479 research outputs found

    Description of the Mast Flight System

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    The Mast Flight System is composed of several subsystems. Primary among these is the Deployable Mast Subsystem (DMS) which consists of a beam assembly and an associated mechanism for deploying and retracting the beam. The beam assembly is a joint dominated graphite epoxy and titanium truss as is expected of future large space structures. Integral to the beam assembly are actuators, sensors and associated electronics which are available for excitation and damping as desired by the experimenter. The beam structural characteristics can also be modified as desired by the experimenter using the Parameter Modification Device installed at the end of the beam. Data measured on the beam by the sensors and commands to the actuators are transmitted along the beam digitally at 150 Hz using a standard 1553 type bus. The Modular Distributed Information Sybsystem (MDIS) computer functions as bus master and ensures that all experimental data is saved for future analysis. The MDIS computer also performs a safing function to prevent inadvertent overexcitation of the beam. Finally, the Excitation and Damping Subsystem (EDS) computer is available to the experimenter for implementation of control algorithms or any other numerical operations as desired. Data from all system sensors can be accessed by the EDS computer

    Mast flight system beam structure and beam structural performance

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    An overall understanding of the beam assembly and data with which potential experimenters can begin to conduct analyses relevant to their experiments is given. Data is given on the beam structural concept, the tip remote station layout, the intermediate remote station layout with and without actuators, beam element materials, equivalent beam characteristics, beam element properties, remote station mass properties, and MAST Flight System modal characteristics


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    A computerized model is developed that uses the aquifer characteristics and irrigation requirements to estimate hydraulic properties of a well pumping from an unconfined aquifer with a steadily declining water table. The model simulates electrically-powered well operation under the most economical conditions. High versatility of model inputs allows examination of many facets of well management. One example is the effect of electricity price on the ratio of energy cost of total cost of supplying water at different average total heads. At current electricity prices, energy accounted for 65 to 70 percent of total water costs. In a second example, as average annual efficiency decreased, average annual cost per acre-foot increased and average annual pumping volume decreased, leaving average annual total energy costs almost constant.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    An algebraic model for rational torus-equivariant spectra

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    We provide a universal de Rham model for rational G ‐equivariant cohomology theories for an arbitrary torus G . More precisely, we show that the representing category, of rational G ‐spectra, is Quillen equivalent to the explicit small and calculable algebraic model d A ( G ) of differential graded objects in the category A ( G ) introduced in [Greenlees, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 212 (2008) 72–98]

    Fixed point adjunctions for module spectra

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    We consider the Quillen adjunction between fixed points and inflation in the context of equivariant module spectra over equivariant ring spectra, and give numerous examples including some based on geometric fixed points and some on the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. These results were originally presented as part of our equivalence between rational torus-equivariant spectra and an algebraic model in arXiv:1101.2511. However, the present results apply in many other interesting cases explored here, which are not rational and where the ambient group is not a torus. The material in arXiv:1101.2511v3 will be revised to refer to this paper

    A New Star-Formation Rate Calibration from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Emission Features and Application to High Redshift Galaxies

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    We calibrate the integrated luminosity from the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) features at 6.2\micron, 7.7\micron\ and 11.3\micron\ in galaxies as a measure of the star-formation rate (SFR). These features are strong (containing as much as 5-10\% of the total infrared luminosity) and suffer minimal extinction. Our calibration uses \spitzer\ Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) measurements of 105 galaxies at 0<z<0.40 < z < 0.4, infrared (IR) luminosities of 10^9 - 10^{12} \lsol, combined with other well-calibrated SFR indicators. The PAH luminosity correlates linearly with the SFR as measured by the extinction-corrected \ha\ luminosity over the range of luminosities in our calibration sample. The scatter is 0.14 dex comparable to that between SFRs derived from the \paa\ and extinction-corrected \ha\ emission lines, implying the PAH features may be as accurate a SFR indicator as hydrogen recombination lines. The PAH SFR relation depends on gas-phase metallicity, for which we supply an empirical correction for galaxies with 0.2 < \mathrm{Z} \lsim 0.7~\zsol. We present a case study in advance of the \textit{James Webb Space Telescope} (\jwst), which will be capable of measuring SFRs from PAHs in distant galaxies at the peak of the SFR density in the universe (z2z\sim2) with SFRs as low as \sim~10~\sfrunits. We use \spitzer/IRS observations of the PAH features and \paa\ emission plus \ha\ measurements in lensed star-forming galaxies at 1<z<31 < z < 3 to demonstrate the ability of the PAHs to derive accurate SFRs. We also demonstrate that because the PAH features dominate the mid-IR fluxes, broad-band mid-IR photometric measurements from \jwst\ will trace both the SFR and provide a way to exclude galaxies dominated by an AGN.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Pyrolytic graphite gauge for measuring heat flux

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    A gauge for measuring heat flux, especially heat flux encountered in a high temperature environment, is provided. The gauge includes at least one thermocouple and an anisotropic pyrolytic graphite body that covers at least part of, and optionally encases the thermocouple. Heat flux is incident on the anisotropic pyrolytic graphite body by arranging the gauge so that the gauge surface on which convective and radiative fluxes are incident is perpendicular to the basal planes of the pyrolytic graphite. The conductivity of the pyrolytic graphite permits energy, transferred into the pyrolytic graphite body in the form of heat flux on the incident (or facing) surface, to be quickly distributed through the entire pyrolytic graphite body, resulting in small substantially instantaneous temperature gradients. Temperature changes to the body can thereby be measured by the thermocouple, and reduced to quantify the heat flux incident to the body


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    Negara Indonesia memiliki potensi alam yang sangat indah dengan budaya dan adat istiadat yang melimpah dan melekat erat sebagai jati diri bangsa dan dipegang teguh oleh masyarakat Indonesia yang belum tentu dimiliki oleh negara lain. Daya tarik yang dimiliki Negara Indonesia yaitu pemandangan alam yang indah dan beraneka ragam ditunjang dengan sikap masyarakat yang memegang teguh adat Indonesia yang terkenal dengan ramah tamah menjadikan Indonesia sebagai salah satu tempat wisata yang mampu menarik wisatawan baik domestik maupun asing untuk berkunjung ke Indonesia. Salah satu tempat wisata yang menjadi favorit adalah pantai. Hal ini juga didukung dengan banyaknya pengunjung beberapa pantai terkenal di Pulau Jawa, seperti Pantai Parangtritis pada tahun 2011 sebanyak 1,338.112 wisatawan, Pantai Pangandaran pada tahun 2013 sebanyak wisatawan mancanegara sebanyak 8.587 orang dan wisatawan nusantara 1.552.153 orang, akan tetapi dari banyaknya pengunjung pantai tersebut masih terdapat pantai yang sepi, seperti Pantai Jambu di Banten, pantai ini tidak kalah indahnya dari pantai-pantai yang sudah terkenal di Pulau Jawa. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang dijelaskan diatas, metode Content Based Filtering diterapkan untuk membuat sistem rekomendasi pariwisata pantai yang dapat membantu wisatawan mendapatkan informasi pantai yang masih sepi dan indah. Pengujian precision dan recall menghasilkan nilai masing-masing 72% dan 19.23%. Kata kunci: Text Proccesing, Vector Space Model, Cosine Similarity, Content Based Filtering

    Homotopy theory of modules over operads in symmetric spectra

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    We establish model category structures on algebras and modules over operads in symmetric spectra, and study when a morphism of operads induces a Quillen equivalence between corresponding categories of algebras (resp. modules) over operads.Comment: Corrigendu