32 research outputs found

    Persondata pÄ Facebook

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    Sociala medier har blivit en del av de flesta svenskars vardag, dÀr Facebook stÄr ut som det största sociala nÀtverket. Facebook anvÀnds frÀmst av yngre mÀnniskor av vilka en klar majo- ritet anvÀnder Facebook dagligen. Facebook uppfattas som gratis, men i verkligheten betalar anvÀndarna med data som samlas in för att bland annat sÀlja vidare till tredje part. Har svenskar kunskap om hur deras data samlas in och anvÀnds av Facebook? Vet de om att Facebook samlar in data över huvud taget, och hur mycket kunskap besitter de i sÄ fall om denna datainsamling? PÄverkar deras kunskap hur de anvÀnder Facebook och diverse sÀker- hetstjÀnster? Vi undersökte detta genom att i en kvantitativ undersökning frÄga 125 anvÀndare i Äldern 20-29 Är en rad frÄgor och utifrÄn svaren tog vi reda pÄ anvÀndarnas kunskapsnivÄer i Àmnet. Vi stÀllde Àven frÄgor kring hur de anvÀnde Facebook och diverse sÀkerhetstjÀnster och jÀmförde sedan kunskapsnivÄerna med hur de svarat att de anvÀnder Facebook och sÀker- hetstjÀnster. De flesta av anvÀndarna visade sig ha viss kunskap om Facebooks datainsamling och en viss skillnad i anvÀndandet av Facebook och sÀkerhetstjÀnster kunde hÀrledas till an- vÀndarnas kunskap i Àmnet

    Effect of Short-term and High-resolution Load Forecasting Errors on Microgrid Operation Costs

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the load forecasting errors to the operation costs of a grid-connected microgrid. To this end, a microgrid energy scheduling optimization model was tested with deterministic and stochastic formulations under two solution approaches i.e., day-ahead and rolling horizon optimization. In total, twelve simulation test cases were designed receiving as input the forecasts provided by one of the three implemented machine learning models: linear regression, artificial neural network with backpropagation, and long short-term memory. Simulation results of the weekly operation of a real residential building (HSB Living Lab)showed no significant differences among the costs of the test cases for a daily mean absolute percentage forecast error of about 12%. These results suggest that operators of similar microgrid systems could use simplifying approaches, such as day-ahead deterministic optimization, and forecasts of similar, non-negligible accuracy without substantially affecting the microgrid\u27s total cost as compared to the ideal case of perfect forecast. Improving the accuracy would mainly reduce the microgrid\u27s peak power cost as shown by its 20.2% increase in comparison to the ideal case

    Effect of Short-term and High-resolution Load Forecasting Errors on Microgrid Operation Costs

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the effect of the load forecasting errors to the operation costs of a grid-connected microgrid. To this end, a microgrid energy scheduling optimization model was tested with deterministic and stochastic formulations under two solution approaches i.e., day-ahead and rolling horizon optimization. In total, twelve simulation test cases were designed receiving as input the forecasts provided by one of the three implemented machine learning models: linear regression, artificial neural network with backpropagation, and long short-term memory. Simulation results of the weekly operation of a real residential building (HSB Living Lab)showed no significant differences among the costs of the test cases for a daily mean absolute percentage forecast error of about 12%. These results suggest that operators of similar microgrid systems could use simplifying approaches, such as day-ahead deterministic optimization, and forecasts of similar, non-negligible accuracy without substantially affecting the microgrid\u27s total cost as compared to the ideal case of perfect forecast. Improving the accuracy would mainly reduce the microgrid\u27s peak power cost as shown by its 20.2% increase in comparison to the ideal case

    Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed our understanding of susceptibility to multiple myeloma (MM), but much of the heritability remains unexplained. We report a new GWAS, a meta-analysis with previous GWAS and a replication series, totalling 9974 MM cases and 247,556 controls of European ancestry. Collectively, these data provide evidence for six new MM risk loci, bringing the total number to 23. Integration of information from gene expression, epigenetic profiling and in situ Hi-C data for the 23 risk loci implicate disruption of developmental transcriptional regulators as a basis of MM susceptibility, compatible with altered B-cell differentiation as a key mechanism. Dysregulation of autophagy/apoptosis and cell cycle signalling feature as recurrently perturbed pathways. Our findings provide further insight into the biological basis of MM.</p

    Identification of multiple risk loci and regulatory mechanisms influencing susceptibility to multiple myeloma

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have transformed our understanding of susceptibility to multiple myeloma (MM), but much of the heritability remains unexplained. We report a new GWAS, a meta-analysis with previous GWAS and a replication series, totalling 9974 MM cases and 247,556 controls of European ancestry. Collectively, these data provide evidence for six new MM risk loci, bringing the total number to 23. Integration of information from gene expression, epigenetic profiling and in situ Hi-C data for the 23 risk loci implicate disruption of developmental transcriptional regulators as a basis of MM susceptibility, compatible with altered B-cell differentiation as a key mechanism. Dysregulation of autophagy/apoptosis and cell cycle signalling feature as recurrently perturbed pathways. Our findings provide further insight

