45 research outputs found

    Couple relationships and health: the role of the individual's and the partner's education

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    A positive correlation between couple relationships and health is well established. However, recent studies indicate that the beneficial effects of couple relationships on health vary substantially according to the characteristics of the relationship and of the partners involved. The present paper examines to what extent partnership effects on physical and mental health differ based on the individual’s education, the partner's education and educational homogamy between partners. Our database is the German Socio-Economic Panel for the period of 2002 to 2016. Based on fixed effects analysis, our results show that a highly educated partner is more beneficial for mental and physical health than a partner with low education. In contrast, the effects of partnerships on health do not depend on whether the partners have same or different educational levels. The results also indicate that partnership effects on health depend on mate choice and on the potential to find a highly educated partner. Education-specific partnership effects on mental health are more prevalent for women, and effects on physical health are more prevalent for men.Ein positiver Zusammenhang zwischen Partnerschaft und Gesundheit ist lange bekannt. Neuere Studien zeigen jedoch, dass die Gesundheitseffekte von Paarbeziehungen von den Eigenschaften der Beziehung und den Eigenschaften der Partner abhĂ€ngen. Der Beitrag untersucht, ob und inwieweit die EinflĂŒsse einer Paarbeziehung auf die physische und die mentale Gesundheit vom Bildungsniveau des Individuums, dem seines Partners und von der Bildungshomogamie abhĂ€ngen. Mithilfe von Fixed-Effects-Modellen werden Daten des Sozioökonomischen Panels (SOEP, Wellen 2002-2016) analysiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass ein Partner mit hoher Bildung der mentalen und physischen Gesundheit förderlicher ist als ein Partner mit niedriger Bildung. Die Gesundheitseffekte von Paarbeziehungen sind jedoch unabhĂ€ngig vom Ausmaß der Bildungshomogamie bzw. -heterogamie. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass die Gesundheitseffekte einer Partnerschaft von den Chancen abhĂ€ngen, einen hoch gebildeten Partner zu finden. Die bildungsabhĂ€ngigen Partnerschaftseffekte auf die mentale Gesundheit sind stĂ€rker bei Frauen ausgeprĂ€gt, bildungsabhĂ€ngige Partnerschaftseffekte auf die physische Gesundheit finden sich dagegen eher bei MĂ€nnern

    RÀumliche MobilitÀt und regionale PartnermÀrkte

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    Aufgrund der ungleichen Verteilung von arbeitsmarkt- und ausbildungsbedingten Binnenwanderungen auf die Geschlechter und auf verschiedene Altersgruppen determiniert rĂ€umliche MobilitĂ€t die Struktur der lokalen PartnermĂ€rkte, d.h. der Relationen von alters- und bildungsmĂ€ĂŸig zueinander passenden MĂ€nnern und Frauen im kleinrĂ€umigen Kontext. Der Beitragt prĂ€sentiert hierzu Untersuchungen, die auf einem Vergleich kleinrĂ€umiger regionaler Einheiten (Landkreise und kreisfreie StĂ€dte), auf LĂ€ngsschnittbetrachtungen und auf theorieadĂ€quaten Partnermarktindikatoren (alters- und verfĂŒgbarkeitsgewichtete Availability Ratio) beruhen. Die Ergebnisse verdeutlichen den Zusammenhang zwischen den Partnermarktbedingungen und regionalen Strukturmerkmalen. Zentrale Datengrundlage der Untersuchungen ist die regionale Bevölkerungsstatistik der statistischen LandesĂ€mter

    Neue Befunde zur PluralitÀt der Lebensformen

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    'Obwohl die Pluralisierung der Lebensformen seit langem in der Familiensoziologie intensiv diskutiert wird, ist immer noch nicht hinreichend geklĂ€rt, in welchem Ausmaß dieser Prozess tatsĂ€chlich stattgefunden hat. Die vorliegende Studie bestimmt die PluralitĂ€t der Lebensformen in drei Schritten. Erstens wird die Pluralisierung der Lebensformen in Deutschland im historischen Zeitablauf, zweitens in der Kohortendifferenzierung und drittens im europĂ€ischen Vergleich untersucht. Die Ergebnisse belegen eine nur sehr schwache Pluralisierung der Lebensformen zwischen 1971 und 1999, bedeutsame Schwankungen der PluralitĂ€t der Lebensformen innerhalb von Kohorten entlang der Altersachse, jedoch nicht zwischen Kohorten sowie eine nahezu durchschnittlich ausgeprĂ€gte PluralitĂ€t der Lebensformen im europĂ€ischen Vergleich.' (Autorenreferat)'Although family sociologists have intensely discussed the diversification of living arrangements for a long time, there is still insufficient knowledge about the extent to which this process has actually taken place. This paper examines the diversity of living arrangements in three steps: first, a chronological documentation of the diversification of living arrangements in Germany; secondly a description of cohort differentiation; and thirdly, a comparison with other European countries. Results indicate only a very slight diversification between 1971 and 1999. There are significant changes of diversity within cohorts along the age axis, but not between cohorts. Finally, the diversity of living arrangements in Germany is shown to be near the European average.' (author's abstract

