6 research outputs found

    Kunskap och inställning till HPV och HPV-vaccination bland ungdomar som läser omvårdnadsprogrammet på gymnasiet.

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    Bakgrund    HPV, humant papillomvirus, är den vanligast sexuellt överförbara sjukdomen i världen. HPV kan orsaka kondylom, vilket innebär könsvårtor, men det kan även ge gynekologiska cellförändringar som kan leda till livmoderhalscancer. Syfte            Syftet var att undersöka vilken kunskap och inställning gymnasieelever, som inte ingår i vaccinationsåldern, hade till HPV och HPV-vaccination samt om det fanns några könsskillnader. Metod   En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes på en gymnasieskola i Uppsala, Sverige. Enkätdistribueringen skedde vid två tillfällen och 58 (98,3 %) ifyllda enkäter kunde inhämtas, varav 38 var flickor och 20 var pojkar. Resultat    Flickorna på skolan hade en generellt högre andel rätt svar på enkäten, och totalt var det 21 (55,2 %) av flickorna som var vaccinerade medan endast 1 (5 %) av pojkarna. Av samtliga elever var det 22 (37,9 %) som kunde besvara frågan rätt angående hur många typer av HPV-virus det finns, dock kunde 51 (87,9 %) besvara frågan rätt om hur man skyddar sig mot HPV-viruset. Signifikant könsskillnad hittades i kunskapsfrågan gällande om HPV kan orsaka livmoderhalscancer (p<0,045) där flickorna hade flest rätt svar på frågan. Det var fler vaccinerade flickor jämfört med pojkar (p<0,001) och signifikant fler pojkar som kunde tänka sig att vaccineras (p<0,019). Majoriteten, 68 %, av eleverna var positiva till den befintliga HPV-vaccinationen. Slutsats     Eleverna hade generellt sett en låg kunskapsnivå gällande HPV men trots det var det ändå mer än hälften av flickorna som var vaccinerade. Behov av ytterligare kunskap om HPV och HPV-vaccination till befolkningen behövs.Background HPV, human papilloma virus, is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. HPV can cause genital warts and gynaecological dysplasia, which can lead to cervical cancer. Objective The objective was to describe the amount of knowledge the students had regarding HPV and the HPV-vaccination. Another objective was to describe how many of the students who were vaccinated and to study the existing attitudes towards HPV and the HPV-vaccination. The last objective was to compare whether there was any gender differences. Methods  A quantitative survey study was conduced at an upper secondary school in Uppsala, Sweden. The distribution of the surveys occurred on two occasions and 58 (98,3 %) completed surveys were collected. Results The girls had a generally higher percentage of correct answers on the survey. About 55 % (n=21) of the girls were vaccinated but only 5 %(n=1) of the boys. Regarding how many types of HPV there are 22(37,9 %) of the students answered correctly, although 51 (87,9 %) knew how to protect themselves against a possible infection. Significant differences in gender were found in the question whether HPV can cause cervical cancer or not (p=0,045) and whether the students would be willing to take the vaccine or not (p=0,019). The majority of the students, 68 %, were in favour of the existing HPV vaccination. Conclusion Although the students generally had poor knowledge regarding HPV the majority of the girls had taken the vaccine. The need of further knowledge is vast

    Kunskap och inställning till HPV och HPV-vaccination bland ungdomar som läser omvårdnadsprogrammet på gymnasiet.

