75 research outputs found

    Comparison of stereotactic brain biopsy techniques in dogs: neuronavigation, 3D-printed guides, and neuronavigation with 3D-printed guides

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    The objective of this research was to compare two previously described stereotactic brain biopsy (SBB) techniques, three-dimensional skull contoured guides (3D-SCGs) and neuronavigation with Brainsight, to a novel SBB technique using Brainsight combined with a 3D-printed headframe (BS3D-HF) to improve the workflow of SBB in dogs. This was a prospective methods comparison with five canine cadavers of different breeds and size. Initial helical CT was performed on cadavers with fiducial markers in place. Ten different target points were randomly selected for each method. The headframe for the BS3D-HF was designed and printed. Trajectories were planned for each method. Steinmann pins (SPs) were placed into the target points using the planned trajectories for each method, and CT was repeated (post CT). Accuracy was assessed by overlaying the initial CT onto the post CT and measuring the difference of the planned target point to the SP placement. For 3D-SCG, the median deviation was 2.48 mm (0.64–4.04). With neuronavigation, the median deviation was 3.28 mm (1.04–4.64). For BS3D-HF, the median deviation was 14.8 mm (8.87–22.1). There was no significant difference between 3D-SCG and neuronavigation for the median deviation (p = 0.42). When comparing BS3D-HF to 3D-SCG, there was a significant difference in the median deviation (p < 0.0001). Additionally, when comparing BS3D-HF to neuronavigation, there was a significant difference for the median deviation (p < 0.0001). Our findings concluded that both 3D-SCGs and neuronavigation were accurate for SBB, however BS3D-HF was not. Although feasible, the current BS3D-HF technique requires further refinement before it can be recommended for use for SBB in dogs

    Glioma Mimics: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Characteristics of Granulomas in Dogs

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    Granulomas can “mimic” gliomas on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in human patients. The goal of this retrospective study was to report canine brain granulomas that were consistent with glioma based upon MRI, report their histologic diagnosis, and identify MRI criteria that might be useful to distinguish granuloma from glioma. Ten granulomas, initially suspected to be glioma based on MRI, were ultimately diagnosed as granulomatous meningoencephalomyelitis (n = 5), infectious granulomas (n = 3) or other meningoencephalitis (n = 2). Age was 1.6–15.0 years and two dogs were brachycephalic breeds. MRI characteristics overlapping with glioma included intra-axial, heterogeneous, T2-weighted hyperintense, T1-weighted hypointense to isointense mass lesions with contrast-enhancement. Signals on fluid attenuation inversion recovery, gradient echo and diffusion weighted imaging also matched glioma. Peri-lesional edema and mass effect were toward the high end of findings reported for glioma. MRI characteristics that would be considered unusual for glioma included dural contact (n = 4), T2-hypointensity (n = 2), concomitant meningeal-enhancement (n = 9), and minor changes in the contralateral brain (n = 2). Cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed albuminocytological dissociation or mild pleocytosis. These cases show that granulomas can “mimic” glioma on canine brain MRI. In individual cases, certain MRI findings may help increase the index of suspicion for granuloma. Lack of pronounced cerebrospinal fluid pleocytosis does not exclude granuloma. Signalment is very useful in the suspicion of glioma, and many of these dogs with granuloma were of ages and breeds in which glioma is less commonly seen

    Effect of radiotherapy on freedom from seizures in dogs with brain tumors.