    Design of high-throughput assays for the analysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides

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    Plant cell walls contain a wide range of valuable polysaccharides possible to exploit for various purposes. To profile the diverse polysaccharides of plants, high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methods are required. Currently, there are few methods designed for this purpose. An approach has been made to develop an analytical method based on enzymatic deconstruction and soft ionization mass spectrometry.Primary cell wall was extracted from the cells of the well-established model plant poplar to serve as an initial experimental subject. The cell wall was purified into alcohol insoluble residue consisting of only insoluble polysaccharides and a small amount of protein. Pure and specific enzymes were selected based on literature to deconstruct the polysaccharides and were evaluated on standard sugar substrates. Enzyme activity was measured using a rapid and reliable reducing sugar assay and achieved oligosaccharides were purified before electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The outcome of the thesis presents an introduction to a high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methodology for polysaccharide profiling in plant cell walls.VĂ€xtcellvĂ€ggar innehĂ„ller en stor variation av vĂ€rdefulla polysackarider möjliga att utnyttja för olika Ă€ndamĂ„l. För att profilera de olika polysackariderna krĂ€vs snabba och hĂ„llbara analytiska metoder med hög kapacitet. För nĂ€rvarande existerar fĂ„ metoder som Ă€r designade för detta syfte. Ett tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt har utformats för att utveckla en analytisk metod baserad pĂ„ enzymatisk dekonstruktion och ”soft” jonisering masspektrometri.PrimĂ€r cellvĂ€gg extraherades frĂ„n celler hĂ€rstammande frĂ„n den vĂ€l etablerade modellvĂ€xten poppel för att verka som ett initialt testobjekt. CellvĂ€ggen renades till alkohol-olöslig residual. Rena och specifika enzymer valdes baserat pĂ„ litteratur för att dekonstruera polysackariderna samt evaluerades med hjĂ€lp av standard socker substrat. Enzymaktivitet mĂ€ttes genom anvĂ€ndning av en snabb och pĂ„litlig reducerande sockeranalys. ErhĂ„llna oligosackarider renades innan elektrospray joniserande masspektrometri. Utfallet av tesen presenterar en introduktion till en snabb och hĂ„llbar analytisk metod med hög kapacitet för profilering av polysackarider i vĂ€xtcellvĂ€gga

    Design of high-throughput assays for the analysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides

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    Plant cell walls contain a wide range of valuable polysaccharides possible to exploit for various purposes. To profile the diverse polysaccharides of plants, high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methods are required. Currently, there are few methods designed for this purpose. An approach has been made to develop an analytical method based on enzymatic deconstruction and soft ionization mass spectrometry.Primary cell wall was extracted from the cells of the well-established model plant poplar to serve as an initial experimental subject. The cell wall was purified into alcohol insoluble residue consisting of only insoluble polysaccharides and a small amount of protein. Pure and specific enzymes were selected based on literature to deconstruct the polysaccharides and were evaluated on standard sugar substrates. Enzyme activity was measured using a rapid and reliable reducing sugar assay and achieved oligosaccharides were purified before electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The outcome of the thesis presents an introduction to a high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methodology for polysaccharide profiling in plant cell walls.VĂ€xtcellvĂ€ggar innehĂ„ller en stor variation av vĂ€rdefulla polysackarider möjliga att utnyttja för olika Ă€ndamĂ„l. För att profilera de olika polysackariderna krĂ€vs snabba och hĂ„llbara analytiska metoder med hög kapacitet. För nĂ€rvarande existerar fĂ„ metoder som Ă€r designade för detta syfte. Ett tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt har utformats för att utveckla en analytisk metod baserad pĂ„ enzymatisk dekonstruktion och ”soft” jonisering masspektrometri.PrimĂ€r cellvĂ€gg extraherades frĂ„n celler hĂ€rstammande frĂ„n den vĂ€l etablerade modellvĂ€xten poppel för att verka som ett initialt testobjekt. CellvĂ€ggen renades till alkohol-olöslig residual. Rena och specifika enzymer valdes baserat pĂ„ litteratur för att dekonstruera polysackariderna samt evaluerades med hjĂ€lp av standard socker substrat. Enzymaktivitet mĂ€ttes genom anvĂ€ndning av en snabb och pĂ„litlig reducerande sockeranalys. ErhĂ„llna oligosackarider renades innan elektrospray joniserande masspektrometri. Utfallet av tesen presenterar en introduktion till en snabb och hĂ„llbar analytisk metod med hög kapacitet för profilering av polysackarider i vĂ€xtcellvĂ€gga

    Design of high-throughput assays for the analysis of plant cell wall polysaccharides

