53 research outputs found

    Upaya Pengelolaan Fungsi Lahan Untuk Peningkatan Hutan Cadangan Pangan dan Daya Saing Produk Pertanian

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    Penelitian dilakukan untuk memberikan arahan tentang pengelolaan lahan hutan produksi sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan lahan hutan sebagai cadangan pangan dan daya saing produk pertanian. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan model penggelolaan hutan yang dapat meningkatkan cadangan pangan dan daya saing produk pertanian dari pemanfaatan lahan hutan di bawah tegakan, sebagai upaya dalam meningkatkan ketahanan pangan. Penelitian akan dilakukan di kawasan hutan produksi perhutani BKPH Pujon KPH Malang Unit II Jawa Timur mulai September 2013 sampai Juli 2014. Metode Pembuatan model (demlot) pengelolaann berdasarkan tingkat perkembangan lahan. Analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian analisis deskriptif kualitaif dengan mengkomparatifkan model pengelolaan yang diterapkan dengan parameter pengamatan : (a) kualitas tanaman dan (b) produktivitas lahan. Berdasarkan analisis usaha tani, pada petak 93C yang merupakan tingkat agroforestri awal dengan jenis tanaman Eucalyptus sp memiliki persentase tutupan tajuk sebesar 3,1% dengan bidang olah efektif tanaman pertanian sebesar 96,9%. Pada petak 94C yang merupakan tingkat agroforestri pertengahan dengan jenis tanaman Eucalyptus sp memiliki rata-rata persentase tutupan tajuk sebesar 69,0% dengan ruang efektif tanaman sebesar 31,0%, sedangkan pada agroforestry tingkat lanjut dengan jenis tanaman Pinus merkusii Jungh.& De Vr memiliki tutupan tajuk yang mencapai 87,4% dan bidang olah tanaman pertanian efektif sebesar 12.6%. Rata-rata keuntungan usaha agroforestri berbasis tumpangsari tanaman sayuran dan palawija di lahan agroforestri tingkat awal mencapai Rp.6.728.928,-/ tahun, B/C Ratio (1,51) dan agroforestri dengan sistem silvopasture berbasis peternakan sapi perah pada tingkat perkembangan agroforestry pertengahan memberikan keuntungan pada petani mencapai Rp 27.160.650.,-/tahun, B/C Ratio (1,66), sedangkan pada agroforestri tingkat lanjut mencapai Rp.21.442.350,- /tahun, B/C Ratio (1,65). Berdasarkan analisis regresi, luasan lahanandil, jumlah ternak dan tingkat perkembangan agroforestri memiliki indikasi kuat berpengaruh nyata terhadap keuntungan usaha agroforestri yang diterima petani, sedangkan umur, tingkat pendidikan, luas lahan milik dan jumlah anggota keluarga tidak berpengaruh secara nyata. Petani perlu melakukan peningkatan intensifikasi lahan yang ada dengan memperhatikan tingkat perkembangan lahan agroforestri agar dapat memberikan dampak positif secara ekologi dan ekonomi yang optimum bagi masyarakat

    Analysis Of Ecotourism Income Organic Vegetables On Agroforestri Land Of Kidul Pujon Village Kecamatan Pujon, Malang District

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    Abstract: The purposes of this study is to determine the increase and development of income through organic vegetable ecotourism on agroforestry land. This research was conducted in Pujon Kidul Village, Tulungrejo Hamlet in June - October 2018.The approach taken is participatory rural assessment, modification of Participatory Rural Appraisal / PRA in agroforestry farmers. The technique of determining respondents in this study uses purposive sampling.Intensive results of agroforestry (agrisilviculture) analysis, average agroforestry farmer income from carrot vegetable crops reached Rp.5568,750, - / harvest, large red chili reached Rp.6,160,000, - / harvest, cabbage reached Rp.2,220,000, - / harvest , mustard reached Rp. 3,077,778, - / harvest, shallot reached Rp. 8,350,000 / harvest, leek onion reached Rp 2,258,333, - / harvest, cayenne reached Rp 9,833,333, - / harvest, brongkoli reached Rp. 4,800,000, - / harvest, and eggplant reach Rp. 195,238, - / harvest. The average farmer income for agroforestry received revenue reaching Rp. 13,603,488, with total costs reaching Rp. 4,468,247, and the average profit reached Rp. 935,242. B / C Ratio value of 3.34. With these average profits, farmers have the potential in terms of economic improvement for forest farmers to live well. The production of Perhutani gum has an average land area of 10.5 ha. From that area it produces sap 267.1 Kg / Ha. The average income from the sale of sap reaches Rp 801.257, - / Ha. The existing stands are P. merksuii with an average diameter of 15.35 cm, average stand height of 15.35 meters, and the average number of stands per hectare as many as 403.95 trees.Farmers need to increase existing land intensification by paying attention to the level of development of agroforestry land so that it can provide optimum ecological and economicimpacts to the community

