21 research outputs found
Influences of technological and sectoral contexts on technological innovation systems
This paper analyses how technological and sectoral context structures influence the functional pattern of a focal technological innovation system (TIS), focusing on value chain interdependencies. Through a case study of the ‘embryonic’ bio-succinate from mixed food waste TIS in Sweden, we show that all identified context structures exert both negative and positive influences on TIS functions by influencing resource availability and accessibility, market conditions and the wider selection environment. Contextual influences result from interdependencies throughout the value chain, but in contrast to previous studies, direct structural overlaps are not as relevant as competition for resources, markets and policy support. Competition does not only come from the regime but also from other related TISs and sectors. The study also confirms the importance of contextual influences from the international TIS. These findings suggest that a wide perspective on context structures and selection pressures should be considered in future research
Kiusaaminen päiväkodissa : Haastattelututkimus Mikkelin alueen päiväkodeissa
Opinnäytetyömme tarkoitus oli tutkia 4–6-vuotiaiden päiväkotilapsien kokemuksia päiväkotikiusaamisesta. Tutkimus toteutettiin kahdessa kunnallisessa päiväkodissa Mikkelissä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin päiväkotikiusaamisen esiintyvyyttä, kiusaamisen muotoja sekä lasten tapoja selvitä kiusaamisesta. Opin- näytetyössämme vertailemme myös sukupuolten välisiä eroja kiusaamisen määrän ja laadun suhteen. Lisäksi tutkimus antoi tietoa siitä kenelle lapsi kertoo kiusaamisesta, kuka on kiusaaja lasten mielestä ja puuttuvatko päiväkodin työntekijät kiusaamiseen lasten mielestä.
Tutkimus oli osittain sekä kvalitatiivinen että kvantitatiivinen ja tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattele- malla päiväkotilapsia anonyymisti. Teemahaastattelussa oli noin kymmenen kysymystä kiusaamiseen liittyen, joista keskusteltiin avoimesti lapsen kanssa.
Tutkimukseen osallistui yhteensä 32 päiväkotilasta, joista tyttöjä oli 14 ja poikia oli 18. Tulosten mukaan 84 % haastatelluista lapsista oli kokenut kiusaamista päiväkodissa. Fyysistä kiusaamista esiintyi enemmän kuin henkistä kiusaamista niin poikien kuin tyttöjenkin keskuudessa. Sukupuolten välillä oli eroja siten, että tytöillä esiintyi poikia enemmän henkistä kiusaamista esimerkiksi leikistä pois jättämistä ja eristämistä. Pojat kokivat eniten fyysistä kiusaamista, kuten potkimista ja tönimistä.
Kiusaamiseen puuttuminen vaatii avointa puheeksi ottamista asiasta, mutta siihen tarvitaan myös nopeita käytännön toimia jo varhaisessa vaiheessa. On erittäin tärkeää, että päiväkoti olisi lapselle sellainen paikka, jossa kaikilla lapsilla olisi turvallinen olla ja kasvaa. Vanhempien ja päiväkodin yhteistyö on en- siarvoisen tärkeää, jotta jokaisella on tieto siitä, mitä päivän aikana päiväkodissa on tapahtunut. Yhteistyö vaatii molemminpuolista luottamusta, jotta voidaan avoimesti keskustella niin positiivisista kuin negatiivisistakin asioista
Jätehuollon kehittämisen toimintamalli suurille asuinkiinteistöille : case: Lahden Talot Oy
Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli saada monistettava jätehuollon kehittämisen toimintamalli suurille asuinkiinteistöille. Opinnäytetyön toimeksiantaja on Päijät-Hämeen Jätehuolto Oy, ja se on tehty yhteistyössä Lahden Talot Oy:n sekä Hämeen Kuljetuspiste Oy:n kanssa. Tutkimuskohteena tässä työssä käytettiin Lahden Talot Oy:n tavanomaisen vuokra-asumisen asuinkiinteistöjä, joissa on asuntoja noin 5100 ja asukkaita lähes 9000. Tämä on noin 9 % Lahden asukkaista.
