69 research outputs found

    Towards Jacamo-rest: A Resource-Oriented Abstraction for Managing Multi-Agent Systems

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    The Multi-Agent Oriented Programming (MAOP) paradigm provides abstractions to model and implements entities of agents, as well as of their organisations and environments. In recent years, researchers have started to explore the integration of MAOP and the resource-oriented web architecture (REST). This paper further advances this line of research by presenting an ongoing work on jacamo-rest, a resource-oriented web-based abstraction for the multi-agent programming platform JaCaMo. Jacamo-rest takes Multi-Agent System (MAS) interoperability to a new level, enabling MAS to not only interact with services or applications of the World Wide Web but also to be managed and updated in their specifications by other applications. To add a developer interface to JaCaMo that is suitable for the Web, we provide a novel conceptual perspective on the management of MAOP specification entities as web resources. We tested jacamo-rest using it as a middleware of a programming interface application that provides modern software engineering facilities such as continuous deployments and iterative software development for MAS.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted to present on 14th Workshop-School on Agents, Environments, and Applications (WESAAC 2020

    Embodied Organizations: a Unifying Perspective in Programming Agents, Organizations and Environments

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-627/coin_7.pdfInternational audienceMAS research pushes the notion of openness related to systems combining heterogeneous computational entities. Typically, those entities answer to different purposes and functions and their integration is a crucial issue. Starting from a comprehensive approach in developing agents, organizations and environments, this paper devises an integrated approach and describes a unifying programming model. It introduces the notion of embodied organization, which is described first focusing on the main entities as separate concerns; and, second, establishing different interaction styles aimed to seamlessly integrate the various entities in a coherent system. An integration framework, built on top of Jason, CArtAgO and Moise (as programming platforms for agents, environments and organizations resp.) is described as a suitable technology to build embodied organizations in practice

    Huginn for Jason: Uma arquitetura para agentes normativos

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    Uma classe de sistemas multiagente pode ser vista como uma sociedade na qual o sistema normativo orienta os agentes para atingirem os objetivos do sis- tema. Quando um agente percebe um sistema de normas, ele precisa raciocinar sobre o impacto dessas normas em seus objetivos pessoais. Considerando que os agentes normativos têm recursos limitados, é necessário raciocinar também sobre os recur- sos disponíveis e se eles são suficientes para alcançar o objetivo implicado por uma norma. O modelo Huginn trata explicitamente do raciocínio normativo com recursos finitos propondo um processo de deliberação que traduz as normas, desejos e recursos para um problema de otimização conhecido como problema da mochila multidimensi- onal com múltipla escolha. Este artigo apresenta a teoria e implementação do modelo Huginn.

    A Conceptual Model for Situating Purposes in Artificial Institutions

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    {In multi-agent systems, artificial institutions connect institutional concepts, belonging to the institutional reality, to the concrete elements that compose the system. The institutional reality is composed of a set of institutional concepts, called Status-Functions. Current works on artificial institutions focus on identifying the status-functions and connecting them to the concrete elements. However, the functions associated with the status-functions are implicit. As a consequence, the agents cannot reason about the functions provided by the elements that carry the status-functions and, thus, cannot exploit these functions to satisfy their goals. Considering this problem, this paper proposes a model to express the functions -- or the purposes -- associated with the status-functions. Examples illustrate the application of the model in a practical scenario, showing how the agents can use purposes to reason about the satisfaction of their goals in institutional contexts

    Réorganisation et auto-organisation dans les systèmes multi-agents

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    http://www.emse.fr/~picard/publications/picard09jfsma.pdfInternational audienceRécemment, les aspects sociaux et organisationnels sont devenus des sujets de recherche majeurs en systèmes multi-agents (SMA). Les travaux conduits peuvent être déclinés suivant un point de vue centré agent (ACPV) et un point de vue centré organisation (OCPV), dans lesquels la notion centrale de dynamique des organisations est considérée. Dans ACPV, cette notion correspond à des phénomènes ascendants et émergents qui sont regroupés sous le terme général d'auto-organisation. Dans OCPV, cette notion d'organisation nourrit un large panel de travaux relatifs à la réorganisation formelle et descendante d'organisations préexistantes installées dans le SMA. Dans cet article, nous proposons de positionner ces approches afin de construire une vision synthétique de la dynamique des organisations dans les SMA

    Reorganisation and Self-organisation in Multi-Agent Systems

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    http://www.emse.fr/~picard/publications/picard09orgmod.pdfInternational audienceIn the last years, social and organisational aspects of agency have become a major issue in multi-agent systems' research. The conducted works may be structured along two main points of view: an agent-centred point of view (ACPV) and an organisation-centred point of view (OCPV). In both approaches the central notion of multi-agent organisation dynamic is considered. In ACPV, this notion leads to a kind of informal, bottom-up, emergent phenomena that we regroup under the general term of self-organisation. In OCPV, this notion gives birth to a huge set of works related to the reorganisation of the formal, top-down, pre-existent organisations that are installed in the MAS. In this paper, we propose to position these two approaches to build a comprehensive picture of organisation dynamic in multi-agent systems

    Jason and MOISE+: Organisational programming in the Agent Contest 2008

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    http://www.das.ufsc.br/~jomi/pubs/2008/JMoise-team-ac2008-slides.pdfInternational audienc

    A Model for the Structural, Functional, and Deontic Specification of Organizations in Multiagent Systems

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    A Multiagent System (MAS) that explicitly represents its organization normally focuses either on the functioning or the structure of this organization. However, addressin