65 research outputs found

    The liquid city of Megalopolis

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    Large city-regions around the world are the principal hubs of economic and cultural globalization. In the United States, for example, 10 megapolitan regions, defined as clustered networks of metropolitan regions, have been identified. Using the criterion of contiguous metropolitan counties, in this paper I propose a definition of US Megalopolis that consists of 52,310 square miles stretching across 12 states, one district (District of Columbia), 124 counties, 13 metropolitan areas and the four major metro regions of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington-Baltimore. In the rest of the paper, I discuss, in turn, the environmental impacts, the economic restructuring and the political entity of Megalopolis.Les grans ciutats regió del món constitueixen els nodes principals de la globalització econòmica i cultural. Als EUA, per exemple, s'han identificat 10 grans regions metropolitanes definides com a xarxes agrupades de grans àrees metropolitanes. En aquest article, hi proposo una definició de Megalòpoli, que comprèn 53.310 milles quadrades i s'estén per 12 estats, un districte federal (Districte de Columbia), 124 comtats, 13 àrees metropolitanes i 4 grans regions metropolitanes (Boston, Nova York, Filadèlfia i Washington-Baltimore). A la resta del treball, s'hi examinen els impactes ambientals, la reestructuració econòmica i l'entitat política de Megalòpoli.Las grandes ciudades regiones del mundo constituyen los principales nodos de la globalización económica y cultural. En los EEUU, por ejemplo, se han identificado 10 regiones metrópolis definidas como redes agrupadas de grandes áreas metropolitanas. En este artículo, propongo una definición de Megalópolis, que comprende 53.310 millas cuadradas y se extiende por 12 estados, 1 distrito federal (el Distrito de Columbia), 124 condados, 13 áreas metropolitanas y 4 grandes regiones metropolitanas (Boston, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington-Baltimore). En el resto del trabajo, se examinan los impactos ambientales, la restructuración económica y la entidad política de Megalópolis.Les grandes villes régions du monde constituent les principaux noyaux de la globalisation économique et culturelle. Aux USA, par exemple, on a identifié 10 régions métropoles définies comme des réseaux de grandes aires métropolitaines. Dans cet article, je propose une définition de Mégalopole, qui comprend 53.310 milles carrés et s'étend par douze états, un district fédéral (le District de Columbia), 124 comtés, 13 aires métropolitaines et 4 grandes régions métropolitaines (Boston, New York, Filadelfia et Washington-Baltimore)

    The Urban Order

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    vi.506 hal.;25 c

    The liquid city of Megalopolis

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    Large city-regions around the world are the principal hubs of economic and cultural globalization. In the United States, for example, 10 megapolitan regions, defined as clustered networks of metropolitan regions, have been identified. Using the criterion of contiguous metropolitan counties, in this paper I propose a definition of US Megalopolis that consists of 52,310 square miles stretching across 12 states, one district (District of Columbia), 124 counties, 13 metropolitan areas and the four major metro regions of Boston, New York, Philadelphia and Washington-Baltimore. In the rest of the paper, I discuss, in turn, the environmental impacts, the economic restructuring and the political entity of Megalopolis.Les grans ciutats regió del món constitueixen els nodes principals de la globalització econòmica i cultural. Als EUA, per exemple, s'han identificat 10 grans regions metropolitanes definides com a xarxes agrupades de grans àrees metropolitanes. En aquest article, hi proposo una definició de Megalòpoli, que comprèn 53.310 milles quadrades i s'estén per 12 estats, un districte federal (Districte de Columbia), 124 comtats, 13 àrees metropolitanes i 4 grans regions metropolitanes (Boston, Nova York, Filadèlfia i Washington-Baltimore). A la resta del treball, s'hi examinen els impactes ambientals, la reestructuració econòmica i l'entitat política de Megalòpoli.Las grandes ciudades regiones del mundo constituyen los principales nodos de la globalización económica y cultural. En los EEUU, por ejemplo, se han identificado 10 regiones metrópolis definidas como redes agrupadas de grandes áreas metropolitanas. En este artículo, propongo una definición de Megalópolis, que comprende 53.310 millas cuadradas y se extiende por 12 estados, 1 distrito federal (el Distrito de Columbia), 124 condados, 13 áreas metropolitanas y 4 grandes regiones metropolitanas (Boston, Nueva York, Filadelfia y Washington-Baltimore). En el resto del trabajo, se examinan los impactos ambientales, la restructuración económica y la entidad política de Megalópolis.Les grandes villes régions du monde constituent les principaux noyaux de la globalisation économique et culturelle. Aux USA, par exemple, on a identifié 10 régions métropoles définies comme des réseaux de grandes aires métropolitaines. Dans cet article, je propose une définition de Mégalopole, qui comprend 53.310 milles carrés et s'étend par douze états, un district fédéral (le District de Columbia), 124 comtés, 13 aires métropolitaines et 4 grandes régions métropolitaines (Boston, New York, Filadelfia et Washington-Baltimore)

    Cities and Climate Change

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    This review paper considers the disjuncture between the rapid pace of climate change and the more sluggish ability of cities to fully implement effective strategies of climate change adaptation and mitigation. We will refer to this as the ‘slow city–quick climate change’ dilemma. Climate change is accelerating, quickly rendering obsolete previous urban forms inadequate, while structural adjustments to cities are slower moving. Cities around the world were largely built for previous climate regimes. In the short to medium term, there is a mismatch between the climate regime that cities were designed for and the climate regime they now inhabit. The paper is divided into four parts: a brief review of climate change in general; climate change in cities; a review of climate change adaptation and mitigation in cities; and finally, a discussion of urban futures in the time of climate regime change

    What Do Global Metrics Tell Us about the World?

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    There are now a wide variety of global indicators that measure different economic, political and social attributes of countries in the world. This paper seeks to answer two questions. First, what is the degree of overlap between these different measures? Are they, in fact, measuring the same underlying dimension? To answer this question, we employ a principal component analysis (PCA) to 15 indices across 145 countries. The results demonstrate that there is one underlying dimension that combines economic development and social progress with state stability. Second, how do countries score on this dimension? The results of the PCA allow us to produce categorical divisions of the world. The threefold division identifies a world composed of what we describe and map as rich, poor and middle countries. A five-group classification provided a more nuanced categorization described as: The very rich, free and stable; affluent and free; upper middle; lower middle; poor and not free

    Metropolitan USA: Evidence from the 2010 Census

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    I will review the major changes in the distribution of the metropolitan population of the United States (US), as revealed by the 2010 data recently released by the US Census. These data allow us to track recent changes and provide the basis for a discussion of longer-term trends identified in previous studies of US cities (Short 2006, 2007) and the city suburban nexus (Hanlon et al. 2010). In brief summary, the paper will show the continuing metropolitanization and suburbanization of the US population. A more nuanced picture will reveal evidence of stress in suburban areas and population resurgence in selected central city areas. Overall, the story is one of a profound revalorization and a major respatialization of the US metropolis

    The Urban Order : An Introduction To Cities, Culture And Power

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    vi, 506 hlm., gamb., inde

    The New Urban Order

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    In a paper published in 1989 I introduced the concept of a new urban order (Short, 1989). In this paper I want to develop this theme further by considering three elements of change: cities and the global economy, new images for old cities and the postmodern cit