18 research outputs found

    Microbiological Quality of Traditionally Smoked Fish from Lake Victoria Crescent, Uganda

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    Microbiological quality of traditionally smoked fish was assessed to ascertain the effectiveness of traditional smoking process and handling conditions for smoked fish shelf-life and safety. Fish smoking is a popular preservation method in Uganda. Although fish smoking is a widely used method of preservation, the presence of spoilage and pathogenic bacteria in smoked fish and food borne illnesses remain a threat in developing countries. However, little is known about microbial quality of fish smoked from Uganda. In light of this, the status of spoilage, hygiene and pathogenic indicator organisms in fish (Nile perch) was investigated. A total of 75 randomly selected fresh, freshly smoked, and on shelf smoked fish from landing sites and markets respectively, were obtained for microbial and moisture content analysis. Descriptive statistics was used to present the data, while ANOVA and Tukey tests were used to analyze the data. The study revealed that, the smoking process significantly (P<0.05) reduced microbial load in freshly fish to levels acceptable for consumption, despite the high levels of moisture content in the range of 59.2% to 66.5%. The mean microbial load (log of cfu/g) of indicator organisms for samples from different sites varied from; 9.97 to 10.18; 7.39 to 8.19 (aerobic mesophilic bacteria or TPC), 5.18 to 5.27; 0 to 4.28 (total coliforms), 2.73 to 5.55; 0 to 0.85 (E. coli), 4.97 to 7.32; 0 to 3.11 (S. aureus), and 2.21 to 4.56; 0 to 0.82 (Yeasts and molds), for fresh and smoked fish samples respectively. Additionally, mean microbial load for on shelf smoked fish from markets varied from; 8.2 to 10.57 (TPC), 2.8-6.63 (total coliforms), 0 to 6.11 (E. coli), 6.74 to 8.89 (S. aureus), and 0 to 5.51 (Yeasts and molds). Although findings showed that, traditional fish smoking was somewhat effective in reducing microbial load to acceptable levels, the microbial status of on shelf smoked fish indicated poor fish handling and storage. Therefore, proper fish handling during and post-smoking as well as cooking before consumption, are highly recommended for assured shelf-life and safety of smoked fish for consumption in Uganda. Keywords: Microbiological, quality, smoked fish, Uganda, indicator organisms DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/104-05 Publication date: January 31st 2021

    Creating Open Education Resources for Teaching and Community Development through Action Research: An Overview of the Makerere AgShare Project

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    The AgShare Phase I Program, conducted at Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, was created to create open education resources for teaching and community development through action research. The study was conducted by an interdisciplinary team of investigators from fields of veterinary medicine and agri-business. Two Master of Science students conducted dairy value chain action research that produced case materials that were used to create OER course modules (milk hygiene and marketing modules), and design interventions that would improve milk production, quality and safety, reduce milk spoilage, increase prices received by farmers, and support on-farm processing of yogurt and other dairy products. This research was used in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Master’s degree in Livestock Development, Planning and Management (MLD) and the Master’s degree in Agri-business Management (M Agbus Mgt) by these students. The conceptual design, implementation, monitoring, and impacts of action research on teaching, students learning, and the dairy industry are discussed in detail

    Ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacological activity of Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. (Bignoniaceae)

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    Kigelia africana has been used in the management of human ailments since time immemorial. Ethnobotanists have documented the traditional uses of K. africana, which include treatment of skin disorders, cancer and gynecological complaints, among others. This has interested scientists, who have examined K. africana plant parts for their bioactivity. This review provides an insightful understanding on the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and pharmacology of K. africana. Web search engines Google and Google Scholar, as well as the databases of PubMed, Scopus, JSTOR, HINARI, SID, AJOL and Springer Link, were exhaustively searched using key words and phrases. Institutional reports and conference papers were also consulted. A total of 125 relevant international literature sources meeting the inclusion criteria were included. Kigelia africana has biologically active phytochemicals, many of which have been isolated. Whilst the fruits are most often cited in pharmacological studies, other plant parts are also used in herbal preparations. Commercially available products have been formulated from K. africana, though many have not been fully standardized. Despite many e orts by researchers to scientifically validate traditional uses of K. africana, many remain merely claims, thus the need to conduct more research, scientifically validate other traditional uses, isolate new bioactive phytochemicals and standardize K. africana products.The Carnegie Co-operation of New York through Future Africa, University of Pretoria, South Africa.http://www.mdpi.com/journal/plantsam2021Plant Production and Soil Scienc

    Emerging early actions to bend the curve in Sub-Saharan Africa's nutrition transition