Jätehuollon kehittäminen ja tehostaminen on tarpeellista, sillä edelleen sekajätteen joukossa on paljon sinne kuulumatonta materiaalia. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin kilpailumallista toimintatapaa, joka sai nimen Luukuta Oikein –lajittelukilpailu. Lisäksi tutkimusmenetelminä tässä työssä olivat asukkaille suunnatut kyselytutkimukset lajittelusta, yleislajitteluneuvonnan kehittäminen, tehostetun lajitteluneuvonnan kehittäminen, jätemäärien seurantatutkimus, jätetilojen kehittäminen ja sekä yhteistyön kehittäminen.
Saatujen tulosten perusteella havaittiin tehdyillä toimilla olleen vaikutusta mm. lajittelukäyttäytymiseen. Biojätteen saanto lisääntyi 6 %. Sekajäteastioita vähennettiin kiinteistöillä ja energiajäteastioita lisättiin. Asukkaat alkoivat lajittelemaan hyödynnettäviä jätteitä ahkerammin. Keittiöiden jätetiloilla havaittiin olevan suuri vaikutus lajitteluun ja sen toteutumiseen. Alle neljän astian kotitalouksissa lajiteltiin säännöllisesti kaikkiin mahdollisiin jätelajeihin harvemmin. Lapsiperheet lajittelivat vähemmän energia- ja biojätettä. Jätetilakartoitustyökalu otettiin käyttöön Lahden Talot Oy:llä.
Yhteistyön kehittäminen eri tahojen kesken havaittiin avaintekijäksi koko jätehuollon kehittämisen kannalta. Kiinteistönhoitajien sekä jätteenkuljetusyrityksen välisen kommunikoinnin aloittaminen oli uutta ja se havaittiin kannattavaksi. Asukasaktiivien rooli jätehuollon kehittäjänä voitiin todeta tärkeäksi ja monitahoiseksi tekijäksi.
Tutkimuksen tuloksena saatiin monistettava jätehuollon kehittämisen toimintamalli suurille asuinkiinteistöille. Jätehuollon kehittäminen tutkituilla menetelmillä on mahdollista.The objective of this thesis was to create a repeatable development model of waste management in large residential buildings. The work was commissioned by Päijät-Häme Waste Management Ltd and it was done in co-operation with Lahden Talot Oy and Hämeen Kuljetuspiste Oy. This study focused on the residential buildings of Lahden Talot Oy. They have about 5100 apartments with almost 9000 residents. It is 9 % of the citizens in Lahti. The development and intensification of waste management were necessary because in mixed waste there is a lot of material which does not belong there. The operations model in this research was a sorting competition, named Luukuta Oikein. In addition, the research methods in this study were surveys made on the attitudes on waste sorting, development of advice on sorting generally, the development of intensified sorting advice, a follow-up study on the volume of waste, the development of waste collection points, and the development of cooperation between the parties involved.
The results show that the residents sorting behavior changed. The amount of bio-waste increased by 6 %. Mixed waste receptacles were reduced in the properties, and energy bins were added. Residents began to sort their recoverable wastes more often. The study results indicate that kitchen waste collection points had a great impact on sorting and its realization. Four waste bins in the kitchen is sufficienty. Families with children sorted less energy and bio-waste. The development of waste collection point tools began to be used in Lahden Talot Oy. The results show that the development of cooperation between the parties involved was a key factor in the development of waste management. Starting communication between real estate managers and waste transport company was new, and that has been found useful. The resident active role in the management of waste as a developer could be acknowledged as an important and a complex factor. As a result of the study repeatable waste management development model in large residential buildings was created. The produced material is modifiable. The development of waste management is possible using by these methods
Climate Adaptation in Swedish Forestry: Exploring the Debate and Policy Process, 1990–2012
This paper explores how climate change adaptation concerns were integrated into the Swedish forestry debate and policy process during the period of 1990–2012, and draws lessons on barriers and opportunities identified in this process. Using a framework focusing on “advocacy coalitions”, we analyze how the adaptation debate in the forestry sector evolved over the period; who the main advocates for and against adaptation were; and which main arguments and processes affected the debate and policy. The results show that academics advocating climate change adaptation, aided by outside influences, such as political pressure for adaptation responses and the negative impacts of the 2005 storm Gudrun, contributed to an increased general awareness and understanding of adaptation issues amongst forestry stakeholders. Nonetheless, the strong dominance of actors arguing for increased forest production and the limited number and relatively poor organization of adaptation advocates have acted as barriers to mainstreaming adaptation concerns into forestry policy and practice. The dominant coalitions and their values have also determined the direction of debate and policy. The main conclusions for policymakers aiming to further this integration process are the importance of stimulating adaptation coalitions and the value of creating arenas for multiple stakeholder learning about adaptation
