shift from road to water is a strategy prioritised by both the European Union and many of its member states. However, inland waterways remain underutilised in most member states, and even the small number of countries in which inland waterway transport is well established, the sector faces fierce competition from road-based solutions. There is potential to develop tools and strategies for expanding the use of inland waterways by better understanding what activities key actors can rely on to facilitate modal shift. In this multiple-case study, we identify activities that actors perform to realise modal shift to inland waterways in five cases from the North Sea Region, by conducting interviews, workshops, and field observations. In each case, the process of modal shift varied depending upon which actor initiated specific activities, the order of performing activities and the number of iterations required to advance. Activities revolved around understanding the current situation, identifying potential solutions, testing solutions and promoting solutions. Getting stakeholders on board and identifying goods flows were integrated in all themes. The structured and emergent approach were outlined, highlighting varying starting points (mature or immature market) and actor engagement (facilitating or initiating roles). Different actors could assume leading roles. Authorities can target initiatives and policies to form relevant alliances and support modal shift by approach, while practitioners can relate and be inspired by the described activities in the varying contexts and adhere to entrepreneurial roles. Realising large-scale modal shift requires multi-actor engagement, openness to emergent solutions and long-term endurance
The Business Model – Formation, description and definition
The business model is a new analytical concept in the field of strategy research that is frequently used when trying to explain the creation and capture of value by firms. This compilation thesis consists of three papers that examine different aspects of the formation of business models and one paper that examines the business model concept per se.
The first paper explores the potential impact of two market based environmental policy instruments (MBIs) upon the business models of seven Swedish cleantech ventures. The results show that the MBIs have a mainly negative influence on the business models and fail to raise the marginal abatement costs high enough for the firms to find profitable market niches in Sweden.
The second paper explores how managers in the Swedish municipal district heating sector choose between two different approaches to the inclusion of stakeholders when committing to business model renewal. The results show that managers include less salient stakeholders in the strategic goals of the firm than in the processes that shape firm strategy. This result is contrasted by the fact that less tangible value is directed towards the less salient groups.
The third paper presents a framework for a narrative analysis of business model formation and examines narratives from interviews with managers working in the Swedish municipal district heating sector. The results suggest that there are certain properties of narrative terms (agent, scene, agency and purpose) that narrators associate with particular outcomes. Successful business model development is associated with malleable or adaptable agents, accessible scenes, visible and easily understood tools and an inclusive purpose. Failure is associated with diametrically opposed properties such as inflexible agents, closed scenes, obscure tools and a purpose that is exclusive to particular agents. The study shows that despite almost three decades of privatization, democratic and communal values dominate the narratives told by the managers.
The fourth paper analyzes the business model concept and suggests that a new perspective based on pragmatist and non-structuralist arguments might go some way in solving some of the issues that plague the concept. The business model is redefined as consisting of five areas of concern which should be dealt with in the dialogue between firm representatives and stakeholders
EV Charging on Ferries and in Terminals—A Business Model Perspective
