90 research outputs found

    Social-Emotional Learning Integration Into Language Arts Classrooms

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    Growing up is hard. Not many people are interested in reliving their adolescent years. One way that school professionals can support students during adolescence is through meeting their social and emotional needs so that they may be successful academically. This led to the question, How can social-emotional learning be authentically integrated into the middle school language arts classroom? To assist in answering this question, expert research was explored and examined around six topics— teacher preparation and professional development, use of social-emotional learning in middle schools and in English- language arts classrooms, other various social-emotional activities, assessments, and parent involvement and communication. The research findings were used to create introductory lessons to connect students to social-emotional learning through the English-language arts content. All lessons are housed in a social-emotional Language Arts site for easy access. The social-emotional project prompted a reflection of professional growth through the research and design process. Many of the topics explored in the research proved to be useful to curriculum development and led to potential frameworks for future projects

    Governança pública na região da Tri-fronteira: um estudo inicial sobre a campanha basta de vergonha em Foz do iguaçu-PR

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    Anais do VI Encontro de Iniciação Científica e II Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2017 - 04 a 06 de outubro de 2017 - temática Ciências Sociais AplicadasGovernança pública é um dos temas mais discutidos atualmente no campo da administração pública, tema inovador que tende a transformar o setor público (POLLIT, 2009, apud. MARTINS E MARINI, 2014, p. 43). A campanha Basta de Vergonha surgiu após os desdobramentos da operação pecúlio em Foz do Iguaçu, uma operação que investiga irregularidades na Câmara de vereadores do município onde estavam envolvidos servidores públicos em corrupção. Esta campanha foi formada pela ACIFI (Associação Comercial e Empresarial de Foz do Iguaçu), OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil), Observatório Social de Foz do Iguaçu, foi instituída em março de 2017 e está em funcionamento até os dias atuais. Essas três instituições se uniram para exigir a moralização da política no município de Foz do Iguaçu-PRUniversidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (Unila); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq); Fundação Araucária; Parque Tecnológico Itaipu (PTI) e Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná (SANEPAR

    Governança pública na tri-fronteira: Uma analise sobre as características de governança pública.

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    Este resumo é um recorte do trabalho de pesquisa intitulado “Governança pública na tri-fronteira” e tem por objetivo identificar características do conceito de governança pública. Para isso foi realizado um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os conceitos de governança e a relação da sociedade com o Estado. Tendo em vista os resultados alcançados, percebeu-se algumas características que são primordiais para que se enquadre no modelo de governança pública, estabelecendo uma nova relação do Estado e sociedade. Conclui-se que o modelo tem por qualidade integrar sociedade e Estado para resolver problemas públicos de uma forma participativa e não hierárquica através das características da governança pública

    The Exclusion of People Living with Disabilities from Employment in Mainland Tanzania

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    This study entitled “The Exclusion of People Living with Disabilities from Employment in mainland Tanzania”, has adopted a desk research as its methodology. As such documentary analysis in the form of literature review was used. The main goal of this study is to examine factors which contribute to the exclusion of people living with disabilities from employment in mainland Tanzania. Factors which were identified to contribute to such exclusion include the following; environmental inaccessibility; stigma and society’s negative attitude; the education system. The ineffectiveness of the available policies and legislative instruments will be access. In light with the challenges identified, the Social model of disability as a theoretical framework has been used to guide the study. The model highlights the need of society’s change of attitude and the creation of accessible and friendly working environment for people living with disabilities to be mainstreamed into the economic system. Despite the number of available legislative instruments, people living with disabilities are still discriminated against in the labour market. As a result, this study has suggested a number of intervention strategies, which, if implemented would help people living with disabilities to access employment and remain in the labour market. These interventions include; government political will to implement the promulgated legislations, creation of accessible environment and community education


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    An Examination of Primary Prevention Measures in Combating Child Sexual Abuse in Tanzania.