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    BACKGROUND: Seizures are a common presenting sign in dogs with brain tumors. HYPOTHESIS/OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of radiotherapy on freedom from brain tumor-associated seizures and survival time in dogs. ANIMALS: Thirty-two client-owned dogs with brain tumor-associated seizures; 18 received medical treatment and radiotherapy, 14 received medical treatment alone. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective study. Baseline characteristics (seizure semiology, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI] characteristics, and treatment) and duration of seizure freedom were recorded for the 2 treatment groups. Duration of seizure freedom between groups was compared (log-rank test) using Cox's proportional hazard analysis, with baseline characteristics entered as covariates. RESULTS: The duration of seizure freedom and survival time were significantly longer in the radiotherapy group (P < .001), with a mean of 24 months (95% confidence interval [CI], 14.3-33.8) versus 1.7 months in the control group (95% CI, 0.5-2.9) and a mean of 34.6 months (95% CI: 25.2-44.1) versus 6.2 months in the control group (95% CI, 2.6-9.7) respectively. Baseline characteristics were not associated with duration of seizure freedom after the start of treatment. In the radiotherapy group, 5 dogs were euthanized during the study period because of causes other than seizures. In the control group, recurrence of seizures was observed before death in all dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: A longer period of seizure freedom and longer survival time was observed in dogs with brain tumors after radiotherapy compared to medical treatment only. The pathophysiological mechanisms of epileptogenesis and the effect of radiation therapy on seizure control are unclear to date. Further prospective studies are needed

    Cerebrospinal Fluid Drop Metastases of Canine Glioma: Magnetic Resonance Imaging Classification

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    Dissemination of glioma in humans can occur as leptomeningeal nodules, diffuse leptomeningeal lesions, or ependymal lesions. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drop metastasis of glioma is not well-recognized in dogs. Ten dogs with at least two anatomically distinct and histologically confirmed foci of glioma were included in this study. The 10 dogs underwent 28 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) examinations, with distant CSF drop metastasis revealed in 13 MRIs. The CSF drop metastases appeared as leptomeningeal nodules in four dogs, diffuse leptomeningeal lesions in six dogs, and ependymal lesions in seven dogs; six dogs had a combination of lesion types. Primary tumors were generally T2-heterogeneous and contrast-enhancing. Many metastases were T2-homogeneous and non-enhancing. Diffuse leptomeningeal lesions were seen as widespread extra-axial contrast-enhancement, again very dissimilar to the intra-axial primary mass. Primary masses were rostrotentorial, whereas metastases generally occurred in the direction of CSF flow, in ventricles, CSF cisterns, and the central canal or leptomeninges of the cervical or thoracolumbar spinal cord. Seven of the dogs had received therapy limited to the primary mass, such as surgery or stereotactic radiation, then developed metastasis in the following months. CSF drop metastasis of glioma may take a very different appearance on MRI to the primary mass, including periventricular lesions that are more homogeneous and less contrast-enhancing, rostral horn signal changes, or leptomeningeal enhancement ventral to the brainstem or encircling the spinal cord

    Comparison of intranasal versus intravenous midazolam for management of status epilepticus in dogs : a multi‐center randomized parallel group clinical study

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    Background: The intranasal (IN) route for rapid drug administration in patients with brain disorders, including status epilepticus, has been investigated. Status epilepticus is an emergency, and the IN route offers a valuable alternative to other routes, especially when these fail. Objectives: To compare IN versus IV midazolam (MDZ) at the same dosage (0.2 mg/kg) for controlling status epilepticus in dogs. Animals Client-owned dogs (n = 44) with idiopathic epilepsy, structural epilepsy, or epilepsy of unknown origin manifesting as status epilepticus. Methods: Randomized parallel group clinical trial. Patients were randomly allocated to the IN-MDZ (n = 21) or IV-MDZ (n = 23) group. Number of successfully treated cases (defined as seizure cessation within 5 minutes and lasting for >= 10 minutes), seizure cessation time, and adverse effects were recorded. Comparisons were performed using the Fisher's exact and Wilcoxon rank sum tests with statistical significance set at alpha < .05. Results: IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ successfully stopped status epilepticus in 76% and 61% of cases, respectively (P = .34). The median seizure cessation time was 33 and 64 seconds for IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ, respectively (P = .63). When the time to place an IV catheter was taken into account, IN-MDZ (100 seconds) was superior (P = .04) to IV-MDZ (270 seconds). Sedation and ataxia were seen in 88% and 79% of the dogs treated with IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ, respectively. Conclusions and Clinical Importance: Both routes are quick, safe, and effective for controlling status epilepticus. However, the IN route demonstrated superiority when the time needed to place an IV catheter was taken into account

