83 research outputs found

    The Entangled Imagination: W.B. Yeats’ “Moods” and the Psychologization of Magic

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    Among modern practitioners of magic, the “psychologization of magic” has become a common strategy to adapt practices such as rituals of invocation to naturalistic thought. In this article, I discuss what was probably the most elaborate attempt to bridge the gap between the magic of the past and magic suited for the present that took place within the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (1888–1903). Approaching the Order’s teachings through the lens of contemporaneous literary discourse, the Irish poet and magician William Butler Yeats (1865–1939) attempted to consolidate supernaturalist and naturalist understandings of magic throughout the 1890s. In 1892, he made the concept of the “immortal moods” a key to both his poetry and his magical practice. Evoked through symbols in a ritual or a poem, these moods would descend “like a faint sigh into people’s minds” and move them to action, causing “all great changes in the world.” Yeats explored this concept in theoretical writings, poetic experiments, and his ritual practice, finding his own imagination entangled with past imaginations. Serving a brief term as the Golden Dawn’s Imperator and Instructor in Mystical Philosophy in 1901, he condensed the insights gained from this work in the doctrines of the “great mind and great memory.” Presenting a study of Yeats’ psychology of the universal mind, this article shows how his amalgamation of literary and folkloristic theorizing paved the way to connect magical and poetic practice to the emerging psychological discourse

    On the Feasibility of Multi-Mode Antennas in UWB and IoT Applications below 10 GHz

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    While on the one hand 5G and B5G networks are challenged by ultra-high data rates in wideband applications like 100+ Gbps wireless Internet access, on the other hand they are expected to support reliable low-latency Internet of Things (IoT) applications with ultra-high connectivity. These conflicting challenges are addressed in a system proposal dealing with both extremes. In contrast to most recent publications, focus is on the frequency domain below 10~GHz. Towards this goal, multi-mode antenna technology is used and different realizations, offering up to eight uncorrelated ports per radiator element, are studied. Possible baseband architectures tailored to multi-mode antennas are discussed, enabling different options regarding precoding and beamforming

    M4 : Multi-Mode-massiv-MIMO

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    In 2012 a group of researchers proposed a basic research initiative to the German Research Foundation (DFG) as a special priority project (SPP) with the name: Wireless 100 Gbps and beyond. The main goal of this initiative was the investigation of architectures, technologies and methods to go well beyond the state of the art. The target of 100 Gbps was set far away from the (at that time) achievable 1 Gbps such that it was not possible to achieve promising results just by tuning some parameters. We wanted to find breakthrough solutions. When we started the work on the proposal we discussed the challenges to be addressed in order to advancing the wireless communication speed significantly. Having the fundamental Shannon boundary in mind we discussed how to achieve the 100 Gbps speed.Angesichts der rapiden Entwicklung der Funkkommunikation hat die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft im Jahr 2012 ein Schwerpunktprogramm mit dem Titel "Wireless 100 Gbps and beyound" (dt.: Drahtloskommunikation mit 100 Gbps und mehr) gestartet. Diese Initiative zielte auf neue Lösungen, Methoden und neues Wissen zur Lösung des Problems des kontinuierlichen Bedarfs an immer höheren Datenraten im Bereich der Funkkommunikation. Eine international besetze Jury hat etliche Projektvorschläge evaluiert, aus denen 11 Projekte ausgewählt und über zweimal 3 Jahre von Mitte 2013 bis Mitte 2019 gefördert wurden. Das vorliegende Buch versammelt die Ansätze, Architekturen und Erkenntnisse der Projekte. Es überspannt einen breiten Themenbereich, angefangen mit speziellen Fragen der physikalischen Übertragung, des Antennendesigns und der HF-Eingangs-Architekturen für unterschiedliche Frequenzbereiche bis 240 GHz. Darüber hinaus beschreibt das Buch Ansätze für Ultra-Hochgeschwindigkeits-Funksysteme, deren Basisbandverarbeitung, Kodierung sowie mögliche Umsetzungen. Nicht zuletzt wurden auch Fragen des Protokolldesigns behandelt, um eine enge Integration in moderne Computersysteme zu erleichtern