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    The aim of this study was to examine the primary prevention measures used to combat CSA in Temeke Municipality, where a sample size of 205 research subjects were involved. Pragmatic paradigm which embraces cross sectional research design was employed; data were collected using survey and interviews. The findings revealed that there is significant relationship between knowledge of CSA and all identified warning signs (p≤0.05). The study further revealed that appropriate or inappropriate touching of private parts, delaying to return home from school and developing lying habit have significant influence to knowledge of CSA (p≤0.05). Moreover the findings revealed that there is no significant relationship between methods of reporting with knowledge of warning signs; and no reporting method was found to have significant effect on CSA warning signs (P≥0.05). Finally, the findings revealed that limited knowledge of warning signs, taboos and myth, blaming a child to have caused the incident and awareness of other actors in child protection matters were significant factors affecting knowledge of warning signs (P≤0.10). Thus government and other stakeholders should focus on warning signs and reporting methods when formulating policies to reduce CSA. Hence, the study recommends the introduction of programs in schools and communities that aims at creating awareness of the social workers roles around child protection, CSA in particular. Keywords: Child Sexual Abuse, Warning Signs, Reporting Methods, Socio-Cultural Factors

    Estratégia de produção em empresas brasileiras: uma teoria fundamentada em dados

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração, Florianópolis, 2014O presente estudo apresenta uma teoria substantiva sobre a estratégia de produção em empresas brasileiras da indústria de transformação. A pesquisa foi realizada entre os anos de 2012 à 2014, ao longo de 18 meses de imersão nos dados. Foram pesquisadas quatro empresas nacionais, de grande porte, líderes em seus setores de atuação e com mais de três décadas de existência no mercado. Os argumentos que motivaram este estudo foram de ordem prática e teórica. O objetivo perseguido no estudo foi o de analisar como a estratégia de produção ocorre em empresas brasileiras da indústria de transformação, que lideram ou se destacam em seus setores de atuação, desenvolvendo teoria substantiva. A Teoria Fundamentada em Dados (TFD), seguindo os pressupostos de Strauss e Corbin (2008), foi adotada como abordagem de pesquisa. Esta abordagem se mostrou adequada para o estudo pois seus procedimentos visam construir teorias substantivas através da constante interação entre pesquisador e o fenômeno investigado. Os dados foram coletados por meios de entrevistas em quatro ciclos distintos, entre os quais as análises foram realizadas. Ao todo, 46 entrevistas com informantes experientes e que participam da tomada de decisão ligada à área de produção e áreas adjacentes foram necessárias. Um conjunto de categorias baseadas nas ações dos praticantes consistiu no principal achado do estudo. Estas categorias foram desenvolvidas em termos de propriedades e dimensões e foram reunidas em torno de uma categoria central denominada Sistema Complexo de Ações Estratégicas da Produção (SCAEP). Este sistema de ação apresenta os comportamentos de interação, dinâmica da decisão, adaptação e coerência, sendo composto por cinco subsistemas: dominar o processo produtivo, desenvolver produtos, articular e direcionar a produção, suprir a produção e perceber a demanda. Condições externas e internas que influenciam o sistema de ação foram identificadas. Qualidade dos produtos, custos competitivos, entrega confiável e reputação emergiram como efeitos do sistema de ação. Estes achados foram expressados em 17 proposições teóricas e dialogaram com as principais perspectivas teóricas da literatura técnica em estratégia de produção. O SCAEP pode ser uma alternativa integradora e sistêmica para a compreensão de como ocorre a estratégia de produção nas empresas estudadas. Ademais, o resultado do estudo pode inspirar novas pesquisas visando desenvolver teoria no contexto brasileiro.Abstract: The current study presents a substantive theory about the production strategy in the Brazilian companies of the transformation industry. The research was performed between the years 2012 and 2014, during 18 months of immersion in the data. Four national and large companies, which are leaders in their sectors and with over three decades of existence in the market, were surveyed. Theoretical and practical arguments motivated this study. The objective was to analyze how the production strategy occurs in the Brazilian companies of the transformation industry that lead or standout, in their areas, and develop a substantive theory. The Grounded Theory (TFD) was adopted as a research strategy by following the assumptions of Strauss and Corbin (2008). Such approach proved to be suitable for the study because its procedures aim at building substantive theories through the constant interaction between the researcher and the investigated phenomenon. Data was collected through interviews in four distinct cycles, and the analyses were performed among them. In total, 46 interviews were necessary with knowledgeable informants that participate on the decision-making related to the production and adjacent areas. A set of categories based on the practitioners 'actions consisted of the main finding of the research. These categories were developed in terms of properties and dimensions, and they were gathered around a central category named Complex System of Production Strategy Action (SCAEP). That action system presents behaviors of interaction, decision dynamics, adaptation and coherence, and it is composed of five subsystems: master the production process, develop products, coordinate and direct the production, supply the production and realize the demand. It was possible to identify external and internal conditions that influence the action system. The product quality, competitive prices, reliable delivery and reputation emerged as an action system?s effects. These findings were expressed in 17 theoretical propositions, and they dialogued with the major theoretical perspectives of technical literature on manufacturing strategy. The SCAEP can be an integrative and systemic alternative to understanding how the production strategy occurs, in the studied companies. Moreover, the study's result may inspire further research in order to develop a theory, in the Brazilian context

