3,286 research outputs found

    Flapping inertia for selected rotor blades

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    Aerodynamics of helicopter rotor systems cannot be investigated without consideration for the dynamics of the rotor. One of the principal properties of the rotor which affects the rotor dynamics is the inertia of the rotor blade about its root attachment. Previous aerodynamic investigation have been performed on rotor blades with a variety of planforms to determine the performance differences due to blade planform. The blades tested for this investigation have been tested on the U.S. Army 2 meter rotor test system (2MRTS) in the NASA Langley 14 by 22 foot subsonic tunnel for hover performance. This investigation was intended to provide fundamental information on the flapping inertia of five rotor blades with differing planforms. The inertia of the bare cuff and the cuff with a blade extension were also measured for comparison with the inertia of the blades. Inertia was determined using a swing testing technique, using the period of oscillation to determine the effective flapping inertia. The effect of damping in the swing test was measured and described. A comparison of the flapping inertials for rectangular and tapered planform blades of approximately the same mass showed the tapered blades to have a lower inertia, as expected


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    Traditional break-even/fed cattle price projections do not provide adequate risk information to feeders, investors, lenders, and other stakeholders interested in cattle feeding decisions. The objectives of this study were two-fold: 1) develop a spreadsheet model that could estimate the net income distribution surrounding a cattle placement decision based on historical errors of futures based price forecasts, and 2) determine whether information generated from the model can be used to improve placement and marketing decisions. To accomplish objective 1, model was developed that could estimate the income distribution around a pen of cattle under a cash speculating and short hedge pricing strategy. Distribution estimates were based on 7 alternative forecast horizons and were derived from historical forecast errors. To accomplish objective 2, decision rules were developed that allow the feeder to specify the maximum probability he/she is willing to risk losing a specified level of income. These decision rules were compared to random and naive decision rules by simulating the outcomes over 168 discrete six months feeding periods between 1987 and 2000. Risk averse decision rules were successful in signaling highly unprofitable feeding periods, but also filtered out highly profitable feeding periods.Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Anak Korban Kekerasan dalam Rumah Tangga Menurut Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Sebagaimana Telah Diubah oleh Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 Tentang Perlindungan Anak

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana perlindungan hukum terhadap anak korban kekerasan menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 sebagaimana diubah oleh undang-undang nomor 35 tahun 2014 dan bagaimana akibat hukum terhadap pelaku yang melakukan kekerasan terhadap anak dalam rumah tangga. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan: 1. Perlindungan terhadap anak merupakan hak asasi yang harus diperoleh anak, Setiap anak berhak memperoleh perlindungan dari keluarga, masyarakat maupun pemerintah. Dalam penyelenggaraan perlindungan anak yang tercantum dalam UU No.23 Tahun 2002 sebagaimana telah diubah oleh UU No.35 tahun 2014 tentang perlindungan anak maka semua pihak mempunyai kewajiban untuk melindungi anak dan mempertahankan hak-hak anak. Dalam undang-undang ini juga dijelaskan bahwa semua anak mendapat perlakuan yang sama pula, dalam hal ini tidak ada diskriminasi ras, etnis, agama, suku dan sebagainya. 2. Pada dasarnya setiap orang dilarang melakukan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga terhadap anak dalam lingkup rumah tangganya, termasuk salah satunya kekerasan fisik dan apabila pelakunya adalah orang tua kandung maka hukumannya akan lebih berat


