470 research outputs found

    Industrial districts as organizational environments: resources, networks and structures

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    The paper combines economic and sociological perspectives on organizations in order to gain a better understanding of the forces shaping the structures of industrial districts (IDs) and the organizations of which they are constituted. To effect the combination , the resource based view (RBV) and resource dependency theory are combined to explain the evolution of different industry structures. The paper thus extends work by Toms and Filatotchev by spatializing consideration of resource distribution and resource dependence. The paper has important implications for conventional interpretations in the fields of business and organizational history and for the main areas of theory hitherto considered separately, particularly the Chandlerian model of corporate hierarchy as contrasted with the alternative of clusters of small firms coordinated by networks.clustering; dynamics; resource-based views; resource dependency

    Economic Evaluation of Soybean Fungicide Seed Treatments

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    The effect of nine different fungicide seed treatments for soybeans were tested from 2004 to 2007 at Keiser, Stuttgart, and Hope, Arkansas. While seedling emergence was effective across all treatments, only three treatments showed statistically significant differences in partial returns, defined as gross revenue minus seed and seed treatment costs. Comparisons of the regret a producer would experience as a result of non-optimal seed treatment suggested that broad spectrum seed treatment could enhance profitability by an average of $32 per acre with similar treatment recommendations across a range of seeding rates, output prices and study conditions.Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics,

    How Attitudes of Important Stakeholder Groups Can Influence Effective Water Quality Management

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    Preliminary results of a survey of Lincoln Lake agricultural and non-agricultural watershed residents as well as water quality regulators/specialists suggests discrepancies exists in different groups perceptions of water quality, the sources of water pollution, and the roles of local, county, state and federal officials in meeting water quality objectives.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q25, Q53, Q59,

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 (Edinburg) - North Branch / East Main - Final

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a single-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 1 to the Bureau of Reclamation and North American Development Bank. The proposed project involves installing 4.83 miles of multi-size pipeline to replace a segment of the North Branch / East Main canal. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated 48-year useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 5,838 ac-ft of water per year and 3,293,049,926 BTUs (965,138 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 15.58peracft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedat15.58 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated at 0.0000392 per BTU (0.134perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(ratherthannominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamationsthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106576legislation.Theinitialconstructioncostperacftofwatersavingsmeasureis0.134 per kwh). In addition, expected real (rather than nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 30.68 per ac-ft of water savings. The initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0000544perBTU(0.0000544 per BTU (0.186 per kwh). The ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -1.58

    784-3 Prognostic Significance of Intimal Thickening Detected by Intracoronary Ultrasound in Heart Transplant Recipients

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    Intracoronary ultrasound (ICUS) is a sensitive tool for the detection of intimal thickening in coronary arteries of heart transplants recipients. However, the prognostic significance of this intimal thickening has not been proven.During a one year period, 90 transplant recipients had ICUS examination at the time of their annual angiogram. For each ICUS study an intimal index (II), defined as the ratio of the plaque area to the area within the media, was measured for the most diseased segment imaged. The angiogram at the time of ICUS was reviewed for the presence of visually apparent coronary artery disease (V-CADI· Those patients (n=19) with V-CAD present at the time of ICUS were excluded from the study. The time since transplantation for the 71 pts without V-CAD ranged from 1 to 15 yrs, with a mean of 4.2 yrs and median of 3.9 yrs. The subsequent annual follow-up angiograms of the 71 patients without V-CAD at the time of ICUS were reviewed for the development of V-CAD. Mean duration of angiographic follow-up was 2.0 yrs (range 1–3 yrs).V-CAD developed on follow-up angiograms in 13 of the 71 pts. Mean time to development of V-CAD was 1.5 yrs. Forty-six patients had II<0.3, 4 (9%) of whom subsequently developed V-CAD. Twenty-five patients had II ≥0.3, 9 (36%) of whom developed V-CAD. Odds ratio for future V-CAD between pts with II<0.3 and II 2: 0.3 was 5.9 (95% CI 1.8 to 19.0, difference significant at p<0.01 by Fisher's Exact test).In a subgroup of 22 patients more than 5 years post transplantation at the time of ICUS, 12 had II<0.3 and 10 had II 2≥0.3. In this subgroup none of the 12 pts with II<0.3 developed V-CAD and only 1 of the 10 with II >0.3 developed V-CAD (difference not significant).Conclusion — Among patients more than 1 year and less than 5 years post-transplantation without visually apparent angiographic coronary artery disease, the presence of moderate to severe intimal thickening by ICUS is predictive of the future development of angiographically apparent CAD. Intimal thickening as detected by ICUS is of prognostic significance in patients with angiographically silent transplant coronary artery disease

