1,808 research outputs found

    Determination of absorption length of CO2 and high power diode laser radiation for ordinary Portland cement

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    The laser beam absorption lengths of CO2 and a high power diode laser (HPDL) radiation for the ordinary Portland cement (OPC) surface of concrete have been determined. By employing Beer-Lambert’s law the absorption lengths for concrete of CO2 and a HPDL radiation were 470±22 μm and 177±15 μm respectively

    What's Cookin'? Interpreting Cooking Videos using Text, Speech and Vision

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    We present a novel method for aligning a sequence of instructions to a video of someone carrying out a task. In particular, we focus on the cooking domain, where the instructions correspond to the recipe. Our technique relies on an HMM to align the recipe steps to the (automatically generated) speech transcript. We then refine this alignment using a state-of-the-art visual food detector, based on a deep convolutional neural network. We show that our technique outperforms simpler techniques based on keyword spotting. It also enables interesting applications, such as automatically illustrating recipes with keyframes, and searching within a video for events of interest.Comment: To appear in NAACL 201

    Affective Facial Expression Processing via Simulation: A Probabilistic Model

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    Understanding the mental state of other people is an important skill for intelligent agents and robots to operate within social environments. However, the mental processes involved in `mind-reading' are complex. One explanation of such processes is Simulation Theory - it is supported by a large body of neuropsychological research. Yet, determining the best computational model or theory to use in simulation-style emotion detection, is far from being understood. In this work, we use Simulation Theory and neuroscience findings on Mirror-Neuron Systems as the basis for a novel computational model, as a way to handle affective facial expressions. The model is based on a probabilistic mapping of observations from multiple identities onto a single fixed identity (`internal transcoding of external stimuli'), and then onto a latent space (`phenomenological response'). Together with the proposed architecture we present some promising preliminary resultsComment: Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures - BICA 201

    Modelling the Self-Assembly of Virus Capsids

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    We use computer simulations to study a model, first proposed by Wales [1], for the reversible and monodisperse self-assembly of simple icosahedral virus capsid structures. The success and efficiency of assembly as a function of thermodynamic and geometric factors can be qualitatively related to the potential energy landscape structure of the assembling system. Even though the model is strongly coarse-grained, it exhibits a number of features also observed in experiments, such as sigmoidal assembly dynamics, hysteresis in capsid formation and numerous kinetic traps. We also investigate the effect of macromolecular crowding on the assembly dynamics. Crowding agents generally reduce capsid yields at optimal conditions for non-crowded assembly, but may increase yields for parameter regimes away from the optimum. Finally, we generalize the model to a larger triangulation number T = 3, and observe more complex assembly dynamics than that seen for the original T = 1 model.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Origin and Detection of Microstructural Clustering in Fluids with Spatial-Range Competitive Interactions

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    Fluids with competing short-range attractions and long-range repulsions mimic dispersions of charge-stabilized colloids that can display equilibrium structures with intermediate range order (IRO), including particle clusters. Using simulations and analytical theory, we demonstrate how to detect cluster formation in such systems from the static structure factor and elucidate links to macrophase separation in purely attractive reference fluids. We find that clusters emerge when the thermal correlation length encoded in the IRO peak of the structure factor exceeds the characteristic lengthscale of interparticle repulsions. We also identify qualitative differences between the dynamics of systems that form amorphous versus micro-crystalline clusters.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evolutionary Dynamics in a Simple Model of Self-Assembly

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    We investigate the evolutionary dynamics of an idealised model for the robust self-assembly of two-dimensional structures called polyominoes. The model includes rules that encode interactions between sets of square tiles that drive the self-assembly process. The relationship between the model's rule set and its resulting self-assembled structure can be viewed as a genotype-phenotype map and incorporated into a genetic algorithm. The rule sets evolve under selection for specified target structures. The corresponding, complex fitness landscape generates rich evolutionary dynamics as a function of parameters such as the population size, search space size, mutation rate, and method of recombination. Furthermore, these systems are simple enough that in some cases the associated model genome space can be completely characterised, shedding light on how the evolutionary dynamics depends on the detailed structure of the fitness landscape. Finally, we apply the model to study the emergence of the preference for dihedral over cyclic symmetry observed for homomeric protein tetramers