    Creation of an NCI comparative brain tumor consortium: informing the translation of new knowledge from canine to human brain tumor patients

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    On September 14–15, 2015, a meeting of clinicians and investigators in the fields of veterinary and human neuro-oncology, clinical trials, neuropathology, and drug development was convened at the National Institutes of Health campus in Bethesda, Maryland. This meeting served as the inaugural event launching a new consortium focused on improving the knowledge, development of, and access to naturally occurring canine brain cancer, specifically glioma, as a model for human disease. Within the meeting, a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) assessment was undertaken to critically evaluate the role that naturally occurring canine brain tumors could have in advancing this aspect of comparative oncology aimed at improving outcomes for dogs and human beings. A summary of this meeting and subsequent discussion are provided to inform the scientific and clinical community of the potential for this initiative. Canine and human comparisons represent an unprecedented opportunity to complement conventional brain tumor research paradigms, addressing a devastating disease for which innovative diagnostic and treatment strategies are clearly needed

    Effect of multi-planar CT image reformatting on surgeon diagnostic performance for localizing thoracolumbar disc extrusions in dogs

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    Accurate pre-operative localization and removal of disc material are important for minimizing morbidity in dogs with thoracolumbar disc extrusions. Computed tomography (CT) is an established technique for localizing disc extrusions in dogs, however the effect of multi-planar reformatting (MPR) on surgeon diagnostic performance has not been previously described. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of MPR CT on surgeon diagnostic accuracy, certainty and agreement for localizing thoracolumbar disc extrusions in dogs. Two veterinary surgeons and one veterinary neurologist who were unaware of surgical findings independently reviewed randomized sets of two-dimensional (2D) and MPR CT images from 111 dogs with confirmed thoracolumbar disc extrusions. For each set of images, readers recorded their localizations for extruded disc material and their diagnostic certainty. For MPR images, readers also recorded views they considered most helpful. Diagnostic accuracy estimates, mean diagnostic certainty scores and inter-observer agreement were compared using surgery as the gold standard. Frequencies were compared for MPR views rated most helpful. Diagnostic accuracy estimates were significantly greater for MPR vs. 2D CT images in one reader. Mean diagnostic certainty scores were significantly greater for MPR images in two readers. The change in agreement between 2D and MPR images differed from zero for all analyses (site, side, number affected) among all three readers. Multi-planar views rated most helpful with the highest frequency were oblique transverse and curved dorsal planar MPR views. Findings from this study indicate that multi-planar CT can improve surgeon diagnostic performance for localizing canine thoracolumbar disc extrusions

    Primary orthostatic tremor and orthostatic tremor-plus in dogs: 60 cases (2003-2020).

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    BACKGROUND: Orthostatic tremor (OT) is a rare movement disorder characterized by high-frequency (>12 Hz) involuntary, rhythmic, sinusoidal movements affecting predominantly the limbs while standing. OBJECTIVE: To describe the signalment, presenting complaints, phenotype, diagnostic findings, treatment, and outcome of a large sample of dogs with OT. ANIMALS: Sixty dogs diagnosed with OT based on conscious electromyography. METHODS: Multicenter retrospective case series study. Dogs were included if they had a conscious electromyography consistent with muscle discharge frequency >12 Hz while standing. RESULTS: Fifty-three cases were diagnosed with primary OT (POT). Giant breed dogs represented most cases (83%; 44/53). Most dogs (79%; 42/53) were younger than 2 years of age at onset of signs, except for Retrievers which were all older than 3.5 years of age. The most common presenting complaints were pelvic limb tremors while standing (85%; 45/53) and difficulty when rising or sitting down (45%; 24/53). Improvement of clinical signs occurred in most dogs (85%; 45/53) treated medically with phenobarbital, primidone, gabapentin, pregabalin or clonazepam, but it was mostly partial rather than complete. Orthostatic tremor-plus was seen in 7 dogs that had concurrent neurological diseases. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Primary OT is a progressive disease of young, purebred, giant/large-breed dogs, which appears to begin later in life in Retrievers. Primary OT apparently responds partially to medications. Orthostatic tremor-plus exists in dogs and can be concomitant or associated with other neurological diseases