    Alkylation of rabbit muscle creatine kinase surface methionine residues inhibits enzyme activity in vitro

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    Creatine kinase (CK) catalyzes the formation of phosphocreatine from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine. The highly reactive free cysteine residue in the active site of the enzyme (Cys283) is considered essential for the enzymatic activity. In previous studies we demonstrated that Cys283 is targeted by the alkylating chemical warfare agent sulfur mustard (SM) yielding a thioether with a hydroxyethylthioethyl (HETE)-moiety. In the present study, the effect of SM on rabbit muscle CK (rmCK) activity was investigated with special focus on the alkylation of Cys283 and of reactive methionine (Met) residues. For investigation of SM-alkylated amino acids in rmCK, micro liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization high-resolution tandem-mass spectrometry measurements were performed using the Orbitrap technology. The treatment of rmCK with SM resulted in a decrease of enzyme activity. However, this decrease did only weakly correlate to the modification of Cys283 but was conclusive for the formation of Met70-HETE and Met179-HETE. In contrast, the activity of mutants of rmCK produced by side-directed mutagenesis that contained substitutions of the respective Met residues (Met70Ala, Met179Leu, and Met70Ala/Met179Leu) was highly resistant against SM. Our results point to a critical role of the surface exposed Met70 and Met179 residues for CK activity

    Underground coal mine : Herrin (no. 6) coal member, stratigraphy, deformational structures, and roof stability

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    One-day Field Trip D, May 20, 1979. Prepared for Ninth International Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology (IX-ICC)Ope

    Core handling and processing for the WAIS Divide ice-core project

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    On 1 December 2011 the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice-core project reached its final depth of 3405 m. The WAIS Divide ice core is not only the longest US ice core to date, but is also the highest-quality deep ice core, including ice from the brittle ice zone, that the US has ever recovered. The methods used at WAIS Divide to handle and log the drilled ice, the procedures used to safely retrograde the ice back to the US National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) and the methods used to process and sample the ice at the NICL are described and discussed

    Core handling and processing for the WAIS Divide ice-core project

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    On 1 December 2011 the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Divide ice-core project reached its final depth of 3405 m. The WAIS Divide ice core is not only the longest US ice core to date, but is also the highest-quality deep ice core, including ice from the brittle ice zone, that the US has ever recovered. The methods used at WAIS Divide to handle and log the drilled ice, the procedures used to safely retrograde the ice back to the US National Ice Core Laboratory (NICL) and the methods used to process and sample the ice at the NICL are described and discussed

    Economic and Conservation Evaluation of Capital Renovation Projects: Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2 (San Juan) - Relining Lateral A - Final

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    Initial construction costs and net annual changes in operating and maintenance expenses are identified for a single-component capital renovation project proposed by Hidalgo County Irrigation District No. 2, (a.k.a. San Juan) to the North American Development Bank (NADBank) and Bureau of Reclamation. The proposed project involves relining “Lateral A” with a geomembrane and shotcrete cover. Both nominal and real estimates of water and energy savings and expected economic and financial costs of those savings are identified throughout the anticipated useful life for the proposed project. Sensitivity results for both the cost of water savings and cost of energy savings are presented for several important parameters. Annual water and energy savings forthcoming from the total project are estimated, using amortization procedures, to be 2,542 ac-ft of water per year and 551,738,646 BTUs (161,705 kwh) of energy per year. The calculated economic and financial cost of water savings is estimated to be 74.49peracft.Thecalculatedeconomicandfinancialcostofenergysavingsisestimatedtobe74.49 per ac-ft. The calculated economic and financial cost of energy savings is estimated to be 0.0003698 per BTU (1.262perkwh).Inaddition,expectedreal(vsnominal)valuesareindicatedfortheBureauofReclamationsthreeprincipalevaluationmeasuresspecifiedintheUnitedStatesPublicLaw106576legislation.Theinitialconstructioncostperacftofwatersavingsmeasureis1.262 per kwh). In addition, expected real (vs nominal) values are indicated for the Bureau of Reclamation’s three principal evaluation measures specified in the United States Public Law 106-576 legislation. The initial construction cost per ac-ft of water savings measure is 57.76 per ac-ft of water savings. The initial construction cost per BTU (kwh) of energy savings measure is 0.0002661perBTU(0.0002661 per BTU (0.908 per kwh). The ratio of initial construction costs per dollar of total annual economic savings is estimated to be -14.29