5,574 research outputs found

    On structure, entrainment, and transport in estuarine embayments

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    When fresh water enters the surface of an embayment it moves persistently seaward. Enroute it entrains seawater from below to form a halocline, in which the salinity increases with depth and to seaward. Wind mixing creates a nearly homogeneous zone in the upper part of the halocline. Below the halocline there is a nearly homogeneous lower zone in which sea water intrudes at a rate sufficient to supply the demand for entrainment...

    Two Pseudobulges in the "Boxy Bulge" Galaxy NGC 5746

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    Galaxy formation and growth under the {\Lambda}CDM paradigm is expected to proceed in a hierarchical, bottom-up fashion by which small galaxies grow into large galaxies; this mechanism leaves behind large "classical bulges" kinematically distinct from "pseudobulges" grown by internal, secular processes. We use archival data (Spitzer 3.6 \mum wavelength, Hubble Space Telescope H-band, Two Micron All Sky Survey Ks-band, and Sloan Digital Sky Survey gri-band) to measure composite minor- and major-axis surface brightness profiles of the almost-edgeon spiral galaxy NGC 5746. These light profiles span a large range of radii and surface brightnesses to reveal an inner, high surface brightness stellar component that is distinct from the well-known boxy bulge. It is well fitted by S\'ersic functions with indices n = 0.99 \pm 0.08 and 1.17 \pm 0.24 along the minor and major axes, respectively. Since n < 2, we conclude that this innermost component is a secularly-evolved pseudobulge that is distinct from the boxy pseudobulge. This inner pseduobulge makes up 0.136 \pm 0.019 of the total light of the galaxy. It is therefore considerably less luminous than the boxy structure, which is now understood to be a bar seen nearly end-on. The infrared imagery shows further evidence for secular evolution in the form of a bright inner ring of inner radius 9.1 kpc and width 1.6 kpc. NGC 5746 is therefore a giant, pure-disk SB(r)bc galaxy with no sign of a merger-built bulge. We do not understand how such galaxies form in a {\Lambda}CDM universe.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    The Principal Axis of the Virgo Cluster

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    Using accurate distances to individual Virgo cluster galaxies obtained by the method of Surface Brightness Fluctuations, we show that Virgo's brightest ellipticals have a remarkably collinear arrangement in three dimensions. This axis, which is inclined by 10 to 15 degrees from the line of sight, can be traced to even larger scales where it appears to join a filamentary bridge of galaxies connecting Virgo to the rich cluster Abell 1367. The orientations of individual Virgo ellipticals also show some tendency to be aligned with the cluster axis, as does the jet of the supergiant elliptical M87. These results suggest that the formation of the Virgo cluster, and its brightest member galaxies, have been driven by infall of material along the Virgo-A1367 filament.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Mode specific electronic friction in dissociative chemisorption on metal surfaces : H2 on Ag(111)

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    Electronic friction and the ensuing nonadiabatic energy loss play an important role in chemical reaction dynamics at metal surfaces. Using molecular dynamics with electronic friction evaluated on the fly from density functional theory, we find strong mode dependence and a dominance of nonadiabatic energy loss along the bond stretch coordinate for scattering and dissociative chemisorption of H2 on the Ag(111) surface. Exemplary trajectories with varying initial conditions indicate that this mode specificity translates into modulated energy loss during a dissociative chemisorption event. Despite minor nonadiabatic energy loss of about 5%, the directionality of friction forces induces dynamical steering that affects individual reaction outcomes, specifically for low-incidence energies and vibrationally excited molecules. Mode-specific friction induces enhanced loss of rovibrational rather than translational energy and will be most visible in its effect on final energy distributions in molecular scattering experiments

    Ab initio tensorial electronic friction for molecules on metal surfaces : nonadiabatic vibrational relaxation

