39 research outputs found

    Inversion and noninversion marker data

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    Data from 16 markers, 8 located within the DIV1 inversion on linkage group 8, and 8 distributed throughout the Mimulus genome, formatted for Genalex

    Data for Composite Iron Mountain (CIM) M. guttatus linkage map

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    Excel files with the individual x marker genotype matrices for three F2 mapping populations. See readme file for more info on the mapping populations and linkage map generation

    Individual x genotype matrix for NIM2 F2 mapping population (SF M. nasutus x IM62 M. guttatus)

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    Matrix of genotypes for second SF x IM62 F2 mapping population. b = IM62 homozygote, a = M. nasutus homozygote, h = heterozygote. Some markers with extreme transmission ratio distortion relative to flanking markers are included in dataset, but were removed during mapping. Plant growth conditions Seeds were planted in 2.25-in pots filled with Fafard 4P potting mix, watered, and stratified in the dark at 4°C for one week. Pots were then moved to the Duke University greenhouses and maintained under long-day photoperiod conditions (16 h light at 24°C / 8 h dark at 16°C) using supplemental high-intensity sodium lights (daytime PPFD >750 mmol m-1 s-1). Light response curves indicate that this light level was near saturating for the plants (data not shown). We sowed approximately five seeds per pot, and thinned to the centermost individual after most seeds had germinated, two weeks after planting. While in the greenhouses, plants received weekly treatment with Peter’s Professional Blossom Booster 10-30-20 fertilizer

    All Pop Parents_R4

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    An excel file with flower size, flowering time, leaf shape, leaf area, plant height, survival to flowering, and seed set for M. laciniatus and M. guttatus parental plants in each reciprocal transplant site


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    An excel file with soil moisture, herbivory, and survival data collected in every experimental block across all sites in the reciprocal transplant. Soil moisture and proportion surviving was measured repeatedly each week in each block throughout the duration of the reciprocal transplant


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    All SNPs collected from 12 Mimulus accessions. Columns listed include SNP position (scaffold and base position (pos)), SNP type (if coding, synonymous or nonsynonymous), and allele state for all 12 accessions. Missing data represented by a hyphen


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    Python code library for identifying structural variation from paired-end illumina reads


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    Read meta-data for all illumina reads implicated in a structural variant. Including read name, accession (line), structural variant category (kind), re-alignment status with Novoalign (reject_by_Novoalign), cluster formation status (failed_to_form_cluster), cluster ID (cluster), status of ref. genome line in cluster (cluster_includes_ref_line), status of cluster cov or alignment quality QC (failed_cov_or_abnormally_mapped_QC)


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    Spreadsheet containing genomic deletion calls for all deletion alleles. Columns include: include accession and chromosomal location information, estimated deletion size (size), count of supporting illumina reads (num_reads), deletion allele includes ref. genome (contains_IM62), sequence read coverage in deleted interval (cov), "N" bases in deleted interval in ref. genome (prop_Ns). Annotation of gene and Transposable element hits (gene_hits and TE_hits; includes annoation and proportion deleted in parenthesis)

    Phenotypic data

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    Measurements of phenotypic data for wild populations grown in a greenhous