Lost in translation: Challenges in creating new transformative innovation policy practices
The purpose of this paper is to identify key challenges that national policymakers face in trying to translate transformative innovation policy (TIP) theory into policy practice. We focus on the case of the Swedish innovation agency Vinnova’s attempt to translate its TIP-related innovation perspective into the policy practice of the Swedish Innovation Partnership Programme (IPP). By means of a discourse perspective, we identify two key discourses and one institution influencing Vinnova’s translation process. In addition, we describe four key challenges that Vinnova faces in this translation process relating to (i) the involvement of relevant stakeholders, (ii) overcoming a dominant discourse, (iii) time constraints of an institutionalized parliamentary system, and (iv) realizing policy coordination ambitions. This study adds to previous literature in identifying dominant discourses or institutional structures as a key barrier for change. Its contribution is to show how transformative translation challenges are played out in a national-level context
Climate Adaptation in Swedish Forestry : Exploring the Debate and Policy Process, 1990–2012
This paper explores how climate change adaptation concerns were integrated into the Swedish forestry debate and policy process during the period of 1990–2012, and draws lessons on barriers and opportunities identified in this process. Using a framework focusing on “advocacy coalitions”, we analyze how the adaptation debate in the forestry sector evolved over the period; who the main advocates for and against adaptation were; and which main arguments and processes affected the debate and policy. The results show that academics advocating climate change adaptation, aided by outside influences, such as political pressure for adaptation responses and the negative impacts of the 2005 storm Gudrun, contributed to an increased general awareness and understanding of adaptation issues amongst forestry stakeholders. Nonetheless, the strong dominance of actors arguing for increased forest production and the limited number and relatively poor organization of adaptation advocates have acted as barriers to mainstreaming adaptation concerns into forestry policy and practice. The dominant coalitions and their values have also determined the direction of debate and policy. The main conclusions for policymakers aiming to further this integration process are the importance of stimulating adaptation coalitions and the value of creating arenas for multiple stakeholder learning about adaptation
S&T for ACP agriculture under Cotonou Agreement
The Cotonou Agreement and Support for S&T
Under the Cotonou Agreement, ACP countries can receive support for the implementation of their agricultural S&T policies. For that, an ACP government has to include S&T as a policy priority in its Country Strategy Paper, the policy framework for obtaining financial support from the EU.
From a review of 52 Country Strategy Papers (2002 – 2007), S&T features strikingly low on the list of development policy priorities of ACP states. Considering the importance attached to S &T in the Libreville Declaration, issued by the Heads of State and Government of the ACP Group of States in 1997, one would have expected differently. Only a handful of countries actually refer to S&T, and of these, only five mention S&T in relation to agriculture. In all cases, the programmes to be supported play a minor role in the countries’ development efforts e.g. ‘capacity building for organizations involved in post-harvest research’ (Ghana), ‘technical education in agriculture’ (Guinea) and for ‘ongoing research and development programmes’ (Vanuatu).
This subordinate role of S&T in programmes designed for obtaining support under the ACP–EU development cooperation agenda contrasts sharply with the EC’s high-profile S&T policy initiatives. For instance, in 2001, the Commission recognized the importance of Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) and developed a strategy to promote the European Initiative for Agricultural Research for Development (EIARD), the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), as well as regional research networks such as CORAF, ASARECA, SACCAR, CIRDES, and ICIMOD. In 2002, the Commission published a strategy document, ‘Support to ARD at sub-regional level’, which focused on support to National Agricultural Research Systems. Organizations identified to participate in and benefit from this initiative were regional networks e.g. the Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA) and global networks e.g. the Global Forum for Agricultural Research (GFAR). Another EC initiative is the ‘Competitive Grant Scheme for Agricultural Research for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa’, which identified major challenges for the Framework Programme (2002–2006) to establish an integrated European Research Area.
