572 research outputs found

    Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Investment Performance

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    In this paper the relation between ownership structure, board composition and firm performance is explored. A panel of Swedish listed firms is used to investigate how board composition affects firm performance. Board heterogeneity is measured as board size, age and gender diversity. The results show that Swedish board of directors have become more diversified in terms of gender. Also, fewer firms have the CEO on the board which can be interpreted as a sign of increased independency. The regression analysis shows that gender diversity has a small but negative effect on investment performance, and the same holds for CEO being on the board. The analysis also show that board size has a significant negative effect on investment performance. When incorporating all the explanatory variables into one equation however, the negative effect of larger boards dilutes the effect of gender diversity and having the CEO on the board.Corporate governance; board composition; investments performance; marginal q

    Postoperativ smÀrta hos barn : En kvantitativ studie

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    Detta examensarbete behandlar postoperativ smÀrta hos barn. Syftet med denna studie Àr att sjukskötare lÀttare ska kunna förstÄ och bemöta barn med postoperativa smÀrtor, hur man bedömer samt hur man lindrar barns postoperativa smÀrta. VÄra frÄgestÀllningar var: Hur bemöter man barn med postoperativ smÀrta? Hur gör man smÀrtbedömning hos barn med postoperativ smÀrta? Hur kan man lindra barns postoperativa smÀrtor? Undersökningen utgÄr frÄn Erikssons teori om lidande (1994) och Lindbergs doktorsavhandling om lekens betydelse (2013). Vi valde att anvÀnda oss av enkÀt som undersökningsmetod. EnkÀterna delades ut till tre olika sjukhus och dÀr svarade 26 barnsjukskötare pÄ dem. EnkÀten bestod av bÄde öppna och slutna frÄgor. Resultatet visade att i bemötandet Àr det viktigt att förÀldrarna Àr delaktiga i vÄrden, att bemöta barnet pÄ rÀtt sÀtt och pÄ barnets nivÄ. Det Àr viktigt att göra en ordentlig smÀrtskattning, att anvÀnda smÀrtskattningsskalor men ocksÄ att iaktta barnet och se pÄ deras kroppssprÄk, utgÄende frÄn det kan man göra en rÀtt smÀrtbedömning. AngÄende smÀrtlindringen kom det tydligt fram att paracetamol anvÀnds mest och att i de flesta fall sÄ Àr smÀrtlindringen god.This thesis deals with post-operative pain in children. The purpose of this study is that nurses better understand and respond to children with postoperative pain, how to assess and how to alleviate children's postoperative pain. Our questions were: How do you treat children with postoperative pain? How do you make pain assessment in children with postoperative pain? How to relieve the child's postoperative pain? The survey is based on Erikson's theory of suffering (1994) and Lindberg's doctoral of the importance of play (2013). We chose to use the questionnaire survey method. The questionnaires were distributed to three different hospitals and 26 child nurses answered the questions. The questionnaire consisted of both open and closed questions. The results showed that in the response it is important that parents are involved in health care, to respond to the child in the right way and at the child's level. It is important to do a proper pain assessment, the use of pain assessment scales but also to observe the child and watch their body language, based on this you can make a correct assessment of pain. Regarding pain relief showed clearly that paracetamol is used the most and that in most cases is the pain relief good.TÀmÀ opinnÀytetyö kÀsittelee lasten postoperatiivista kipua. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on sitÀ, ettÀ sairaanhoitajat helpommin voi ymmÀrtÀÀ ja kohdella lapsia, joilla on postoperatiivista kipua ja miten he voivat arvioida ja lieventÀÀ lasten kipua. Kysymyksenasettelujamme olivat: Miten kohdellaan lasta postoperatiivisella kivulla? Miten tehdÀÀn kipuarviointi lapsille, joilla on postoperatiivista kipua? Miten voidaan lieventÀÀ lasten postoperatiivista kipua? Tutkimus perustuu Eriksonin teoriaan kÀrsimystÀ (1994) ja Lindbergin jatkokoulutus leikin tarkoituksesta (2013). TutkimusmenetelmÀnÀ olemme kÀyttÀneet kyselyÀ. Kyselylomakkeita jaettiin kolmeen sairaalaan, ja 26 lastensairaanhoitajaa vastasivat kysymyksiin. Kysely sisÀlsi sekÀ avoimia ettÀ suljettuja kysymyksiÀ. Tulokset osoittivat ettÀ on tÀrkeÀÀ ottaa vanhemmat mukaan hoitoon, kohdata lapsia oikealla tavalla ja olla lasten tasoilla. On tÀrkeÀÀ tehdÀ oikean kipuarvioinnin, kÀyttÀÀ mittakaavoja mutta myös tarkkailla lapsia ja heidÀn kehonkieltÀ, ja sen perusteella voidaan tehdÀ oikean kipuarvioinnin. KivunlievitystÀ tuli esille, ettÀ parasetamoli kÀytetÀÀn eniten, ja useimmissa tapauksissa kivunlievitys on hyvÀ