    SchĂĽlervorstellungen zur Evolution - eine quantitative Studie

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    Auf der Basis der Ergebnisse qualitativer Untersuchungen wird in dieser Studie die quantitative Verteilung von Schülervorstellungen zu verschiedenen Aspekten der Evolution untersucht. Ziel ist es, die Vorstellungen zu identifi zieren, mit denen vorrangig im Unterricht gerechnet werden muss. Dies soll dem Lehrer bei der Planung eines Unterrichts, der Schülervorstellungen berücksichtigt, helfen, passende Instruktionen zur Bewältigung von Problemen, die mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zu erwarten sind, vorzubereiten. 100 Schüler (10. Klasse), die noch keinen Evolutionsunterricht erhalten hatten, sowie 206 Kursteilnehmer (11. / 12. Klasse), die bereits Evolution im Unterricht behandelt hatten, bearbeiteten einen Fragebogen. Die Schüler aller Klassenstufen stimmten im großen Umfang (71-81 %) finalen Auffassungen in geschlossenen Aufgaben zu und drückten entsprechende Vorstellungen in offenen Aufgaben relativ oft (46-53 %) aus. Anthropomorphe Vorstellungen nahmen mit zunehmendem Alter der Schüler ab (31 ➞ 17 %). Zwischen 33 % (10. Klasse) und 25 % (11. / 12. Klasse) der Schüler stellten sich vor, dass Evolution wegen einer persönlichen Notwendigkeit geschieht. 44 % (10. Klasse) und 30 % (11./ 12. Klasse) der Schüler konnten sich nicht vorstellen, dass Mäuse in der 21. Generation einen Schwanz mit normaler Länge besitzen würden, wenn man den Vorfahren diesen über 20 Generationen abschneidet. Es wurde deutlich, dass lamarckistische Auffassungen ein wissenschaftliches Verständnis behindern. Die Untersuchung zeigt, dass finale, anthropomorphe und lamarckistische Vorstellungen prominent in allen Klassenauftreten

    Joint Communication, Sensing and Localization for Airborne Applications

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    With the upcoming trends in autonomous driving and urban air mobility, the number of self-navigating vehicles will increase, since they are foreseen for deliveries as well as autonomous taxis among other applications. To this end, a multitude of on-board systems for wireless communication, environment sensing, and localization will become mandatory. This is particularly true for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), since participation in the airspace requires compatibility to and safe interaction with established users. A certain number of systems are already in-use and occupy defined spectra as well as installation space, which limits the freedom in the design of new systems. The miniaturization of aerial vehicles like drones for delivery services further reduces the degrees of freedom, especially in terms of size and weight of any additional equipment. Hence, in this paper a joint approach of the design of joint communication, sensing and localization for UAVs is discussed. Towards this goal, multi-mode multi-port antennas and joint waveform design are proposed as a part of the solution, when elevating autonomous driving to the third dimension

    The Ability of Quantitative, Specific, and Sensitive Point-of-Care/Chair-Side Oral Fluid Immunotests for aMMP-8 to Detect Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases

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    The analysis of the disease-specific oral and systemic biomarkers in saliva and oral fluids (i.e., mouth rinse, gingival crevicular fluid (GCF), and peri-implantitis fluid (PISF)) is demanding. Several hosts and microbial factors may influence their expression, release, and levels. The type of saliva/oral fluids utilized for the diagnostics affects the analysis. High sensitivity and specificities together with sophisticated methods and techniques are essential for valuable outcome. We describe here recently developed practical, convenient, inexpensive, noninvasive, and quantitative mouth rinse and PISF/GCF/chair-side/point-of-care (PoC) lateral-flow aMMP-8 immunoassays (PerioSafe and ImplantSafe/ORALyser) to detect, predict, and monitor successfully the course, treatment, and prevention of periodontitis and peri-implantitis, respectively. The tests have been independently and successfully validated to differentiate periodontal and peri-implant health and disease in Finland, Germany, Netherland, Sweden, Turkey, Nigeria, Malawi, and USA. The clinical use of salivary/oral fluid biomarkers to identify oral and systemic conditions requires additional studies utilizing these noninvasive screening, diagnostic, and preventive aMMP-8 PoC/chair-side technologies.Peer reviewe
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