    Nanoparticle Self-assembly on Prefabricated Nano Strucutres

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    The demand for more powerful computers have been increasing ever since the first semiconducting devices were invented in the second half of the 20th century. The demand for an increase in computing power have escalated since the start of modern computer technology, however conventional techniques are reaching the limits regarding the downscaling of semiconducting based logic circuits. One way of circumventing these challenges is to utilize molecules in integrated circuits instead of conventional semiconducting designs. Molecules can be synthesised in molar amount and can act as rectifiers, transistors, switches and conducting wires. They are also a factor ten smaller than the node size of commercial available transistors. However a method for integrating single molecule into an electronic grid in order to construct molecular based logic circuits is not known today. Scientists have at this point been able to contact and measure on molecules, using techniques such as the break-junction method, however it has been difficult to contact single molecules in parallel, which is needed in order to compete with conventional semiconducting industry. This thesis focus on contacting single molecules by isolating them between nanoparticles (or dimers), that can be guided onto prefabricated structures in an approach that utilizes both top-down and bottom up concepts. The deposition efficiency was tested on a variety of materials, including metals and functionalized surfaces. This was done as a pre-study in order to determine the optimum conditions for particle deposition. A model based on a combination of DLVO-theory (Derjaguin, Landau, Verwey and Overbeek) and RSA (random sequential adsorption) was developed in order to explain the deposition process and the interactions between particles and a substrate. Spatial descriptive statistics were used to see if the pattern of the particles from simulated and real depositions deviated from CSR (complete spatial randomness) and to compare the inter-particle distances. Potential measurements were compared to the nanoparticle densities. The experiment showed that materials such as nickel and aluminium attract the negatively charged particles used in this thesis. As a next step, particles were deposited on arrays of nanosized objects of different shape and size in order to optimize deposition parameters and electrode design. Finally, electrical measurements of BDT (benzene-1,4-dithiol) and HDT (1,6-hexanedithiol) linked dimers were performed as a proof of principal, indicating that conductance through BDT is higher compared to HDT. More experiments is needed in order to confirm this. However, the deposition is still inefficient, only 5 % of the nanogaps are filled with a dimer. This number needs to be increased in order for molecular electronics to be able to compete with upcoming techniques such as extreme UV-lithography

    Participação estudantil na elaboração do plano de desenvolvimento institucional da UNILA

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    A elaboração do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) é o marco para as Instituições de Ensino Superior - IES, que desenvolvem mecanismos para estruturar e dimensionar ações estratégicas nas Universidades. Através deste planejamento é possível acessar informações relevantes que compreenderão uma melhoria na administração dos recursos, viabilizando investimentos em áreas relevantes na instituição. Ao ser construído este documento na Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana (UNILA), foi proporcionado um envolvimento total da comunidade acadêmica nestas fases de desenvolvimento do plano, possibilitando também, que houvesse a participação de discentes do curso de Administração Pública e Políticas Públicas (ADM PPP) para este voluntariado, atuando na divulgação e auxiliando na compilação de dados adquiridos nas consultas públicas