    Konservasi Lahan Hutan dan Pengelolaan Daerah Aliran Sungai

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    Model Pengembangan Agroforestry Pada Lahan Marginal Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Sekitar Hutan

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    Joko TriwantoStaf Pengajar Jurusan Kehutanan, Fakultas Pertanian Peternakan, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangAlamat Korespondensi : Jl. Tlogosuryo IV/7 MalangTelpon : 0341-571406, Hp : 0 81805077641ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research are to know the success level agro forestry model developmentin marginal area, increasing income and sociaty prosperity surroundng forest, to know the differentbetween the growing of teak tree agro forestry and non agro forestry. This research was conductedin forest area in Arjowinangun village, sub distric Kalipare District Malang. This area was chosenpurposively considering that area is one of the areas which has agro forestry development programin marginal area.The mean wide of each farmer who does agro forestry is 0,22 Ha, the product of rice plant is823.350 rupiah, corn is 376.450 rupiah, and peanut is 516.250 rupiah, per planting season. B/C ratiorice plant 3,091, corn 2,288, peanut 2,809, it means that agro forestry system is very effective andvery benefit. The mean highand main plant diameter with agro forestry is 2,397 m and diameter5,81 cm and non agro forestry main plant is 1,671 m and diameter 2,1201 cm.Agro forestry development modeldene by interropping can increase the income and prospertyof the sociaty surrounding the forest with B/C ratio rice 3,091, corn 2,288, peanut 2,809. agroforestry development model effected the growing and development the main plant, it can be seenfrom the mean high differentiation 2,397 m and diameter 2,1201 cm. This model can also increasethe awareness of the people surrounding the forest in keeping the fertility of the forest.The researcher suggests the perhutani not to the agro forestry program, because this programcan increase the income and properity of the people surrounding the forest. Guidance and control isneccesary in order this agro forestry development program more focus in keeping, exploiting andpreserve the forest.Keywords : Agro forestry, forest, marginal area, society income

    Strategi Pengembangan Biogas dari Limbah Ternak Sapi Perah di Kecamatan Pujon Kabupaten Malang

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    Kecamatan Pujon merupakan sentra Peternakan Sapi Perah, yang merupakan ternak ruminansia yang menghasilkan Emisi dari gas metana yang menjadikan salah satu penyebab terjadinya gas emisi. Selama ini peternak belum maksimal memanfaatkan limbah sebagai input usaha secara maksimal. Penerapan sistem peternakan terpadu dengan pendekatan teknologi biogas merupakan salah satu teknologi tepat guna untuk mengolah limbah peternakan. Teknologi ini memanfaatkan mikroorganisme yang tersedia di alam untuk merombak dan mengolah berbagai limbah organik yang ditempatkan pada ruang kedap udara (anaerob). Kegiatan peternakan sapi dapat memberikan dampak positif terhadap pembangunan, yaitu peningkatan pendapatan peternak, perluasan kesempatan kerja, peningkatan ketersediaan pangan, dan penghematan devisa. Namun tanpa dilakukan pengolahan limbah yang tepat, kegiatan ini akan menimbulkan permasalahan lingkungan. Usaha untuk dapat mengurangi bahkan mengeliminasi dampak negatif dari kegiatan usaha peternakan sapi ini terhadap lingkungan tergantung pada beberapa faktor seperti kebijakan pemerintah dan ketersediaan teknologi pengolahan limbah . Strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk pengembangan usaha biogas sebagai sumber energi dari limbah peternakan sapi perah adalah dengan meningkatkan produktivitas, memperluas jaringan pemasaran, memanfaatkan jasa perbankan untuk pengembangan usaha, meningkatkan pengetahuan manajemen usaha, mempertahankan dan menjaga mutu produk yang dihasilkan, penguatan anggota peternak