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    Molecular adsorbates on metal surfaces exchange energy with substrate phonons and low-lying electron-hole pair excitations. In the limit of weak coupling, electron-hole pair excitations can be seen as exerting frictional forces on adsorbates that enhance energy transfer and facilitate vibrational relaxation or hot-electron-mediated chemistry. We have recently reported on the relevance of tensorial properties of electronic friction [M. Askerka et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 217601 (2016)] in dynamics at surfaces. Here we present the underlying implementation of tensorial electronic friction based on Kohn-Sham density functional theory for condensed phase and cluster systems. Using local atomic-orbital basis sets, we calculate nonadiabatic coupling matrix elements and evaluate the full electronic friction tensor in the Markov limit. Our approach is numerically stable and robust, as shown by a detailed convergence analysis. We furthermore benchmark the accuracy of our approach by calculation of vibrational relaxation rates and lifetimes for a number of diatomic molecules at metal surfaces. We find friction-induced mode-coupling between neighboring CO adsorbates on Cu(100) in a c(2×2) overlayer to be important for understanding experimental findings

    NGC 4102: High Resolution Infrared Observations of a Nuclear Starburst Ring

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    The composite galaxy NGC 4102 hosts a LINER nucleus and a starburst. We mapped NGC 4102 in the 12.8 micron line of [NeII], using the echelon spectrometer TEXES on the NASA IRTF, to obtain a data cube with 1.5" spatial and 25 km/s spectral, resolution. Combining near-infrared, radio, and the [NeII] data shows that the extinction to the starburst is substantial, more than 2 magnitudes at K band, and that the neon abundance is less than half solar. We find that the star formation in the nuclear region is confined to a rotating ring or disk of 4.3" (~300 pc) diameter, inside the Inner Lindblad Resonance. This region is an intense concentration of mass, with a dynamical mass of ~3 x 10^9 solar masses, and of star formation. The young stars in the ring produce the [NeII] flux reported by Spitzer for the entire galaxy. The mysterious blue component of line emission detected in the near-infrared is also seen in [NeII]; it is not a normal AGN outflow.Comment: submitted to Ap

    Tea, talk and technology: patient and public involvement to improve connected health ‘wearables’ research in dementia

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    Plain English summary There are a growing number of mobile phones, watches and electronic devices which can be worn on the body to track aspects of health and well-being, such as daily steps, sleep and exercise. Dementia researchers think that these devices could potentially be used as part of future research projects, for example to help spot changes in daily activity that may signal the early symptoms of dementia. We asked a range of older people, including people living with dementia and their carers, to participate in interactive discussions about how future participants might find using these devices as part of research projects. We also invited volunteers to borrow a range of devices to test at home, giving them further insights. Discussions revealed that people were generally supportive of this type of research, provided they gave informed consent and that devices were discreet, comfortable and easy to use. They also valued technical support and regular feedback on study progress to encourage ongoing participation. These findings were used to develop a pool of devices for researchers, with computer software and written guidance to help plan, design and support studies. Our work shows that when given the right opportunities, people who are affected by dementia can provide valuable insights that can enhance the design, delivery and quality of future research. Abstract Background Increasingly, researchers are recognising the potential for connected health devices, including smartphones and smartwatches, to generate high resolution data about patterns of daily activity and health outcomes. One aim of the Dementias Platform UK (DPUK) project is to provide researchers with a secure means to collect, collate and link data generated by such devices, thereby accelerating this type of research in the field of dementia. We aimed to involve members of the public in discussions about the acceptability and feasibility of different devices and research designs to inform the development of a device pool, software platform and written guidance to support future studies. Methods Over 30 people attended a series of interactive workshops, drop-in sessions and meetings in Greater Manchester. This included people living with dementia and cognitive impairments, carers and people without memory problems. Discussions were tailored to suit different audiences and focused on the feasibility and acceptability of a range of different wearable devices and research designs. We also invited volunteers to borrow a device to test at home, enabling further insights from hands-on interactions with devices. Results Discussions revealed that people were supportive of connected health dementia research in principle, provided they gave informed consent and that devices were discreet, comfortable and easy to use. Moreover, they recommended technical support and regular feedback on study progress to encourage ongoing participation. Conclusion By using a range of discussion-based and practical activities, we found it was feasible to involve people affected by dementia and use their insights to shape the development of a software platform and device pool to support future connected health dementia research. We recommend that researchers planning such studies in future pay adequate attention to designing suitable participant information, technical support and mechanisms of providing study progress updates to support sustained engagement from participants
