68 research outputs found
Adipose tissue NAD(+)-homeostasis, sirtuins and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases - important players in mitochondrial metabolism and metabolic health
Obesity, a chronic state of energy overload, is characterized by adipose tissue dysfunction that is considered to be the major driver for obesity associated metabolic complications. The reasons for adipose tissue dysfunction are incompletely understood, but one potential contributing factor is adipose tissue mitochondrial dysfunction. Derangements of adipose tissue mitochondrial biogenesis and pathways associate with obesity and metabolic diseases. Mitochondria are central organelles in energy metabolism through their role in energy derivation through catabolic oxidative reactions. The mitochondrial processes are dependent on the proper NAD(+)/NADH redox balance and NAD+ is essential for reactions catalyzed by the key regulators of mitochondrial metabolism, sirtuins (SIRTs) and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs). Notably, obesity is associated with disturbed adipose tissue NAD(+) homeostasis and the balance of SIRT and PARP activities. In this review we aim to summarize existing literature on the maintenance of intracellular NAD(+) pools and the function of SIRTs and PARPs in adipose tissue during normal and obese conditions, with the purpose of comprehending their potential role in mitochondrial derangements and obesity associated metabolic complications. Understanding the molecular mechanisms that are the root cause of the adipose tissue mitochondrial derangements is crucial for developing new effective strategies to reverse obesity associated metabolic complications.Peer reviewe
Kosteikkojen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden yleissuunnitelma Sipoonjoen valuma-alueella
Yleissuunnitelman tavoitteena on kannustaa viljelijöitä vesiensuojelua edistävien kosteikkojen perustamiseen ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden lisäämiseen Sipoonjoen valuma-alueella. Tavoitteena on
myös joen harvinaisen taimenkannan ylläpitäminen ja edistäminen. Toimenpiteiden toteuttaminen on vapaaehtoista, eikä suunnitelma velvoita maanomistajia mihinkään. Suunnitelman tietoja voidaan käyttää yksityiskohtaisen suunnittelun tukena haettaessa ei-tuotannollisia investointitukia, maatalouden ympäristötukea tai muuta rahoitusta kohteiden toteuttamiseen.
Sipoonjoen valuma-alueen pinta-ala on 220 km2, josta peltoa on noin 30 %. Kosteikkosuunnittelu tehtiin koko alueelle ja luonnon monimuotoisuuden yleissuunnitelma joen alaosalle noin 15 km2:n alueelle. Maastoinventoinnit kohdennettiin valuma-alueelle laaditun kosteikkomallin ja karttatarkastelun avulla valittuihin kohteisiin. Myös maanomistajien pyynnöstä käytiin katsomassa mahdollisia kosteikkojen paikkoja.
Suunnitelmassa on esitetty 100 osteikkokohdetta, joista 83 kohteen on alustavasti arvioitu täyttävän
ei-tuotannollisten investointien tukiehdot. Kosteikkojen yhteisala on 80 ha. Luonnon monimuotoisuuskohteita suunnitelmassa on kuvattu 31 ja niiden pinta-ala on yhteensä 31 ha
Needs Assessment for Effective Implementation of the Environmental Conservation Law in Myanmar
This publication was saved to HELDA-publications archive with the permission from The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Myanmar
Voidaanko aivojen valkean aineen muutoksia ehkäistä?
Aivojen pienten suonten tautiin liittyviä valkean aineen muutoksia voidaan ehkäistä ja jo kehittyneiden muutosten etenemistä hidastaa. Verenpaineen hoitaminen ja tupakoimattomuus ovat keskeisiä, ja ennen kaikkea tulee toimia ajoissa eli ennen mahdollisia laajoja patologisia muutoksia pienissä suonissa. Verenpainetta on syytä mitata ja tarvittaessa hoitaa jo nuoresta aikuisiästä alkaen. Myös kolesterolipitoisuutta pienentävällä hoidolla saattaa olla merkitystä.Peer reviewe
Preventing White Adipocyte Browning during Differentiation In Vitro : The Effect of Differentiation Protocols on Metabolic and Mitochondrial Phenotypes
Mitochondrial dysfunction in white adipose tissue is strongly associated with obesity and its metabolic complications, which are important health challenges worldwide. Human adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (hASCs) are a promising tool to investigate the underlying mechanisms of such mitochondrial dysfunction and to subsequently provide knowledge for the development of treatments for obesity-related pathologies. A substantial obstacle in using hASCs is that the key compounds for adipogenic differentiation in vitro increase mitochondrial uncoupling, biogenesis, and activity, which are the signature features of brown adipocytes, thus altering the white adipocyte phenotype towards brown-like cells. Additionally, commonly used protocols for hASC adipogenic differentiation exhibit high variation in their composition of media, and a systematic comparison of their effect on mitochondria is missing. Here, we compared the five widely used adipogenic differentiation protocols for their effect on metabolic and mitochondrial phenotypes to identify a protocol that enables in vitro differentiation of white adipocytes and can more faithfully recapitulate the white adipocyte phenotype observed in human adipose tissue. We developed a workflow that included functional assays and morphological analysis of mitochondria and lipid droplets. We observed that triiodothyronine- or indomethacin-containing media and commercially available adipogenic media induced browning during in vitro differentiation of white adipocytes. However, the differentiation protocol containing 1 mu M of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) agonist rosiglitazone prevented the browning effect and would be proposed for adipogenic differentiation protocol for hASCs to induce a white adipocyte phenotype. Preserving the white adipocyte phenotype in vitro is a crucial step for the study of obesity and associated metabolic diseases, adipose tissue pathologies, such as lipodystrophies, possible therapeutic compounds, and basic adipose tissue physiology.Peer reviewe
Preventing White Adipocyte Browning during Differentiation In Vitro : The Effect of Differentiation Protocols on Metabolic and Mitochondrial Phenotypes
Mitochondrial dysfunction in white adipose tissue is strongly associated with obesity and its metabolic complications, which are important health challenges worldwide. Human adipose-derived stromal/stem cells (hASCs) are a promising tool to investigate the underlying mechanisms of such mitochondrial dysfunction and to subsequently provide knowledge for the development of treatments for obesity-related pathologies. A substantial obstacle in using hASCs is that the key compounds for adipogenic differentiation in vitro increase mitochondrial uncoupling, biogenesis, and activity, which are the signature features of brown adipocytes, thus altering the white adipocyte phenotype towards brown-like cells. Additionally, commonly used protocols for hASC adipogenic differentiation exhibit high variation in their composition of media, and a systematic comparison of their effect on mitochondria is missing. Here, we compared the five widely used adipogenic differentiation protocols for their effect on metabolic and mitochondrial phenotypes to identify a protocol that enables in vitro differentiation of white adipocytes and can more faithfully recapitulate the white adipocyte phenotype observed in human adipose tissue. We developed a workflow that included functional assays and morphological analysis of mitochondria and lipid droplets. We observed that triiodothyronine- or indomethacin-containing media and commercially available adipogenic media induced browning during in vitro differentiation of white adipocytes. However, the differentiation protocol containing 1 mu M of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR gamma) agonist rosiglitazone prevented the browning effect and would be proposed for adipogenic differentiation protocol for hASCs to induce a white adipocyte phenotype. Preserving the white adipocyte phenotype in vitro is a crucial step for the study of obesity and associated metabolic diseases, adipose tissue pathologies, such as lipodystrophies, possible therapeutic compounds, and basic adipose tissue physiology.Peer reviewe
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