84 research outputs found

    Power production via North Sea Hot Brines

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    Traditionally the power demand of offshore oil platforms is delivered by on-platform gas turbines. Natural gas to fuel these turbines is usually separated from the produced oil. However, in ageing fields as oil production declines so does the associated gas. Ultimately gas supply becomes insufficient; in order to continue producing fuel is imported at great expense. This study proposes the power demand of a platform could be met or supplemented by an on-platform ORC (organic Rankine cycle ) fuelled by coproduced hot brines. This could extend the operating life of oil platforms and reduce both cost and emissions. The potential power output of an ORC is modelled for fields in the North Sea's Brent Province. Results show 6 fields have the potential to generate more than 10 MW via an organic Rankine cycle fuelled by hot brines, with a maximum of 31 MW predicted for the Ninian field. Analysis of simulations for the Eider field shows that ORC plants can scale to size constraints. The cost of a 10 MW ORC is compared to cost of continued use of gas turbines. Payback times of between 3.09 and 4.53 years are predicted for an ORC, without accounting for greenhouse gas emissions levies

    Structural geometry and evolution of the Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania: Implications for helium potential

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    The Rukwa Rift Basin, Tanzania is regarded as a modern example of a cratonic rift zone despite complex polyphase extensional and episodic inversion structures. We interpret 2D seismic reflection data tied to wells to identify and describe structures controlling stratigraphic sequences (Late Carboniferous to Pleistocene) in two main segmented Rukwa Rift domains, A and B, which are controlled by the Chisi and Saza shear zones. Fault geometry and stratal patterns are illustrated in relation to their kinematic interaction with folds. Fold structures reflect both extensional and compressional deformation and were mapped with a particular interest for their helium potential. We illustrate fault bend folds, fault propagation folds and fault propagation monoclines that are related to extension events. Folds related to compression exhibit various structural styles reflecting at least two phases of episodic and widespread inversion. First, Early Jurassic inversion phase which involved multi-faulted anticlines in the Karoo strata. Second, a mild and widespread inversion structures during the Pleistocene which are characterised by both symmetrical and asymmetrical anticlines styles. Taken together, the extensional and compressional fold structures, stratal juxtapositions and unconformities define stratigraphic packages that are widely distributed in the Rukwa Rift Basin, and form potential subsurface traps for helium-nitrogen–rich gases, from which some seep to the surface, evidently documented in thermal springs across the region

    Mining for heat

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    Deep coal mining in the UK has left a legacy of flooded former mines. Water within these mines can provide a source of heat energy. Durham University is researching the potential of this resource and the British Geological Survey (BGS), commissioned by the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), are constructing and operating a research site in Glasgow to further understanding of mine energy systems

    CO2-plume geothermal: Power net generation from 3D fluvial aquifers

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    Previously CO2, as a heat-extraction fluid, has been proposed as a superior substitute for brine in geothermal energy extraction. Hence, the new concept of CO2-plume geothermal (CPG) is suggested to generate heat from geothermal aquifers using CO2 as the working fluid. In January 2015, a CPG-thermosiphon system commenced at the SECARB Cranfield Site, Mississippi. By utilising CO2, the demand for the pumping power is greatly reduced due to the thermosiphon effect at the production well. However, there are still parameters such as aquifer thermal depletion, required high injection rates, and CO2-plume establishment time, that hinder CPG from becoming viable. Moreover, the fluvial nature of sedimentary aquifers significantly affects the heat and mass transfer inside the aquifer, as well as the system performance. In the present study, a direct-CO2 thermosiphon system is considered that produces electricity from a 3D braided-fluvial sedimentary aquifer by providing an excess pressure at the surface that is used in the turbine. The system performance and net power output are analyzed in 15 3D fluvial heterogeneous - with channels’ widths of 50, 100, and 150 m - and three homogeneous aquifer realizations with different CO2 injection rates. It is observed that the presence of fluvial channels significantly increases the aquifer thermal depletion pace (22-120%) and therefore, reduces the system’s performance up to about 75%. Additionally, it is found that the CPG system with the CO2 injection rate of 50 kg/s and the I-P line parallel to the channels provides the maximum cycle operation time (44 years), as well as the optimum performance for the heterogeneous cases of the present study by providing about 0.06-0.12 TWh energy during the simulation time of 50 years. Also, to prevent rapid drops in excess pressure, a system with a yearly adjustable injection rate is implemented, which prevents the production well bottomhole temperature to fall below 80 ◦C

    What are the key issues regarding the role of geothermal energy in meeting energy needs in the global south?

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    Globally, the potential of geothermal far exceeds that of all other renewable sources together, although investment in the other sources to date has far exceeded investment in geothermal. World Energy Assessment estimates in 2000 for the global potential of all renewables (EJ/yr) were Geothermal 5000, Solar 1575, Wind 640, Biomass 276, Hydro 50, giving a total of 7541 (UNDP, 2000). When installed, geothermal plants have a far higher capacity factor than other sources (solar depends on the level of direct insolation, wind power on wind, etc.); estimates (REN21, 2009) give wind-power 21%, solar PV 14% but geothermal is at least as high as 75% and often more than 95%, given that once a plant is established it operates continuously except for routine down-time for maintenance and rare break-downs