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    BACKGROUND : Sub-Saharan Africa is the last region to undergo nutrition transition and can still avoid its adverse health outcomes. OBJECTIVE : The paper explores emerging responses to ―bend the curve‖ in sub-Saharan Africa‘s nutrition transition to steer public health outcomes onto a healthier trajectory. METHODS : Early responses in three countries at different stages in food system transformation are examined: South Africa -advanced, Ghana –intermediate, and Uganda -early. By comparing these with international experience, actions are proposed to influence nutrition and public health trajectories as Africa‘s food systems undergo rapid structural change. RESULTS : Arising from rapid urbanization and diet change, major public health problems associated with overweight are taking place, particularly in South Africa and among adult women. However, public health responses are generally tepid in sub-Saharan Africa. Only in South Africa have policy makers instituted extensive actions to combat overweight and associated non-communicable diseases through regulation, education and public health programmes. Elsewhere, in countries in the early and middle stages of transition, public health systems continue to focus their limited resources primarily on under-nutrition. Related pressures on the supply side of Africa‘s food systems are emerging that also need to be addressed. CONCLUSIONS :Three types of intervention appear most feasible: Maternal and child health programmes to simultaneously address short-term undernutrition problems while at the same time helping to reduce future tendencies towards overweigh; Regulatory and fiscal actions to limit access to unhealthy foods; Modernization of Africa‘s agrifood food system, through job skills training, marketing reforms and food industry entrepreneurship.http://www.elsevier.com /locate/compind2017-06-30hb2016Food Scienc

    Evaluating the impact of targeting livestock for the prevention of human and animal trypanosomiasis, at village level, in districts newly affected with T. b. rhodesiense in Uganda

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    Background: Uganda has suffered from a series of epidemics of Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT), a tsetse transmitted disease, also known as sleeping sickness. The area affected by acute Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense HAT (rHAT) has been expanding, driven by importation of infected cattle into regions previously free of the disease. These regions are also affected by African Animal Trypanosomiasis (AAT) demanding a strategy for integrated disease control.Methods: In 2008, the Public Private Partnership, Stamp Out Sleeping Sickness (SOS) administered a single dose of trypanocide to 31 486 head of cattle in 29 parishes in Dokolo and Kaberamaido districts. This study examines the impact of this intervention on the prevalence of rHAT and AAT trypanosomes in cattle from villages that had (HAT+ve) or had not (HAT-ve) experienced a recent case of rHAT. Cattle herds from 20 villages were sampled and screened by PCR, pre-intervention and 6-months post-intervention, for the presence or absence of: Trypanosoma brucei s.l.; human infective T. b. rhodesiense; Trypanosoma vivax; and Trypanosoma congolense savannah.Results: Post-intervention, there was a significant decrease in the prevalence of T. brucei s.l. and the human infective sub-species T. b. rhodesiense in village cattle across all 20 villages. The prevalence of T. b. rhodesiense was reduced from 2.4% to 0.74% (P < 0.0001), with the intervention showing greater impact in HAT-ve villages. The number of villages containing cattle harbouring human infective parasites decreased from 15/20 to 8/20, with T. b. rhodesiense infection mainly persisting within cattle in HAT+ve villages (six/eight). The proportion of T. brucei s.l. infections identified as human infective T. b. rhodesiense decreased after the intervention from 8.3% (95% CI = 11.1–5.9%) to 4.1% (95% CI = 6.8–2.3%). Villages that had experienced a recent human case (HAT+ve villages) showed a significantly higher prevalence for AAT both pre- and post-intervention. For AAT the prevalence of T. vivax was significantly reduced from 5.9% to 0.05% post-intervention while the prevalence of T. congolense increased from 8.0% to 12.2%.Conclusions: The intervention resulted in a significant decrease in the prevalence of T. brucei s.l., human infective T. b. rhodesiense and T. vivax infection in village cattle herds. The proportion of T. brucei s.l. that were human infective, decreased from 1:12 T. brucei s.l. infections before the intervention to 1:33 post-intervention. It is clearly more difficult to eliminate T. b. rhodesiense from cattle in villages that have experienced a human case. Evidence of elevated levels of AAT in livestock within village herds is a useful indicator of risk for rHAT in Uganda. Integrated veterinary and medical surveillance is key to successful control of zoonotic rHAT

    Pyrethroid treatment of cattle for tsetse control: Reducing its impact on dung fauna

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    Background: African trypansomiases of humans and animals can be controlled by attacking the vectors,various species of tsetse fly. Treatment of cattle with pyrethroids to kill tsetse as they feed is the most cost-effective method. However, such treatments can contaminate cattle dung, thereby killing the fauna which disperse the dung and so play an important role in soil fertility. Hence there is a need to identify cost-effective methods of treating cattle with minimal impact on dung fauna. Methodology/Principal Findings: We used dung beetles to field bioassay the levels of dung contamination following the use of spray and pour-on formulations of deltamethrin, applied to various parts of the body of cattle in Zimbabwe. Results suggested that dung was contaminated by contact with insecticide on the body surface as the cattle defecated, and by ingestion of insecticide as the cattle licked themselves. Death of dung beetles was reduced to negligible levels by using only the spray and applying it to the legs and belly or legs alone, i.e., places where most tsetse feed. Conclusion/Significance: The restricted applications suitable for minimising the impact on dung fauna have the collateral benefits of improving the economy and convenience of cattle treatments for tsetse control. The demonstration of collateral benefits is one of the surest ways of promoting environmentally friendly procedures