    “Media Use and the Analytical Brain”: Screen-Based Media Use and Behavioral Preference in Indonesian Children: [“Penggunaan Media dan Otak Analitik”: Penggunaan Media Berbasis Layar dan Preferensi Perilaku Anak Indonesia]

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between screen-based media use and autistic features. The present study involved 207 parents of Indonesian children 4-6 years old and 10-12 years old. Parents completed several questionnaires addressing children screen-based activities and level of autistic traits. The questionnaires are: (1) a screen-based media survey; (2) Empathizing-Systemizing Quotients (EQ-SQ Child); and (3) The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Child). An online survey was utilized to collect all study data. The results showed that children spent more than four hours on average per day with media use. The regression analysis indicated that total time spent by children on media use shows a positive correlation with systemizing. The total time spent by children on media use also positively correlated with the extreme male brain condition. The total time spent on screen-based media use did not significantly contribute to explaining the variance of empathizing. However, empathizing is negatively correlated with time devoted in watching activities (television, videos, and movies) and playing video games. The more children spend time playing in video games, the more the autism quotient (AQ) score increases. Finally, the current study provides empirical evidence for a relation of screen-based media use and autistic features in children. The findings suggest that the duration of screen-time are significant predictors of systemizing and extreme male behavior, albeit the significance for empathizing depends on the type of media. The results highlight the clinical importance of examining screen-based media use among children.   Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara penggunaan media berbasis layar dengan karakteristik autisme. Studi ini melibatkan 207 orang tua di Indonesia yang memiliki anak berusia 4-6 tahun dan 10-12 tahun. Orang tua menyelesaikan beberapa survei secara daring. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari: (1) survei mengenai durasi penggunaan media berbasis layar pada anak; (2) skala Empathizing-Systemizing Quotient (EQ-SQ Child); dan (3) skala Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Child). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa anak menghabiskan waktu secara rerata lebih dari empat jam per hari dengan penggunaan media. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa durasi total penggunaan media berkorelasi positif dengan tingkat sistemisasi anak dan extreme male brain behavior, namun tidak berkontribusi secara signifikan dalam menjelaskan tingkat empati anak. Tingkat empati secara spesifik berkorelasi negatif dengan waktu yang digunakan untuk aktivitas menonton (televisi, video, dan film) dan bermain video game. Semakin lama durasi anak bermain video game, maka skor autism quotient (AQ) juga meningkat. Dengan demikian, studi ini memberikan bukti empiris mengenai hubungan penggunaan media berbasis layar dengan karakteristik autisme pada anak. Durasi penggunaan media berbasis layar adalah prediktor yang siginifikan untuk tingkat sistemasi dan extreme male brain behavior, sedangkan tingkat berempati anak lebih dipengaruhi oleh jenis media. Hasil studi ini menyoroti pentingnya memperhatikan dampak dari penggunaan media berbasis layar pada anak

    “Media Use and the Analytical Brain”: Screen-Based Media Use and Behavioral Preference in Indonesian Children [“Penggunaan Media dan Otak Analitik”: Penggunaan Media Berbasis Layar dan Preferensi Perilaku Anak Indonesia]

