26 research outputs found

    Mental well-being among the oldest old: revisiting the model of healthy ageing in a Finnish context

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    Purpose: This study aimed to examine how participants aged 80 years old or over describe their mental well-being-exploring the suitability of the model of healthy ageing when outlining the mental well-being concept.Methods: Six structured focus group interviews with 28 participants were conducted in Western Finland in 2017. Qualitative content analysis was performed, where both manifest and latent content was considered in a process involving meaning condensation and coding, followed by categorization.Results: The healthy ageing model constituted a useful framework for the conceptualization of mental well-being, illustrating the links between these two constructs. The analysis resulted in a four-dimensional model of mental well-being in oldest old age, the key components being: Activities-enjoyment and fulfilment; Capability-functioning and independence; Orientation-awareness, shifted perspectives and values; and Connectedness-sense of belonging.Conclusions: Although functional status plays an important role for well-being in general, it is not the principal component of self-reported mental well-being within the heterogeneous group of the oldest old. Further, many persons in this age group do not view themselves as passive or dependent, on the contrary, they underline the importance of empowering attitudes, a positive mindset and actively creating circumstances which support their mental well-being

    Comprehending socio-relational factors of mental wellbeing in the oldest old within Nordic and Mediterranean countries

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    Socio-relational aspects are essential for mental wellbeing (MWB), especially in the oldest old age. Our study aims to explore the socio-relational aspects related to MWB in accord ance with the experiences of the oldest old of four European countries; and to examine how these differ between Mediterranean and Nordic people. A total of 117 participants aged 80+ years old were recruited, and 23 focus groups were performed. Qualitative con tent analysis identified five main themes. Family seemed to be the most important driver of the MWB of the oldest old, followed by relationships with close friends. Participants felt better when they had a sense of being needed, cared for, and connected. Loneliness and isolation negatively affected MWB, although solitude was appreciated. Differences appeared between Mediterranean and Nordic regions. Initiatives to promote positive interactions with family and friends, as well as social activities within the community, may contribute to strengthening MWB in the oldest ol

    Problem gambling in a Nordic context : Moving from social factors to a psychosocial perspective

