409 research outputs found

    A critical assessment of energy-economy-climate models

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    Initialization of the Kalman Filter without Assumptions on the Initial State

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    In absence of covariance data, Kalman filters are usually initialized by guessing the initial state. Making the variance of the initial state estimate large makes sure that the estimate converges quickly and that the influence of the initial guess soon will be negligible. If, however, only very few measurements are available during the estimation process and an estimate is wanted as soon as possible, this might not be enough. This paper presents a method to initialize the Kalman filter without any knowledge about the distribution of the initial state and without making any guesses

    FörstelÀrarskap - En tidig analys

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    Med syftet att undersöka hur förstelÀrare i den svenska grundskolan upplevde och skapade mening i sin nya roll inom ramen för regeringens karriÀrtjÀnstreform genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med Ätta förstelÀrare. FörstelÀrarna berÀttade om erfarenheter de gjort under sin första termin som förstelÀrare och intervjudatan analyserades tematiskt. Fyra teman togs fram: motivation, roll, otydligt uppdrag samt motstÄnd. Resultatet visar att förstelÀrarna i undersökningen drivs av ett engagemang för undervisningen och eleverna samt en önskan om att utvecklas i sin yrkesroll. Att förstelÀrartjÀnsten innebÀr högre lön samt en betydelsefull kÀnsla av bekrÀftelse och uppskattning Àr anledningar till att de ser positivt pÄ att de blivit förstelÀrare. En ytterligare anledning som framkommer Àr möjligheten att arbeta vidare med undervisning och delta i utvecklingen av undervisningen pÄ sin skola. Det otydligt beskrivna uppdraget angavs som orsak till flera negativa effekter. Den nya rollen kan innebÀra en risk för minskat inflytande i kollegiet och upplevelse av ökad stress. Ansökningsprocessen för förstelÀrartjÀnsterna upplevdes omfattande och nÄgra deltagare kÀnde motstÄnd mot att söka eftersom de var osÀkra pÄ vad de kunde bidra med. NÄgra förstelÀrare vittnade om motstÄnd frÄn kollegerna efter de tilltrÀtt förstelÀrartjÀnsten i form av negativa kommentarer och avstÄndstagande

    Association between recurrent fracture risk and implementation of fracture liaison services in four Swedish hospitals: A cohort study

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    Structured secondary preventions programs, called fracture liaison services (FLSs), increase the rate of evaluation with bone densitometry and use of osteoporosis medication after fracture. However, the evidence regarding the effect on the risk of recurrent fracture is insufficient. The aim of this study was to investigate if implementation of FLS was associated with reduced risk of recurrent fractures. In this retrospective cohort study, electronic health records during 2012 to 2017 were used to identify a total of 21,083 patients from four hospitals in Western Sweden, two with FLS (n = 15,449) and two without (n = 5634). All patients aged 50 years or older (mean age 73.9 [SD 12.4] years, 76% women) with a major osteoporotic index fracture (hip, clinical spine, humerus, radius, and pelvis) were included. The primary outcome was recurrent major osteoporotic fracture. All patients with an index fracture during the FLS period (n = 13,946) were compared with all patients in the period before FLS implementation (n = 7137) in an intention‐to‐treat analysis. Time periods corresponding to the FLS hospitals were used for the non‐FLS hospitals. In the hospitals with FLSs, there were 1247 recurrent fractures during a median follow‐up time of 2.2 years (range 0–6 years). In an unadjusted Cox model, the risk of recurrent fracture was 18% lower in the FLS period compared with the control period (hazard ratio = 0.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.73–0.92, p = .001), corresponding to a 3‐year number needed to screen of 61, and did not change after adjustment for clinical risk factors. In the hospitals without FLSs, no change in recurrent fracture rate was observed. Treatment decisions were made according to the Swedish treatment guidelines. In conclusion, implementation of FLS was associated with a reduced risk of recurrent fracture, indicating that FLSs should be included routinely at hospitals treating fracture patients. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research published by American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    MGST1, a GSH transferase/peroxidase essential for development and hematopoietic stem cell differentiation.

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    We show for the first time that, in contrast to other glutathione transferases and peroxidases, deletion of microsomal glutathione transferase 1 (MGST1) in mice is embryonic lethal. To elucidate why, we used zebrafish development as a model system and found that knockdown of MGST1 produced impaired hematopoiesis. We show that MGST1 is expressed early during zebrafish development and plays an important role in hematopoiesis. High expression of MGST1 was detected in regions of active hematopoiesis and co-expressed with markers for hematopoietic stem cells. Further, morpholino-mediated knock-down of MGST1 led to a significant reduction of differentiated hematopoietic cells both from the myeloid and the lymphoid lineages. In fact, hemoglobin was virtually absent in the knock-down fish as revealed by diaminofluorene staining. The impact of MGST1 on hematopoiesis was also shown in hematopoietic stem/progenitor cells (HSPC) isolated from mice, where it was expressed at high levels. Upon promoting HSPC differentiation, lentiviral shRNA MGST1 knockdown significantly reduced differentiated, dedicated cells of the hematopoietic system. Further, MGST1 knockdown resulted in a significant lowering of mitochondrial metabolism and an induction of glycolytic enzymes, energetic states closely coupled to HSPC dynamics. Thus, the non-selenium, glutathione dependent redox regulatory enzyme MGST1 is crucial for embryonic development and for hematopoiesis in vertebrates