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    The number of U.S. fed cattle marketed through a value based or grid marketing system is increasing dramatically. Most grids reward Choice or better quality grades and some pay premiums for red meat yield. The Choice-Select (C-S) price spread increased 55 percent, over $3/cwt between 1989-91 and 1999-01. However, there is a cost associated with pursuing these carcass premiums. This paper examines these tradeoffs both in the feedlot and in a retained ownership scenario. Correlations between carcass and performance traits resulted in economic tradeoffs that change across input costs and quality grade premiums and discounts. Feedlot profitability was largely determined by marbling, carcass weight, and feed efficiency. Carcass weight was most important at a low C-S spread. However, at average C-S spread and higher, marbling became the largest determinate of feedlot profits, and its importance increased with the C-S spread. Carcass weight and feed efficiency influence on feedlot profitability declined at higher C-S spreads. Rib-eye area was the fourth most important variable and declined in importance as marbling increased in importance. There is some indication that cows with lower feed costs also produce the most profitable calf for the feedlot, and vice-versa. The data suggests that cow size and marbling score are negatively correlated. The current trend toward wider C-S spreads and rewarding higher quality grading cattle places greater emphasis on marbling ability of calves. These correlations and results suggest that higher marbling is associated with lower cost cows to maintain.Livestock Production/Industries, Marketing,

    Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Status Among University Freshmen in Hawai‘i

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    Purpose/Background: The HPV vaccine provides immunity against nine HPV strains that cause cancer and genital warts. It is recommended for 11 to 12 year olds, and catch-up immunization is recommended for females 13 to 26 years old and males 13 to 21 years old. College students represent an important population for HPV vaccination due to their increased risk for HPV infection. Despite the benefits of the HPV vaccine, its coverage rates are low in Hawaii. Hawai‘i is the home of two large universities on two islands that are representative of Hawai‘i’s populations, including Native Hawaiians, Filipinos, and Pacific Islanders. The purpose of this study was to assess the current HPV and HPV vaccine knowledge, barriers and beliefs among incoming Freshmen university students at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa and University of Hawai‘i at Hilo. Materials & Methods: In 2016, 200 University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) and University of Hawai‘i at Hilo (UHH) Freshmen students responded to a survey that assessed their knowledge and awareness of HPV, the HPV vaccine, their current vaccination status, and barriers and motivators to vaccination. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize each survey variable first for all students and then separately for each campus. Results: Overall 76% of Freshmen from both campuses heard of the HPV vaccine and 54% reported hearing it from their health care provider. Only 28% UHM and 23% UHH Freshmen students have received partial (1-2 shots) or completed doses of the HPV vaccine. For those who received the vaccine, 45% reported that they were told by their parent and 43% were told by their doctor. For the 147 students who did not receive the vaccine, 28% reported that they are still not sure to get it and 20% need more information. Their main reasons for not receiving the HPV vaccine were: their doctor did not mention the vaccine to him/her (44%), he/she never knew about the vaccine (18%), and they don\u27t know enough about the vaccine (17%). Discussion/Conclusion: Although the HPV vaccine has been available for 13 years, young adults remain unvaccinated. Freshmen students reported that they are informed about the vaccine, but were not vaccinated because of the lack of parental and/or healthcare provider recommendation. With no active education campaigns in Hawaii promoting the HPV vaccine at college campuses, a first step to increasing vaccination rates is to develop a health education campaign to inform students of the HPV vaccine and its availability at campus clinics and neighboring pharmacies

    Transfer Printing of Photonic Nanostructures to Silicon Integrated Circuits

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    Optical systems require the integration of technologies fabricated on different materials. We use a transfer printing technique to integrate pre-processed III-V, polymer and silicon membrane devices onto passive optical circuits with nano-metric positional accuracy

    Reliability modeling and prediction of Wireless Multi-Hop Networks with correlated shadowing

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    Entangled Wavefunctions from Classical Oscillator Amplitudes

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    In the first days of quantum mechanics Dirac pointed out an analogy between the time-dependent coefficients of an expansion of the Schr\"odinger equation and the classical position and momentum variables solving Hamilton's equations. Here it is shown that the analogy can be made an equivalence in that, in principle, systems of classical oscillators can be constructed whose position and momenta variables form time-dependent amplitudes which are identical to the complex quantum amplitudes of the coupled wavefunction of an N-level quantum system with real coupling matrix elements. Hence classical motion can reproduce quantum coherence.Comment: extended versio
