6,560 research outputs found

    TuLiPA : a syntax-semantics parsing environment for mildly context-sensitive formalisms

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    In this paper we present a parsing architecture that allows processing of different mildly context-sensitive formalisms, in particular Tree-Adjoining Grammar (TAG), Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammar with Tree Tuples (TT-MCTAG) and simple Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG). Furthermore, for tree-based grammars, the parser computes not only syntactic analyses but also the corresponding semantic representations

    Developing a TT-MCTAG for German with an RCG-based parser

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    Developing linguistic resources, in particular grammars, is known to be a complex task in itself, because of (amongst others) redundancy and consistency issues. Furthermore some languages can reveal themselves hard to describe because of specific characteristics, e.g. the free word order in German. In this context, we present (i) a framework allowing to describe tree-based grammars, and (ii) an actual fragment of a core multicomponent tree-adjoining grammar with tree tuples (TT-MCTAG) for German developed using this framework. This framework combines a metagrammar compiler and a parser based on range concatenation grammar (RCG) to respectively check the consistency and the correction of the grammar. The German grammar being developed within this framework already deals with a wide range of scrambling and extraction phenomena

    Hitting the Right Notes: The Need for a General Public Performance Right in Sound Recordings to Create Harmony in American Copyright Law

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    The Article discusses the recognition of the public performance right for sound recordings under the U.S. Copyright Law. It states that section 106 of the said law opposes the public performance right, which has lost legality in light of the modern music industry. It mentions the importance of recognizing the Performance Rights Act, which give recording artists the chance to collect royalties when their works are played on the radio

    Auf die Auslaufbepflanzung gerichtetes Verhalten von Legehennen bei unterschiedlicher botanischer Zusammensetzung und Bodendeckung der Grasnarbe

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    In organic laying hens husbandry it is desirable that the animals cover a proportion of their daily fodder intake by foraging in the outside run, e.g. by grazing. So far, however, few studies have investigated the factors which influence herbage intake of laying hens. In the present experiment we analysed the foraging behaviour of laying hens in the outside run at different conditions of sward botanical composition and of percentage ground cover of vegetation. The animals were taken to pasture on monocultures and a mixed plot of fourteen grassland plant species for three levels of period of stay in a rotational grazing system. By means of point sampling, we recorded scratching, plant pecking and ground pecking. Our results indicate that the factor plant species per se is a weak determinant of the animals’ foraging behaviour. However, the tested plant species showed varying persistence at prolonged duration of stocking. Percentage ground cover of vegetation had a significant positive correlation with plant pecking and was negatively correlated with ground pecking. At a ground cover of less than 60 %, the frequency of plant pecking strongly decreased

    TuLiPA : towards a multi-formalism parsing environment for grammar engineering

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    In this paper, we present an open-source parsing environment (Tübingen Linguistic Parsing Architecture, TuLiPA) which uses Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG) as a pivot formalism, thus opening the way to the parsing of several mildly context-sensitive formalisms. This environment currently supports tree-based grammars (namely Tree-Adjoining Grammars (TAG) and Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammars with Tree Tuples (TT-MCTAG)) and allows computation not only of syntactic structures, but also of the corresponding semantic representations. It is used for the development of a tree-based grammar for German

    TuLiPA : towards a multi-formalism parsing environment for grammar engineering

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    In this paper, we present an open-source parsing environment (Tübingen Linguistic Parsing Architecture, TuLiPA) which uses Range Concatenation Grammar (RCG) as a pivot formalism, thus opening the way to the parsing of several mildly context-sensitive formalisms. This environment currently supports tree-based grammars (namely Tree-Adjoining Grammars (TAG) and Multi-Component Tree-Adjoining Grammars with Tree Tuples (TT-MCTAG)) and allows computation not only of syntactic structures, but also of the corresponding semantic representations. It is used for the development of a tree-based grammar for German

    Fridays @ 12:30 Series

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    On the Nitrous Oxide Accumulation in Intermediate Waters of the Eastern South Pacific Ocean

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a powerful greenhouse gas principally produced by nitrification and denitrification in the marine environment. Observations were made in the eastern South Pacific (ESP), between 10° and 60°S, and ~75°–88°W, from intermediate waters targeting Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) at potential density of 27.0–27.1 kg m−3. Between 60° and 20°S, a gradual equatorward increase of N2O from 8 to 26 nmol L−1 was observed at density 27.0–27.1 kg m−3 where AAIW penetrates. Positive correlations were found between apparent N2O production (ΔN2O) and O2 utilization (AOU), and between ΔN2O and NO−3, which suggested that local N2O production is predominantly produced by nitrification. Closer to the equator, between 20° and 10°S at AAIW core, a strong N2O increase up to 75 nmol L−1 was observed. Because negative correlations were found between ΔN2O vs. NO−3 and ΔN2O vs. N* (a Nitrogen deficit index) and because ΔN2O and AOU do not follow a linear trend, we suspect that, in addition to nitrification, denitrification also takes place in N2O cycling. By making use of water mass mixing analyses, we show that an increase in N2O occurs in the region where high oxygen from AAIW merges with low oxygen from Equatorial Subsurface Water (ESSW), creating favorable conditions for local N2O production. We conclude that the non-linearity in the relationship between N2O and O2 is a result of mixing between two water masses with very different source characteristics, paired with the different time frames of nitrification and denitrification processes that impact water masses en route before they finally meet and mix in the ESP region

    Untersuchung der Eignung heimischer Grünlandarten für die Bepflanzung von Legehennen-Auslaufflächen

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    Die Erhaltung einer intakten Vegetationsdecke auf Auslaufflächen ist wichtig, um negative Umweltwirkungen der Geflügel-Freilandhaltung zu vermeiden. Im vorliegenden Projekt untersuchten wir im Rahmen einer Feldstudie die Eignung von vierzehn heimischen Grünlandarten für die Bepflanzung von Auslaufflächen. Durch die Beweidung mit Legehennen wurden bei den verschiedenen Arten signifikant (P < 0.001) unterschiedliche Anteile des Aufwuchses von den Flächen entnommen. Die Besatzleistung war bei einigen untersuchten Arten ein signifikanter erklärender Faktor für ihre Wachstumsrate nach Ende der Beweidung. Wir schließen aus unseren Daten, dass Poa supina und Festuca arundinacea gut für die Begrünung von Geflügel-Auslaufflächen geeignet sein können, da weniger als 20 % ihres Aufwuchses durch die Hühner abgefressen wurden, und ihre Wachstumsraten durch Beweidung mit unterschiedlichen Besatzleistungen nicht signifikant verändert wurden
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