Ferry operators in Sweden provide transportation for tens of millions of people annually. As electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming more commonplace, ferries and ferry terminals seem like suitable places for providing charging services. However, high costs and low occupancy rates means that it is challenging to design profitable business models for charging services in general. This paper reports on a market review of the charging services that ferry operators in Sweden provide and a case study of suitable business model design elements for operators that intend to offer charging on board or in terminals. While only two of fifteen ferry operators offer EV charging on board, four more operators indicated that they were planning to provide such services in the near future. Nine operators offered charging in or close to ferry terminals. The results also indicate that business model design focuses primarily on safety, leading to higher costs for onboard charging due to hardware and staffing costs. Investments also tend to incorporate costs which are not specific to onboard charging but rather the general safety requirements associated with EVs. Finally, poor profitability makes future development dependent on managerial efforts to reduce costs and improve revenue as well as supportive policies such as investment subsidies
This study explores how norm-setting third-party urban freight stakeholders, referred to as ´influencers’, may indirectly put pressure on carriers in the urban freight setting. The paper indicates that influencers have a potential to initiate considerable change in how carriers shape their business models. The results thus bring to light the often-overlooked power that influencers have in relation to the development of actor behavior along the urban freight supply chain
The Role of ‘Influencers’ as Drivers of a More Sustainable Urban Freight Sector
The importance of stakeholders in the development of a sustainable urban freight sector has been highlighted in recent research. Not all stakeholders have a direct link to the supply chain, but they may still play a role in creating sustainable urban freight initiatives. This study explores the initiatives that norm-setting indirect stakeholders in urban freight, referred to as ‘influencers’, establish to support a more sustainable urban freight sector, and how those initiatives may impact the business models of carriers. The study uses data gathered for ongoing research into the roles of indirect stakeholders in the development of sustainable urban freight initiatives. The results indicate that influencers can put pressure on receivers regarding logistical issues and shape the physical environment in which deliveries are conducted. Influencers use three primary strategies to support sustainable urban freight: vehicle-focused measures, consolidation linked to physical infrastructure, and consolidation through behavioural changes. These initiatives impact the relationship between receivers and carriers and may push carriers to adopt more sustainable practices as well as take decisions that impact their business models. The results highlight the often-overlooked power of influencers in relation to the development of actor behaviour in the urban freight supply chain and show the potential for both conflict and change arising from the use of this power
Barriers and Drivers to the Implementation of Onshore Power Supply—A Literature Review
Onshore power supply (OPS) reduces emissions from vessels docked in port. Historically, the uptake of OPS has been low, and research indicates that potential OPS adopters face multiple complex barriers. Based on a systematic literature review, this paper presents a framework for categorizing barriers and drivers to the implementation of OPS and identifies potential areas for future research. The review indicates that research on barriers to OPS was limited until 2019, when interest increased considerably, coinciding with mounting stakeholder concerns and regulatory pressure. The suggested framework divides barriers and drivers divided into four key categories: (i) technology and operations, (ii) institutional elements, (iii) economic elements, and (iv) stakeholder elements. The framework then superimposes those categories on three main areas of concern: port, transmission, and vessel. Research has identified potential solutions to specific barriers, but the complexity of OPS highlights the need for a collaborative approach to OPS. Additionally, as regulatory pressure is rising, more research is needed on the systemic implications of OPS as well as the potential use of incentives, pricing, and business models to tackle the high cost of implementation
Innovationsplattformar f\uf6r h\ue5llbara attraktiva st\ue4der