    Vertical effective stress as a control on quartz cementation in sandstones

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    Temperature-controlled precipitation kinetics has become the overwhelmingly dominant hypothesis for the control of quartz cementation in sandstones. Here, we integrate quantitative petrographic data, high spatial resolution oxygen isotope analyses of quartz cement, basin modelling and a kinetic model for quartz precipitation to suggest that the supply of silica from stress-sensitive intergranular pressure dissolution at grain contacts is in fact a key control on quartz cementation in sandstones. We present data from highly overpressured sandstones in which, despite the current burial temperature of 190 °C, quartz cement occurs in low amounts (4.6 ± 1.2% of bulk volume). In situ oxygen isotope data across quartz overgrowths suggest that cementation occurred over 100 Ma and a temperature range of 80–150 °C, during which time high fluid overpressures resulted in consistently low vertical effective stress. We argue that the very low amounts of quartz cement can only be explained by the low vertical effective stress which occurred throughout the burial history and which restricted silica supply as a result of a low rate of intergranular pressure dissolution at grain contacts

    Impact of Maximum Allowable Cost on CO 2

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    Variations of sedimentary environment under cyclical aridification and impacts on eodiagenesis of tight sandstones from the late Middle Jurassic Shaximiao Formation in Central Sichuan Basin

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    Understanding eodiagenesis is essential to decoding the diagenetic pathways of tight sandstones that act as excellent unconventional oil & gas reservoirs. Great paleoclimate change is capable of influencing eodiagenetic processes of tight sandstones through variations of sedimentary environment. However, it is less noted how climate gradients between the greenhouse and the hothouse conditions impact the eodiagenesis of tight sandstones. We examined eodiagenetic processes that has been operated in the Shaximiao Formation sandstones using petrographic observation, scanning electron microscopy, geochemistry, and XRD analysis to reveal impacts of the transitional climate changes on the differential eodiagenesis and implications for the diagenesis-porosity evolution. Based on sequence stratigraphy, the Shaximiao Formation is divided into four sub-members SXM1, SXM2, SXM3, and SXM4, respectively. Dark sandstones and mudstones mainly occurred in the SXM1 and the SXM2. Grey-green clastic rocks are dominant in the SXM3, whereas red mudstones frequently appear in the SXM4. Paleoclimate indices denote that a cyclical aridification from the warm-humid to hot-semiarid conditions took place from the SXM1 to the SXM4. It could have been caused by the megamonsoon effect and the paleogeographic shift along with the breakup of the Pangaea supercontinent. Combined with the migration of depocenters, the paleoclimate change resulted in transformation of sediment provenances from mafic igneous rocks to quartzose sedimentary rock along with the decreasing textural maturity. Therefore, sedimentary environments varied from the high-saline to low-saline and from low-oxygen to high-oxygen conditions respectively, which had a crucial impact on eodiagenetic cements which were formed in the Shaximiao Formation. Chlorite and laumontite cement precipitation was promoted by high-saline alkaline fluids. Chlorite proportions show an arched trend from the SXM1 to the SXM4, compatible with those of primary and secondary porosities. In contrast, laumontite proportions exhibit a decreasing variation from the SXM1 to the SXM4. High percentages of early cements are favorable to improving resistance to the compaction and preservation of primary pores. However, high chlorite (>5%) and laumontite (>10%) proportions are destructive for the reservoir quality. Large quantities of laumontite cements occupy primary pores and impede diagenetic fluids flowing and are not favorable to the dissolution. By contrast, an excess of chlorite cements can be dissolved to produce secondary pores during the organic acid release. Thus, the SXM2 is potential as a reservoir for oil & gas. Therefore, those eodiagenetic cements can control the late diagenetic evolution and the reservoir quality. Observations made here have implications for understanding tight sandstone reservoirs elsewhere in the world

    Coevolutionary Diagenesis in Tight Sandstone and Shale Reservoirs within Lacustrine-Delta Systems: A Case Study from the Lianggaoshan Formation in the Eastern Sichuan Basin, Southwest China

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    Tight sandstone and shale oil and gas are the key targets of unconventional oil and gas exploration in the lake-delta sedimentary systems of China. Understanding the coevolutionary diagenesis of sandstone and shale reservoirs is crucial for the prediction of reservoir quality, ahead of drilling, in such systems. Thin-section description, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), fluid inclusion analysis, porosity and permeability tests, high-pressure mercury intrusion (HPMI) measurements and nuclear magnetic resonance tests (NMR) were used to reveal the coevolutionary diagenetic mechanisms of a sandstone and shale reservoir in the Lianggaoshan Formation of the Eastern Sichuan Basin, China. The thermally mature, organic-matter-rich, dark shale of layer3 is the most important source rock within the Lianggaoshan Formation. It started to generate abundant organic acids at the early stage of mesodiagenesis and produced abundant hydrocarbons in the early Cretaceous. Porewater with high concentrations of Ca2+ and CO32− entered the sandstone reservoir from dark shale as the shale was compacted during burial. Potassium feldspar dissolution at the boundary of the sandstone was more pervasive than at the center of the sandstone. The K+ released by potassium feldspar dissolution migrated from the sandstone into mudstone. Grain-rimming chlorite coats occurred mainly in the center of the sandstone. Some silica exported from the shale was imported by the sandstone boundary and precipitated close to the shale/sandstone boundary. Some intergranular dissolution pores and intercrystal pores were formed in the shale due to dissolution during the early stages of mesodiagenesis. Chlorite coats, which precipitated during eodiagenesis, were beneficial to the protection of primary pore space in the sandstone. Calcite cement, which preferentially precipitated at the boundary of sandstone, was not conducive to reservoir development. Dissolution mainly occurred at the early stage of mesodiagenesis due to organic acids derived from the dark shale. Calcite cement could also protect some primary pores from compaction and release pore space following dissolution. The porosity of sandstone and shale was mainly controlled by the thickness of sandstone and dark shale
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