    Enzymatic breakage of dimethylsulfoniopropionate - a signature molecule for life at sea

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    Largely using gene-based evidence, the last few years have seen real insights on the diverse ways in which different microbes break down dimethylsulfoniopropionate, an abundant anti-stress molecule that is made by marine algae, some corals and a few angiosperms. Here, we review more recent advances in which in vitro biochemical tools – including structural determinations – have shed new light on how the corresponding enzymes act on DMSP. These have revealed how enzymes in very different polypeptide families can act on this substrate, often by novel ways, and with broader implications that extend from enzymatic mechanisms to microbial ecology

    Arp2/3 complex activity in filopodia of spreading cells

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    Background Cells use filopodia to explore their environment and to form new adhesion contacts for motility and spreading. The Arp2/3 complex has been implicated in lamellipodial actin assembly as a major nucleator of new actin filaments in branched networks. The interplay between filopodial and lamellipodial protrusions is an area of much interest as it is thought to be a key determinant of how cells make motility choices. Results We find that Arp2/3 complex localises to dynamic puncta in filopodia as well as lamellipodia of spreading cells. Arp2/3 complex spots do not appear to depend on local adhesion or on microtubules for their localisation but their inclusion in filopodia or lamellipodia depends on the activity of the small GTPase Rac1. Arp2/3 complex spots in filopodia are capable of incorporating monomeric actin, suggesting the presence of available filament barbed ends for polymerisation. Arp2/3 complex in filopodia co-localises with lamellipodial proteins such as capping protein and cortactin. The dynamics of Arp2/3 complex puncta suggests that they are moving bi-directionally along the length of filopodia and that they may be regions of lamellipodial activity within the filopodia. Conclusion We suggest that filopodia of spreading cells have regions of lamellipodial activity and that this activity affects the morphology and movement of filopodia. Our work has implications for how we understand the interplay between lamellipodia and filopodia and for how actin networks are generated spatially in cells

    Framework for Rating Construction Programs

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    The internet and various print media offer a variety of ordinal ranking systems for colleges and universities. These rankings are readily available to everyone and offer a simplistic way to differentiate universities. However, these publications make little to no attempt to inform the end-user of the criteria by which the schools are ranked, or how the criteria are weighted, and the rank is developed. The goal of any rating system should be to accurately and transparently disseminate information to a designated end-user while avoiding the simplistic winner and loser paradigm. The term rating rather than ranking has been selected intentionally, to illustrate the comparative excellence of each program, not to simply name one as the best and others as less excellent. This document takes the first step to achieve this goal. This research set out to create a framework for rating academic construction programs. The body of this work has taken the initial step to collect the criteria which will be considered for the rating framework. During the planning stages of this project, the research team identified three main objectives to be fulfilled. The first objective was to formalize the method of collecting the criteria that should be considered when measuring the excellence of academic construction programs. The second objective was to collect the criteria from three proposed sources: current research literature, a focus group of educators from Associated Schools of Construction (ASC) member schools, and one on one interviews with professors who held an administrative position for their respective department. The findings outline 87 criteria extracted from the sources. Finally, the third goal was to objectively create a consensus concerning the criteria and assign weights to these criteria. This document does not attempt to conduct a functional rating using the selected criteria based on the limited scope and resources of this research. Through a modified Delphi method, a panel of experts has formed a consensus concerning which criteria should be considered and has assigned relative weights to the suggested criteria. The findings have been aligned with the conclusion and shown to either support or contradict other studies. The criteria limitations outlined in the conclusion portions of this document, arise from a time constraint. Suggestions for future research outline the next step required to create a rating system which accurately and transparently disseminate information to a designated end-user while avoiding the simplistic winner and loser paradigm
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