73 research outputs found

    Relationship between operon preference and functional properties of persistent genes in bacterial genomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genes in bacteria may be organised into operons, leading to strict co-expression of the genes that participate in the same operon. However, comparisons between different bacterial genomes have shown that much of the operon structure is dynamic on an evolutionary time scale. This indicates that there are opposing effects influencing the tendency for operon formation, and these effects may be reflected in properties like evolutionary rate, complex formation, metabolic pathways and gene fusion.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have used multi-species protein-protein comparisons to generate a high-quality set of genes that are persistent in bacterial genomes (i.e. they have close to universal distribution). We have analysed these genes with respect to operon participation and important functional properties, including evolutionary rate and protein-protein interactions.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Genes for ribosomal proteins show a very slow rate of evolution. This is consistent with a strong tendency for the genes to participate in operons and for their proteins to be involved in essential and well defined complexes. Persistent genes for non-ribosomal proteins can be separated into two classes according to tendency to participate in operons. Those with a strong tendency for operon participation make proteins with fewer interaction partners that seem to participate in relatively static complexes and possibly linear pathways. Genes with a weak tendency for operon participation tend to produce proteins with more interaction partners, but possibly in more dynamic complexes and convergent pathways. Genes that are not regulated through operons are therefore more evolutionary constrained than the corresponding operon-associated genes and will on average evolve more slowly.</p

    Limbic encephalitis following allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

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    A woman with myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) was treated with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT). 65 days after the transplantation, she developed fatigue and central neurological symptoms. Clinical workup including magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) examination revealed findings suspicious for limbic encephalitis (LE), successfully treated with intravenous immunoglobulins and intravenous corticosteroids. Although a rare complication after allo-HSCT, physicians should be aware of neurological symptoms that develop throughout the transplantation course.publishedVersio

    Gene duplications in prokaryotes can be associated with environmental adaptation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Gene duplication is a normal evolutionary process. If there is no selective advantage in keeping the duplicated gene, it is usually reduced to a pseudogene and disappears from the genome. However, some paralogs are retained. These gene products are likely to be beneficial to the organism, e.g. in adaptation to new environmental conditions. The aim of our analysis is to investigate the properties of paralog-forming genes in prokaryotes, and to analyse the role of these retained paralogs by relating gene properties to life style of the corresponding prokaryotes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Paralogs were identified in a number of prokaryotes, and these paralogs were compared to singletons of persistent orthologs based on functional classification. This showed that the paralogs were associated with for example energy production, cell motility, ion transport, and defence mechanisms. A statistical overrepresentation analysis of gene and protein annotations was based on paralogs of the 200 prokaryotes with the highest fraction of paralog-forming genes. Biclustering of overrepresented gene ontology terms versus species was used to identify clusters of properties associated with clusters of species. The clusters were classified using similarity scores on properties and species to identify interesting clusters, and a subset of clusters were analysed by comparison to literature data. This analysis showed that paralogs often are associated with properties that are important for survival and proliferation of the specific organisms. This includes processes like ion transport, locomotion, chemotaxis and photosynthesis. However, the analysis also showed that the gene ontology terms sometimes were too general, imprecise or even misleading for automatic analysis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Properties described by gene ontology terms identified in the overrepresentation analysis are often consistent with individual prokaryote lifestyles and are likely to give a competitive advantage to the organism. Paralogs and singletons dominate different categories of functional classification, where paralogs in particular seem to be associated with processes involving interaction with the environment.</p

    The autoinducer synthases LuxI and AinS are responsible for temperature-dependent AHL production in the fish pathogen Aliivibrio salmonicida