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    Aims In the growing field of research on gambling and problem gambling various focal points for prevention efforts are determined. The aim of this thesis is to identify and synthesise the evidence concerning social risk factors in relation to gambling and problem gambling in a Finnish and Nordic context, with a special emphasis on the less studied psychosocial factors. Further, it aims to present an overview of the state-of-the-art of Nordic gambling research. Methods Studies I-II utilized cross-sectional population survey data from the 2011 Western Finland Mental Health Survey (n = 4624, response rate 46.2%), with logistic regression analyses (Odds Ratios, 95% confidence intervals) performed in both studies. Systematic mapping review technique was applied in Study III, encompassing searches in 21 bibliographical e-databases and Google Scholar, covering Nordic gambling-themed articles published between 2000 and 2015. Systematic screening and coding of select variables was performed in line with a specified study protocol. In Study IV, publications from international scientific journals included in Study III were manually screened to identify studies focusing on psychosocial aspects. Search updates for the time period 2016-2019 were also undertaken. Study screening was performed in line with predetermined inclusion and exclusion criteria, and key information coded. Results In Study I, gambling form (online and mixed-mode gambling) as well as psychological distress increased the risk of reporting problem gambling among male past-year gamblers. The socio-demographic variables language and age group were also associated with problem gambling among men. Among female past-year gamblers, gambling form (mixed mode gambling) and reporting problematic alcohol use were associated with experienced problem gambling. In Study II, identical psychosocial factors ̶ higher levels of experienced loneliness and lower levels of experienced trust in people in one’s neighbourhood ̶ were associated with both problem gambling and problematic alcohol use. No structural aspects of social networks were significantly associated with problem gambling. Study III encompassed 382 relevant publications, with 310 of these identified in international and national scientific databases. The majority of the identified studies had first authors with Finnish, Norwegian or Swedish affiliations. The majority of Nordic gambling studies represented prevalence research (38.8%), focusing on gambling activities or problem gambling and various associated factors. Correspondingly, the majority of the studies (39.7%) analyzed population samples/cohorts or other cross-sectional samples, with many of the studies also applying review approaches or presenting case studies (for example the gambling regulation system of a country). The scientific disciplines most frequently represented were social sciences (including media and humanities) and public health sciences. Study IV included 21 original gambling studies applying statistical or interview/narrative methods, with loneliness and social support being the most frequently featured psychosocial phenomena, evidencing mixed results in relation to gambling and problem gambling. Conclusions In this thesis, psychosocial phenomena are identified as relevant factors to consider in relation to gambling and problem gambling in the Nordic context, albeit questions remain regarding the causality and directionality of these complex connections. Results also highlight the significant role of psychosocial factors, compared to structural aspects of social networks, in relation to problem gambling in a Finnish sample. These results support further research on psychosocial experiences not only as harms caused by problem gambling but also as potential determinants of problem gambling. Here, the framework of Wardle and colleagues (2018) is a suitable backdrop for illustrating both harms and determinants in a multi-level socio-ecological framing. The survey study results further highlight inter-level interactions in problem gambling, where for example individual-level socio-demographic factors such as gender can interact with the gambling environment to affect the risk of experiencing problems. The mapping study results highlight the need for a shift in the focus of Nordic gambling research from cross-sectional prevalence studies to increased translation of evidence into prevention and service-focused research initiatives. Gaps concerning for example research applying various qualitative methods and interdisciplinary research also emerged. Few longitudinal projects were identified, although these are now increasing in the Nordic setting. Concerning target groups, less research has focused on older adults and children. While a health science framework has been employed in Nordic gambling research, health science research with a more humanistic perspective such as that of caring science would add valuable contributions to both theory and health and social care practice, alongside the major epidemiological evidence base. ---------- Syfte inom det vĂ€xande forskningsfĂ€ltet kring spel om pengar och relaterade problem identifieras fokusomrĂ„den för preventiva insatser. Avhandlingens syfte Ă€r att identifiera och syntetisera evidensen rörande sociala riskfaktorer för spel om pengar och spelproblem i en finlĂ€ndsk och nordisk kontext, med sĂ€rskilt fokus pĂ„ mindre beforskade psykosociala faktorer, samt att presentera en översikt av nordisk spelforskning. Metoder Delstudier I och II baserades pĂ„ data frĂ„n enkĂ€tstudien EnkĂ€t om psykisk hĂ€lsa i VĂ€stra Finland insamlat Ă„r 2011 (n = 4624, svarsprocent 46.2%). Logistiska regressionsanalyser utfördes i bĂ€gge studier (Oddskvoter, 95% konfidensintervall). Studie III utgjorde en systematisk kartlĂ€ggningsstudie dĂ€r sökningar utfördes i 21 bibliografiska databaser samt i Google Scholar, och nordiska publikationer med temat spel om pengar publicerade Ă„ren 2000-2015 ingick. Systematisk screening och kodning av förutbestĂ€mda variabler utfördes i enlighet med ett specificerat studieprotokoll. I Studie IV utfördes en manuell screening av publikationerna identifierade i internationella vetenskapliga journaler i Studie III för att urskilja studier med ett psykosocialt fokus. Uppdatering av databassökningar för perioden januari 2016-juli 2019 utfördes ocksĂ„. Screening av studier utfördes enligt faststĂ€llda inkluderings- och exkluderingskriterier och nyckelinformation kodades. Resultat I Studie I var spelform (spelande bĂ„de online och offline eller enbart online) och psykisk belastning associerade med en ökad risk för spelproblem bland mĂ€n som Ă€gnat sig Ă„t spel om pengar under det senaste Ă„ret. De sociodemografiska faktorerna sprĂ„k och Ă„lder var ocksĂ„ associerade med spelproblem bland mĂ€n. Bland kvinnor var spelform (spelande bĂ„de online och offline) och problematisk alkoholanvĂ€ndning förknippat med en högre risk för spelproblem. I Studie II var identiska psykosociala faktorer ̶ högre nivĂ„ av upplevd ensamhet och lĂ€gre nivĂ„ av tillit till personer i ens grannskap ̶associerade med bĂ„de spelproblem och problematisk alkoholanvĂ€ndning. Inga strukturella faktorer kopplade till socialt nĂ€tverk var signifikant associerade med spelproblem. Studie III omfattade 382 relevanta publikationer, 310 av dessa identifierades i internationella och nationella vetenskapliga databaser. Majoriteten av identifierade studier hade en första författare med en finlĂ€ndsk, norsk eller svensk institutionstillhörighet. Majoriteten av nordiska spelstudier utgjorde prevalensstudier (38.8%) med fokus pĂ„ spel om pengar eller spelproblem och associerade faktorer. I linje med detta analyserades befolkningssampel eller andra tvĂ€rsnittssampel i majoriteten av studierna (39.7%), medan mĂ„nga studier Ă€ven tillĂ€mpade översiktsmetodik eller presenterade olika fallstudier (rörande exempelvis spelregleringen i ett land). SamhĂ€lls- och humanistiska vetenskaper samt folkhĂ€lsovetenskap var oftast representerade nĂ€r det gĂ€ller disciplin. I Studie IV inkluderades 21 originalstudier dĂ€r statistiska metoder eller intervju- eller narrativa metoder tillĂ€mpats. Ensamhet och socialt stöd var de psykosociala fenomen som framkom mest frekvent i studierna, och visade pĂ„ blandade resultat i förhĂ„llande till spel om pengar och spelproblem. Konklusioner I avhandlingen identifieras psykosociala fenomen som relevanta faktorer att beakta i förhĂ„llande till spel om pengar och spelproblem i den nordiska kontexten, Ă€ven om frĂ„gor kvarstĂ„r rörande orsakssamband och riktning i dessa komplexa kopplingar. Resultaten belyser ocksĂ„ hur psykosociala faktorer, jĂ€mfört med strukturella aspekter av sociala nĂ€tverk, spelar en signifikant roll i förhĂ„llande till spelproblem i ett finlĂ€ndskt sampel. Resultaten stöder vidare forskning dĂ€r psykosociala faktorer inte enbart undersöks i egenskap av negativa pĂ„följder av spelproblem, utan ocksĂ„ som potentiella determinanter för problematiken. HĂ€r fungerar Wardle och kollegors (2018) ramverk som en anvĂ€ndbar kuliss för att belysa bĂ„de negativa effekter av spelproblem men Ă€ven determinanter utifrĂ„n ett socioekologiskt multinivĂ„perspektiv. EnkĂ€tstudieresultat belyser Ă€ven interaktionsaspekter, dĂ€r exempelvis sociodemografiska faktorer pĂ„ individnivĂ„ sĂ„som kön kan interagera med spelmiljö och dĂ€rmed pĂ„verka risken för att uppleva problem. Resultaten av kartlĂ€ggningsstudien understryker behovet av ett fokusskifte i nordisk spelforskning frĂ„n prevalensstudier med tvĂ€rsnittsdesign till preventions- och servicefokuserade forskningsinitiativ. Ett behov av mer forskning dĂ€r kvalitativa forskningsansatser tillĂ€mpas samt behov av mer interdisciplinĂ€r forskning framkommer ocksĂ„. En brist pĂ„ longitudinella projekt identifierades men förekomsten av denna typ av projekt och studier ökar nu i Norden. GĂ€llande mĂ„lgrupper sĂ„ har mindre forskning fokuserat pĂ„ Ă€ldre personer samt barn. Medan ett hĂ€lsovetenskapligt ramverk tillĂ€mpats i nordisk spelforskning, sĂ„ skulle hĂ€lsovetenskaplig forskning med ett humanistiskt perspektiv sĂ„som det vĂ„rdvetenskapliga erbjuda vĂ€rdefulla bidrag till bĂ„de teori samt hĂ€lso- och socialvĂ„rdspraxis, vid sidan om den omfattande epidemiologiska evidensbasen.Felaktig ISBN i boken

