23 research outputs found

    The National Status of Pharmacists’ Ability to Prescribe Hormonal Contraceptives

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    The scope of practice for pharmacists first expanded in California and Oregon with the ability to prescribe hormonal contraceptives to patients in their communities. Since 2016, over 33 states now allow for pharmacist prescribing of birth control in their pharmacy practice laws. 90% of Americans live within 5 miles of a retail pharmacy, making community pharmacies an accessible resource who may otherwise be unable to access contraceptives. The gap in care experienced by certain patient populations is now being filled by pharmacists with their ability to prescribe birth control

    Quantifying community-based pharmacy student operational and clinical rotation (IPPE) activities.

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    The purpose of this study is to identify and describe trends in the quantity and proportion of operational and clinical activities performed by students on introductory (IPPE) rotations

    Observation of gravitational waves from the coalescence of a 2.5−4.5 M⊙ compact object and a neutron star

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    Preceptor recruitment, training, and retention—a nation-wide survey of colleges of pharmacy

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    Recent changes surrounding the profession of pharmacy resulted in a growing number of new pharmacy programs as well as expansion of existing class sizes. This extreme growth, coupled with changes to accreditation standards which require volunteer licensed pharmacists to supervise student interns for a minimum of thirty percent of the Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum, have created a great burden amongst higher education administrators to meet these requirements, specifically in terms of recruiting, training, and retaining a qualified and committed pool of preceptors. The purpose of this study was to identify what strategies the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education Section members utilize to recruit, train, retain, and acknowledge volunteer pharmacist preceptors. The following research questions were answered in this study: 1) What are the strategies utilized by American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) schools to: a) recruit, b) train, c) retain, and d) acknowledge volunteer pharmacist preceptors? 2) What are some of the practices associated with ways AACP Experiential Education Section members handle the supply and demand issues associated with training future pharmacists? 3) What are the characteristics of respondents in terms of institutional demographics (geographic location, three- versus four-year programs, private versus public, class size, teaching or research focus, etc.)? An extensive review and report of the literature (AACP, 2004; AAMC, 2008; ACPE, 2007; ACPE 2011; Bandura, 1977; Brown, 2010; Cotter, 2010; Dewey, 1938; Dziedzic, 2010; Freire, 1970; James, 1907; Kolb, 1984; Knowles, 2005; Lewin, 1951; Lillibridge, 2007; NABP, 2012; Rogers, 1961; Zlatic, 2001) preceded design of the survey instrument utilized in the study. Experiential education theoretical frameworks highlighted adult learning theories which showed how hands-on, learning in real world settings promoted meaningful learning experiences. The history of pharmacy education, changes in the profession, and updated accreditation guidelines, including standards which required increased intern hours to be completed under the supervision of a licensed pharmacist preceptor emphasized the necessity for a strong group of volunteer preceptors to successfully fulfill the needs of the Pharm.D. curriculum. Additional literature (ACCP, 2012; Bird, Duong, Hagemann, Burton, Britton, & St. Cyr, 2012; Bock, Duong, & Williams, 2008; Brown, Barner, & Shepherd, 2004; DiFrancesco, 2011; Flaherty, 2011; Hill & Kirkwood, 2005; McDonough & Bennett, 2006; Mersfelder & Bonthillier, 2012; O'Neil & Berdine, 2007; Popovich, Katz, & Peverly, 2010; Rodis, Legg & Casper, 2009; Yorra, 2012) highlighted how such practice opportunities benefited students, preceptors, and positively impacted patient care. Coupled with the positives of such experiences were the realities of the challenges to recruitment, training, and retention faced by higher education administrators. Barriers (Assemi et al., 2011; Cerulli & Briceland, 2004; Crill, 2009; Duncan-Hewitt, 2005; Gulseth et al., 2006; Karimi et al., 2011; Lee et al., 2006; Lillibridge, 2007; Marrs & Rackham, 2010; Marriott et al., 2006; McBane & Karr, 2012; McKauge & Coombes, 2005; Medina, 2008; Reid et al., 2007; Scarvell & Stone, 2010; Snyder et al., 2010; Sonthisombat, 2008; Talley, 2006; Verstraten et al., 2006; Warren & Denham, 2010; Wuller, 2008; Zarembski et al., 2004) to effective precepting listed in the literature included lack of training, insufficient resources and personnel, lack of confidence, workload and time stressors, handling difficult students, and balancing resident, clinician, and student roles. Practices in related fields of international pharmacy, nursing, and medicine provided studies of best practices in regards to preceptor recruitment, training, acknowledgement, and retention. This study utilized a survey design methodology with thirteen quantitative survey items as well as eight open-ended commentaries allowing for qualitative analysis to address the research questions. Active members of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education Section were voluntarily surveyed and 233 participants answered using online survey collection in the summer of 2013. Data was analyzed and reported in descriptive statistics. Results identified current strategies utilized by Doctor of Pharmacy programs who are members of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Experiential Education Special Interest Group to recruit, train, retain, and acknowledge volunteer pharmacist preceptors. Additionally, the study provided information related to the practices associated with supply and demand issues associated with training future pharmacists. Findings of this study are useful for those involved in academia in the health professions, specifically higher education administrators looking to fulfill accreditation guidelines for experiential education in a Doctor of Pharmacy curriculum. Conclusions and recommendations revealed opportunity for growth and development in the areas of experiential education especially as related to preceptor recruitment, training, retention, and acknowledgement, as well as for future research

    A Pharmacist’s Central Role in Improving Hormonal Contraceptive Access

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    In 2019, the roles of Utah pharmacists grew with the implementation of a statewide standing order allowing prescribing abilities for hormonal contraceptives. With the rates of unplanned pregnancies in Utah up to 1 in every 5; pharmacists have a new role in birth control distribution. Pharmacists and pharmacy interns across the state of Utah are able to prescribe self-administered hormonal contraceptive medications including: oral pills, vaginal insertion medications, and birth control patches. Pharmacists are entrusted with the responsibility to evaluate the patient and their needs to ensure all women receiving birth control are educated about the risks and side effects of hormonal contraceptives and given information supporting successful use

    Chromosomes distribute randomly to, but not within, human neutrophil nuclear lobes

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    International audienceThe proximity pattern and radial distribution of chromosome territories within spherical nuclei are random and non-random, respectively. Whether this distribution pattern is conserved in the partitioned or lobed nuclei of polymorphonuclear cells is unclear. Here we use chromosome paint technology to examine the chromosome territories of all 46 chromosomes in hundreds of single human neutrophils - an abundant and famously polymorphonuclear immune cell. By comparing the distribution of chromosomes to randomly shuffled controls and validating with orthogonal chromosome conformation capture technology, we show for the first time that human chromosomes randomly distribute to neutrophil nuclear lobes, while maintaining a non-random radial distribution within these lobes. Furthermore, we demonstrate that chromosome length correlates with three-dimensional volume not only in neutrophils but other human immune cells. This work demonstrates that chromosomes are largely passive passengers during the neutrophil lobing process but are able to subsequently maintain their macro-level organization within lobes