504 research outputs found

    Matrimonio y estructura de la élite en la Florencia Renacentista, 1282-1500

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    Este texto, derivado de una ponencia en una conferencia, es un informe preliminar de un proyecto a larga escala para trazar las transformaciones en las estructuras de las redes de la élite florentina a lo largo de dos siglos. En este artículo me limito únicamente a la descripción de tendencias anteriores, desconocidas en modelos amplios, de los matrimonios cruzados florentinos. Los lectores informados verán inmediatamente que dichas tendencias tienen implicaciones importantes para los debates en la historiografía florentina (que desarrollaré más adelante). En último término, estoy interesado en las implicaciones políticas de las tendencias aquí descritas. Pero por ahora no entro en una interpretación, explicación o argumentación. Trataré únicamente de mostrar hechos nuevos.This conference paper is an interim report from a large-scale project to trace transformations in Florentine elite network structures over two centuries. In this paper, I confine myself solely to a description of previously unknown trends in broad patterns of Florentine inter-marriage. Knowledgeable readers will immediately see that these trends have important implications for debates in Florentine historiography (which I will develop in the future). Ultimately, I am primarily interested in the political implications of the trends I herein describe. But for now I do not engage in interpretation, explanation, or argumentation. I intend simply to lay out some new facts

    Introducción a "Matrimonio y Estructura de Élite en la Florencia Renacentista, 1282-1500"

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    El siguiente texto, salido de una ponencia de conferencia y escrito en 1994 es el primer borrador de un artículo publicado en 2010 en Renaissance Quarterly y llamado "Open Elite? Social Mobility, Marriage, and Family in Florence, 1282-1494." Esta introducción debate las justificaciones metodológicas para publicar un primer borrador, escrito seis años antes del artículo final, más sofisticado. Al descubrir algunos de los pasos del proceso de investigación permite examinar la relación entre los dos estilos de "interpretación" en la historia y el "test de hipótesis" en ciencias sociales.The following conference paper, written in 1994, is the first draft of an article eventually published in 2010 in Renaissance Quarterly, entitled "Open Elite? Social Mobility, Marriage, and Family in Florence, 1282-1494." This introduction discusses the methodological justifications for publishing a first draft, written sixteen years before the final, more sophisticated article. By unveiling some steps of the actual process of research, it allows a discussion of the relationships between the two styles of "interpretation" in history and "testing hypotheses" in social science

    The Politics of Communist Economic Reform: Soviet Union and China

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    Introduction to "Marriage and Elite Structure in Renaissance Florence, 1282-1500"

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    El siguiente texto, salido de una ponencia de conferencia y escrito en 1994 es el primer borrador de un artículo publicado en el 2010 en Renaissance Quarterly y llamado "Open Elite? Social Mobility, Marriage, and Family in Florence, 1282-1494." Esta introducción debate las justificaciones metodológicas para publicar un primer borrador, escrito seis años antes del artículo final más sofisticado. Al descubrir algunos de los pasos del proceso de investigación permite examinar la relación entre los dos estilos de "interpretación" en la historia y el "test de hipótesis" en ciencias sociales.The following conference paper, written in 1994, is the first draft of an article eventually published in 2010 in Renaissance Quarterly, entitled "Open Elite? Social Mobility, Marriage, and Family in Florence, 1282-1494." This introduction discusses the methodological justifications for publishing a first draft, written sixteen years before the final, more sophisticated article. By unveiling some steps of the actual process of research, it allows a discussion of the relationships between the two styles of "interpretation" in history and "testing hypotheses" in social science

    Challenging the Norm: A Hybrid Philosophy Based on Praxial and Aesthetic Philosophies for Elementary Music Classrooms