The activity with the highest political profile was an ACP–EU Ministerial Forum on Research for Sustainable Development, held in Cape Town in July 2002, at the initiative of European Commission Research Directorate General (DG) in preparation for the World Summit on Sustainable Development. The Forum considered agriculture as part of general environmental issues. The Forum’s conclusions and recommendations were summarized in the Cape Town Declaration on Research for Sustainable Development and in a Plan of Action, defining strategic areas in agriculture and agro-industry. This Plan may therefore be considered as a first step in the generation of a coherent S&T policy in the framework of the Cotonou Agreement.
There appears to be a total disconnect between these high-profile S&T policy initiatives by the EC and development policy priorities set by ACP countries themselves. The Commission has an instrument for S&T cooperation with ACP countries. Even though limited reference is made to S&T in the Country Strategy Papers, research programmes in agriculture could benefit from support through the Framework Programme coordinated by DG Research. The ACP–EU Ministerial Forum on Research for Sustainable Development in Cape Town therefore represents a first step towards the organization of an S&T policy dialogue within ACP countries, and to a further internationalization of European research aimed at global sustainable development.
In view of the steady decline in the priority given to S&T for agricultural research among bilateral donors, multilateral agencies such as the European Commission and the World Bank are likely to become ever more important in the rescue of agricultural research and development in ACP countries. The ACP–EU Ministerial Forum in Cape Town was therefore a valiant effort of the Commission’s DG Research to resuscitate support for attracting investments in S&T for development.
CTA could take the initiative and assist in rebuilding constituencies, for supporting the design and implementation of agricultural S&T policies, strategies and programmes or indeed for S&T policies in general in ACP countries and between ACP and Europe. In the process, ACP initiatives could also be linked to other international activities such as those of the United Nations (UN) and the World Bank.
Maastricht, 15 November 2003Agriculture plays a central role in the economies of most ACP countries. Although agricultural innovations are likely to increase agricultural productivity, ACP governments have given low priority to investing in Science and Technology (S&T) for agriculture. In fact, investment in agricultural research and technology development appears to have steadily declined over the 1980s and 1990s, reflecting decreasing donor interest. One may therefore wonder to what extent investment in agricultural science and technology development is surviving as a global public good
Statens roll f\uf6r klimatomst\ue4llning i processindustrin: Utmaningar och m\uf6jligheter f\uf6r socioteknisk omst\ue4llning i svensk industri f\uf6r framst\ue4llning av j\ue4rn- och st\ue5l, cement, raffinaderiprodukter och kemikalier
Under de senaste \ue5ren har takten och ambitionsniv\ue5n i klimatarbetet h\uf6jts vilket bland annat resulterat i det internationella Parisavtalet och ett nationellt klimatm\ue5l - om att Sverige senast \ue5r 2045 inte ska ha n\ue5gra nettoutsl\ue4pp av v\ue4xthusgaser till atmosf\ue4ren, f\uf6r att d\ue4refter uppn\ue5 negativa utsl\ue4pp. F\uf6r att n\ue5 dessa ambiti\uf6sa m\ue5l kr\ue4vs omfattande samh\ue4llsf\uf6r\ue4ndringar inom alla sektorer inte minst industrin som i Sverige st\ue5r f\uf6r drygt 30% av v\ue4xthusgasutsl\ue4pp. Framst\ue4llning av j\ue4rn- och