1,267 research outputs found

    Kritische Psychologie: psychology from the standpoint of the subject

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    German (or German/Scandinavian) Kritische Psychologie emerged in the context of intellectual and political struggles at the Free University in former West Berlin during the 1960s and 1970s (see Osterkamp and Schraube 2013 for an overview; Maiers 1999; Mørck and Huniche 2006; Tolman 1994). While based on a number of topical contributions (including Dreier 1980; Haug 1987; Holzkamp 1973; Osterkamp 1976; Tolman and Maiers 1991; Schurig 1975), Klaus Holzkamp’s (1927–1995) work played a pivotal role for Kritische Psychologie. Its philosophical foundation is informed by historical dialectical materialism, and, specifically, builds on ideas developed in Marx’s social theory and theses on Feuerbach concerning human subjectivity and practice (coining practice research), as well as the cultural-historical activity theory of Vygotsky, and above all, Leontiev (a legacy which has been taken up in various other alternative psychologies as well, cf. Engeström 1987; Hedegaard and Chaiklin 2005; Wertch 1991). Whilst the term ‘Kritische Psychologie’ is used widely in this context, it is problematic. First, it is too generic, creating the impression this was a homogeneous approach (it was a heterogeneous and collective endeavour from the start), or indeed the only critical psychology in Germany; second, it implies that the approach as such is limited to German language context, which is not true; and third, and most importantly, the prefix ‘Kritische’ might suggest an anti-psychological vision which, is precisely not what Klaus Holzkamp et al. had in mind. This Kritische Psychologie is an attempt to rescue psychology from itself by redefining psychology as a historically developed theory about subjects as societal beings (based on the concept of the societal nature of human existence), and to reconstitute it as a psychology for and about these subjects. In this way it sought to overcome the problems caused by traditional psychology’s mapping of the abstract and external scientific ‘third-person’ perspective onto its object of study by establishing a ‘Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject’ (PSS). This is why in this chapter we will refer to PSS instead of ‘Kritische Psychologie’ (Tolman 1989) or ‘German Critical Psychology’ (Markard and Reimer 2013)

    Verapamil impairs secretion of stimulated atrial natriuretic factor in humans

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    AbstractThe adaptation of the secretory rate of atrial natriuretic factor to repeated adequate stimuli and the influence of the calcium antagonist verapamil on the release of atrial natriuretic factor were investigated in 16 patients. In eight patients (Group 1) right atrial pressure was abruptly increased by rapid right ventricular pacing for 4 min (stimulation I). After a 15 min interval, the identical stimulation was repeated (stimulation II). Eight patients (Group 2) underwent the same protocol but received 5 mg of verapamil intravenously after stimulation I.Pacing increased right atrial pressure in both groups identically by 70%. In Group 1, release of atrial natriuretic factor caused by the second stimulation (median 290 pg/ml over basal) was significantly (2.5-fold) larger than atrial natriuretic factor release induced by the first stimulation (median 116 pg/ml over basal). In the verapamil-treated patients (Group 2), the effect of right atrial pressure increase on release of atrial natriuretic factor was abolished after stimulation II. In both groups, changes in plasma concentrations of cyclic guanosine monophosphate corresponded to changes in atrial natriuretic factor concentrations.Thus, the myoendocrine cells are apparently capable of a fast upward regulation of their response to repeated secretory stimuli. Verapamil appears to block the stimulatory effect of a sudden increase in right atrial pressure upon release of atrial natriuretic factor

    Alphabetisierung auf dem Weg zum sozialintegrativen Arbeiten: Konzeption und Erkenntnisse zum Entwicklungsstand an Volkshochschulen

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    Die Sozialintegrative Alphabetisierungsarbeit greift Handlungsansätze der Integrativen Erwachsenenbildung und der Lebensweltorientierten Sozialen Arbeit auf und konkretisiert sie für die Arbeit mit funktionalen Analphabeten. Sozialintegrative Alphabetisierungsarbeit koordiniert unterschiedliche Handlungsprozesse, die Schriftsprachfähigkeiten spezifisch thematisieren: Lernangebote, Ansprache- und Beratungsprozesse und die Zusammenarbeit von Institutionen in Netzwerken. Durch eine bundesweit repräsentative quantitative Untersuchung an Volkshochschulen wurde ermittelt, inwieweit dort sozialintegrative Arbeit im Bereich der Alphabetisierung bereits erkannt und umgesetzt wird und welche Entwicklungsrichtungen erkennbar sind

