188 research outputs found

    Functional characterization of ErbB3-binding protein 1 (EBP1) tumor mutants

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    Four C-terminal EBP1 mutants, Q367H, Q367K, K373E-Ins K372R-Del, discovered in various cancer tumors werer investigated by PipStrip assay, whre Q367K had increased binding. Thermal denaturation and immonostaing localization.Masteroppgave i molekylĂŠrbiologiMOL399MAMN-MO

    Negotiating Christian Cultural Heritage: Christmas in Schools and Public Service Media

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    This article shows how Christmas in schools and public service media for children (PSM) involves negotiation and renewal of Christian cultural heritage. Across the studied cases from Norway and Denmark, we find that the institutions involved seek to realize community. However, community is approached differently in different settings. It is either understood restoratively as a process in which children, including immigrant children, become part of an existing societal community, or constructively as establishing an inclusive community across cultural and religious divides. A major finding is that activities associated with Christianity such as school services are framed in a language of ‘museumification’ and not as part of a living religious practice with the capacity to change and transform. Whereas Islam is positioned as a ‘religious other’, Christianity understood as culture facilitates creative heritage making, establishing community across religious divides. Contrary to political rhetoric, Christian cultural heritage in schools and PSM is by and large not dominated by a safeguarding nationalistic discourse. Rather, traditions and activities related to Christianity are negotiated and appropriated for the benefit of an inclusive community. A premise for making this succeed in schools and PSM is to negotiate Christian cultural heritage as culture, not as religion

    Ecclesial Online Identities during the Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The majority churches in Europe are paradoxically considered to be both powerful and weak religious institutions. Their complex position in secular society makes it important for them to communicate who they are to the public. The Covid-19 pandemic was a situation in which churches and other religious institutions were ‘forced’ to use digital media as a primary arena of outreach. This article investigates how three Scandinavian majority churches negotiated their ecclesial identities on Facebook during 2020, the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic. The following question is explored: did ‘online’ enactments represent their religious identities and core values in new ways to the public? The data material consists of material from the official Facebook pages of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (the ELCD), the Church of Norway, and the Church of Sweden, as well as interviews with Facebook editors from each church. The study demonstrates how the Church of Norway and the Church of Sweden enact church practices on Facebook, while the ELCD tries not to be too ‘churchy’. Facebook emerges as a hybridized third space where Scandinavian majority churches pursue new logics and forms of meaning making to retain their position in secular societies. Overall, the churches’ online identities on Facebook are not new representations but intensified versions of their distinct offline identities as ‘folk churches’ for the whole population

    Den kollektive kroppen : en antropologisk studie av kropp blant norske fotballsupportere

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    Avhandlingen er basert pÄ et ti mÄneders feltarbeid blant fotballsupportere i Klanen, VÄlerengas uavhengige supporterklubb. Med utgangspunkt i fenomenologisk teori tar oppgaven sikte pÄ Ä vise hvordan innlemmelsen i et supporterfellesskap skjer via kroppen og dens praksiser (Csordas 1993). I oppgaven legges det vekt pÄ at kroppen ikke bare mÄ sees som et fysisk objekt, det mÄ ogsÄ tas i betraktning hvordan kroppen brukes, erfares og lever i relasjon til omgivelsene (Merleau-Ponty 1994). Ved Ä bruke Mauss (2004) og hans teori om kroppsteknikker argumenteres det i oppgaven for at fotballsupporterne i Klanen deler en virkelighet der mÄter Ä bruke kroppen pÄ, internaliseres i individene. FÞrste del av oppgaven viser hvordan den enkelte supporter utgjÞr en viktig funksjon i fellesskapet, ved Ä vÊre en aktiv og deltakende part av de kollektive bevegelsene som utÞves pÄ tribunen. Et grunnleggende element i supportervirksomheten er at kroppsteknikkene som utÞves pÄ tribunen, mÄ mestres fÞr individet innlemmes i fellesskapet. Supporterne er avhengige av hverandres bevegelser for Ä oppnÄ effekter pÄ tribunen. Gjennom Ä kle seg i klubbens farger, dekorere kroppen med tatoveringer og bevege seg synkront pÄ tribunen, skaper supporterne en tilhÞrighet til hverandre. I andre del av oppgaven belyses det kroppslige aspektet ved supporterkulturen ved Ä bli sammenlignet med emosjonelle tilstander som oppnÄs i rituell aktivitet (Turner 1970). Deltakelsen pÄ tribunen oppleves som intens for supporterne og frembringer sterke emosjonelle opplevelser bestÄende av glede, spenning eller smerte. Et viktig element i denne delen er Ä se pÄ hvordan fotballsupporteres opplevelser av smerte pÄ tribunen kan sees i kontekst til smertepÄfÞring i ritualer slik tidligere antropologiske studier har presentert (Csordas 1990, Durkheim 1915, Turner 1970). Opplevelsen av smerte viste seg Ä vÊre sentral for dannelsen av fellesskapet fordi supporterne relaterer seg til hverandres fÞlelser gjennom en ide om hva de andre opplever ut fra egne erfaringer. PÄ denne mÄten blir smerte en felles opplevelse som styrker fellesskapet fordi supporterne ikke trenger ord for Ä kommunisere. De kommuniserer via fÞlelser. I den siste delen av oppgaven viser jeg hvordan tribuneaktivitetene avgrenses i tid (kampdag) og rom (stadion). Den rammen som skapes rundt kampdagen, sees i oppgaven i et liminalt lys der kroppslige praksiser, verbale tilrop og fÞlelser fÄr fritt utlÞp. Gjennom begrepet communitas, vises det i oppgaven hvordan konstruksjonen av dette frirommet bidrar til Ä skape et samhold mellom supporterne (Turner 1970). Studien viser hvordan det i det moderne samfunn etableres sosiale fellesskap som danner grunnlaget for sterke mellommenneskelige relasjoner. Avhandlingen trekker pÄ sentrale antropologiske perspektiver som tidligere har omtalt tradisjonelle smÄskalsamfunn, og viser hvordan disse kan forklare komplekse fenomener i eget samfunn