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    Published version, also available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12866-015-0402-zBackground: Quorum sensing (QS) is a cell-to-cell communication system used by bacteria to regulate activities such as virulence, bioluminescence and biofilm formation. The most common QS signals in Gram-negative bacteria are N-acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs). Aliivibrio salmonicida is the etiological agent of cold water vibriosis in Atlantic salmon, a disease which occurs mainly during seasons when the seawater is below 12°C. In this work we have constructed several mutants of A. salmonicida LFI1238 in order to study the LuxI/LuxR and AinS/AinR QS systems with respect to AHL production and biofilm formation. Results: Using high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) we found that LuxI in A. salmonicida LFI1238 is responsible for producing seven of the different AHLs, whereas AinS is responsible for producing only one. The production of these various AHLs is dependent on both cell density and growth temperature. The AHLs were efficiently produced when wild type LFI1238 was grown at 6 or 12°C, however at 16°C AHL production decreased dramatically, and LFI1238 produced less than 5% of the maximum concentrations observed at 6°C. LitR, the master regulator of QS, was found to be a positive regulator of AinS-dependent AHL production, and to a lesser extent LuxI-dependent AHL production. This implies a connection between the two systems, and both systems were found to be involved in regulation of biofilm formation. Finally, inactivation of either luxR1 or luxR2 in the lux operon significantly reduced production of LuxI-produced AHLs. Conclusion: LuxI and AinS are the autoinducer synthases responsible for the eight AHLs in A. salmonicida. AHL production is highly dependent on growth temperature, and a significant decrease was observed when the bacterium was grown at a temperature above its limit for disease outbreak. Numerous AHLs could offer the opportunity for fine-tuning responses to changes in the environment

    Presence of acyl-homoserine lactones in 57 members of the Vibrionaceae family

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to use a sensitive method to screen and quantify 57 Vibrionaceae strains for the production of acyl-homoserine lactones (AHLs) and map the resulting AHL profiles onto a host phylogeny. Methods and Results: We used a high-performance liquid chromatography– tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) protocol to measure AHLs in spent media after bacterial growth. First, the presence/absence of AHLs (qualitative analysis) was measured to choose internal standard for subsequent quantitative AHL measurements. We screened 57 strains from three genera (Aliivibrio, Photobacterium and Vibrio) of the same family (i.e. Vibrionaceae). Our results show that about half of the isolates produced multiple AHLs, typically at 25–5000 nmol l-1 . Conclusions: This work shows that production of AHL quorum sensing signals is found widespread among Vibrionaceae bacteria and that closely related strains typically produce similar AHL profiles. Significance and Impact of the Study: The AHL detection protocol presented in this study can be applied to a broad range of bacterial samples and may contribute to a wider mapping of AHL production in bacteria, for example, in clinically relevant strains

    The NASA Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation Structure and Storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) Mission: Results from the Pathfinder Demonstration and Look Ahead to the Constellation Mission

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    The NASA Time-Resolved Observations of Precipitation structure and storm Intensity with a Constellation of Smallsats (TROPICS) mission will provide nearly all-weather observations of 3-D temperature and humidity, as well as cloud ice and precipitation horizontal structure, at high temporal resolution to conduct high-value science investigations of tropical cyclones. TROPICS will provide rapid-refresh microwave measurements (median refresh rate of approximately 50 minutes for the baseline mission) over the tropics that can be used to observe the thermodynamics of the troposphere and precipitation structure for storm systems at the mesoscale and synoptic scale over the entire storm lifecycle. The TROPICS constellation mission comprises six CubeSats in three low-Earth orbital planes. Each CubeSat will host a high-performance radiometer to provide temperature profiles using seven channels near the 118.75 GHz oxygen absorption line, water vapor profiles using three channels near the 183 GHz water vapor absorption line, imagery in a single channel near 90 GHz for precipitation measurements (when combined with higher resolution water vapor channels), and a single channel at 205 GHz that is more sensitive to precipitation-sized ice particles. TROPICS spatial resolution and measurement sensitivity is comparable with current state-of-the-art observing platforms. Launches for the TROPICS constellation mission are planned in 2022. NASA’s Earth System Science Pathfinder (ESSP) Program Office approved the separate TROPICS Pathfinder mission, which launched into a sun-synchronous orbit (2:00pm LTDN, 530 km) on June 30, 2021, in advance of the TROPICS constellation mission as a technology demonstration and risk reduction effort. The TROPICS Pathfinder mission has provided an opportunity to checkout and optimize all mission elements prior to the primary constellation mission. In this paper, we describe the instrument checkout and calibration/validation plans and progress for the TROPICS Pathfinder mission and discuss first light mission results. All spacecraft and radiometer systems are fully operational as of Launch + 11 months

    Hva betyr dÄpen for kristne i to menigheter med to ulike dÄpssyn?