    The cost-benefit of salmonella control in Swedish pigs

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    Analysis of the expected costs and benefits of salmonella control pre-harvest in the pork production has been performed on EU level (1). As optimal measures to begin salmonella control in pig production in a high prevalence situation are not known, estimates of the costs for initiating such a control include large uncertainties. However the costs for running a salmonella control program can be estimated in countries where such programs are in place. In Sweden, where approximately 3 million pigs are slaughtered yearly and the prevalence of salmonella is low, the cost of the control is shared by the tax payers and the producers

    An automatic method for optimizing Venturi shape in cavitation flows

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    In order to lower the energy consumption of the fibrillation stage for the pulp and paper industry, a new technology need to be innovated and developed. The current research work deals with a new innovative concept based on creating cavitation in the pulp flow. A venturi nozzle is designed and optimized, where hydrodynamic cavitation is achieved by the so called Venturi effect. This paper focuses on the development of an automatic method for venturi shape optimization. The process of cavitation is hard to control and can cause high mechanical wear, therefore an optimization study of the venturi shape is performed with two main objectives. Firstly, to achieve cavitation that is sustained for as long as possible downstream and secondly to avoid cavitation at the walls. The developed method is a type of two-level optimization based on neural networks and evolutionary optimization. A number of simulations are executed and the optimization is then performed on a solver approximation instead of the real solver, which considerably reduces computation time. The obtained results show the optimal venturi configuration and the relative importance of each shape parameter. The optimal configuration is a clear improvement of the baseline configuration and an improvement also compared to all of the tested samples, thereby validating the optimization method

    Type 2 diabetes genes : present status and data from Norwegian studies

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    The worldwide rise in prevalence of type 2 diabetes has led to an intense search for the genetic risk factors of this disease. In type 2 diabetes and other complex disorders, multiple genetic and environmental factors, as well as the interaction between these factors, determine the phenotype. In this review, we summarize present knowledge, generated by more than two decades of efforts to dissect the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. Initial studies were either based on a candidate gene approach or attempted to fine-map signals generated from linkage analysis. Despite the detection of multiple genomic regions proposed to be linked to type 2 diabetes, subsequent positional fine-mapping of candidates were mostly inconclusive. However, the introduction of genome-wide association studies (GWAS), applied on thousands of patients and controls, completely changed the field. To date, more than 50 susceptibility loci for type 2 diabetes have been detected through the establishment of large research consortia, the application of GWAS on intermediary diabetes phenotypes and the use of study samples of different ethnicities. Still, the common variants identified in the GWAS era only explain some of the heritability seen for type 2 diabetes. Thus, focus is now shifting towards searching also for rare variants using new high-throughput sequencing technologies. For genes involved in the genetic predisposition to type 2 diabetes the emerging picture is that there are hundreds of different gene variants working in a complex interplay influencing pancreatic beta cell function/mass and, only to a lesser extent, insulin action. Several Norwegian studies have contributed to the field, extending our understanding of genetic risk factors in type 2 diabetes and in diabetes-related phenotypes like obesity and cardiovascular disease.publishedVersio

    Enhanced Endothelin-1 Mediated Vasoconstriction of the Ophthalmic Artery May Exacerbate Retinal Damage after Transient Global Cerebral Ischemia in Rat

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    Cerebral vasculature is often the target of stroke studies. However, the vasculature supplying the eye might also be affected by ischemia. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the transient global cerebral ischemia (GCI) enhances vascular effect of endothelin-1 (ET-1) and 5-hydroxytryptamine/serotonin (5-HT) on the ophthalmic artery in rats, leading to delayed retinal damage. This was preformed using myography on the ophthalmic artery, coupled with immunohistochemistry and electroretinogram (ERG) to assess the ischemic consequences on the retina. Results showed a significant increase of ET-1 mediated vasoconstriction at 48 hours post ischemia. The retina did not exhibit any morphological changes throughout the study. However, we found an increase of GFAP and vimentin expression at 72 hours and 7 days after ischemia, indicating MĂŒller cell mediated gliosis. ERG revealed significantly decreased function at 72 hours, but recovered almost completely after 7 days. In conclusion, we propose that the increased contractile response via ET-1 receptors in the ophthalmic artery after 48 hours may elicit negative retinal consequences due to a second ischemic period. This may exacerbate retinal damage after ischemia as illustrated by the decreased retinal function and MĂŒller cell activation. The ophthalmic artery and ET-1 mediated vasoconstriction may be a valid and novel therapeutic target after longer periods of ischemic insults

    Signal and noise in regime systems: a hypothesis on the predictability of the North Atlantic Oscillation

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    Studies conducted by the UK Met Office reported significant skill at predicting the winter NAO index with their seasonal prediction system. At the same time, a very low signal-to-noise ratio was observed, as measured using the `ratio of predictable components' (RPC) metric. We analyse both the skill and signal-to-noise ratio using a new statistical toy-model which assumes NAO predictability is driven by regime dynamics. It is shown that if the system is approximately bimodal in nature, with the model consistently underestimating the level of regime persistence each season, then both the high skill and high RPC value of the Met Office hindcasts can easily be reproduced. Underestimation of regime persistence could be attributable to any number of sources of model error, including imperfect regime structure or errors in the propagation of teleconnections. In particular, a high RPC value for a seasonal mean prediction may be expected even if the models internal level of noise is realistic.Comment: Published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society (2019