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    Despite significant studies on the effectiveness of the primary music education philosophies, aesthetic and praxial, there is little research on the pragmatic application of a hybrid philosophy comprising elements of both philosophies. While both aesthetic and praxial philosophies demonstrate effective methods for fostering development and interest in music education, the exclusive application of one philosophy is not sufficient to develop the overall musician and foster future participation in music education. This study addressed the gap between the music education philosophies and offered effective exercises for elementary music education. A convergent mixed-methods study with a focus on ear training and composition was conducted to determine the effectiveness of a hybrid philosophy. The six-week study was conducted in the third- and fifth-grade music classrooms of four elementary schools in Lowndes and Tift counties in South Georgia. Music educators administered pre- and post-assessments and pre-defined aesthetic, praxial, and hybrid exercises to record specific data points on student achievement. At the end of the study, participating music educators completed a questionnaire to provide qualitative evidence of student engagement and interest in each philosophy. Through this study, the effectiveness of a hybrid philosophy in fostering student achievement and development, along with engagement and musical interest, became clear. This study served as a probe for music educators to examine their current philosophies and teaching practices to further reach and influence students in music education. It also serves as a platform for possible reform in music education philosophical teaching, especially in elementary music education

    Action angle variables in classical and quantum mechanics

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    Economic Credit in Renaissance Florence

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    What were the social and institutional factors that led to, and reinforced, the precocious emergence of Florentine commercial capitalism,3 especially in the domain of international merchant-banking? The dominant stream of answers, emphasized by economic historians and by economists, focuses on the invention in late-medieval and Renaissance Italy of a variety of innovative business techniques – bills of exchange, double-entry bookkeeping, partnership contracts, commercial courts. If these impressive organizational inventions are interpreted as facets of a broader rise of impersonal market rationality, then a tension emerges in Florentine, and indeed in European, historiography between economic historians and the work of social and political historians, who emphasize the deeply personalistic – mainly familial and clientelist – character of social relationships of the period. But were early-capitalist business techniques really the leading edge of a breakthrough of the market from its traditional social shackles, as the master narrative of modernization would have it? Or instead were economic relations in the market embedded in, and hence reflective of, trends in the surrounding social and political networks of the time, as anthropologically and sociologically oriented economic historians like Karl Polanyi4 have argued? Renaissance Florentine businessmen were not only businessmen, after all, they were also fathers, neighbors, politicians, friends and enemies, and patrons of the arts. But what implications, if any, did this overlap in roles have for the organization and operation of economic markets? In this article, we address these historical questions through both statistical and textual analyses of Florentine commercial credit in the early Quattrocento. Our conclusion will be that commercial credits among Florentine companies were indeed highly correlated with a wide range of non-economic, social relationships among the partners of these companies. Correlations between economic and social relations were highest in the merchant-banking pinnacle of the Florentine economy – precisely in the industries where reliance upon advanced capitalist business techniques was greatest. New capitalist business techniques thus did not displace the oligarchic social networks of the time, but rather built upon and formalized these relationships into markets. In particular, family and neighborhood provided strong ‘traditionalist’ foundations to Renaissance Florentine credit markets. But then republicanism, especially in the institutional form of its elected city council, provided the political scaffolding for personalistic social networks (and thus the economic credit networks built upon them) topologically to ‘open out’ toward expansive liquidity and growth, instead of to close inward into cliques and corruption. Three mechanisms for this institutional impact of republicanism on the emergence of credit markets are discussed: public certification of reputation (onore) through co-optative elections, and both performative and network incorporations of carefully filtered newcomers into relatively open elites5 of merchant-politicians

    Panel III

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    Reading Between the Lines: Faulkner\u27s Other Detective Stories / John Padgett, Brevard College A Mysterious Heart: Passing and the Narrative Enigma in Light in August and Absalom, Absalom! / Marta Puxan, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Reading for the Shadows: Repetitions and the Uncanny in Absalom, Absalom! and Go Down, Moses / Rachel Walsh, Stony Brook Universit

    Economic Production as Chemistry II

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    Coherent absorption of N00N states

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    Recent results in deeply subwavelength thickness films demonstrate coherent control and logical gate operations with both classical and single-photon light sources. However, quantum processing and devices typically involve more than one photon and nontrivial input quantum states. Here we experimentally investigate two-photon N00N state coherent absorption in a multilayer graphene film. Depending on the N00N state input phase, it is possible to selectively choose between single- or two-photon absorption of the input state in the graphene film. These results demonstrate that coherent absorption in the quantum regime exhibits unique features, opening up applications in multiphoton spectroscopy and imaging
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