st\ue5l, cement, raffinaderiprodukter och kemikalier orsakar den st\uf6rsta delen av dessa utsl\ue4pp. Under de senaste decennierna har olika \ue5tg\ue4rder genomf\uf6rts f\uf6r att minska dessa utsl\ue4pp, men med undantag f\uf6r pappers- och massaindustrin \ue4r v\ue4xthusgasutsl\ue4pp i stort sett p\ue5 samma niv\ue5 som 1990. F\uf6r att n\ue5 m\ue5len kr\ue4vs en helt annan utveckling \ue4n vad som skett de senaste decennierna - mycket kraftiga utsl\ue4ppsminskningar m\ue5ste ske p\ue5 mycket kort tid. Regeringen har givit Energimyndigheten i Uppdrag att genomf\uf6ra innovationsfr\ue4mjande insatser f\uf6r att minska processindustrins utsl\ue4pp av v\ue4xthusgaser (N2016/06369/IFK). Inom ramen f\uf6r detta regeringsuppdrag har forskningsinstitutet RISE, Chalmers och J\uf6nk\uf6pings Internationella Handelsh\uf6gskola f\ue5tt ett uppdrag som syftar till att ta fram ett kunskapsunderlag om hur staten och andra akt\uf6rer kan stimulera en omst\ue4llning mot kraftigt minskade v\ue4xthusgasutsl\ue4pp inom svensk processindustri. Rapporten \ue4r avgr\ue4nsad till analyser av de processindustrier som st\ue5r f\uf6r st\uf6rst andel fossila v\ue4xthusgasutsl\ue4pp i Sverige: j\ue4rn- och st\ue5lindustrin, cementindustrin, raffinaderiindustrin och kemiindustrin. F\uf6r varje industri analyseras n\ue5gra exempel p\ue5 tekniska alternativ (i denna rapport kallade omst\ue4llningsalternativ) som kan leda till en omst\ue4llning i form av s\ue4nkta processutsl\ue4pp av fossila v\ue4xthusgaser.\ua0Analyserna utg\ue5r fr\ue5n ett sociotekniskt systemperspektiv p\ue5 omst\ue4llningar av industrier. Det inneb\ue4r att teknisk f\uf6r\ue4ndring ses i ett st\uf6rre sammanhang, d\ue4r tekniska system, akt\uf6rsstrukturer och institutioner utvecklas tillsammans i en iterativ process som k\ue4nnetecknas av l\ue4rande och experimenterande men ocks\ue5 betydande tr\uf6gheter. Baserat p\ue5 analyserna rekommenderas specifika \ue5tg\ue4rder som stimulerar kunskapsutveckling och marknadsutveckling av omst\ue4llningsalternativ p\ue5 nationell och europeisk niv\ue5 inom de fyra industrierna. Baserat p\ue5 en analys av fyra relevanta omst\ue4llningskategorier som kan bidra med betydande utsl\ue4ppsminskning inom rimlig tid och \ue4r mer eller mindre relevanta f\uf6r alla industrier - biobaserade insatsvaror, \ue5tervunnen insatsvara samt koldioxidavskiljning och uppgradering - rekommenderas \ue4ven fem generella \ue5tg\ue4rder: (1) fortsatt och \uf6kat forskning-, utveckling- och investeringsbidrag f\uf6r att m\uf6ta behov av kunskap och uppskalningsst\uf6d, (2) \uf6kad data och transparens relaterat till r\ue5varors tillg\ue4nglighet och nytta, (3) tydliga, l\ue5ngsiktiga och j\ue4mf\uf6rbara h\ue5llbarhetskriterier, (4) utveckling av en nationell f\ue4rdplan f\uf6r industrin och (5) offentlig upphandling p\ue5 nationell och europeisk niv\ue5 som ocks\ue5 kan stimulera utveckling av en tillr\ue4ckligt stor nischmarknad. Vi rekommenderar \ue4ven riktade \ue5tg\ue4rder f\uf6r specifika omst\ue4llningskategorier s\ue5 att inte bara inkrementella alternativ som inte kan uppn\ue5 den radikala utsl\ue4ppsminskning som kr\ue4vs stimuleras. Sammanfattningsvis kr\ue4vs ett tydligt ledarskap b\ue5de inom politiken och inom industrin f\uf6r att lyckas med en klimatomst\ue4llning i processindustrin.\ua0Industrin m\ue5ste v\ue5ga g\ue5 f\uf6re inom sina respektive branscher och satsa p\ue5 ett eller par nyckelalternativ och statem beh\uf6ver ta ansvar f\uf6r att en variation av l\uf6sningar utvecklas parallellt, genom att stimulera utveckling och implementering av inkrementella f\uf6rb\ue4ttringar i industrin samtidigt som n\uf6dv\ue4ndiga f\uf6ruts\ue4ttningar skapas f\uf6r att realisera flera av nyckelalternativen