135 research outputs found

    Land as a topic in the book of Psalms?

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    This essay focuses on land conceptions in the Psalter, dealing with Psalms reflecting on Israel’s history regard land as an integral part of remembrance and YHWH as a powerful and mighty saviour. As he was able to fulfil his promise of land in former times, he is now able to rescue from distress and to grant land for the psalmist’s and subsequent generations. The essay distinguishes between a universal-cosmologic and a particular conception of “land”. Whereas a universal-cosmologic understanding is prevailing, few psalms refer to a particular understanding (i.e., Pss 25; 37; 61; 69). These psalms witness to a conception of “land as reward” in tight connection to a God-fearing life. This thesis of “land as reward” suggests a “metaphorical” application of the concept; further it is accompanied with notions of Zion theology and the theology of poor and poverty.http://www.journals.co.za/content/journal/oldtestam2020Old Testament Studie

    Structure-function relationships of E-type endonuclease colicins

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    Colicin cytotoxicity can take various guises, the most remarkable being degradation of bacterial DNA, requiring the 60 kDa toxin to translocate its C-terminal, 15 kDa enzymatic domain across two membrane boundaries in order to reach the cytoplasm. Current theories concerning colicin translocation envisage that conformational changes, and partly unfolding, are required before the toxin can enter the cell. To date, four colicin DNases have been identified, i.e. E2, E7, E8 and E9, which share high sequence homology. In our study nano-ESI-MS was used to gain insights into metal binding and conformational properties of these metalloproteins. Thermostability and intrinsic trypthophan accessibility measurements were performed and correlated with our ESI-MS data. ESI-MS analysis of each DNase revealed substantial different folding properties even though they are highly homologous. In the absence of zinc ions, which bind with nM affinity to the enzyme, the E7 DNase mass spectra were dominated by a loosely packed ('unfolded') population of protein conformers, while mass spectra for apo-E8 DNase represented mostly 'folded' conformers. The presence of zinc ions resulted in increased conformational stability for all proteins thereby adopting states that are more folded and uniform. Taken together, the present study demonstrates that ESI-MS is sensitive to changes in the conformational stability in the four DNases in a manner consistent with experimental data deduced from calorimetry and intrinsic Trp fluorescence quenching

    Tanaris®, das neue Bodenherbizid im Winterraps für den Vor und Nachauflauf

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    Mit dem Produkt Tanaris® stellt die BASF ein breit wirksames Produkt zur Unkrautkontrolle im Winterraps vor. Tanaris® hat eine Zielaufwandmenge von 1,5 l/ha und enthält die beiden Wirkstoffe Dimethenamid-P (333 g/l) und Quinmerac (167 g/l). Durch die Kombination beider Wirkstoffe entstand ein Herbizid, welches eine hohe Wirkung auf wichtige Schlüsselunkräuter im Winterraps wie Kamille, Taubnessel und Ehrenpreisarten aufweist. Insbesondere die gute Klettenlabkraut-Wirkung sowie die ausgeprägte Stärke gegen Storchschnabel-Arten zeichnen das Produkt aus. Weiterhin ist Tanaris® gut kulturverträglich, unabhängig davon ob der Einsatz im Vor- oder Nachauflauf der Kultur erfolgt. Tanaris® befindet sich momentan im Zulassungsverfahren, mit einer Zulassung in Deutschland wird 2016 gerechnet.Tanaris® – the new herbicide for weed control in pre and post emergence in oilseed rapeWith the Product Tanaris® BASF introduces a broadly effective herbicide for weed control in winter oilseed rape. Tanaris® is used at a dose rate of 1.5 l/ha and contains the active substances Dimethenamid-P (333 g/l) and Quinmerac (167 g/l). With the combination of both actives, the product is delivering high activity on most oilseed rape key weeds such as mayweeds, deadnettles and speedwell. Especially the high effectivity on cleavers and cranesbill species needs to be emphasized. Further Tanaris® is highly selective in oilseed rape in pre and post emergence. Currently Tanaris® is evaluated for registration; a registration in Germany is expected for 2016

