128 research outputs found

    The Role of Bacillithiol in Gram-Positive Firmicutes

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    Significance: Since the discovery and structural characterization of bacillithiol (BSH), the biochemical functions of BSH-biosynthesis enzymes (BshA/B/C) and BSH-dependent detoxification enzymes (FosB, Bst, GlxA/B) have been explored in Bacillus and Staphylococcus species. It was shown that BSH plays an important role in detoxification of reactive oxygen and electrophilic species, alkylating agents, toxins, and antibiotics. Recent Advances: More recently, new functions of BSH were discovered in metal homeostasis (Zn buffering, Fe-sulfur cluster, and copper homeostasis) and virulence control in Staphylococcus aureus. Unexpectedly, strains of the S. aureus NCTC8325 lineage were identified as natural BSH-deficient mutants. Modern mass spectrometry-based approaches have revealed the global reach of protein S-bacillithiolation in Firmicutes as an important regulatory redox modification under hypochlorite stress. S-bacillithiolation of OhrR, MetE, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gap) functions, analogous to S-glutathionylation, as both a redox-regulatory device and in thiol protection under oxidative stress. Critical Issues: Although the functions of the bacilliredoxin (Brx) pathways in the reversal of S-bacillithiolations have been recently addressed, significantly more work is needed to establish the complete Brx reduction pathway, including the major enzyme(s), for reduction of oxidized BSH (BSSB) and the targets of Brx action in vivo. Future Directions: Despite the large number of identified S-bacillithiolated proteins, the physiological relevance of this redox modification was shown for only selected targets and should be a subject of future studies. In addition, many more BSH-dependent detoxification enzymes are evident from previous studies, although their roles and biochemical mechanisms require further study. This review of BSH research also pin-points these missing gaps for future research. Antioxid. Redox Signal. 28, 445–462

    Sequential binding and sensing of Zn(II) by Bacillus subtilis Zur

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    Bacillus subtilis Zur (BsZur) represses high-affinity zinc-uptake systems and alternative ribosomal proteins in response to zinc replete conditions. Sequence alignments and structural studies of related Fur family proteins suggest that BsZur may contain three zinc-binding sites (sites 1–3). Mutational analyses confirm the essential structural role of site 1, while mutants affected in sites 2 and 3 retain partial repressor function. Purified BsZur binds a maximum of two Zn(II) per monomer at site 1 and site 2. Site 3 residues are important for dimerization, but do not directly bind Zn(II). Analyses of metal-binding affinities reveals negative cooperativity between the two site 2 binding events in each dimer. DNA-binding studies indicate that BsZur is sequentially activated from an inactive dimer (Zur2:Zn2) to a partially active asymmetric dimer (Zur2:Zn3), and finally to the fully zinc-loaded active form (Zur2:Zn4). BsZur with a C84S mutation in site 2 forms a Zur2:Zn3 form with normal metal- and DNA-binding affinities but is impaired in formation of the Zur2:Zn4 high affinity DNA-binding state. This mutant retains partial repressor activity in vivo, thereby supporting a model in which stepwise activation by zinc serves to broaden the physiological response to a wider range of metal concentrations

    Oxidation of a single active site suffices for the functional inactivation of the dimeric Bacillus subtilis OhrR repressor in vitro

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    Bacillus subtilis OhrR is a dimeric repressor that senses organic peroxides and regulates the expression of the OhrA peroxiredoxin. Derepression results from oxidation of an active site cysteine which ultimately results in formation of a mixed disulfide with a low molecular weight thiol, a cyclic sulfenamide, or overoxidation to the sulfinic or sulfonic acids. We expressed a single-chain OhrR (scOhrR) in which the two monomers were connected by a short amino-acid linker. scOhrR variants containing only one active site cysteine were fully functional as repressors and still responded, albeit with reduced efficacy, to organic peroxides in vivo. Biochemical analyses indicate that oxidation at a single active site is sufficient for derepression regardless of the fate of the active site cysteine. scOhrR with only one active site cysteine in the amino-terminal domain is inactivated at rates comparable to wild-type whereas when the active site is in the carboxyl-terminal domain the protein is inactivated much more slowly. The incomplete derepression noted for single active site variants of scOhrR in vivo is consistent with the hypothesis that protein reduction regenerates active repressor and that, in the cell, oxidation of the second active site may also contribute to derepression

    Transcription activation by the siderophore sensor Btr is mediated by ligand-dependent stimulation of promoter clearance

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    Bacterial transcription factors often function as DNA-binding proteins that selectively activate or repress promoters, although the biochemical mechanisms vary. In most well-understood examples, activators function by either increasing the affinity of RNA polymerase (RNAP) for the target promoter, or by increasing the isomerization of the initial closed complex to the open complex. We report that Bacillus subtilis Btr, a member of the AraC family of activators, functions principally as a ligand-dependent activator of promoter clearance. In the presence of its co-activator, the siderophore bacillibactin (BB), the Btr:BB complex enhances productive transcription, while having only modest effects on either RNAP promoter association or the production of abortive transcripts. Btr binds to two direct repeat sequences adjacent to the −35 region; recognition of the downstream motif is most important for establishing a productive interaction between the Btr:BB complex and RNAP. The resulting Btr:BB dependent increase in transcription enables the production of the ferric-BB importer to be activated by the presence of its cognate substrate

    Recognition of DNA by Three Ferric Uptake Regulator (Fur) Homologs in Bacillus subtilis

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    Bacillus subtilis contains three Fur homologs: Fur, PerR, and Zur. Despite significant sequence similarities, they respond to different stimuli and regulate different sets of genes. DNA target site comparisons indicate that all three paralogs recognize operators with a core 7-1-7 inverted repeat. The corresponding consensus sequences are identical at five or more of the seven defined positions. Using site-directed mutagenesis, the Per box at the mrgA promoter was altered to mimic the core 7-1-7 motif of the Fur and Zur boxes. In vitro, the mrgA promoter containing a Zur box was only recognized by Zur, as demonstrated by DNase I footprinting assays. In contrast, both Fur and PerR bound to the mrgA promoter region containing a consensus Fur box. Expression analysis of these promoters is consistent with the in vitro data demonstrating as few as 1 or 2 base changes per half-site are sufficient to alter regulation. Similarly, the Fur box at the feuA promoter can be converted into a Per or a Zur box by appropriate mutations. While both Fur and PerR could recognize some of the same synthetic operator sequences, no naturally occurring sites are known that are subject to dual regulation. However, the PerR-regulated zosA gene is controlled from a regulatory region that contains both Per and Fur boxes. Although purified Fur protein bound to the candidate Fur boxes, Fur has little effect on zosA expression—possibly due to the location of the Fur boxes relative to the zosA promoter. Together, our results identify two nucleotide positions that are important for the ability of PerR, Fur, and Zur to distinguish among the many closely related operator sites present in the B. subtilis genome