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    Denne masteroppgaven er en empirisk studie som sammenligner to ulike menigheter. Den ene driver primÊrt med «barnedÄp», og den andre med «troendes dÄp». Men jeg har ikke sammenlignet hvordan menighetene praktiserer dÄpen primÊrt, men hvordan de som er blitt dÞpt opplever og tenker rundt sin egen dÄp. Problemstillingen ble slik: Hva betyr dÄpen for kristne i to menigheter med to ulike dÄpssyn? Med betyr mener jeg at jeg ogsÄ vil ta for meg hvordan dÄpen pÄvirker den dÞpte, hvordan den innvirker pÄ hverdagen men ogsÄ hvilke ettervirkninger den har for den dÞpte og dem rundt ham/henne. Underproblemstillingene ble da slik: 1. Hvorfor har den dÞpte latt seg dÞpe/blitt dÞpt? 2. Hva tenker den dÞpte skjer i dÄpen, bÄde pÄ det ytre og pÄ det indre plan? 3. Hvordan tenker den dÞpte om dÄpen nÄ i ettertid? Hva betyr dÄpen for den dÞpte nÄ? 4. Hvordan pÄvirker dÄpen den dÞptes omgivelser? Jeg tok for meg to menigheter i samme lokalsamfunn. Den ene tilhÞrende Den norske kirke, og den andre en karismatisk frimenighet med baptistisk dÄpssyn. I denne oppgaven har jeg kalt denne menigheten «Menigheten Emmanuel». Jeg fÞrsÞkte derfor Ä finne en luthersk dÄpsteologi, og en baptistisk dÄpsteologi. I tillegg Þnsket jeg Ä fÄ med meg ogsÄ Jeff Astleys «Ordinary Theology» som en bakgrunn for mine dybdeintervju som jeg valgte som metode. Dette fordi jeg ansÄ at slik kunne jeg konsentrere meg og intervjue bare noen fÄ mennesker. Jeg valgte Ä gjennomfÞre en empirisk, kvalitativ studie med noen fÄ intervjuer. Fire intervjuer i hver menighet: To kvinner og to menn. Jeg tror jeg har fÄtt litt mer lys pÄ hvordan folk tenker om sin egen dÄp, og jeg hÄper jeg har fÄtt fram at det er (faktisk) svÊrt mye som er likt hos disse to menighetene. Likevel har jeg ogsÄ funnet noen punkter hvor jeg forsÞker Ä finne veier videre, i den enkelte menighet, og ogsÄ for hva som etter min mening bÞr styrkes, spesielt i opplÊringen i menighetene

    Triage av Ăž.hjelpspasienter i den akuttmedisinske kjede. Ulike triagesystemer, nytten av triage og faktisk bruk av triagesystemet RETTS ved UNN TromsĂž.