    Under-Shade Microclimate Study of Coffee-Based Agroforestry Productivity (Coffea sp.) Pujon, Malang, East Java, Indonesia

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    The effect of microclimate on coffee plant productivity in the agroforestry model has not been studied by farmers. Based on these problems, it is necessary to carry out research aimed at analyzing the influence of microclimate on the productivity of agroforestry based on coffee plants under shade. The research was carried out in Pujon Malang, East Java, Indonesia. The research method was direct observation of farmers using purposive sampling; data was analyzed by regression. Microclimatic conditions, average temperature between 21-22 0C, average humidity 92%. Average rainfall is 95.5mm/month. The average wind speed of 1.64 m/s indicates that the wind is not too strong. The results of the multiple regression analysis were significant for coffee under pine shade with a Luminous intensity of 0.000 < 0.05, and in lamtoro shade, the temperature was also significant at 0.043 < 0.05. Coffee productivity under the shade of pine is 9-10 kg/tree, production under the shade of lamtoro is 8-10 kg/tree and production under the shade of durian is 6-7 kg/tree

    Kontribusi Agroforestri terhadap Pendapatan Petani Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan (LMDH) di Desa Tulungrejo Kecamatan Bumi Aji Kota Batu

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    ABSTRACT The transformation of forest land into agricultural land that occurs and develops over time, in line with the increasing area of forest converted into other business land causes many problems. Agroforestri is expected to be a solution to overcome the problems arising from land conversion as well be the solution to the problem of food and economic society community. The purpose of this study is to determine and assess the management of agroforestri and calculate the contribution of agroforestri to to revenues pesanggem in the Forest Village Community Institution (LMDH) Tulungrejo Village Subdistrict Bumi Aji Batu City. The method used to approach the qualitative (descriptive) and quantitative while to analyze the data in this study are multivariate methods Structural Equation Model (SEM) using IBM SPSS AMOS program 23. The subject of this research is population in this study are members LMDH Tulungrejo Village Subdistrict Bumi Aji. The results showed that the Management Agroforestri positive and significant impact on revenue pesanggem, the better management of agroforestri pesanggem the higher income, and vice versa. In addition, the results of analyzing the correlation (r) 0.741 and 0.000 sig> 0.05 indicate that there is a correlation between land and total income. While the relationship between the two variables are highly correlated and strong is 74.1%. Direction of the relationship is positive for positive r, meaning the area of a farmland it will increase the amount of revenue obtained. The direction of the relationship is positive because r is positive, meaning that the wider the area of land will increase the amount of income earned. While the results of the calculation of the influence of agroforestri management and the contribution of agroforesty to pesanggem income amounted to 71.8%, while the remaining 28.2% of the variant of pesanggem income was influenced by other factors outside of agroforestri management and the contribution of agroforestri

    Institutional Analysis of Agroforestry Farmers to Achieve Forest Preservation Bendosari and Ngabab Villages of Pujon, Malang, Indonesia

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    ABSTRACT One of the problems faced in the management of production forest areas is related to the activities of the community around the forest to meet their daily needs. The role of Forest Village Community Institutions (LMDH) has not been maximized in forest management. Agroforestry also functions as a deterrent to soil erosion through land cover and canopy strata, storage of groundwater reserves, carbon sequestration, therefore, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and as a habitat for the conservation or protection of certain flora and fauna. The purpose of the study was to examine the effect of LMDH on environmentally friendly forest management. This research was conducted in March - September 2021 in the villages of Bendosari and Ngabab, Pujon, Malang Regency. The method of determining the number of respondents uses the Slovin formula. The results obtained are that the performance of LMDH Alam Sumber Makmur and LMDH Bendosari has not been able to meet the needs of the village community, there is a relationship or influence between institutions and sustainability as indicated by the correlation coefficient value of -0.810* which means it has a significant relationship of 0.015
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