    Morphometric analysis of Keller Peninsula, Antarctica, by GJS

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    Este estudo consiste na análise morfométrica da Penmsula Keller, ilha Rei George, arquipélago das Shetlands do Sul, Antártica, usando técnicas de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). Uma fotografia aérea vertical e o Modelo Digital do Terreno (MDT) usados na elaboração de um mapa topográfico da PK na escala 1:5.000 foram processados em estação fotogramétrica digital para gerar uma ortofoto e uma ortofotocarta. O referido MDT, os pontos cotados e curvas de nível desse mapa topográfico foram armazenados em um SIG. Um MDT mais detalhado foi gerado para a área de entorno da Estação Comandante Ferraz (EACF), pela adição de pontos cotados da planta topográfica dessa estação. A partir desses MDTs foram derivados mapas hipsométricos, de declividade e aspecto, modelos de sombreamento analítico, cenas perspectivas tridimensionais e perfis topográficos, assim como medidas de distâncias, perímetros, áreas e volumes. Com base nos dados do MDT resultante deste estudo, a elevação média da PK é 96,5 me a máxima de 332,8 m (monte Birkenmajer). Na PK predominam terrenos com declividade forte ondulada (35,6%), seguida pelas classes montanhosa (22,3%), ondulada (20%) e escarpada (12,8%). As vertentes da PK são principalmente orientadas para oeste (21,3%) e leste (15,3%).This study consists in the motphometric analysis of Keller Peninsula (KP), South Shetland Archipelago, Antarctica, using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques. We processed a vertical metric aerial photography and a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) used in the compilation of the KP topographic map at a scale of 1:5,000, in a Digital Photogrammetric Station, to generate an orthophoto and then to create an orthophotomap. This DTM, altimetric points and contour lines from this topographic map were stored in the GIS. A more detailed DTM for the area surrounding the Brazilian Comandante Ferraz Station (EACF) were generated adding altimetric points from an EACF topographic plan. From these DTMs, we derived hypsometric, slope and aspect maps, hillshade models, perspective view scenes and topographic profiles, as well as measurements of distances, perimeters, areas and volumes for the KP and the EACF areas. Based on the DTM ofthis study, the mean KP elevation is 96.5 m and the maximum one is 332.8 m (Birkenmajer Mount). At KP predominates steep terrain slopes (35.6%), followed by very steep (22.3%), moderate (200/o) and abrupt areas (12.8%). Its hillsides are mainly westward (21.3%) and eastward (15.3%) oriented

    Основные положения формирования нового единого сельскохозяйственного налога

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    Обосновывается введение единого сельскохозяйственного налога как постоянной ставки от стоимости валового дохода предприятий.Обгрунтовується введене єдиного сільськогосподарського податку як постійної ставки до вартості валового доходу підприємств.Introduction of the united agricultural tax is grounded as a permanent size to the cost of gross profit of enterprises

    Compilation of a TopographicMap ata Scale of 1:5.000 for Keller Peninsula, King George lsland, Antarctica