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    Resyme FormĂ„let med oppgaven Gi en litteraturbasert vurdering av ulike triagesystemer i den akuttmedisinske kjeden i Norge. Kartlegge hvordan triagesystemet RETTS er implementert i bilambulansetjenesten ved UNN HF, og dokumentere ventetid for bilambulansene ved overlevering av pasienter til akuttmottaket ved UNN TromsĂž. Gjennom strukturerte intervjuer og Ă„pne spĂžrsmĂ„l fĂ„ et inntrykk av motivasjonen til ambulansearbeidere for Ă„ utfĂžre prehospital triage. Metode 1. Litteraturstudie av prinsipper for triage, ulike triagesystemer og deres utbredelse og bruk i Norge. Informasjonen i litteraturdelen er hovedsakelig hentet fra artikler funnet gjennom ikke-systematiske biblioteksĂžk ved UIT (Oria.no). De fleste av artiklene er hentet fra PubMed. 2. Dokumentasjon av prehospital bruk av RETTS i UNN HF. a. Kvantitativ del: FortlĂžpende gjennomgang av 156 ambulansejournaler fra bĂ„de by- og distriktsambulanser som leverte pasienter til UNN Troms i tidsrommet 31.03.15-14.04.15 for Ă„ kartlegge triageandel og kvalitet pĂ„ utfĂžrt triage mĂ„lt etter hvor fullstendig triageskjemaet er fylt og andelen logiske feil ved utfylling. Finne overleveringstid for pasienter fra bilambulanse til akuttmottak. Strukturert intervju av et utvalg ambulansearbeidere ved ambulansestasjonen ved UNN TromsĂž. b. Kvalitativ del: Egenobservasjoner basert pĂ„ hospitering pĂ„ bĂ„de by- og distriktsambulanser i UNN HF, AMK, samt ulike akuttmottak i Helse Nord. Åpne spĂžrsmĂ„l til et utvalg ambulansearbeidere. Resultater 12 av 19 ambulansetjenester i Norge benytter RETTS, deriblant alle helseforetak i Helse Nord. 3 tjenester benytter lokaltilpassede systemer, mens bare en tjeneste bruker et annet, internasjonalt kjent triagesystem. Ved UNN TromsĂž ble 67% av alle pasienter triagert prehospitalt i registreringsperioden. Av de som blir triagert prehospitalt er det relativt fĂ„ feiltriageringer, totalt 11,4%. Gjennomsnittlig overleveringstid er 15,3 minutt. Overleveringstiden er lavere for pasienter med hĂžy hastegrad. Overleveringstiden i akuttmottaket oppfattes som for lang av et flertall av ambulansearbeiderne. Konklusjon Triageandelen ved ambulansetjenesten UNN HF er lavere enn intrahospital triageandel ved UNN TromsĂž og lavere enn i en sammenlignbar ambulansetjeneste som bruker samme triagesystem. Den lave triageandelen kan skyldes manglende motivasjon hos ambulansearbeiderne

    Optimal dimensjonering og drift av mikronett

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    Mikronett er smĂ„ elektriske distribusjonsnett pĂ„ et begrenset geografisk omrĂ„de som bestĂ„r av laster, energiproduksjon og energilagring som kan vĂŠre helt uavhengig av det statlige distribusjonsnettet. Det blir spĂ„dd som en mulig lĂžsning for Ă„ forbedre fremtidens kraftnettverk. Denne oppgaven tar for seg hvordan et isolert mikronett kan dimensjoneres og driftes optimalt. Mer spesifikt fokuserer oppgaven pĂ„ fĂžlgende: ‱ GjennomfĂžr et litteraturstudie om ulike energikilder som kan brukes i mikronett og hvordan de er implementert i eksisterende mikronett. ‱ UndersĂžke energiforbruket og potensialet for fornybar energiproduksjon pĂ„ Froan. Det blir gjort ved Ă„ ta utgangspunkt i data fra ROME-prosjektet til SINTEF. ‱ Dimensjonere komponentene i et mikronett pĂ„ Froan ved Ă„ bruke numerisk optimering og resultatene fra forrige punkt. Det vurderes ogsĂ„ hvordan endringer i forbruk, produksjon og kostnader vil pĂ„virke dimensjoneringen. ‱ UndersĂžke om det er mulig Ă„ predikere effektforbruk og effektproduksjon pĂ„ Froan ved Ă„ bruke vĂŠrdata. Forbruket og produksjonen blir fĂžrst modellert etter faktiske mĂ„linger fra Froan. Deretter brukes vĂŠrmeldingen for Froan for Ă„ predikere forbruket og produksjonen. ‱ Bruke numerisk optimering for Ă„ planlegge bruken av batteri og dieselgenerator basert pĂ„ predikeringene av forbruk og produksjon. Det vurderes ogsĂ„ hvordan resultatene kan brukes i praksis pĂ„ mikronettet pĂ„ Froan. Resultatene fra denne oppgaven virker lovende og viser at dimensjonen og driften av mikronettet pĂ„ Froan kan optimeres ved Ă„ bruke metodikken som er presentert. PĂ„ grunn av noe usikkerhet knyttet til datagrunnlaget bĂžr det vurderes hvor store sikkerhetsmarginer som er nĂždvendig nĂ„r mikronettet dimensjoneres. Det mĂ„ ogsĂ„ vurderes hvordan optimering av driften skal implementeres i praksis