    ReligiĂžs lĂŠring i sosiale praksiser. En etnografisk studie av mediering, identifisering og forhandlingsprosesser i Den norske kirkes trosopplĂŠring.

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    I PhD-avhandlingen ReligiĂžs lĂŠring i sosiale praksiser. En etnografisk studie av mediering, identifisering og forhandlingsprosesser i Den norske kirkes trosopplĂŠring analyserer Elisabeth Tveito Johnsen hvordan barn lĂŠrer religion gjennom Ă„ delta pĂ„ trosopplĂŠring i Den norske kirke. Det eksisterer lite religionspedagogisk forskning pĂ„ hvordan religiĂžs lĂŠring skjer i andre sosiale praksiser enn skolens religionsundervisning. Gjennom Ă„ bruke empirisk materiale fra trosopplĂŠring i Den norske kirke argumenterer Johnsen for at religionspedagogikk kan omfatte alle sosiale praksiser der religiĂžs lĂŠring finner sted. Det teoretiske bidraget i avhandlingen er Johnsens utforskning av hvordan ulike pedagogiske teorier kan brukes for Ă„ drĂžfte hva religiĂžs lĂŠring er – og hvordan den skjer – i sosiale praksiser. Forskningen er forankret i den sosio-kulturelle tradisjonen med rĂžtter tilbake til Lev Vygotsky, men det argumentereres for at det i forskning pĂ„ religiĂžs lĂŠring kan vĂŠre hensiktsmessig Ă„ operere med flere forstĂ„elser av lĂŠring ved siden av hverandre. Noe av det sĂŠregne ved avhandlingens teoribruk er at forskeren gĂ„r pĂ„ tvers av etablerte skillelinjer mellom ulike pedagogiske teoritradisjoner. Dette kommer blant annet til uttrykk ved at sosio-kulturell lĂŠringsteori kombineres med fenomenologisk subjektiveringsteori. Gjennom Ă„ kombinere disse teoretiske posisjonene viser Johnsen at religiĂžs lĂŠring involverer bĂ„de medieringsprosesser og subjektiveringsprosesser. Metodologisk bidrar avhandlingen til Ă„ vise hvordan et avgrenset etnografisk feltarbeid kan utvikle kunnskap som har empirisk og teoretisk validitet ut over det studerte utvalget. Analysene av trosopplĂŠring og gudstjenester i to menigheter bidrar med analyseredskaper som andre forskere – samt ansatte og frivillige i Den norske kirke – kan bruke for Ă„ reflektere systematisk over hvordan ulike aktiviteter legger til rette for lĂŠring. Metodologisk argumenterer Johnsen for et forskningsdesign der egne empiriske funn anses som forelĂžpig, Ă„pen og ufullstendig kunnskap. Avhandlingen synliggjĂžr at det Ă„ innfĂžre nye teorier i lĂžpet av en forskningsprosess kan fĂžre til at flere elementer ved det empiriske materialet kommer frem. Det empiriske bidraget i avhandlingen er at Johnsen gjennom analysene viser at religiĂžs lĂŠring er en integrert del av lĂŠringssituasjonene, og at lĂŠring ikke er noe som skjer utenfor eller i forlengelsen av en religiĂžs kunnskapsproduksjon. Forskeren drĂžfter spesielt hvordan bruk av artefakter som bibelfortellinger, lek og kirkerommet medierer religiĂžse virkelighetsforestillinger. Analysene viser at artefaktene skaper muligheter som fungerer forskjellig for personer som har kjennskap til den symbolske kunnskapen som er distribuert i artefaktene og for de som ikke har en slik form for kunnskap. Sammenfattende argumenterer Johnsen for at religiĂžs lĂŠring i Den norske kirkes trosopplĂŠring bĂžr forstĂ„s som en hybrid aktivitet der kristen tro og tradisjon blandes sammen med de religiĂžst «urene» delene barn har med seg fra andre sosiale og kulturelle sammenhenger

