28 research outputs found

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    The behaviour of those visiting the monuments of the Galeria Wielkich Łodzian on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz as theatre

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    The article presents the results of research obtained on the basis of the author’s original methodology for analysing visitor behavior towards the ‘monuments benches’ placed on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz. The research was designed and carried out by a team of seven students from the University of Lodz’s Faculty of Geographical Sciences. In addition to measuring the number of weekday and weekend visitors, the focus was on observing their behavior. More than 40 different behaviors and their associated positive and negative emotions were identified. Their variation was explained by various factors, the most significant of which were the monuments’ location on the city’s main street and their form. The research should be considered experimental, urging the continuation and broadening of its perspective, thus posing further or even new research questions.Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na podstawie oryginalnej (autorskiej) metodyki badawczej dotyczącej struktury zachowań osób odwiedzających ławkowe pomniki rozmieszczone na ul. Piotrkowskiej w Łodzi. Badania zostały zaprojektowane i przeprowadzone w siedmioosobowym zespole studentów Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Oprócz pomiaru liczby odwiedzających w dzień powszedni i weekendowy skupiono się na obserwacji zachowań tych osób. Zidentyfikowano ponad 40 różnych zachowań i związane z nimi emocje – pozytywne oraz negatywne. Ich zróżnicowanie starano się wyjaśnić wieloma czynnikami, z których najistotniejsze to lokalizacja pomnika na głównej ulicy oraz jego forma. Badania należy uznać za eksperymentalne, skłaniające do kontynuacji i poszerzenia ich perspektywy, a więc postawienia kolejnych, czy nawet nowych pytań badawczych

    Lectin-Based Method for Deciphering Human Milk IgG Sialylation

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    In light of the immunoprotective function of human milk and the incontestable impact of IgG glycosylation on its immune functions, characterization of the sialylation profile of human milk IgG is needed. Lectins as a molecular probe were applied in lectin-IgG-ELISA to analyze the sialylation and galactosylation pattern of skim milk IgG of mothers who delivered at term and prematurely. Well-defined biotinylated lectins were used: Maackia amurensis II (MAA II), Sambucus nigra (SNA), Ricinus communis I (RCA I), and Griffonia simplicifolia II (GSL II) specific to α2,3-Neu5Ac, α2,6-Neu5Ac, Gal(β1,4)GlcNAc, and agalactosylated glycans, respectively. The sialylation pattern of milk IgG differs qualitatively and quantitatively from maternal plasma IgG and is related to lactation stage and perinatal risk factors. Expression of MAA-, SNA-, and GSL-reactive glycotopes on term milk IgG showed a positive correlation with milk maturation from days 1 to 55. Preterm birth was associated with an increase of MAA-reactive and a decrease of RCA-reactive IgG glycotopes. Moreover, higher SNA- and GSL-reactive and lower RCA-reactive glycoform levels of milk IgG were associated with infection of lactating mothers. Application of a specific and simple method, lectin-IgG-ELISA, reveals the sialylation pattern of milk IgG over milk maturation. However, further investigations are needed in this area

    Organisational competence vs transferability of knowledge in cluster organisations and technology parks

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    The main paper aims to evaluate the impact of organisational competence on knowledge and information flows within cluster organisations and technology parks, with particular emphasis on innovative content knowledge. The paper addresses the research question: “What set of competencies of cooperating companies allows access to information and knowledge in cluster and parks structures?” The authors report their findings from a quantitative study carried out in four cluster organisations and three technology parks functioning in Poland. The research sample covered a total of 269 enterprises: 132 cluster members and 137 park tenants. The primary method of data collection was a survey questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted using the interdependence of variables, ANOVA, and logistic regression. The research showed that the surveyed enterprises from both analysed groups preferred cooperation with partners of a similar level of competence development and the same or complementary scope of competence. This set of competencies of cooperating organisations also guaranteed better access to information and knowledge resources, including confidential information and new knowledge. This study additionally indicated that the knowledge creation activities performed by the cooperating cluster organisations depended on the proximity of the competencies of organisations as well as on the nature of the information, disseminated within the cluster organisations. The theoretical contribution is related to the results obtained by analysing the phenomenon of information and knowledge dissemination in cluster and park structures, revealing the impact made by the competence proximity of cooperating organisations on the access to this such resources. Thus, the findings supplement the state-of-the-art knowledge of the concept of industrial clusters by presenting a broader view on cooperation developed in geographical proximity, based on a set of various partner competencies