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    Plant cell walls contain a wide range of valuable polysaccharides possible to exploit for various purposes. To profile the diverse polysaccharides of plants, high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methods are required. Currently, there are few methods designed for this purpose. An approach has been made to develop an analytical method based on enzymatic deconstruction and soft ionization mass spectrometry.Primary cell wall was extracted from the cells of the well-established model plant poplar to serve as an initial experimental subject. The cell wall was purified into alcohol insoluble residue consisting of only insoluble polysaccharides and a small amount of protein. Pure and specific enzymes were selected based on literature to deconstruct the polysaccharides and were evaluated on standard sugar substrates. Enzyme activity was measured using a rapid and reliable reducing sugar assay and achieved oligosaccharides were purified before electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. The outcome of the thesis presents an introduction to a high-throughput, rapid and sustainable analytical methodology for polysaccharide profiling in plant cell walls.VĂ€xtcellvĂ€ggar innehĂ„ller en stor variation av vĂ€rdefulla polysackarider möjliga att utnyttja för olika Ă€ndamĂ„l. För att profilera de olika polysackariderna krĂ€vs snabba och hĂ„llbara analytiska metoder med hög kapacitet. För nĂ€rvarande existerar fĂ„ metoder som Ă€r designade för detta syfte. Ett tillvĂ€gagĂ„ngssĂ€tt har utformats för att utveckla en analytisk metod baserad pĂ„ enzymatisk dekonstruktion och ”soft” jonisering masspektrometri.PrimĂ€r cellvĂ€gg extraherades frĂ„n celler hĂ€rstammande frĂ„n den vĂ€l etablerade modellvĂ€xten poppel för att verka som ett initialt testobjekt. CellvĂ€ggen renades till alkohol-olöslig residual. Rena och specifika enzymer valdes baserat pĂ„ litteratur för att dekonstruera polysackariderna samt evaluerades med hjĂ€lp av standard socker substrat. Enzymaktivitet mĂ€ttes genom anvĂ€ndning av en snabb och pĂ„litlig reducerande sockeranalys. ErhĂ„llna oligosackarider renades innan elektrospray joniserande masspektrometri. Utfallet av tesen presenterar en introduktion till en snabb och hĂ„llbar analytisk metod med hög kapacitet för profilering av polysackarider i vĂ€xtcellvĂ€gga

    Monitoring of Wooden Construction Projects in the City of VÀxjö

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    Ett sekellÄngt förbud mot att bygga hus med trÀstomme högre Àn tvÄ vÄningar har gjort att vÀrdefulla kunskaper om trÀbyggandet gÄtt förlorat samtidigt som andra material istÀllet etablerat sig pÄ marknaden.För utvecklingen av flervÄningshus i trÀ har VÀxjö blivit en förebild för andra stÀder i Sverige och resten av vÀrlden. Med denna studie vill författarna skapa en uppfattning om var i utvecklingen vi stÄr idag samt tillvarata erfarenheter frÄn fyra representativa projekt.MÄlet har varit att ta fram faktorer i produktionsprocessen som pÄverkar tid, kvalitet och ekonomi för flervÄningshus i trÀ. Dessutom har det undersökts i vilken grad och pÄ vilket sÀtt erfarenheter frÄn tidigare projekt omsatts i senare projekt.Arbetet resulterar i ett antal punkter som Àr viktiga att ta stÀllning till vid en byggnation av flervÄningshus med en trÀbaserad stomme. Dessa punkter berör bl a vad som behöver beaktas vid hög prefabriceringsgrad, varför och hur vÀderskydd bör anvÀndas samt hur sÀttningar pÄverkar en trÀbyggnad. Utvecklingen Àr starkt beroende av kontinuitet och av att fler hus av denna sort byggs. Detta skapar förutsÀttningar för att det skall gÄ snabbare och bli mindre kostsamt att bygga med trÀ

    Sorting of soluble TNF-receptor for granule storage in hematopoietic cells as a principle for targeting of selected proteins to inflamed sites.

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    Hematopoietic cells have secretory lysosomes that degranulate at the inflammatory site upon stimulation. We asked whether one could target exogenous proteins with a therapeutic potential to secretory lysosomes in hematopoietic cells. For this purpose, we expressed a soluble tumor necrosis factor (TNF) receptor form (sTNFR1) in hematopoietic cell lines. In order to accomplish targeting to secretory lysosomes, both endoplasmic reticulum (ER) retention and constitutive secretion have to be prevented. ER export was facilitated by addition of a transmembrane (tm) sequence, and constitutive secretion was overcome by incorporating a cytosolic sorting signal (Y) from CD63. This signal directed the resulting sTNFR1-tm-Y to secretory lysosomes. Confirmation of these results was provided by biosynthetic radiolabeling, subcellular fractionation, immunofluorescence microscopy, and immunoelectron microscopy. The tm-Y fragment was cleaved by proteolysis, resulting in generation of the membrane-free sTNFR1 in secretory lysosomes. Our results suggest a potential for using the storage organelles of hematopoietic cells as vehicles for targeting sites of inflammation with therapeutically active agents. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology