17 research outputs found

    Introduction to Morphology and Syntax

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    Employing Graphic Organizers through Team-Pair-Solo Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at SMPN 9 Kubung

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    This research was conducted to improve the students’ reading comprehension by employing graphic organizers through Team-Pair-Solo strategy. Classroom Action Research which involved 32 eighth graders was employed in this study. The instruments were reading comprehension test, observation checklists, field notes and questionnaire. The steps done in employing the strategy were: (1) working in group in comprehending the text, (2) discussing the answer, (3) working in pairs,(4) creating their own graphic organizers, (5) swapping their work (6) giving feedback, (7) discussing the feedback (8) revising individually, (9) retelling the text by using their graphic organizers. The findings of this study showed that the strategy improved students’ ability; most of the students (87.5%) were actively involved and enthusiastic in teaching-learning process; and most of them (90%) gave positive perceptions toward the implementation of the strategy. These results indicated that the strategy was effective in improving students’ reading comprehension ability

    Employing Graphic Organizers through Team-Pair-Solo Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension of Eighth Graders at SMPN 9 Kubung

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    This research was conducted to improve the students’ reading comprehension by employing graphic organizers through Team-Pair-Solo strategy. Classroom Action Research which involved 32 eighth graders was employed in this study. The instruments were reading comprehension test, observation checklists, field notes and questionnaire. The steps done in employing the strategy were: (1) working in group in comprehending the text, (2) discussing the answer, (3) working in pairs,(4) creating their own graphic organizers, (5) swapping their work (6) giving feedback, (7) discussing the feedback (8) revising individually, (9) retelling the text by using their graphic organizers. The findings of this study showed that the strategy improved students’ ability; most of the students (87.5%) were actively involved and enthusiastic in teaching-learning process; and most of them (90%) gave positive perceptions toward the implementation of the strategy. These results indicated that the strategy was effective in improving students’ reading comprehension ability

    EFL university teachers’ perspectives in written corrective feedback and their actual applications

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    This study aimed to investigate the English as a foreign language (EFL) university teachers’ perspective and their actual applications in providing written corrective feedback to the writing errors made by the EFL university students and their correlation. The study was based on 80 responses of a Google-Form survey distributed to EFL university teachers with various teaching experiences from the most parts of Indonesia. Correlational design was used in this research. Descriptive statistics and Pearson’s correlation tests were used to analyze data. The results indicated that the majority of teachers had perspectives that it is valuable to provide and vary the strategies of written corrective feedback. In addition, the teachers mostly applied both direct and indirect feedback in various strategies and they only sometimes provided corrections in all aspects of errors and reformulation. It was also found out that the Indonesian EFL university teachers’ perspectives in the written corrective on students’ writing errors highly correlated with their actual applications. The results of the study provide both theoretical and pedagogical implications. Theoretically, it enriches the body knowledge of feedback and EFL writing. Pedagogically, EFL teachers are also suggested to improve their knowledge on various feedback techniques and apply it in their classroom teaching and learning process.

    Effect of Environmental Problem-based Learning on the Indonesian EFL Students’ Environment-related Vocabulary Mastery and Writing Ability

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    This study aims at examining the effect of environmental problem-based learning (PBL) on the environment-related vocabulary mastery and writing ability of Indonesian EFL students. Previous studies showed that problem-based learning is a student-centered learning approach that affects students’ learning positively and significantly. This study employed a quasi-experimental design by involving two classes of senior high school students, each consisted of 30 students. One class was assigned to be the experimental group and treated with environmental PBL, while the other class was assigned to be the control group and taught conventionally. A vocabulary test was used to measure the students’ environment-related vocabulary mastery, while a hortatory writing test was used to examine the students’ writing ability. The data were analyzed by using independent sample t-test. The results of the study showed that the students who were taught by using environmental PBL improved their environment-related vocabulary mastery and their writing ability significantly. The PBL approach is then recommended for future teaching and research. Nevertheless, before implementing this approach, other teachers and future researchers should consider the readiness of the curriculum, the students, and the school infrastructure

    Analysis of the Cultural Identity of Characters on Fanfiction Adaptation "Atuy Galon" by Cyn

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    Atuy Galon is a unique fanfiction that began as a series of short stories on social media, eventually gaining prominence and being published in a comic strip format. What sets this work apart is its distinctive use of slang language, an ever-evolving linguistic phenomenon that resonates particularly with younger audiences. The central figures in the narrative, Atuy, Anton, and Sahrul, not only use slang but each has developed their own distinct slang lexicon, reflecting varied facets of cultural identity. As language remains paramount in shaping one's cultural self-awareness, this research meticulously examines the linguistic choices of these characters. Employing a descriptive qualitative approach alongside a rigorous discourse analysis methodology, the study aims to decode the linguistic intricacies within Atuy Galon and their broader implications for cultural identity formation. The significance of this exploration extends beyond literary analysis; it offers a window into the dynamic interplay between language, culture, and identity among today's youth. Additionally, it underscores the transformative power of technology in reshaping linguistic norms and practices

    English teachers’ beliefs and practices in integrating digital literacy in the language classroom

