Individual x genotype matrix for NIM2 F2 mapping population (SF M. nasutus x IM62 M. guttatus)


Matrix of genotypes for second SF x IM62 F2 mapping population. b = IM62 homozygote, a = M. nasutus homozygote, h = heterozygote. Some markers with extreme transmission ratio distortion relative to flanking markers are included in dataset, but were removed during mapping. Plant growth conditions Seeds were planted in 2.25-in pots filled with Fafard 4P potting mix, watered, and stratified in the dark at 4°C for one week. Pots were then moved to the Duke University greenhouses and maintained under long-day photoperiod conditions (16 h light at 24°C / 8 h dark at 16°C) using supplemental high-intensity sodium lights (daytime PPFD >750 mmol m-1 s-1). Light response curves indicate that this light level was near saturating for the plants (data not shown). We sowed approximately five seeds per pot, and thinned to the centermost individual after most seeds had germinated, two weeks after planting. While in the greenhouses, plants received weekly treatment with Peter’s Professional Blossom Booster 10-30-20 fertilizer

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