    Roles and responsibilities in substance use prevention in the school setting: views among Finnish school personnel representatives

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    Objective This study explores the views of Finnish school personnel representatives regarding substance use prevention responsibilities. Design Twenty-two focus groups were conducted within the scope of a regional intervention study in 2019. Qualitative content analysis was performed. Setting Focus group interviews were conducted in the school setting. Subjects Focus group participants included representatives for educational personnel and student welfare personnel working in basic education, general upper secondary education or vocational education settings. Main outcome measures Views and experiences concerning roles and responsibilities in primary prevention of substance use. Results Findings highlight the need for intersectoral efforts and intra-school collaboration in primary prevention efforts, but also in mental health promotion – on which the informants placed great emphasis. The health promotion leadership in schools, structural guidelines and the school curriculum could both challenge and support school personnel in their roles. An increased need to focus on the early years of life and related responsibilities of the homes was emphasized, along with the need to place more emphasis on health education in the first years of basic education, and responsibilities related to early risk identification. Conclusion The findings highlight a need to develop structures and role clarity among school personnel, which can advance further development of intra-school and inter-sectoral collaboration in primary substance use prevention and mental health promotion. In the Finnish context, the successful implementation of relevant legislation, which some school representatives view as unclear or contravening, could be further supported.Key points Views regarding responsibilities in primary substance use prevention in the school setting have been less researched in the Nordic countries: The importance of inter-sectoral and intra-school collaboration is emphasized among school personnel representatives, including the role of the homes Primary prevention and mental health promotion responsibilities are viewed as less clear than secondary and tertiary prevention responsibilities Structural guidelines concerning e.g. confidentiality aspects and curriculum features can both support and challenge school representatives in their role

    Problematic Alcohol Use and Problem Gambling: Associations to Structural and Functional aspects of Social Ties in a Finnish Population Sample

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    AIMS – This study aims to explore associations between structural and functional aspects of social networks and relationships (here labelled social ties) among individuals exhibiting problematic alcohol use and problem gambling, respectively

    Reconciling Work and Family Demands and Related Psychosocial Risk and Support Factors among Working Families: A Finnish National Survey Study

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    Working families commonly struggle with reconciling work and family demands. While the Nordic welfare states have been regarded as forerunners in family-friendly policies, worldwide trends threaten work–family reconciliation also in this context. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the associations between family interference with work (FIW)/work interference with family (WIF) and selected psychosocial risk and support factors in the work and family settings of Finnish working families. Data from the Finnish Quality of Work Life Survey 2018 collected by Statistics Finland were utilized to conduct binary logistic regression analyses (N = 1431). Risk factors in the work setting emerged as key covariates as all of them showed statistically significant associations with WIF or both WIF and FIW. Another key finding was that occasional conflicts within the family were beneficial in the context of both WIF and FIW. To conclude, both distinct and mutual psychosocial risk and support factors of FIW and WIF were identified, at the same time as two socio-demographic factors as well as one workplace factor were identified as covariates specifically of FIW. This study showed that work–family reconciliation is a considerable challenge among Finnish working families, and especially to women