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    This study aims to examine the relationship between screen-based media use and autistic features. The present study involved 207 parents of Indonesian children 4-6 years old and 10-12 years old. Parents completed several questionnaires addressing children screen-based activities and level of autistic traits. The questionnaires are: (1) a screen-based media survey; (2) Empathizing-Systemizing Quotients (EQ-SQ Child); and (3) The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Child). An online survey was utilized to collect all study data. The results showed that children spent more than four hours on average per day with media use. The regression analysis indicated that total time spent by children on media use shows a positive correlation with systemizing. The total time spent by children on media use also positively correlated with the extreme male brain condition. The total time spent on screen-based media use did not significantly contribute to explaining the variance of empathizing. However, empathizing is negatively correlated with time devoted in watching activities (television, videos, and movies) and playing video games. The more children spend time playing in video games, the more the autism quotient (AQ) score increases. Finally, the current study provides empirical evidence for a relation of screen-based media use and autistic features in children. The findings suggest that the duration of screen-time are significant predictors of systemizing and extreme male behavior, albeit the significance for empathizing depends on the type of media. The results highlight the clinical importance of examining screen-based media use among children. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji hubungan antara penggunaan media berbasis layar dengan karakteristik autisme. Studi ini melibatkan 207 orang tua di Indonesia yang memiliki anak berusia 4-6 tahun dan 10-12 tahun. Orang tua menyelesaikan beberapa survei secara daring. Kuesioner tersebut terdiri dari: (1) survei mengenai durasi penggunaan media berbasis layar pada anak; (2) skala Empathizing-Systemizing Quotient (EQ-SQ Child); dan (3) skala Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ-Child). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa anak menghabiskan waktu secara rerata lebih dari empat jam per hari dengan penggunaan media. Analisis regresi menunjukkan bahwa durasi total penggunaan media berkorelasi positif dengan tingkat sistemisasi anak dan extreme male brain behavior, namun tidak berkontribusi secara signifikan dalam menjelaskan tingkat empati anak. Tingkat empati secara spesifik berkorelasi negatif dengan waktu yang digunakan untuk aktivitas menonton (televisi, video, dan film) dan bermain video game. Semakin lama durasi anak bermain video game, maka skor autism quotient (AQ) juga meningkat. Dengan demikian, studi ini memberikan bukti empiris mengenai hubungan penggunaan media berbasis layar dengan karakteristik autisme pada anak. Durasi penggunaan media berbasis layar adalah prediktor yang siginifikan untuk tingkat sistemasi dan extreme male brain behavior, sedangkan tingkat berempati anak lebih dipengaruhi oleh jenis media. Hasil studi ini menyoroti pentingnya memperhatikan dampak dari penggunaan media berbasis layar pada anak

    Exploring data provenance in handwritten text recognition infrastructure:Sharing and reusing ground truth data, referencing models, and acknowledging contributions. Starting the conversation on how we could get it done

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    This paper discusses best practices for sharing and reusing Ground Truth in Handwritten Text Recognition infrastructures, and ways to reference and acknowledge contributions to the creation and enrichment of data within these Machine Learning systems. We discuss how one can publish Ground Truth data in a repository and, subsequently, inform others. Furthermore, we suggest appropriate citation methods for HTR data, models, and contributions made by volunteers. Moreover, when using digitised sources (digital facsimiles), it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between the physical object and the digital collection. These topics all relate to the proper acknowledgement of labour put into digitising, transcribing, and sharing Ground Truth HTR data. This also points to broader issues surrounding the use of Machine Learning in archival and library contexts, and how the community should begin toacknowledge and record both contributions and data provenance

    Exploring Data Provenance in Handwritten Text Recognition Infrastructure: Sharing and Reusing Ground Truth Data, Referencing Models, and Acknowledging Contributions. Starting the Conversation on How We Could Get It Done

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    This paper discusses best practices for sharing and reusing Ground Truth in Handwritten Text Recognition infrastructures, as well as ways to reference and acknowledge contributions to the creation and enrichment of data within these systems. We discuss how one can place Ground Truth data in a repository and, subsequently, inform others through HTR-United. Furthermore, we want to suggest appropriate citation methods for ATR data, models, and contributions made by volunteers. Moreover, when using digitised sources (digital facsimiles), it becomes increasingly important to distinguish between the physical object and the digital collection. These topics all relate to the proper acknowledgement of labour put into digitising, transcribing, and sharing Ground Truth HTR data. This also points to broader issues surrounding the use of machine learning in archival and library contexts, and how the community should begin to acknowledge and record both contributions and data provenance

    Increased Sensory Processing Atypicalities in Parents of Multiplex ASD Families Versus Typically Developing and Simplex ASD Families

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    Recent studies have suggested that sensory processing atypicalities may share genetic influences with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). To further investigate this, the adolescent/adult sensory profile (AASP) questionnaire was distributed to 85 parents of typically developing children (P-TD), 121 parents from simplex ASD families (SPX), and 54 parents from multiplex ASD families (MPX). After controlling for gender and presence of mental disorders, results showed that MPX parents significantly differed from P-TD parents in all four subscales of the AASP. Differences between SPX and MPX parents reached significance in the Sensory Sensitivity subscale and also in subsequent modality-specific analyses in the auditory and visual domains. Our finding that parents with high genetic liability for ASD (i.e., MPX) had more sensory processing atypicalities than parents with low (i.e., SPX) or no (i.e., P-TD) ASD genetic liability suggests that sensory processing atypicalities may contribute to the genetic susceptibility for ASD