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    A Península Keller (PK), localizada na illia Rei George (arquipélago das Shetland do Sul), abriga a Estação Antártica Comandante Ferraz (EACF) e é o cenário de diversas pesquisas nacionais e internacionais. Todavia, essa península não possuía ainda uma base cartográfica precisa e em escala de detallie, com exceção para a área de entorno da EACF, já mapeada na escala 1:500. Assim, este artigo mostra a elaboração de um mapa topográfico para a PK na escala 1:5.000, pelo processamento de um estereopar de fotografias aéreas em estação fotogramétrica digital. Primeiramente, foram realizadas as orientações interna e externa das fotografias. Os pontos cotados gerados neste estudo e os da planta topográfica da EACF foram armazenados em um Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), utilizado para produzir um Modelo Digital do Teneno (MDn. Curvas de nível com eqüidistância de 5 m foram extraídas desse MDT e estas foram utilizadas para elaborar o mapa topográfico da PK. Os dados planialtimétricos do mapa topográfico apresentam boa compatibilidade com os de outros mapas-base.The Keller Peninsula (KP), on the King George Island (South Shetland Archipelago ), shelters the Brazilian Comandante Ferraz Station (EACF) and it has been the site from several national and international research projects. However, this area has not yet been mapped in detail, except for the area around the EACF, which is mapped at 1:500. This work proposes the compilation of a new KP topographic map, at a scale of 1:5,000, by processing a stereopair of aerial photographs in a Digital Photogrammetric Station. Firstly, the interior and exterior orientation of the photographs were performed. The altimetric points generated by this study and from the EACF topographic plan were stored in a Geographical Information System (GIS), used to the generation ofa Digital Terrain Model (DTM). Contour lines with 5 m intervals were derived from this DTM and were used to the elaboration of the KP topographic map. Verification of horizontal position and elevation data of the resulting map showed a good correlation with other maps

    Human embryonic stem cell-derived test systems for developmental neurotoxicity: a transcriptomics approach

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    Developmental neurotoxicity (DNT) and many forms of reproductive toxicity (RT) often manifest themselves in functional deficits that are not necessarily based on cell death, but rather on minor changes relating to cell differentiation or communication. The fields of DNT/RT would greatly benefit from in vitro tests that allow the identification of toxicant-induced changes of the cellular proteostasis, or of its underlying transcriptome network. Therefore, the 'human embryonic stem cell (hESC)- derived novel alternative test systems (ESNATS)' European commission research project established RT tests based on defined differentiation protocols of hESC and their progeny. Valproic acid (VPA) and methylmercury (MeHg) were used as positive control compounds to address the following fundamental questions: (1) Does transcriptome analysis allow discrimination of the two compounds? (2) How does analysis of enriched transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) and of individual probe sets (PS) distinguish between test systems? (3) Can batch effects be controlled? (4) How many DNA microarrays are needed? (5) Is the highest non-cytotoxic concentration optimal and relevant for the study of transcriptome changes? VPA triggered vast transcriptional changes, whereas MeHg altered fewer transcripts. To attenuate batch effects, analysis has been focused on the 500 PS with highest variability. The test systems differed significantly in their responses (\20 % overlap). Moreover, within one test system, little overlap between the PS changed by the two compounds has been observed. However, using TFBS enrichment, a relatively large 'common response' to VPA and MeHg could be distinguished from 'compound-specific' responses. In conclusion, the ESNATS assay battery allows classification of human DNT/RT toxicants on the basis of their transcriptome profiles.EU/FP7/ESNATSDFGDoerenkamp-Zbinden Foundatio

    Obtaining Adequate Surgical Margins in Breast-Conserving Therapy for Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Current Modalities and Future Directions

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    Inadequate surgical margins represent a high risk for adverse clinical outcome in breast-conserving therapy (BCT) for early-stage breast cancer. The majority of studies report positive resection margins in 20% to 40% of the patients who underwent BCT. This may result in an increased local recurrence (LR) rate or additional surgery and, consequently, adverse affects on cosmesis, psychological distress, and health costs. In the literature, various risk factors are reported to be associated with positive margin status after lumpectomy, which may allow the surgeon to distinguish those patients with a higher a priori risk for re-excision. However, most risk factors are related to tumor biology and patient characteristics, which cannot be modified as such. Therefore, efforts to reduce the number of positive margins should focus on optimizing the surgical procedure itself, because the surgeon lacks real-time intraoperative information on the presence of positive resection margins during breast-conserving surgery. This review presents the status of pre- and intraoperative modalities currently used in BCT. Furthermore, innovative intraoperative approaches, such as positron emission tomography, radioguided occult lesion localization, and near-infrared fluorescence optical imaging, are addressed, which have to prove their potential value in improving surgical outcome and reducing the need for re-excision in BCT