    Polish Women Have Moderate Knowledge of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Breastfeeding Benefits

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    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is a multifaceted disease and is associated with complications for newborns and mothers. The aim of the study was to assess Polish women’s knowledge concerning GDM and their attitude to breastfeeding. As a research tool, an anonymous online survey that included 33 questions, grouped into three main sections—sociodemographic and obstetric variables, risk factors for GDM and neonatal adverse outcomes, and knowledge about breastfeeding—was used and administered online. A total of 410 women aged from 18 to 45 participated in this study. Based on the survey, it was demonstrated that the women had moderate knowledge concerning the maternal risk factors and adverse neonatal outcomes associated with GDM and, additionally, the short- and long-term effects of breastfeeding. Significantly deeper knowledge about GDM, including breastfeeding by GDM mothers, was observed among hyperglycemic mothers in comparison to normoglycemic mothers. However, knowledge concerning the health benefits of breastfeeding was not related to the mothers’ glycemic status. In conclusion, educational programs must include pre-pregnancy education of women and place emphasis on explaining the mechanism of development of GDM and the transformation of GDM to type 2 diabetes. This is crucial for changing the public’s perception of GDM as a temporary, reversible clinical entity

    Sialylated Oligosaccharides and Glycoconjugates of Human Milk. The Impact on Infant and Newborn Protection, Development and Well-Being

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    Human milk not only has nutritional value, but also provides a wide range of biologically active molecules, which are adapted to meet the needs of newborns and infants. Mother’s milk is a source of sialylated oligosaccharides and glycans that are attached to proteins and lipids, whose concentrations and composition are unique. Sialylated human milk glycoconjugates and oligosaccharides enrich the newborn immature immune system and are crucial for their proper development and well-being. Some of the milk sialylated oligosaccharide structures can locally exert biologically active effects in the newborn’s and infant’s gut. Sialylated molecules of human milk can be recognized and bound by sialic acid-dependent pathogens and inhibit their adhesion to the epithelial cells of newborns and infants. A small amount of intact sialylated oligosaccharides can be absorbed from the intestine and remain in the newborn’s circulation in concentrations high enough to modulate the immunological system at the cellular level and facilitate proper brain development during infancy. Conclusion: The review summarizes the current state of knowledge on sialylated human milk oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates, discusses the significance of sialylated structures of human milk in newborn protection and development, and presents the advantages of human milk over infant formula

    The behaviour of those visiting the monuments of the Galeria Wielkich Łodzian on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz as theatre

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    Artykuł przedstawia wyniki badań przeprowadzonych na podstawie oryginalnej (autorskiej) metodyki badawczej dotyczącej struktury zachowań osób odwiedzających ławkowe pomniki rozmieszczone na ul. Piotrkowskiej w Łodzi. Badania zostały zaprojektowane i przeprowadzone w siedmioosobowym zespole studentów Wydziału Nauk Geograficznych Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Oprócz pomiaru liczby odwiedzających w dzień powszedni i weekendowy skupiono się na obserwacji zachowań tych osób. Zidentyfikowano ponad 40 różnych zachowań i związane z nimi emocje – pozytywne oraz negatywne. Ich zróżnicowanie starano się wyjaśnić wieloma czynnikami, z których najistotniejsze to lokalizacja pomnika na głównej ulicy oraz jego forma. Badania należy uznać za eksperymentalne, skłaniające do kontynuacji i poszerzenia ich perspektywy, a więc postawienia kolejnych, czy nawet nowych pytań badawczych.The article presents the results of research obtained on the basis of the author’s original methodology for analysing visitor behavior towards the ‘monuments benches’ placed on Piotrkowska Street in Lodz. The research was designed and carried out by a team of seven students from the University of Lodz’s Faculty of Geographical Sciences. In addition to measuring the number of weekday and weekend visitors, the focus was on observing their behavior. More than 40 different behaviors and their associated positive and negative emotions were identified. Their variation was explained by various factors, the most significant of which were the monuments’ location on the city’s main street and their form. The research should be considered experimental, urging the continuation and broadening of its perspective, thus posing further or even new research questions