    Cost analysis of options for management of African Animal Trypanosomiasis using interventions targeted at cattle in Tororo District; south-eastern Uganda

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    BACKGROUND: Tsetse-transmitted African trypanosomes cause both nagana (African animal Trypanosomiasis-AAT) and sleeping sickness (human African Trypanosomiasis - HAT) across Sub-Saharan Africa. Vector control and chemotherapy are the contemporary methods of tsetse and trypanosomiasis control in this region. In most African countries, including Uganda, veterinary services have been decentralised and privatised. As a result, livestock keepers meet the costs of most of these services. To be sustainable, AAT control programs need to tailor tsetse control to the inelastic budgets of resource-poor small scale farmers. To guide the process of tsetse and AAT control toolkit selection, that now, more than ever before, needs to optimise resources, the costs of different tsetse and trypanosomiasis control options need to be determined. METHODS: A detailed costing of the restricted application protocol (RAP) for African trypanosomiasis control in Tororo District was undertaken between June 2012 and December 2013. A full cost calculation approach was used; including all overheads, delivery costs, depreciation and netting out transfer payments to calculate the economic (societal) cost of the intervention. Calculations were undertaken in Microsoft Excel™ without incorporating probabilistic elements. RESULTS: The cost of delivering RAP to the project was US6.89peranimalperyearwhilethatof4dosesofacurativetrypanocideperanimalperyearwasUS 6.89 per animal per year while that of 4 doses of a curative trypanocide per animal per year was US 5.69. However, effective tsetse control does not require the application of RAP to all animals. Protecting cattle from trypanosome infections by spraying 25 %, 50 % or 75 % of all cattle in a village costs US1.72,3.45and5.17peranimalperyearrespectively.Alternatively,ayearofasingledoseofcurativeorprophylactictrypanocidetreatmentplus50  1.72, 3.45 and 5.17 per animal per year respectively. Alternatively, a year of a single dose of curative or prophylactic trypanocide treatment plus 50 % RAP would cost US 4.87 and US$ 5.23 per animal per year. Pyrethroid insecticides and trypanocides cost 22.4 and 39.1 % of the cost of RAP and chemotherapy respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Cost analyses of low cost tsetse control options should include full delivery costs since they constitute 77.6 % of all project costs. The relatively low cost of RAP for AAT control and its collateral impact on tick control make it an attractive option for livestock management by smallholder livestock keepers

    Improvements on Restricted Insecticide Application Protocol for Control of Human and Animal African Trypanosomiasis in Eastern Uganda

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    African trypanosomes constrain livestock and human health in Sub-Saharan Africa, and aggravate poverty and hunger of these otherwise largely livestock-keeping communities. To solve this, there is need to develop and use effective and cheap tsetse control methods. To this end, we aimed at determining the smallest proportion of a cattle herd that needs to be sprayed on the legs, bellies and ears (RAP) for effective Human and Animal African Trypanosomiasis (HAT/AAT) control.; Cattle in 20 villages were ear-tagged and injected with two doses of diminazene diaceturate (DA) forty days apart, and randomly allocated to one of five treatment regimens namely; no treatment, 25%, 50%, 75% monthly RAP and every 3 month Albendazole drench. Cattle trypanosome re-infection rate was determined by molecular techniques. ArcMap V10.3 was used to map apparent tsetse density (FTD) from trap catches. The effect of graded RAP on incidence risk ratios and trypanosome prevalence was determined using Poisson and logistic random effect models in R and STATA V12.1 respectively. Incidence was estimated at 9.8/100 years in RAP regimens, significantly lower compared to 25.7/100 years in the non-RAP regimens (incidence rate ratio: 0.37; 95% CI: 0.22-0.65; P>0.001). Likewise, trypanosome prevalence after one year of follow up was significantly lower in RAP animals than in non-RAP animals (4% vs 15%, OR: 0.20, 95% CI: 0.08-0.44; P>0.001). Contrary to our expectation, level of protection did not increase with increasing proportion of animals treated.; Reduction in RAP coverage did not significantly affect efficacy of treatment. This is envisaged to improve RAP adaptability to low income livestock keepers but needs further evaluation in different tsetse challenge, HAT/AAT transmission rates and management systems before adopting it for routine tsetse control programs