    Family Ownership and Returns on Investment – Founders, Heirs, and External Managers

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    This paper investigates how family ownership, control, and management affect firms’ investment performance. We use the identity of Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Chairman of the Board (COB) to establish under what management the firm is: founder, descendant, or external management. The results show that founder management has no effect on investment performance in family firms, whereas descendant management has a negative impact on returns on investment. Having an externally hired manager significantly improves investment performance. The results also indicate that the separation of voting right from cash flow right has a negative impact on investment performance in both family and non-family firms, but the negative effect is larger in family firms.Ownership; Control; Management; Family Firms; Returns on Investments

    The Bankruptcy-Law Safe Harbor for Derivatives: A Path-Dependence Analysis

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    U.S. bankruptcy law grants special rights and immunities to creditors in derivatives transactions, including virtually unlimited enforcement rights. This article argues that these rights and immunities result from a form of path dependence, a sequence of industry-lobbied legislative steps, each incremental and in turn serving as apparent justification for the next step, without a rigorous and systematic vetting of the consequences. Because the resulting “safe harbor” has not been fully vetted, its significance and utility should not be taken for granted; and thus regulators, legislators, and other policymakers—whether in the United States or abroad—should not automatically assume, based on its existence, that the safe harbor necessarily reflects the most appropriate treatment of derivatives transactions under bankruptcy and insolvency law or the treatment most likely to minimize systemic risk

    Setting priorities for conservation : protected area effectiveness, management, and quality of governance

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    Protected areas are a key tool for conserving biodiversity and an increase in their coverage has long been the aim of international conventions and initiatives. With progress to achieve target 11 of the Convention on Biological Diversity of protecting 17 % of terrestrial areas, the focus has now shifted towards assessing the protected area effectiveness in maintaining species or avoiding land conversions. In my doctoral thesis I develop a novel way of assessing PA effectiveness, based on the counterfactual thinking, and use this to link it to different management and ecological factors. I link different aspects of PA effectiveness conceptually to the quality of governance and show how spatial prioritizations can change with the inclusion of these socio-political factors. Using Madagascar as a case study, and in line with other studies elsewhere, I find that the protected area network is effective to some extent in mitigating the pressure of deforestation. I show the importance of considering the temporal dimension of protected area effectiveness measures and how protected area effectiveness changes over time due to increasing or decreasing pressures. These results link directly to considerations of vulnerability and irreplaceability in Systematic conservation planning and I show that accounting for governance factors in a global spatial prioritization analysis change the identification of areas. My thesis shows the relative nature of protected area effectiveness measures and how important it is to get the assessments right, especially because of the massive focus on protected area effectiveness as a panacea to stopping biodiversity declines. Improving protected area effectiveness needs to be linked to governance factors affecting not only the management but also the drivers of threat, something that previous studies have overlooked. With my thesis I make an attempt to bridge the themes of protected area effectiveness, considerations of quality of governance, and how it all links to conservation prioritizations. Our methodology has been developed with the aim to be computationally efficient and conceptually more robust than existing matching methods, with the potential to be scaled up for larger studies. However, how the two methods perform needs to be tested in the future. My dissertation has clear practical implications for the conservation of Madagascar s biodiversity and the results are of potential interest for both NGOs and the Madagascar National Park administration. The conceptual contribution of this thesis should be incorporated into mainstream thinking and the discourse of setting global priorities for biodiversity conservation, such as by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the World Parks Congress (WPC) and ultimately the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).Grundandet av naturskyddsomrÄden Àr den ledande strategin för att skydda den biologiska mÄngfalden bÄde lokalt och globalt. Stora framsteg har gjorts i frÄgan om att öka naturskyddsomrÄdenas antal och areal och Biodiversitetskonventionens Aichi mÄlsÀttning att skydda 17 % av jordens terrestra yta ligger inom rÀckhÄll. Detta har gjort att fokus nu har skiftat till att man försöker evaluera naturskyddsomrÄdenas effekt ifrÄga om att skydda de arter samt naturtyper som finns representerade. Analytiskt utgör detta ett intressant problem inom vetenskapen: det krÀver en evaluering av vad som skulle ha hÀnt, om dessa omrÄden inte grundats: det kontrafaktiska (frÄn engelskans counterfactual). I min doktorsavhandling har vi utvecklat en ny metod för detta. Jag anvÀnder denna metod för att evaluera naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet och undersöker förhÄllandet mellan detta och olika aspekter pÄ naturskyddsomrÄdesledning, förvaltningsfaktorer samt ekologiska faktorer. Konceptuellt utvecklar jag ett ramverk som linkar olika aspekter av naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet till förvaltningens kvalitet (quality of governance) och visar hur spatiala prioriteringar betrÀffande var naturskyddsomrÄden borde grundas kan Àndras dÄ dessa socio-politiska faktorer beaktas. Genom att anvÀnda Madagaskar som fallstudie, och i enlighet med andra studier frÄn andra lÀnder, visar mina analyser att nÀtverket av naturskyddsomrÄden har en effekt, det vill sÀga de minskar skogsskövlingen inom omrÄdenas grÀnser. Dock pÄvisar jag vikten av att beakta den temporala aspekten av effektivitet, och hur den effekt omrÄdena har varierar över tid och i förhÄllande till ett minskat eller ökat tryck pÄ att skövla skog. Min avhandling pÄvisar sÄledes den relativa karaktÀren av mÄtt pÄ naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet och hur betydande det Àr att genomföra dessa bedömningar rÀtt, samt hur resultaten skall tolkas. Detta framstÄr för tillfÀllet som ytterst aktuellt pÄ grund av det massiva fokus naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet har fÄtt som ett universalmedel för att eliminera nedgÄngar i den biologiska mÄngfalden. FörbÀttrad naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet mÄste kopplas till förvaltningsfaktorer som pÄverkar inte bara den lokala ledningen utan Àven drivkrafterna bakom flera av hotbilderna mot biodiversiteten, nÄgot som tidigare studier har förbisett. Med min avhandling gör jag ett försök att syntetisera tematiken kring naturskyddsomrÄdeseffektivitet och kvaliteten pÄ samhÀllsstyrningen, och hur det hela lÀnkar till hur man kan prioritera olika omrÄden samt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt inom bevarandebiologin. VÄr nya metod har utvecklats med mÄlsÀttningen att vara berÀkningsmÀssigt effektiv och konceptuellt mer robust Àn befintliga metoder, och att dÀrmed ha potential att skalas upp för större studier. Hur de tvÄ metoderna utfaller krÀver testning i framtiden. Min avhandling har praktiska tillÀmpningsmöjligheter för bevarandet av Madagaskars biologiska mÄngfald och resultaten Àr av potentiellt intresse för bÄde medborgarorganisationer och administrationen för Madagaskars nationalparker. Det konceptuella bidrag denna avhandling medför bör införlivas i diskussionen kring hur man borde faststÀlla globala prioriteringar för bevarandet av biologisk mÄngfald, sÄsom genom de rekommendationer och mÄl som utges av den internationella naturvÄrdsunionen IUCN, vÀrldsparkkongressen World Parks Congress samt biodiversitetskonventionen CBD

