242 research outputs found

    Turto administravimas ir realizavimas įmonių bankroto procese

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    This article analyzes estate administration and realization as well as the concept of estate in bankruptcy proceedings. It also analyzes which methods of estate realization are established in bankruptcy law, and which of them allow selling estate faster. The article evaluates how courts ensure the effective realization of estate in bankruptcy proceedings.Straipsnyje nagrinėjami įmonės turto administravimo ir realizavimo klausimai, įmonės turto sąvoka bankroto procese. Taip pat analizuojama, kokie įmonės turto realizavimo metodai yra nustatyti bankroto teisėje, kurie iš jų leidžia greičiau parduoti turtą. Vertinama, kaip teismai užtikrina efektyvų turto realizavimą bankroto procese

    An Army never Created: Lithuanian National Units in Russia and their Veterans Organisation in Lithuania in the Interwar Period

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    The formation of national units in the Russian army began in 1914 during the First World War. They allowedfor the creation of national formations of Poles, Czechs, Armenians, Georgians and Latvians. Afterthe February revolution of 1917, at a similar time to the Estonians and Ukrainians, Lithuanian soldiers whoserved in the Russian army also started to create units. Formed in different places, the Lithuanian unitsdid not reach the homeland in an organised manner. However, there were repeated attempts to presentthis Lithuanian military organisation in Russia after the war as the origins of the national army. Theseattempts intensified when veterans of national units started to come together in Lithuania, and in 1937they established a separate organisation, the Kariuomenės pirmūnų sąjunga [Association of Army Predecessors].It highlighted the contribution of Lithuanians to the Great War, but there was not enough timebefore 1940 to develop its activities as planned. The article reveals the reasons for and the circumstancesof the creation of Lithuanian national units, and examines how and why former soldiers from these units,who lived in Lithuania during the interwar period, joined the organisation.KEY WORDS: First World War, national units, Russian army, Lithuanian army, veterans organisations,Association of Army Predecessors

    Kreditorių teisė gauti informaciją įmonių bankroto procese

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    This article examines the practical problems deriving from the exercise of the creditor’s right to information regarding the course of corporate bankruptcy proceedings. The legal regulation of foreign states shows that creditors shall participate in bankruptcy proceedings actively. Namely, timely information about the corporate bankruptcy proceedings allows creditors to exercise other rights and impact the decision-making in this process. Disputes often arise regarding how creditors can use this right to information and what legitimate restrictions can be established for its implementation.Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos kreditoriaus teisės gauti informaciją apie įmonės bankroto bylos eigą įgyvendinimo problemos. Užsienio valstybių teisinis reglamentavimas rodo, kad kreditoriams turi būti sudarytos galimybės aktyviai dalyvauti šiame procese. Būtent laiku teikiama informacija apie įmonės bankroto procesą leidžia kreditoriams pasinaudoti kitomis teisėmis ir daryti įtaką sprendžiant su įmonės bankroto procesu susijusius klausimus. Praktikoje neretai pasitaiko ginčų, kaip šia teise kreditoriai gali pasinaudoti ir kokie jos įgyvendinimo teisėti ribojimai gali būti nustatyti

    Skolininko nesąžiningumo vertinimo problemos fizinių asmenų bankroto procese

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    This article analyses dishonesty of the debtor as a condition for the refusal to commence personal bankruptcy proceedings. It examines what actions may indicate the debtor’s dishonesty and how they should be interpreted. The question also arises as to whether dishonesty acts of the debtor should be interpreted in the same way, depending on the nature of the debtor, where a debtor is a consumer or an entrepreneur.Šiame straipsnyje analizuojamas skolininko nesąžiningumas kaip fizinio asmens bankroto bylos neiškėlimo sąlyga. Nag­rinėjama, kokie veiksmai rodo skolininko nesąžiningumą, kaip jie turėtų būti aiškinami. Taip pat keliamas klausimas, ar skolininko nesąžiningumą rodantys veiksmai turėtų būti aiškinami vienodai, atsižvelgiant į tai, skolininkas yra vartotojas ar verslininkas


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    Editors’ Note

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    Editors’ Not

    Electronic Evidence in Intellectual Property Disputes under the Council of Europe’s Guidelines

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    On 30 January 2019 the Council of Europe adopted guidelines on electronic evidence in civil and administrative law accompanied by the Explanatory Memorandum. The authors summarize and analyse this soft law instrument with respect to intellectual property (hereinafter “IP”) disputes. They explain why its creation is important for the proper administration of justice and how it addresses and reflects technological developments, new business models and evolving case-law. Several conclusions have been identified regarding how use of the Guidelines will address current practical problems for courts in IP disputes. Both authors took active part in the preparatory works and believe it is in the interest of justice and effective IP protection that these guidelines are publicly available in the member states and widely disseminated among professionals dealing with electronic evidence

    Discharge of Debts of Insolvent Entrepreneurs Under the Restructuring and Insolvency Directive

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    The article focuses on the discharge procedure for entrepreneurs as prescribed in the Directive on restructuring and insolvency. It analyses the elements of the discharge procedure for entrepreneurs that are harmonised with the Directive and whether it ensures a proper balance between the interests of the debtor and creditors. The author assesses how the concept of an ‘entrepreneur’ should be perceived under the scope of the Directive, the requirements of commencement of discharge of debt procedure and whether it indeed provides a fresh start for entrepreneurs after the end of this procedure. Where relevant, the article focuses on the comparison between the discharge procedure in the Directive and the rules of personal bankruptcy established in the US Bankruptcy Code (Chapters 7 and 13) which served as an inspiration to the Directive. Comparison of the relevant rules on the discharge procedures established in the Directive and the US Bankruptcy Code allows us to better understand the aims and goals of certain provisions of the discharge procedure in the European Union insolvency law and provide a conclusion on whether the proposed model of discharge procedure is effective. The author discusses whether the discharge procedure in the Directive managed to establish a fair balance between the interests of the debtor and creditors and whether it will improve entrepreneurship conditions in the European Union


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    The goal of this article is to analyse the practical problems of the application of Article 8(1) of the Brussels Ia regulation which establishes derived jurisdiction for related claims. Firstly, it focuses on the nature of derived jurisdiction in the EU law. Secondly, it analyses in detail the main elements of this provision (connectedness of claims and irreconcilability of judgments) and the doctrine of the abuse of the EU law. Thirdly, it covers the application of Article 8(1) of the Brussels Ia regulation in cases deriving from infringement of competition, patent and design laws