24 research outputs found

    Derivation and validation of a risk adjustment model for predicting seven day mortality in emergency medical admissions: mixed prospective and retrospective cohort study

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    Objectives To derive and validate a risk adjustment model for predicting seven day mortality in emergency medical admissions, to test the value of including physiology and blood parameters, and to explore the constancy of the risk associated with each model variable across a range of settings

    Evaluating research efficiency within National R&D Programmes

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    Relying on efficiency analysis, we evaluate to what extent policy makers have been able to promote the establishment of consolidated and comprehensive research groups to contribute to the implementation of a successful innovation system for the Spanish food technology sector, oriented to the production of knowledge based on an application model. Using data envelopment analysis techniques that allow calculation of a generalized version of the traditional distance function model for productive efficiency, we find pervasive levels of inefficiency and a typology of different research strategies. Among these, in contrast to what has been assumed, established groups do not play the pre-eminent benchmarking role; rather, partially oriented, specialized and "shooting star" groups are the most common patterns. These results correspond with an infant innovation system, where the fostering of higher levels of efficiency and the promotion of the desired research patterns are ongoing. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Jiménez-Sáez, F.; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, JM.; Zofio, JL.; Castro-Martínez, E. (2011). Evaluating research efficiency within National R&D Programmes. Research Policy. 40(2):230-241. doi:10.1016/j.respol.2010.10.005S23024140

    Associations of ATR and CHEK1 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms with Breast Cancer

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    DNA damage and replication checkpoints mediated by the ATR-CHEK1 pathway are key to the maintenance of genome stability, and both ATR and CHEK1 have been proposed as potential breast cancer susceptibility genes. Many novel variants recently identified by the large resequencing projects have not yet been thoroughly tested in genome-wide association studies for breast cancer susceptibility. We therefore used a tagging SNP (tagSNP) approach based on recent SNP data available from the 1000 genomes projects, to investigate the roles of ATR and CHEK1 in breast cancer risk and survival. ATR and CHEK1 tagSNPs were genotyped in the Sheffield Breast Cancer Study (SBCS; 1011 cases and 1024 controls) using Illumina GoldenGate assays. Untyped SNPs were imputed using IMPUTE2, and associations between genotype and breast cancer risk and survival were evaluated using logistic and Cox proportional hazard regression models respectively on a per allele basis. Significant associations were further examined in a meta-analysis of published data or confirmed in the Utah Breast Cancer Study (UBCS). The most significant associations for breast cancer risk in SBCS came from rs6805118 in ATR (p=7.6x10-5) and rs2155388 in CHEK1 (p=3.1x10-6), but neither remained significant after meta-analysis with other studies. However, meta-analysis of published data revealed a weak association between the ATR SNP rs1802904 (minor allele frequency is 12%) and breast cancer risk, with a summary odds ratio (confidence interval) of 0.90 (0.83-0.98) [p=0.0185] for the minor allele. Further replication of this SNP in larger studies is warranted since it is located in the target region of 2 microRNAs. No evidence of any survival effects of ATR or CHEK1 SNPs were identified. We conclude that common alleles of ATR and CHEK1 are not implicated in breast cancer risk or survival, but we cannot exclude effects of rare alleles and of common alleles with very small effect sizes

    Who leads research productivity growth? Guidelines for R&D policy-makers

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    [EN] This paper evaluates to what extent policy-makers have been able to promote the creation and consolidation of comprehensive research groups that contribute to the implementation of a successful innovation system. Malmquist productivity indices are applied in the case of the Spanish Food Technology Program, finding that a large size and a comprehensive multi-dimensional research output are the key features of the leading groups exhibiting high efficiency and productivity levels. While identifying these groups as benchmarks, we conclude that the financial grants allocated by the program, typically aimed at small-sized and partially oriented research groups, have not succeeded in reorienting them in time so as to overcome their limitations. We suggest that this methodology offers relevant conclusions to policy evaluation methods, helping policy-makers to readapt and reorient policies and their associated means, most notably resource allocation (financial schemes), to better respond to the actual needs of research groups in their search for excellence (micro-level perspective), and to adapt future policy design to the achievement of medium-long term policy objectives (meso and macro-level).Jiménez Saez, F.; Zabala Iturriagagoitia, JM.; Zofio, JL. (2013). Who leads research productivity growth? Guidelines for R&D policy-makers. Scientometrics. 94(1):273-303. doi:10.1007/s11192-012-0763-0S273303941Abbring, J. H., & Heckman, J. J. (2008). Dynamic policy analysis. In L. Mátyás & P. Sevestre (Eds.), The econometrics of panel data (3rd ed., pp. 795–863). Heidelberg: Springer.Acosta Ballesteros, J., & Modrego Rico, A. (2001). 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    pyclarity is a software suite for machine learning challenges to enhance hearing-aid signal processing and to better predict how people perceive speech-in-noise (Clarity) and speech-in-music (Cadenza). Files can be accessed via the Related Materials links below.</p

    Comparison of the clinical and pathologic staging in patients undergoing radical cystectomy for bladder cancer

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    PURPOSE: Radical cystectomy (RCx) is perhaps the most effective therapeutic approach for patients with muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Unfortunately, clinical staging is imprecise and the degree of understaging remains high. This study retrospectively evaluated patients undergoing RCx with regard to pathologic outcomes and degree of upstaging to better identify features that may lessen clinical understaging. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 141 consecutive patients with urothelial bladder carcinoma who were candidates for RCx with curative intent were retrospectively evaluated. Preoperative clinical and pathological (i.e. TURBT) features were compared to pathological outcomes in the cystectomy specimen. Patients were also evaluated as to whether cystectomy was performed as their primary (n = 91) versus secondary (n = 50) treatment for recurrent/progressive disease. Date of cystectomy ( 5 years prior to study) was also analyzed. RESULTS: Of the 141 patients, 54% were upstaged on operative pathology. The greatest degree of upstaging occurred in those with invasive disease preoperatively (cT2-T3). Twenty-six percent of all patients had node-positive disease, and 75% of cT3 patients were node-positive. Seven of 101 (7%) patients with clinical T2 disease were unresectable at the time of surgery. In the primary (vs. secondary) RCx group, more patients were upstaged (63% vs. 40%), non-organ confined (62% vs. 38%), and LN positive (31% vs. 20%). In the more modern cohort, the degree of upstaging was not improved. CONCLUSIONS: Pathologic findings after RCx often do not correlate with preoperative staging. Over half of patients undergoing cystectomy are upstaged on their operative pathology. An improved understanding of the relative frequency of upstaging in cystectomy patients may have important implications in the decision-making and selection for neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapies for these high-risk populations