11,814 research outputs found

    Tunnel lining studies II

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    In the CRREL tunnel (Fig. B1, B2), sublimation is extremely apparent, but because of the tunnels limited usage it poses no significant problems. However, in an operating mine with forced air ventilation and continuously operating machinery, the problems associated with sublimation may no longer be insignificant. The dust released by the evaporating ice poses not only the obvious respiratory threat, but an additional safety threat, as fine silt suspended in the air reduces visibility, and removal or suppression of the dust will be of importance.Sublimation control measures of the permafrost in the CRREL tunnel -- Introduction -- The sublimation process -- Sublimation control -- Test installations -- Conclusion -- References -- Appendix A: Summary of data -- Appendix B: Photographs

    The Cuntz splice does not preserve ∗*-isomorphism of Leavitt path algebras over Z\mathbb{Z}

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    We show that the Leavitt path algebras L2,ZL_{2,\mathbb{Z}} and L2−,ZL_{2-,\mathbb{Z}} are not isomorphic as ∗*-algebras. There are two key ingredients in the proof. One is a partial algebraic translation of Matsumoto and Matui's result on diagonal preserving isomorphisms of Cuntz--Krieger algebras. The other is a complete description of the projections in LZ(E)L_{\mathbb{Z}}(E) for EE a finite graph. This description is based on a generalization, due to Chris Smith, of the description of the unitaries in L2,ZL_{2,\mathbb{Z}} given by Brownlowe and the second named author. The techniques generalize to a slightly larger class of rings than just Z\mathbb{Z}.Comment: 17 pages. Since version 2 we extended the arguments from Z to more general ring

    Articulated multiple couch assembly Patent

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    Shock absorbing articulated multiple couch assembl

    Protoplanetary Disk Turbulence Driven by the Streaming Instability: Non-Linear Saturation and Particle Concentration

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    We present simulations of the non-linear evolution of streaming instabilities in protoplanetary disks. The two components of the disk, gas treated with grid hydrodynamics and solids treated as superparticles, are mutually coupled by drag forces. We find that the initially laminar equilibrium flow spontaneously develops into turbulence in our unstratified local model. Marginally coupled solids (that couple to the gas on a Keplerian time-scale) trigger an upward cascade to large particle clumps with peak overdensities above 100. The clumps evolve dynamically by losing material downstream to the radial drift flow while receiving recycled material from upstream. Smaller, more tightly coupled solids produce weaker turbulence with more transient overdensities on smaller length scales. The net inward radial drift is decreased for marginally coupled particles, whereas the tightly coupled particles migrate faster in the saturated turbulent state. The turbulent diffusion of solid particles, measured by their random walk, depends strongly on their stopping time and on the solids-to-gas ratio of the background state, but diffusion is generally modest, particularly for tightly coupled solids. Angular momentum transport is too weak and of the wrong sign to influence stellar accretion. Self-gravity and collisions will be needed to determine the relevance of particle overdensities for planetesimal formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ (17 pages). Movies of the simulations can be downloaded at http://www.mpia.de/~johansen/research_en.ph

    Arsitektur Rumah Betang (Radakng) Kampung Sahapm

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    Arsitektur dari suatu bangsa, pada suatu masa sering berbeda-beda, baik dalam hal bentuk maupun konsep-konsep yang melandasinya. Hal ini tentu disebabkan adanya perbedaan kebudayaan dari suatu masyarakat dengan masyarakat lainnya. Setiap suku bangsa biasanya akan menunjukkan identitas budayanya melalui benda-benda budaya yang mereka buat. Demikian halnya masyarakat Dayak Kanayatn memiliki ciri tersendiri dalam bentuk arsitektur bangunan khususnya bangunan rumah tinggal. Bentuk arsitektur masyarakat Dayak Kanayat'n yang tinggal di Desa Sahapm tercermin dalam bentuk Rumah Betang atau Rumah Panjang dan hingga kini masih dijaga dan dihuni oleh masyarakat. Bentuk rumah Betang juga menunjukkan hidup kebersamaan bagi penghuninya. Dalam Rumah panjang atau Rumah Betang mereka berinteraksi antara bilik yang satu dengan bilik yang lainnya. Tujuan penulisan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk arsitektur Rumah Betang dan keberadaannya pada saat ini, selain itu penelitian ini juga mendeskripsikan kehidupan masyarakat di Rumah Betang. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan tehnik pengamatan dan wawancara dalam menggali data di lapangan serta studi kepustakaan sebagai menggali bahan untuk menulis

    Stock mechanics: predicting recession in S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ

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    An original method, assuming potential and kinetic energy for prices and conservation of their sum is developed for forecasting exchanges. Connections with power law are shown. Semiempirical applications on S&P500, DJIA, and NASDAQ predict a coming recession in them. An emerging market, Istanbul Stock Exchange index ISE-100 is found involving a potential to continue to rise.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Immigrants and Their Children in South Dakota

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    Social and Economic Circumstances of Accepted Applicants for Old-Age Assistance in South Dakota, 1936-1937

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    Terrestrial planets across space and time

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    The study of cosmology, galaxy formation and exoplanets has now advanced to a stage where a cosmic inventory of terrestrial planets may be attempted. By coupling semi-analytic models of galaxy formation to a recipe that relates the occurrence of planets to the mass and metallicity of their host stars, we trace the population of terrestrial planets around both solar-mass (FGK type) and lower-mass (M dwarf) stars throughout all of cosmic history. We find that the mean age of terrestrial planets in the local Universe is 7±17\pm{}1 Gyr for FGK hosts and 8±18\pm{}1 Gyr for M dwarfs. We estimate that hot Jupiters have depleted the population of terrestrial planets around FGK stars by no more than ≈10%\approx 10\%, and that only ≈10%\approx 10\% of the terrestrial planets at the current epoch are orbiting stars in a metallicity range for which such planets have yet to be confirmed. The typical terrestrial planet in the local Universe is located in a spheroid-dominated galaxy with a total stellar mass comparable to that of the Milky Way. When looking at the inventory of planets throughout the whole observable Universe, we argue for a total of ≈1×1019\approx 1\times 10^{19} and ≈5×1020\approx 5\times 10^{20} terrestrial planets around FGK and M stars, respectively. Due to light travel time effects, the terrestrial planets on our past light cone exhibit a mean age of just 1.7±0.21.7\pm 0.2 Gyr. These results are discussed in the context of cosmic habitability, the Copernican principle and searches for extraterrestrial intelligence at cosmological distances.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. v.2: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Some changes in quantitative results compared to v.1, mainly due to differences in IMF assumption
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