253 research outputs found

    The Shilov boundary for a qq-analog of the holomorphic functions on the unit ball of 2×22 \times 2 symmetric matrices

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    We describe the Shilov boundary for a qq-analog of the algebra of holomorphic functions on the unit ball in the space of symmetric 2×22 \times 2 matrices.Comment: 14 page

    Polynomial interpolation and residue currents

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    We show that a global holomorphic section of O(d) restricted to a closed complex subspace X subset of P-n has an interpolant if and only if it satisfies a set of moment conditions that involves a residue current associated with a locally free resolution of O-X. When X is a finite set of points in C-n subset of P-n this can be interpreted as a set of linear conditions that a function on X has to satisfy in order to have a polynomial interpolant of degree at most d

    Obscenity and the Mail: A Study of Administrative Restraint

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    This paper shows how 3-dimensional interactive visualization can be used as a tool in system identification. Non-linear or time-dependent dynamics often leave a significant residual with linear, time-invariant models. The structure of this residual is decisive for the subsequent modelling, and by using advanced visualization techniques, the modeller may gain a deeper insight into this structure than can be obtained by standard correlation analysis

    Integrering av Novosense CardioBase® och existerande patientövervakningssystem

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    Electrocardiograms have, since the beginning of the 1900s, been used as a noninvasive diagnostic method to reflect underlying heart conditions by measuring the electrical activity of the heart. Novosense AB has developed a new technology for completely wireless recording of ECG. Their goal is to replace the stationary patient monitors and telemetry systems. Unlike today's technology, where a conductor connects each electrode with a monitor or telemetry unit, the signal transfers from the electrode wirelessly. The purpose of this thesis is to integrate Novosense´s product for wireless recording of ECG with existing patient monitoring systems on the market. After completed thesis, Philips patient monitoring system will process the ECG signal, which is a big profit for both demonstrations and validations. The theory behind the cardiac anatomy, physiology and electrical activity is described in the report to identify the requirements of the unit, developed in this thesis. Also facts about Novosense and Philips patient monitoring system have been taken into consideration during the development, of the unit. The receiving device and the wireless electrodes are replaced in this thesis by a demo unit, consisting of a LabVIEW program on a PC, which in a specified manner sends recorded demo signals via a USB interface. This allows the device to be tested and evaluated without Novosense´s products. To control the data flow a microprocessor is used, which overall function is to receive serial data through the USB interface, and then address the correct D/A converter with a constant flow and synchronous update of the D/A converters outputs. Then the signal is adjusted before it finally is recorded by the Philips patient monitor. The results of the thesis show that the demo signals can be received by Philips patient monitor and interpreted correctly. The unit, developed in this thesis, has thereby transformed the digital ECG leads to analog electrode potentials similar to those generated by a patient. The performance can be further developed which is described in the report

    Förstelärarskap - En tidig analys

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    Med syftet att undersöka hur förstelärare i den svenska grundskolan upplevde och skapade mening i sin nya roll inom ramen för regeringens karriärtjänstreform genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med åtta förstelärare. Förstelärarna berättade om erfarenheter de gjort under sin första termin som förstelärare och intervjudatan analyserades tematiskt. Fyra teman togs fram: motivation, roll, otydligt uppdrag samt motstånd. Resultatet visar att förstelärarna i undersökningen drivs av ett engagemang för undervisningen och eleverna samt en önskan om att utvecklas i sin yrkesroll. Att förstelärartjänsten innebär högre lön samt en betydelsefull känsla av bekräftelse och uppskattning är anledningar till att de ser positivt på att de blivit förstelärare. En ytterligare anledning som framkommer är möjligheten att arbeta vidare med undervisning och delta i utvecklingen av undervisningen på sin skola. Det otydligt beskrivna uppdraget angavs som orsak till flera negativa effekter. Den nya rollen kan innebära en risk för minskat inflytande i kollegiet och upplevelse av ökad stress. Ansökningsprocessen för förstelärartjänsterna upplevdes omfattande och några deltagare kände motstånd mot att söka eftersom de var osäkra på vad de kunde bidra med. Några förstelärare vittnade om motstånd från kollegerna efter de tillträtt förstelärartjänsten i form av negativa kommentarer och avståndstagande