    Quality of governance and effectiveness of protected areas: crucial concepts for conservation planning

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    Protected areas (PAs) are a key tool for biodiversity conservation and play a central role in the Convention on Biological Diversity. Recently, the effectiveness of PAs has been questioned, and assessing how effective they are in enabling the future persistence of biodiversity is not trivial. Here, we focus on terrestrial PAs and clarify the terminology related to PA effectiveness, distinguishing between management and ecological aspects. We suggest that the quality of governance affects both aspects of effectiveness but recognize a lack of synthetic understanding of the topic. We present a conceptual framework linking the underlying mechanisms by which the quality of governance affects conservation outcomes in PAs and how this relates to conservation planning. We show that it is crucial to separate pressure and response and how these together will lead to the observed conservation outcomes. We urge for more focused attention on governance factors and in particular more empirical research on how to address causality and how to account for the quality of governance when prioritizing actions. Our framework is linked to the classic concepts of systematic conservation planning and clarifies the strategies available to achieve a comprehensive and effective network of PAs.Peer reviewe

    Governance factors in the identification of global conservation priorities for mammals

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    Global conservation priorities have often been identified based on the combination of species richness and threat information. With the development of the field of systematic conservation planning, more attention has been given to conservation costs. This leads to prioritizing developing countries, where costs are generally low and biodiversity is high. But many of these countries have poor governance, which may result in ineffective conservation or in larger costs than initially expected. We explore how the consideration of governance affects the selection of global conservation priorities for the world's mammals in a complementarity-based conservation prioritization. We use data on Control of Corruption (Worldwide Governance Indicators project) as an indicator of governance effectiveness, and gross domestic product per capita as an indicator of cost. We show that, while core areas with high levels of endemism are always selected as important regardless of governance and cost values, there are clear regional differences in selected sites when biodiversity, cost or governance are taken into account separately. Overall, the analysis supports the concentration of conservation efforts in most of the regions generally considered of high priority, but stresses the need for different conservation approaches in different continents owing to spatial patterns of governance and economic development
