19,457 research outputs found

    The structure of the infinite models in integer programming

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    The infinite models in integer programming can be described as the convex hull of some points or as the intersection of halfspaces derived from valid functions. In this paper we study the relationships between these two descriptions. Our results have implications for corner polyhedra. One consequence is that nonnegative, continuous valid functions suffice to describe corner polyhedra (with or without rational data)

    Work-life Balance: Experiences of Women in the Australian Construction Industry

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    Considerable changes in Australian lifestyles and the relationship between work and family life over recent decades have lead to the progressive entry of women into the workforce. Their increased numbers in the workplace have led many women to have a stronger voice to demand benefits to help them balance their work and life responsibilities. The accompanying shifts in the traditional roles of men and women have raised new issues for employers. In an effort to meet the changing needs of todayâs workforce, many organisations now implement work-family or work-life programs. While women in the workforce face various barriers the primary focus of this paper is on the conflicting demands of career and family life for women in male dominated industry of construction. The paper will draw on exploratory research to examine the career barriers faced by women in the Australian construction industry and compare them to those identified in the literature by women in the British construction industry (eg Fielden, Davidson, Gale and Davey 2001; Gale 1994). The paper puts forward Australian results that support the research findings in Britain that claim that despite lack of work-family or work-life programs women who choose to work within the industry are highly satisfied with their choice

    Cassini detection of Enceladus' cold water-group plume ionosphere

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    This study reports direct detection by the Cassini plasma spectrometer of freshly-produced water-group ions (O+, OH+, H2O+, H3O+) and heavier water dimer ions (HxO(2))(+) very close to Enceladus where the plasma begins to emerge from the plume. The data were obtained during two close ( 52 and 25 km) flybys of Enceladus in 2008 and are similar to ion data in cometary comas. The ions are observed in detectors looking in the Cassini ram direction exhibiting energies consistent with the Cassini speed, indicative of a nearly stagnant plasma flow in the plume. North of Enceladus the plasma slowing commences about 4 to 6 Enceladus radii away, while south of Enceladus signatures of the plasma interaction with the plume are detected 22 Enceladus radii away. Citation: Tokar, R. L., R. E. Johnson, M. F. Thomsen, R. J. Wilson, D. T. Young, F. J. Crary, A. J. Coates, G. H. Jones, and C. S. Paty ( 2009), Cassini detection of Enceladus' cold water-group plume ionosphere, Geophys. Res. Lett., 36, L13203, doi:10.1029/2009GL038923

    Preliminary interpretation of Titan plasma interaction as observed by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer: Comparisons with Voyager 1

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    The Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) instrument observed the plasma environment at Titan during the Cassini orbiter's TA encounter on October 26, 2004. Titan was in Saturn's magnetosphere during the Voyager 1 flyby and also during the TA encounter. CAPS measurements from this encounter are compared with measurements made by the Voyager 1 Plasma Science Instrument (PLS). The comparisons focus on the composition and nature of ambient and pickup ions. They lead to: A) the major ion components of Saturn's magnetosphere in the vicinity of Titan are H+, H-2(+) and O+/CH4+ ions; B) finite gyroradius effects are apparent in ambient O+ ions as the result of their absorption by Titan's extended atmosphere; C) the principal pickup ions are composed of H+, H-2(+), N+/CH2+, CH4+, and N-2(+); D) the pickup ions are in narrow energy ranges; and E) there is clear evidence of the slowing down of background ions due to pickup ion mass loading

    A pilot telephone intervention to increase uptake of breast cancer screening in socially deprived areas in Scotland (TELBRECS):study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND Breast cancer accounts for almost 30% of all cancers and is the second leading cause of cancer deaths in women in Scotland. Screening is key to early detection. The Scottish Breast Screening Programme is a nationwide, free at point of delivery screening service, to which all women aged between 50 and 70 years are invited to attend every 3 years. Currently over three-quarters of invited women regularly attend screening. However, women from more deprived areas are much less likely to attend: for example in the 3 years from 2010-2012 only 63% of women in the most deprived area attended the East of Scotland Breast Screening programme versus 81% in the least deprived. Research has suggested that reminders (telephone or letter) and brief, personalised interventions addressing barriers to attendance may be helpful in increasing uptake in low-income women. METHODS/DESIGN We will employ a brief telephone reminder and support intervention, whose purpose is to elicit and address any mistaken beliefs women have about breast screening, with the aim that the perceived benefits of screening come to outweigh any perceived barriers for individuals. We will test whether this intervention, plus a simple anticipated regret manipulation, will lead to an increase in the uptake of breast cancer screening amongst low-income women who have failed to attend a first appointment, in a randomised controlled trial with 600 women. Participants will be randomly allocated to one of four treatment arms i.e. 1) Letter reminder (i.e. Treatment as usual: CONTROL); 2) Telephone reminder (TEL), 3) Telephone reminder plus telephone support (TEL-SUPP) and 4) Telephone reminder plus support plus AR (TEL-SUPP-AR). The primary outcome will be attendance at breast screening within 3 months of the reminder letter. DISCUSSION If this simple telephone support intervention (with or without AR intervention) leads to a significant increase in breast screening attendance, this would represent a rare example of a theoretically-driven, relatively simple psychological intervention that could result in earlier detection of breast cancer amongst an under-served group of lower socio-economic women. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled trials: ISRCTN06039270. Registered 16th January 2014