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    This case study investigates teachers’ beliefs (i.e., behavioral, normative, and control beliefs) and practices in integrating digital literacy in English as foreign language (EFL) classroom. A descriptive study on EFL teachers is used in this research. Four participants were purposively selected to give sufficient information to answer the research questions. Data from the participants were collected by using interviews, observation, and documentation. In terms of the teachers’ beliefs, the finding shows that the behavioral belief was related to the benefits of using digital literacy; normative belief dealt with the expectation in the social context of both superiors and peers; while control belief was about the availability of particular digital technology to be implemented in the classroom and the ability of teachers. With regard to the teachers’ practices, it was found that the teachers used several digital tools for searching for information, communication, collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, cultural understanding, and e-safety. It was evident that teachers’ strong beliefs in integrating digital literacy influence the implementation of digital literacy in the classroom. The findings of this study highlight the importance of cultivating teachers’ beliefs toward the actual implementation of the integration of digital literacy in the EFL classroom

    Teacher’s Perception toward the Use of English for Communication Science Book

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    Abstract: This study aimed at investigating the teachers’ perception toward the use of English for Communication Science book and how it facilitates the teaching learning process. Descriptive qualitative research was applied in this study. According to the data obtained from questionnaire and interview, the textbook has fulfilled several criteria of a good book: practicality, language use and content, topics, and tasks. However, it has not fulfilled other criteria: suitability to students, skills mastery, relation to syllabus, and design and organization. In addition, the criteria which facilitate the teaching learning process are language use and content and topics. Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi guru terhadap penggunaan buku English for Communication Science dan bagaimana buku tersebut memudahkan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Menurut data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner dan interview, buku tersebut telah memenuhi kriteria buku yang baik dalam hal kepraktisan, bahasa dan isi, topic, dan soal latihan, sedangkan belum terpenuhi dalam hal kesesuaian terhadap mahasiswa, penguasaan ketrampilan, kesesuaian dengan silabus, dan desain organisasi. Dengan demikian, kriteria yang dapat memudahkan dalam proses belajar mengajar adalah bahasa dan isi dan topik yang berhubungan dengan jurusan ilmu komunikasi

    ESP Textbook: What the Users' Need?

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    Abstract: This study was implemented in a private institution focusing on the ESP textbook employed in the class of management. There were 196 students, 9 ESP instructors, and one ESP expert who participated in this research. The aim was to know their perspectives toward the textbook used. It focused on five criteria applied. There were aims and approaches, skills and strategies, topics, practical considerations, and methodologies. The subjects agreed that from criteria of the aims and approaches, topics, and methodologies were good. In contrast, the other criteria, such as practical consideration and skills and strategies, slightly needed to be re-evaluated as some parts of them were inappropriate specifically to their level of comprehension.Keywords: ESP textbook, textbook evaluation, needs analysisAbstrak: Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada sebuah institusi swasta yang berfokus pada buku ESP yang digunakan pada kelas manajemen. Ada 196 mahasiswa, 9 instruktur dan seorang ahli ESP yang ikutserta dalam studi ini. Tujuannya adalah untuk mengetahui perspektif mereka terhadap buku yang digunakan. Penelitian ini berfokus pada lima kriteria. Kriteria tersebut yakni tujuan dan pendekatan, kemampuan dan strategi, topik, pertimbangan praktis, dan metodologi. Semua subjek setuju bahwa pada kriteria tujuan dan pendekatan, topik, dan metodologi, buku ini sudah baik. Sedangkan kriteria lain seperti pertimbangan praktis, dan keterampilan serta strategi sedikit perlu dievaluasi kembali karena beberapa bagian di antaranya tidak sesuai khususnya dengan tingkat pemahaman mereka. Kata kunci: buku teks ESP, evaluasi buku teks, analisis kebutuhan

    Graduate Students Metacognitive Reading Knowledge of Monitoring Strategies

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    Abstract: This study presents the graduate students’ understanding of metacognitive reading strategies. Obtained from thinking-aloud and interview, seven reading strategies are monitored when reading namely, (1) restating strategy to figure out the author’s meaning, (2) making gist conclusion to get the key point, (3) using Google translate to interpret new terms confidently, (4) Rereading to amplify self-understanding correction, (5) Using context clues to get complete idea of the point, (6) underlining to centralize reading points, and (7) Asking self-questions for rechecking comprehension. By noticing the strategies use and the reasons for its use, the students understand the appropriate strategies to use.Keywords: metacognitive reading knowledge, reading strategies, declarative-conditional knowledge, thinking-aloudAbstrak: Penelitian ini menyajikan pemahaman mahasiswa pascasarjana tentang strategi membaca metakognitif. Diperoleh dari thinking-aloud dan wawancara, tujuh strategi membaca yang dipantau saat membaca yaitu, (1) strategi mengulang untuk memahami makna penulis, (2) menyimpulkan inti bacaan untuk mendapatkan inti pembahasan, (3) menggunakan Google translate untuk menafsirkan istilah baru dengan percaya diri, (4) Membaca ulang untuk memperkuat koreksi pemahaman diri, (5) Membaca kontekstual untuk mengetahui info lengkap, (6) menggarisbawahi untuk memusatkan poin bacaan, dan (7) Mengajukan pertanyaan diri untuk memeriksa kembali pemahaman. Dengan memperhatikan strategi yang digunakan dan alasan penggunaanya, para siswa memahami strategi yang tepat untuk digunakan.Kata kunci: pengetahuan membaca metakognitif, strategi membaca, pengetahuan deklaratif-kondisional, berpikir-kera