    Giftermålsålder och andelen ogifta under 1900-talet

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    Sjukhuskuratorns förutsättningar till interprofessionell samverkan i en medicinsk miljö - En kvantitativ studie om hur de mer medicinskt inriktade yrkesgrupperna läkare, sjuksköterskor och undersköterskor uppfattar förutsättningarna till interprofessionell samverkan med sjukhuskuratorn

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    Abstract Authors: Jonas Johansson and Jimmy Dahlqvist Titel: Hospital social worker's opportunities for inter-professional collaboration in a medical setting [translated title]. Supervisor: Stig Linde In health care there exists a medical culture that is based on proven experience and science. Hospitals are dominated by personnel who have a medical background and thus have a medical focus in their profession. In the health care context the hospital social worker also works. Despite that the hospital social worker has existed in health care for about a century, the role of the hospital social worker is not uncontested. Both national and international research describe the social worker's role in health care as diffuse and difficult to define. This paper focuses on the hospital social worker conditions for interprofessional collaboration with the more medically oriented professions, doctors, nurses and assistant nurses. Previous research shows that successful interprofessional cooperation cannot take place unless the various professional groups interacting knowledge contribution is valued equally. A survey form was distributed to a selected clinic at a hospital in a midsize city in Sweden (n = 88) to investigate how the social worker´s psychosocial perspective are implemented and integrated as the hospital social worker interacts with the more medically oriented professions, doctors, nurses and assistant nurses. The collected empirical data were analyzed based on collaboration theory, role theory and profession theory. Our essay has revealed trends that has been partially in similar directions that previous research regarding the unclear role of the hospital social worker. Our general response picture regarding the professional role of the hospital social worker in the clinic where the study took place, however, was more positive than previous research has shown. Overall, it seems that the medical professions have good insight into the social worker´s psychosocial perspective and the cooperating professions in the clinic usually seem to work based on common objectives. However, there are certain trends that indicate that the social worker´s perspective can become even clearer


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    Abstract Bark, Component, Round-Wood, Bark Bonding Many interior and furniture applications today use the natural aspects of wooden materials as a sales advantage. Defects such as knots, colour variations and rough surfaces are called rustic, natural or vintage and will be considered as an appreciated feature by the consumers. This approach changes the traditional view of wood quality for technical uses, and also the industrial processing of the material. As a consequence, more variables of the material than before must be handled in the production. A specific challenge in the furniture industry is to treat the raw materials under this view with as small volume losses as possible. One way of decreasing losses could be achieved by fewer processing steps. The present study aims at exploring the possibility to relate the dimensions of the trees already in the forest in relation to specific furniture components, and furthermore to leave the bark on for creating specific aesthetical characteristics to the end product. In Nordic countries, birch wood has gained interest in furniture and interior applications due to its unique aesthetic qualities. In today's forestry industry, the small-dimensioned material from harvesting operations of birch forests is normally used by the pulp industry or as fire-wood. For the interior and furniture industries these fractions may be a new source of raw material supply. However, a proper utilization of the material requires a better knowledge of its properties. The potential of using un-barked material in round form also sets special requirements in the process. The present study presents results from initial testing concerning the behaviour of the bark in round wood pieces. For the experiments, round specimens of downy birch (Betula pubescens Ehrh.) measuring 450 mm in length and with varying diameters from 30 to 80 mm at the top were used. The green wood was dried with and without bark as to study the drying velocity in relation to dimensions. The bark was studied in respect of changes in bonding to the wood and its characteristics. The preliminary results are promising for using the material in interior and furniture applications. However, there are still some shortcomings to be addressed in the future, such as the impact of the bark in the drying process as well as the bark bonding