    Plasma electrons above Saturn's main rings: CAPS observations

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    We present observations of thermal ( similar to 0.6 - 100eV) electrons observed near Saturn's main rings during Cassini's Saturn Orbit Insertion (SOI) on 1 July 2004. We find that the intensity of electrons is broadly anticorrelated with the ring optical depth at the magnetic footprint of the field line joining the spacecraft to the rings. We see enhancements corresponding to the Cassini division and Encke gap. We suggest that some of the electrons are generated by photoemission from ring particle surfaces on the illuminated side of the rings, the far side from the spacecraft. Structure in the energy spectrum over the Cassini division and A-ring may be related to photoelectron emission followed by acceleration, or, more likely, due to photoelectron production in the ring atmosphere or ionosphere

    Reconstructive problems in canine liver homotransplantation with special reference to the postoperative role of hepatic venous flow

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    The homologous canine liver has been transplanted to recipient animals in which total hepatectomy and splenectomy have been performed. The longest survival after placement of the liver homograft was 20 1/2 days. Protection from hepatic ischemia for as long as 2 hours was obtained by cooling the donor liver to 10 to 20 degrees C. The arterial supply was restored through a hepatic artery-aortic pedicle which was removed in continuity with the liver and anastomosed to the descending aorta of the recipient. Internal biliary drainage was established. The volume of venous flow transmitted to the transplanted liver has been shown to be an important determinant of success. When this was excessive, as when both the portal and inferior caval flows were directed through the liver, hepatic and splanchnic beds. When the portal flow was normal or reduced, outflow block rarely occurred. An attempt has been made to relate the development of outflow block as it occurred in the transplanted liver to other circumstances, including hemorrhagic shock, in which similar phenomena have been observed

    Enumerating Cyclic Orientations of a Graph

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    Acyclic and cyclic orientations of an undirected graph have been widely studied for their importance: an orientation is acyclic if it assigns a direction to each edge so as to obtain a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with the same vertex set; it is cyclic otherwise. As far as we know, only the enumeration of acyclic orientations has been addressed in the literature. In this paper, we pose the problem of efficiently enumerating all the \emph{cyclic} orientations of an undirected connected graph with nn vertices and mm edges, observing that it cannot be solved using algorithmic techniques previously employed for enumerating acyclic orientations.We show that the problem is of independent interest from both combinatorial and algorithmic points of view, and that each cyclic orientation can be listed with O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) delay time. Space usage is O(m)O(m) with an additional setup cost of O(n2)O(n^2) time before the enumeration begins, or O(mn)O(mn) with a setup cost of O~(m)\tilde{O}(m) time

    Mechanistic analysis of PCNA poly-ubiquitylation by the ubiquitin protein ligases Rad18 and Rad5

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    Poly-ubiquitylation is a common post-translational modification that can impart various functions to a target protein. Several distinct mechanisms have been reported for the assembly of poly-ubiquitin chains, involving either stepwise transfer of ubiquitin monomers or attachment of a preformed poly-ubiquitin chain and requiring either a single pair of ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2) and ubiquitin ligase (E3), or alternatively combinations of different E2s and E3s. We have analysed the mechanism of poly-ubiquitylation of the replication clamp PCNA by two cooperating E2–E3 pairs, Rad6–Rad18 and Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5. We find that the two complexes act sequentially and independently in chain initiation and stepwise elongation, respectively. While loading of PCNA onto DNA is essential for recognition by Rad6–Rad18, chain extension by Ubc13–Mms2–Rad5 is only slightly enhanced by loading. Moreover, in contrast to initiation, chain extension is tolerant to variations in the attachment site of the proximal ubiquitin moiety. Our results provide information about a unique conjugation mechanism that appears to be specialised for a regulatable pattern of dual modification