    Trends in prevalence of ultrasound-assessed carotid atherosclerosis in a general population over time. The TromsĂž Study 1994-2016

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    Background: During the past decades, there has been a shift in risk factor levels in many high-income countries, with decrease in smoking, blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while body mass index, obesity and diabetes increase. The diverging trends may have opposite effects on prevalence of atherosclerosis. We aimed to assess carotid plaque prevalence and the association with risk factor levels in a general population over a period of 22 years. Methods: Prevalence of plaque, number of plaques and total plaque area in the carotid arteries were assessed in three repeated cross-sectional surveys of the population-based TromsĂž Study from 1994 through 2016. The number of participants from the first to the last survey was 6362, 7069 and 3021. All surveys included physical examinations, questionnaires, and blood samples. Multivariable logistic regression analysis models were fitted to assess the relationship between risk factors and carotid plaque. Results: We found no significant change in plaque burden over a period of 22 years, neither when measured as plaque presence, plaque number or total plaque area. Plaques were more frequent in men (70%) than in women (59.4%) and increased by age. Systolic blood pressure and smoking increased, while BMI and diabetes decreased over time both in participants with and without plaque. Most risk factors remained higher in participants with plaque than in plaque- free participants while cholesterol levels decreased and reached similar levels in both groups. Age, male sex, systolic blood pressure, smoking, diabetes and HDL cholesterol (inverse) were associated with plaque prevalence. Conclusions: Plaque prevalence remained stable in the observation period. Favorable reductions in systolic blood pressure, cholesterol and smoking may have been partly counteracted by increased diabetes prevalence. Risk factor levels remained higher in participants with plaque than in plaque-free participants, indicating a potential for further improvement in primary prevention of carotid atherosclerosis

    Executive functioning as a moderator of flossing behaviour among young adults: a temporal self-regulation theory perspective

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    Background - Flossing among young adults is often infrequent and barriers not completely understood. One explanation concerns the capacity for executive functioning (EF) during the self-regulation of behaviour. Methods - Using Temporal Self-Regulation Theory (TST) as a framework to explore EF, young adults from Norwegian universities completed a survey that measured monthly flossing frequency, flossing-related intentions and behavioural prepotency (BP), and EF using the Behaviour Rating Inventory of Executive Function – Adult Version (BRIEF-A). Results - Data from 362 participants were analysed. The TST-model explained a substantial proportion of variance in monthly flossing (R2 = 0.74), and flossing was associated directly with intention and BP, and interactions between intention and both BP and global-EF. Sub-domains of EF were explored using the same model, revealing that behavioural regulation processes, specifically those related to emotional control and shifting between tasks, offered better fit. Simple slopes revealed that moderation effects were only present at lower levels of BP. Conclusion - EF plays a role in moderating the translation of intentions into flossing behaviour. Specifically, emotional control and task-shifting appear to be influential, and this influence increases when habitual and environmental support (i.e. BP) is reduced. Overcoming EF-barriers may represent a key step in establishing flossing behaviours

    Asociaciones entre eventos vitales estresantes en la niñez/adolescencia y en la edad adulta: resultados de la 7.ÂȘ encuesta de Troms

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    Background: Exposure to highly stressful life events (SLEs), such as accidents, violence, or serious illness, is common. With the accumulation of SLEs, the risk of detrimental somatic and mental health outcomes increases. To understand patterns of SLE exposure, research into the associations between SLEs is needed. Method: The sample comprised 21,069 participants of the population-based TromsĂž7 (2015/ 2016) study (52.7% female, mean age = 57.3 years, SD = 11.4 years). Participants were asked whether they had experienced eleven SLEs in childhood/adolescence and adulthood. Correlations, network analysis, and logistic regression analysis were used to examine the associations between SLEs. Results: Medium-sized to large correlations between SLEs in childhood/adolescence and SLEs in adulthood were found. Two clusters of SLEs emerged in the network analysis in childhood/ adolescence and in adulthood, respectively, interpreted as interpersonal (e.g. violence and sexual abuse) and impersonal SLEs (e.g. a life-threatening illness or serious accident). SLEs in childhood/adolescence predicted the number of SLEs in adulthood as well as exposure to the specific SLE categories in adulthood. Childhood neglect was an important predictor of SLE exposure in adulthood. Conclusions: Public health policies should focus on the prevention of SLEs and the early intervention after SLE exposure, especially childhood neglect

    Development and calibration of a high dynamic range and autonomous ocean-light instrument to measure sub-surface profiles in ice-covered waters

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    The optical chain and logger (OptiCAL) is an autonomous ice-tethered observatory equipped with multiple light sensors for mapping the variation of light with depth. We describe the instrument and present an ensemble calibration for downwelling irradiance EPAR in [”molm−2s−1]. Results from a long-term deployment in the Arctic Ocean demonstrate that the OptiCAL can cover the high dynamic range of under-ice light levels from July to November and produce realistic values in terms of magnitude when compared to modeled surface irradiance. Transient features of raised light levels at specific depths associated with nearby leads in the ice underline the importance of depth-resolved light measurements
