8 research outputs found

    Livet som vuxen när man växt upp med föräldrar som har alkoholproblem

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    Our intention with this essay was to examine how children were affected due to their parent’s substance abuse. Studies show that these children were particularly vulnerable and harmed throughout their upbringing because of their parents drinking problem. Our aim with our study was to gather further knowledge regarding people who grow up under these conditions and to better understand how it has affected their every day life. There is a lack of research in this area and there are no pervious long-term studies. This study consists of both theoretical and empirical studies based on a qualitative method. Our interviews were semi structured and we summoned our material by interviewing nine women. Five of these women were in touch with a support group that aimed to support people who had grown up with parents whom had problems with alcohol. The other four women had all been in some kind of therapy. To analyse the information we gathered we used different theories like systemic theory and the attachment theory. The result of our study showed that despite a difficult childhood that these people seemed to have a pretty functional life today. But we could also outline that some of them had problems regarding relationships, both with their partner and with their friends. The respondents showed emotional problems with conflicts, self confidence and control needs. Those who had an adult support in their childhood seemed to have more confidence to others and easier to connect in relations, as an adult. Our study has showed how important it was to have a person to feel connected to as a child

    Effect of local anaesthesia and/or analgesia on pain responses induced by piglet castration

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Surgical castration in male piglets is painful and methods that reduce this pain are requested. This study evaluated the effect of local anaesthesia and analgesia on vocal, physiological and behavioural responses during and after castration. A second purpose was to evaluate if herdsmen can effectively administer anaesthesia.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Four male piglets in each of 141 litters in five herds were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: castration without local anaesthesia or analgesia (C, controls), analgesia (M, meloxicam), local anaesthesia (L, lidocaine), or both local anaesthesia and analgesia (LM). Lidocaine (L, LM) was injected at least three minutes before castration and meloxicam (M, LM) was injected after castration. During castration, vocalisation was measured and resistance movements judged. Behaviour observations were carried out on the castration day and the following day. The day after castration, castration wounds were ranked, ear and skin temperature was measured, and blood samples were collected for analysis of acute phase protein Serum Amyloid A concentration (SAA). Piglets were weighed on the castration day and at three weeks of age. Sickness treatments and mortality were recorded until three weeks of age.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Piglets castrated with lidocaine produced calls with lower intensity (<it>p </it>< 0.001) and less resistance movements (<it>p </it>< 0.001) during castration. Piglets that were given meloxicam displayed less pain-related behaviour (huddled up, spasms, rump-scratching, stiffness and prostrated) on both the castration day (<it>p </it>= 0.06, n.s.) and the following day (<it>p </it>= 0.02). Controls had less swollen wounds compared to piglets assigned to treatments M, L and LM (<it>p </it>< 0.001). The proportion of piglets with high SAA concentration (over threshold values 200, 400 mg/l) was higher (<it>p </it>= 0.005; <it>p </it>= 0.05) for C + L compared to M + LM. Ear temperature was higher (<it>p </it>< 0.01) for controls compared to L and LM. There were no significant treatment effects for skin temperature, weight gain, sickness treatments or mortality.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The study concludes that lidocaine reduced pain during castration and that meloxicam reduced pain after castration. The study also concludes that the herdsmen were able to administer local anaesthesia effectively.</p

    Självskadebeteendet skärande : ur ett socialsekreterarperspektiv

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    Studien behandlar ämnet socialsekreterares perspektiv på självskadebeteendet skärande. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med fem socialsekreterare verksamma i tre städer. De frågeställningar som styrt arbetet lyder: Hur arbetar socialtjänsten med individer som skär sig? Hur beskriver socialsekreteraren fenomenet skärande? Vilka tankar och känslor väcker skärandet hos socialsekreteraren? Hur hanterar socialsekreteraren sina upplevelser? Studien befinner sig inom ramen för den fenomenologiska forskningstraditionen. Som teoretiska utgångspunkter har det psykodynamiska perspektivet med dess affektteori samt begreppet ”det upplevande subjektet” använts för att analysera resultaten. Dessutom användes rollteorin vid analysen. Resultaten visade att socialsekreterarnas erfarenheter korresponderade med forskningen om självskadebeteendet skärande. Beteendet väcker känslor och tankar hos socialsekreterarna, vilket tas upp i handledning om de anser att det finns behov för det. Studien pekar på att skärandeproblematiken inte faller inom socialtjänstens ramar. Socialtjänstens uppgift är att utreda de som aktualiserats och sedan ge dem stöd eller föreslå vidare insatser. I deras mandat ingår inte behandlig. Dock har socialtjänsten det yttersta ansvaret för alla individer, vilket medför att skärandeproblematiken hamnar på deras bord. Den forskning som är gjord inom området handlar om arbetet inom psykiatrin och som vi ser det har ingen forskat kring socialsekreterares och socialtjänstens roll i förhållande till självskadeproblematiken

    Legionnaires’ disease from a cooling tower in a community outbreak in Lidköping, Sweden- epidemiological, environmental and microbiological investigation supported by meteorological modelling

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    Abstract Background An outbreak of Legionnaires’ Disease took place in the Swedish town Lidköping on Lake Vänern in August 2004 and the number of pneumonia cases at the local hospital increased markedly. As soon as the first patients were diagnosed, health care providers were informed and an outbreak investigation was launched. Methods Classical epidemiological investigation, diagnostic tests, environmental analyses, epidemiological typing and meteorological methods. Results Thirty-two cases were found. The median age was 62 years (range 36 – 88) and 22 (69%) were males. No common indoor exposure was found. Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1 was found at two industries, each with two cooling towers. In one cooling tower exceptionally high concentrations, 1.2 × 109 cfu/L, were found. Smaller amounts were also found in the other tower of the first industry and in one tower of the second plant. Sero- and genotyping of isolated L. pneumophila serogroup 1 from three patients and epidemiologically suspected environmental strains supported the cooling tower with the high concentration as the source. In all, two L. pneumophila strains were isolated from three culture confirmed cases and both these strains were detected in the cooling tower, but one strain in another cooling tower as well. Meteorological modelling demonstrated probable spread from the most suspected cooling tower towards the town centre and the precise location of four cases that were stray visitors to Lidköping. Conclusions Classical epidemiological, environmental and microbiological investigation of an LD outbreak can be supported by meteorological modelling methods. The broad competence and cooperation capabilities in the investigation team from different authorities were of paramount importance in stopping this outbreak.</p

    Functional and evolutionary genomic inferences in Populus through genome and population sequencing of American and European aspen

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    The Populus genus is one of the major plant model systems, but genomic resources have thus far primarily been available for poplar species, and primarily Populus trichocarpa (Torr. &amp; Gray), which was the first tree with a whole-genome assembly. To further advance evolutionary and functional genomic analyses in Populus, we produced genome assemblies and population genetics resources of two aspen species, Populus tremula L. and Populus tremuloides Michx. The two aspen species have distributions spanning the Northern Hemisphere, where they are keystone species supporting a wide variety of dependent communities and produce a diverse array of secondary metabolites. Our analyses show that the two aspens share a similar genome structure and a highly conserved gene content with P. trichocarpa but display substantially higher levels of heterozygosity. Based on population resequencing data, we observed widespread positive and negative selection acting on both coding and noncoding regions. Furthermore, patterns of genetic diversity and molecular evolution in aspen are influenced by a number of features, such as expression level, coexpression network connectivity, and regulatory variation. To maximize the community utility of these resources, we have integrated all presented data within the PopGenIE web resource (PopGenIE.org)