21 research outputs found


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    Female only map of all SNP markers. The positions on the left side of chromosomes are the distance in centi Morgan (cM), Detailed data is provided in Table S2. (PDF 849 kb

    Dioxins, Coca-Cola, and mass sociogenic illness in Belgium

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    KEGG pathway analyses of T. thynnus tissue expression profiles. The analyses were performed by choosing each tissue as experimental state and all other as reference. The same was repeated by denoting combinations of two tissues together as a test sample. Data are given only for statistically significant pathways (q < 0.1) and the sign of stat. mean value indicates the direction of regulation. (XLSX 51 kb

    Genotypes, variants and other information from 143 SNPs analyzed

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    143 SNP name, variants, dataset of the contig (source), annotation, GenBank accession number, external PCR primer sequences (Forward and Reverse), tailed extension primer (showing tails in lower case), extension primer direction and multiplexs are shown. Unfeasible SNPs are indicated in red colour

    Application of high-resolution seismo-acoustic methodologies in the study of the seagrass posidonia aceanica (L.) delile

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    Martech 2007 International Workshop on Marine Technology, 15-16 november 2007, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain.-- 2 pages, 3 figuresThe authors acknowledge the support of CARBOMED Project (Magnitud del sumidero de Carbono asociado a la fanerógama marina Posidonia Oceánica y potencial en Paleoecología - Proyectos Intramurales de Frontera (PIF)-2005, CSIC, Ref. 200530F0232)Peer reviewe