27,814 research outputs found

    A tough high performance composite matrix

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    This invention is a semi-interpenetrating polymer network which includes a high performance thermosetting polyimide having a nadic end group acting as a crosslinking site and a high performance linear thermoplastic polyimide. An improved high temperature matrix resin is provided which is capable of performing in the 200 to 300 C range. This resin has significantly improved toughness and microcracking resistance, excellent processability, mechanical performance and moisture and solvent resistances

    Pneumatic inflatable end effector

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    The invention relates to an end effector device for robot or teleoperated type space vehicle which includes an inflatable balloon member carried on the end of tubular member which has a hollow center or conduit through which a suitable pressurized fluid is supplied. The device may be inserted into a variety of shaped openings or truss-type structures for handling in space

    Effect of exposure cycle on hot salt stress corrosion of a titanium alloy

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    The influence of exposure cycle on the hot-salt stress-corrosion cracking resistance of the Ti-8Al-1Mo-1V alloy was determined. Both temperature and stress were cycled simultaneously to simulate turbine-powered aircraft service cycles. Temperature and stress were also cycled independently to determine their individual effects. Substantial increases in crack threshold stresses were observed for cycles in which both temperature and stress or temperature alone were applied for 1 hour and removed for 3 hours. The crack threshold stresses for these cyclic exposures were twice those determined for continuous exposure for the same total time of 96 hours

    Apparatus for assembling space structure

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    An apparatus for producing a structure in outer space from rolls of prepunched ribbon or sheet material that are transported from the earth to the apparatus located in outer space is described. The apparatus spins the space structure similar to a spider spinning a web utilizing the prepunched ribbon material. The prepunched ribbon material is fed through the apparatus and is shaped into a predetermined channel-shaped configuration. Trusses are punched out of the ribbon and are bent downwardly and attached to a track which normally is a previously laid sheet of material. The size of the overall space structure may be increased by merely attaching an additional roll of sheet material to the apparatus

    Preparation of monotectic alloys having a controlled microstructure by directional solidification under dopant-induced interface breakdown

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    Monotectic alloys having aligned spherical particles of rods of the minor component dispersed in a matrix of the major component are prepared by forming a melt containing predetermined amounts of the major and minor components of a chosen monotectic system, providing in the melt a dopant capable of breaking down the liquid solid interface for the chosen alloy, and directionally solidfying the melt at a selected temperature gradient and a selected rate of movement of the liquid-solid interface (growth rate). Shaping of the minor component into spheres or rods and the spacing between them are controlled by the amount of dopant and the temperature gradient and growth rate values. Specific alloy systems include Al Bi, Al Pb and Zn Bi, using a transition element such as iron

    Experimental rate coefficients for collisional excitation of lithium-like ions

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    Collisional excitation rates for lithium-like ions derived from diagnosed plasma produced in theta pinch device and line intensities emitted by these ion

    Constraints on the total coupling strength to bosons in iron based superconductors

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    At present, there is still no consistent interpretation of the normal and superconducting properties of Fe-based superconductors (FeSCs). The strength of the el-el interaction and the role of correlation effects are under debate. Here, we examine several common materials and illustrate various problems and concepts that are generic for all FeSCs. Based on empirical observations and qualitative insight from density functional theory, we show that the superconducting and low-energy thermodynamic properties of the FeSCs can be described semi-quantitively within multiband Eliashberg theory. We account for an important high-energy mass renormalization phenomenologically,and in agreement with constraints provided by thermodynamic, optical, and angle-resolved photoemission data. When seen in this way, all FeSCs with Tc<T_\mathrm{c} < 40~K studied so far are found to belong to an {\it intermediate} coupling regime. This finding is in contrast to the strong coupling scenarios proposed in the early period of the FeSC history.We also discuss several related issues, including the role of band shifts as measured by the positions of van Hove singularities, and the nature of a recently suggested quantum critical point in the strongly hole-doped systems AFe2_2As2_2 (A = K, Rb, Cs). Using high-precision full relativistic GGA-band structure calculations, we arrive at a somewhat milder mass renormalization in comparison with previous studies. From the calculated mass anisotropies of all Fermi surface sheets, only the ε\varepsilon-pocket near the corner of the BZ is compatible with the experimentally observed anisotropy of the upper critical field. pointing to its dominant role in the superconductivity of these three compounds.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Subsonic longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics and engine pressure distributions for an aircraft with an integrated scramjet designed for Mach 6 cruise

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    A 1/10-scale model of a proposed hypersonic aircraft with an integrated scramjet was tested. The investigation took place over a Mach number range from 0.2 to 0.7 and an angle of attack range from 2 deg to approximately 17 deg at a sideslip angle of 0 deg. The primary configuration variables studied were engine location, internal engine geometry, and external engine geometry. The results are presented without analysis

    Space and biotechnology: An industry profile

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    The results of a study conducted by the Center for Space and Advanced Technology (CSAT) for NASA-JSC are presented. The objectives were to determine the interests and attitudes of the U.S. biotechnology industry toward space biotechnology and to prepare a concise review of the current activities of the biotechnology industry. In order to accomplish these objectives, two primary actions were taken. First, a questionnaire was designed, reviewed, and distributed to U.S. biotechnology companies. Second, reviews of the various biotechnology fields were prepared in several aspects of the industry. For each review, leading figures in the field were asked to prepare a brief review pointing out key trends and current industry technical problems. The result is a readable narrative of the biotechnology industry which will provide space scientists and engineers valuable clues as to where the space environment can be explored to advance the U.S. biotechnology industry

    Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Appraising Changes in Wildlife Habitat

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    An attempt was made to investigate the potential of airborne, multispectral, line scanner data acquisition and computer-implemented automatic recognition techniques for providing useful information about waterfowl breeding habitat in North Dakota. The spectral characteristics of the components of a landscape containing waterfowl habitat can be detected with airborne scanners. By analyzing these spectral characteristics it is possible to identify and map the landscape components through analog and digital processing methods. At the present stage of development multispectral remote sensing techniques are not ready for operational application to surveys of migratory bird habitat and other such resources. Further developments are needed to: (1) increase accuracy; (2) decrease retrieval and processing time; and (3) reduce costs
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