    Combining real-time fluorescence spectroscopy and flow cytometry to reveal new insights in DOC and cell characterization of drinking water

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    Sudden changes in drinking water quality can cause harmful consequences for end users. Thus, real-time monitoring of drinking water quality can allow early warning and provide crucial gains for securing safe water distribution. This study investigated the advantages of simultaneous real-time measuring of flow cytometry and fluorescence spectroscopy. A contamination event was investigated in a laboratory-scale analysis by spiking drinking water samples with organic nutrients. Flow cytometric data were analyzed by creating fingerprints based on differentiation into high and low nucleic acid cells (HNA/LNA). The detailed characterization of these data showed that an increase in HNA cells indicated an increase in the bacterial growth potential even before actual TCC increases. The fluorescence data was decomposed via the PARAFAC method to reveal seven fluorescent components. Three aromatic protein-like components were associated with the microbiological condition of the drinking water cells; namely, Components 4 (λEx = 279 nm, λEm = 351 nm), 6 (λEx = 279 nm, λEm = 332 nm), and 7 (λEx = 276 nm, λEm = 302 nm). Component 6 was identified as a possible organic variable for appropriate monitoring of TCC, whereas Components 4 and 7 were identified as organic compounds representing nutrients for organisms present in drinking water. Overall, combining both methods for real-time monitoring can be a powerful tool to guarantee drinking water quality

    Dynamic symptom networks across different at-risk stages for psychosis:An individual and transdiagnostic perspective

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    The clinical staging model distinguishes different stages of mental illness. Early stages, are suggested to be more mild, diffuse and volatile in terms of expression of psychopathology than later stages. This study aimed to compare individual transdiagnostic symptom networks based on intensive longitudinal data between individuals in different early clinical stages for psychosis. It was hypothesized that with increasing clinical stage (i) density of symptom networks would increase and (ii) psychotic experiences would be more central in the symptom networks. Data came from a 90-day diary study, resulting in 8640 observations within N = 96 individuals, divided over four subgroups representing different early clinical stages (n1 = 25, n2 = 27, n3 = 24, n4 = 20). Sparse Time Series Chain Graphical Models were used to create individual contemporaneous and temporal symptom networks based on 10 items concerning symptoms of depression, anxiety, psychosis, non-specific and vulnerability domains. Network density and symptom centrality (strength) were calculated individually and compared between and within the four subgroups. Level of psychopathology increased with clinical stage. The symptom networks showed large between-individual variation, but neither network density not psychotic symptom strength differed between the subgroups in the contemporaneous (pdensity = 0.59, pstrength > 0.51) and temporal (pdensity = 0.75, pstrength > 0.35) networks. No support was found for our hypothesis that higher clinical stage comes with higher symptom network density or a more central role for psychotic symptoms. Based on the high inter-individual variability, our results highlight the importance of individualized assessment of symptom networks

    Erforschung der Zusammenhänge von elterlichem Belastungsempfinden und binnendifferenzierenden digitalen Lernmaterialien in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie

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    Die Corona-Pandemie führt zu zahlreichen Herausforderungen für Lehrkräfte und Schüler*innen. Die meist digital aufbereiteten Lernmaterialien sollten vor allem während des Lockdowns nur wenig Unterstützung seitens der Lehrkräfte erfordern und die Schüler*innen größtenteils zum selbstständigen Arbeiten befähigen. Dies bedeutete daher für die Lehrkräfte, möglichst binnendifferenzierendes Material zu entwickeln und digital umzusetzen, was z.T. ganz neue Ansätze erforderte. Auch für Eltern ergab sich durch das Homeschooling eine neue Situation, da sie die Rolle der Lehrkräfte zumindest in Teilen mitübernehmen und ihre Kinder beim Lernen zu Hause unterstützen müssen. In diesem Kontext ist davon auszugehen, dass Eltern durch diese zusätzliche Aufgabe neben ihrer eigenen Berufstätigkeit sowie angesichts nicht immer passgenauer Lernmaterialien für ihre Kinder eine Mehrbelastung erfahren. Dieser Beitrag geht der Thematik des Homeschoolings und der digital zur Verfügung gestellten Materialien nach und greift auf Ergebnisse einer Onlinebefragung von 635 Eltern in Rheinland-Pfalz zurück, die während der Schulschließung durchgeführt wurde. Dabei wird zum einen untersucht, wie das Belastungsempfinden der Eltern in dieser Zeit ausgeprägt ist und welche individuellen Faktoren dieses beeinflussen. Zum anderen wird analysiert, wie das Belastungsempfinden mit der Qualität der bereitgestellten Materialien und der eingeschätzten Medienkompetenz der Lehrkräfte zusammenhängt. Es zeigt sich, dass das Belastungserleben neben persönlichen Unterschieden auch durch die Gestaltung des Lehrmaterials beeinflusst wird