    High-frequency irreversible electroporation (H-FIRE) for non-thermal ablation without muscle contraction

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Therapeutic irreversible electroporation (IRE) is an emerging technology for the non-thermal ablation of tumors. The technique involves delivering a series of unipolar electric pulses to permanently destabilize the plasma membrane of cancer cells through an increase in transmembrane potential, which leads to the development of a tissue lesion. Clinically, IRE requires the administration of paralytic agents to prevent muscle contractions during treatment that are associated with the delivery of electric pulses. This study shows that by applying high-frequency, bipolar bursts, muscle contractions can be eliminated during IRE without compromising the non-thermal mechanism of cell death.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A combination of analytical, numerical, and experimental techniques were performed to investigate high-frequency irreversible electroporation (H-FIRE). A theoretical model for determining transmembrane potential in response to arbitrary electric fields was used to identify optimal burst frequencies and amplitudes for <it>in vivo </it>treatments. A finite element model for predicting thermal damage based on the electric field distribution was used to design non-thermal protocols for <it>in vivo </it>experiments. H-FIRE was applied to the brain of rats, and muscle contractions were quantified via accelerometers placed at the cervicothoracic junction. MRI and histological evaluation was performed post-operatively to assess ablation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>No visual or tactile evidence of muscle contraction was seen during H-FIRE at 250 kHz or 500 kHz, while all IRE protocols resulted in detectable muscle contractions at the cervicothoracic junction. H-FIRE produced ablative lesions in brain tissue that were characteristic in cellular morphology of non-thermal IRE treatments. Specifically, there was complete uniformity of tissue death within targeted areas, and a sharp transition zone was present between lesioned and normal brain.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>H-FIRE is a feasible technique for non-thermal tissue ablation that eliminates muscle contractions seen in IRE treatments performed with unipolar electric pulses. Therefore, it has the potential to be performed clinically without the administration of paralytic agents.</p

    Comparison of intranasal versus intravenous midazolam for management of status epilepticus in dogs: A multi-center randomized parallel group clinical study.

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    BACKGROUND: The intranasal (IN) route for rapid drug administration in patients with brain disorders, including status epilepticus, has been investigated. Status epilepticus is an emergency, and the IN route offers a valuable alternative to other routes, especially when these fail. OBJECTIVES: To compare IN versus IV midazolam (MDZ) at the same dosage (0.2 mg/kg) for controlling status epilepticus in dogs. ANIMALS: Client-owned dogs (n = 44) with idiopathic epilepsy, structural epilepsy, or epilepsy of unknown origin manifesting as status epilepticus. METHODS: Randomized parallel group clinical trial. Patients were randomly allocated to the IN-MDZ (n = 21) or IV-MDZ (n = 23) group. Number of successfully treated cases (defined as seizure cessation within 5 minutes and lasting for ≥10 minutes), seizure cessation time, and adverse effects were recorded. Comparisons were performed using the Fisher's exact and Wilcoxon rank sum tests with statistical significance set at α < .05. RESULTS: IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ successfully stopped status epilepticus in 76% and 61% of cases, respectively (P = .34). The median seizure cessation time was 33 and 64 seconds for IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ, respectively (P = .63). When the time to place an IV catheter was taken into account, IN-MDZ (100 seconds) was superior (P = .04) to IV-MDZ (270 seconds). Sedation and ataxia were seen in 88% and 79% of the dogs treated with IN-MDZ and IV-MDZ, respectively. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE: Both routes are quick, safe, and effective for controlling status epilepticus. However, the IN route demonstrated superiority when the time needed to place an IV catheter was taken into account