Samspel mellan lokala akt\uf6rer s\ue5 som n\ue4ringsliv, kommun och universitet har historiskt settspelat en viktig roll i utvecklingen av innovationer men det \ue4r f\uf6rst relativt nyligen somansvaret f\uf6r innovationsst\uf6ttande \ue5tg\ue4rder aktivt f\uf6rflyttats till den kommunala niv\ue5n.Denna rapport beskriver resultaten fr\ue5n den f\uf6ljeforskningsinsats som varit kopplad tillVinnovasatsningen Innovationsplattformar f\uf6r h\ue5llbara attraktiva st\ue4der. Satsningen tar sinutg\ue5ngspunkt i ett st\uf6d till fyra st\ue4der (G\uf6teborg, Malm\uf6, Lund och Bor\ue5s) att under tv\ue5 \ue5rbygga upp en ny form av lokal innovationsst\uf6djande samverkanskapacitet. Studien somrapporten bygger p\ue5 gick ut p\ue5 att f\uf6lja och beskriva utvecklingen avinnovationsplattformarnas verksamhet, analysera informationen ur ettinnovationsperspektiv samt \ue5terf\uf6ra resultaten till innovationsplattformarna och Vinnova.Syftet var d\ue4rf\uf6r att skapa kunskap om innovationsprocesser kopplat till h\ue5llbarstadsutveckling och m\uf6jligg\uf6ra ett f\uf6rdjupat l\ue4rande mellan innovationsplattformarna.S\ue5ledes utgjorde f\uf6ljeforskningsinsatsen en del av de l\ue4rprocesser som varit kopplade tillplattformarnas utvecklingsarbete. Kopplat till f\uf6ljeforskningen gjordes \ue4ven en inventeringav hur liknande arbete organiserats i andra delar av v\ue4rlden. Sammanfattningsvis indikerarresultaten f\uf6ljande:• Innovationsplattformarna har skapat en \uf6kad lokal kapacitet att bedrivainnovationsfr\ue5gor inom ramen f\uf6r h\ue5llbar stadsutveckling.• Satsningen har gjort avtryck inte bara i sj\ue4lva plattformen utan \ue4ven p\ue5 enkommunal niv\ue5 och hos de deltagande organisationerna p\ue5 ett s\ue5dant s\ue4tt att detskapats legitimitet f\uf6r arbetets forts\ue4ttning.• Erfarenheterna visar att arbetet med att etablera innovationsplattformarna tagitl\ue4ngre tid och mer resurser i anspr\ue5k \ue4n vad ursprungligen antogs. F\uf6rklaringar tilldetta har varit utmaningar att etablera samverkansformer och en oerfarenhet medinnovationskonceptet som s\ue5dant, s\ue4rskilt avseende hur det skall f\uf6rst\ue5s i enkommunal stadsutvecklingskontext.• Viktiga arbetsomr\ue5den f\uf6r innovationsplattformarna har varit att tolka begrepp,bygga kunskap, s\ue4kra politiskt kapital och skapa metoder f\uf6r att f\uf6rverkliga brettf\uf6rankrade innovationsprocesser.• Utvecklingen av Innovationsplattformarna har inneburit utmaningar framf\uf6ralltavseende tolkningen av olika akt\uf6rers traditionella roller. Delvis har det inneburitatt det kommunala och privata har glidit in i varandras sf\ue4rer och utmanatetablerade uppfattningar om ansvar, professioner och ageranden.• Denna utveckling har kommit att utmana existerande r\ue4ttsliga strukturer och b\ue4ddarf\uf6r framtida sp\ue4nningar inom den byr\ue5kratiska f\uf6rvaltningskulturen, de kommunalakompetensreglerna och EUs konkurrensr\ue4ttsliga regler.• Vid en internationell j\ue4mf\uf6relse framg\ue5r att den svenska satsningen p\ue5innovationsplattformar nyttjar aktuella och internationellt g\ue5ngbara arbetss\ue4tt men 7beh\uf6ver st\ue4rkas genom ytterligare kopplingar till innovationssystem p\ue5 b\ue5denationellt och internationellt plan.• Satsningen kan i ett vidare sammanhang ses som en l\ue4rplattform inte bara avseendestadsutvecklingsinnovation i samverkan utan \ue4ven f\uf6r en ny form av kommunaladministrativ logik som bygger p\ue5 att det kommunala uppdraget till vissa delardefinieras och l\uf6ses genom en bredare samverkan med olika intressenter, s.k. NewPublic Governance
A modal shift to inland waterways: Actor perspectives on alternative business concepts
Road haulage causes undisputed negative environmental impact in terms of CO2-emissions, noise, infrastructure damage, congestion, road accidents and is energy intensive. At longer transport distance (e.g. trans-ocean) maritime transport is preferable as it is more cost efficient. At shorter distances, there are financial, operational, market-related and regulatory issues that make waterway transport less attractive. Meanwhile, as waterway transport is favorable from an environmental perspective, the support for modal shift from road to sea has become an integral part of transport policy both at EU-level and in several countries across Europe. Among the different types of shipping (trans-ocean, short-sea, coastal), inland shipping is of particular importance when it comes to reduce congestion on roads. Ports are most often located in or near large cities, which in particular causes congestion on access roads to ports and the cities, and also in the countries in general. Hence, whereas cost is a barrier that must be overcome, using inland waterway transportation (IWT) is preferable from an environmental perspective, and a modal shift is a highly prioritized issue by governments. In some central European countries, IWT is well developed, while in countries such as Sweden, the share of inland shipping is very low, < 1%, and with no or little container traffic. With well-functioning fairways in inland waterways in Sweden, there is a large potential for increasing its utilization