    Alcohol Avoidance Training as a Mobile App for Problem Drinkers:Longitudinal Feasibility Study

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    Background: Alcohol use is associated with an automatic tendency to approach alcohol, and the retraining of this tendency (cognitive bias modification [CBM]) shows therapeutic promise in clinical settings. To improve access to training and to enhance participant engagement, a mobile version of alcohol avoidance training was developed. Objective: The aims of this pilot study were to assess (1) adherence to a mobile health (mHealth) app; (2) changes in weekly alcohol use from before to after training; and (3) user experience with regard to the mHealth app. Methods: A self-selected nonclinical sample of 1082 participants, who were experiencing problems associated with alcohol, signed up to use the alcohol avoidance training app Breindebaas for 3 weeks with at least two training sessions per week. In each training session, 100 pictures (50 of alcoholic beverages and 50 of nonalcoholic beverages) were presented consecutively in a random order at the center of a touchscreen. Alcoholic beverages were swiped upward (away from the body), whereas nonalcoholic beverages were swiped downward (toward the body). During approach responses, the picture size increased to mimic an approach movement, and conversely, during avoidance responses, the picture size decreased to mimic avoidance. At baseline, we assessed sociodemographic characteristics, alcohol consumption, alcohol-related problems, use of other substances, self-efficacy, and craving. After 3 weeks, 37.89% (410/1082) of the participants (posttest responders) completed an online questionnaire evaluating adherence, alcohol consumption, and user satisfaction. Three months later, 19.03% (206/1082) of the participants (follow-up responders) filled in a follow-up questionnaire examining adherence and alcohol consumption. Results: The 410 posttest responders were older, were more commonly female, and had a higher education as compared with posttest dropouts. Among those who completed the study, 79.0% (324/410) were considered adherent as they completed four or more sessions, whereas 58.0% (238/410) performed the advised six or more training sessions. The study identified a significant reduction in alcohol consumption of 7.8 units per week after 3 weeks (95% CI 6.2-9.4, P&lt;.001; n=410) and another reduction of 6.2 units at 3 months for follow-up responders (95% CI 3.7-8.7, P&lt;.001; n=206). Posttest responders provided positive feedback regarding the fast-working, simple, and user-friendly design of the app. Almost half of the posttest responders reported gaining more control over their alcohol use. The repetitious and nonpersonalized nature of the intervention was suggested as a point for improvement. Conclusions: This is one of the first studies to employ alcohol avoidance training in a mobile app for problem drinkers. Preliminary findings suggest that a mobile CBM app fulfils a need for problem drinkers and may contribute to a reduction in alcohol use. Replicating these findings in a controlled study is warranted.</p

    Estimation of breed contributions to present and future genetic diversity of 44 North Eurasian cattle breeds using core set diversity measures

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    Extinction of breeds threatens genetic diversity of livestock species. The need to conserve genetic diversity is widely accepted but involves in general two questions: (i) is the expected loss of diversity in a set of breeds within a defined future time horizon large enough to establish a conservation plan, and if so (ii) which breeds should be prioritised for such a conservation plan? The present study uses a marker assisted methodology to address these questions. The methodology combines core set diversity measures with a stochastic method for the estimation of expected future diversity and breed marginal diversities. The latter is defined as the change in the total diversity of all breeds caused by a one unit decrease in extinction probability of a particular breed. The stochastic method was validated by means of simulations. A large field data set consisting of 44 North Eurasian cattle breeds was analysed using simplified determined extinction probabilities. The results show that the expected loss of diversity in this set within the next 20 to 50 years is between 1 and 3% of the actual diversity, provided that the extinction probabilities which were used are approximately valid. If this loss is to be reduced, it is sufficient to include those three to five breeds with the highest marginal diversity in a conservation scheme