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    Bakgrund    HPV, humant papillomvirus, är den vanligast sexuellt överförbara sjukdomen i världen. HPV kan orsaka kondylom, vilket innebär könsvårtor, men det kan även ge gynekologiska cellförändringar som kan leda till livmoderhalscancer. Syfte            Syftet var att undersöka vilken kunskap och inställning gymnasieelever, som inte ingår i vaccinationsåldern, hade till HPV och HPV-vaccination samt om det fanns några könsskillnader. Metod   En kvantitativ enkätstudie genomfördes på en gymnasieskola i Uppsala, Sverige. Enkätdistribueringen skedde vid två tillfällen och 58 (98,3 %) ifyllda enkäter kunde inhämtas, varav 38 var flickor och 20 var pojkar. Resultat    Flickorna på skolan hade en generellt högre andel rätt svar på enkäten, och totalt var det 21 (55,2 %) av flickorna som var vaccinerade medan endast 1 (5 %) av pojkarna. Av samtliga elever var det 22 (37,9 %) som kunde besvara frågan rätt angående hur många typer av HPV-virus det finns, dock kunde 51 (87,9 %) besvara frågan rätt om hur man skyddar sig mot HPV-viruset. Signifikant könsskillnad hittades i kunskapsfrågan gällande om HPV kan orsaka livmoderhalscancer (p<0,045) där flickorna hade flest rätt svar på frågan. Det var fler vaccinerade flickor jämfört med pojkar (p<0,001) och signifikant fler pojkar som kunde tänka sig att vaccineras (p<0,019). Majoriteten, 68 %, av eleverna var positiva till den befintliga HPV-vaccinationen. Slutsats     Eleverna hade generellt sett en låg kunskapsnivå gällande HPV men trots det var det ändå mer än hälften av flickorna som var vaccinerade. Behov av ytterligare kunskap om HPV och HPV-vaccination till befolkningen behövs.Background HPV, human papilloma virus, is the most common sexually transmitted disease in the world. HPV can cause genital warts and gynaecological dysplasia, which can lead to cervical cancer. Objective The objective was to describe the amount of knowledge the students had regarding HPV and the HPV-vaccination. Another objective was to describe how many of the students who were vaccinated and to study the existing attitudes towards HPV and the HPV-vaccination. The last objective was to compare whether there was any gender differences. Methods  A quantitative survey study was conduced at an upper secondary school in Uppsala, Sweden. The distribution of the surveys occurred on two occasions and 58 (98,3 %) completed surveys were collected. Results The girls had a generally higher percentage of correct answers on the survey. About 55 % (n=21) of the girls were vaccinated but only 5 %(n=1) of the boys. Regarding how many types of HPV there are 22(37,9 %) of the students answered correctly, although 51 (87,9 %) knew how to protect themselves against a possible infection. Significant differences in gender were found in the question whether HPV can cause cervical cancer or not (p=0,045) and whether the students would be willing to take the vaccine or not (p=0,019). The majority of the students, 68 %, were in favour of the existing HPV vaccination. Conclusion Although the students generally had poor knowledge regarding HPV the majority of the girls had taken the vaccine. The need of further knowledge is vast

    Delayed Improvement of Left Ventricular Function in Newly Diagnosed Heart Failure Depends on Etiology—A PROLONG-II Substudy

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    In patients with newly diagnosed heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), three months of optimal therapy are recommended before considering a primary preventive implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). It is unclear which patients benefit from a prolonged waiting period under protection of the wearable cardioverter-defibrillator (WCD) to avoid unnecessary ICD implantations. This study included all patients receiving a WCD for newly diagnosed HFrEF (n = 353) at our center between 2012 and 2017. Median follow-up was 2.7 years. From baseline until three months, LVEF improved in patients with all peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM), myocarditis, dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), or ischemic cardiomyopathy (ICM). Beyond this time, LVEF improved in PPCM and DCM only (10 ± 8% and 10 ± 12%, respectively), whereas patients with ICM showed no further improvement. The patients with newly diagnosed HFrEF were compared to 29 patients with a distinct WCD indication, which is an explantation of an infected ICD. This latter group had a higher incidence of WCD shocks and poorer overall survival. All-cause mortality should be considered when deciding on WCD prescription. In patients with newly diagnosed HFrEF, the potential for delayed LVEF recovery should be considered when timing ICD implantation, especially in patients with PPCM and DCM

    Accumulation Potentials of Perfluoroalkyl Carboxylic Acids (PFCAs) and Perfluoroalkyl Sulfonic Acids (PFSAs) in Maize (<i>Zea mays</i>)

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    Uptake of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) by maize represents a potential source of exposure for humans, either directly or indirectly via feed for animals raised for human consumption. The aim of the following study was, therefore, to determine the accumulation potential of perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSAs) in maize (<i>Zea mays</i>). Two different concentrations of PFAAs were applied as aqueous solution to the soil to attain target concentrations of 0.25 mg or 1.00 mg of PFAA per kg of soil. Maize was grown in pots, and after harvesting, PFAA concentrations were measured in the straw and kernels of maize. PFCA and PFSA concentrations of straw decreased significantly with increasing chain length. In maize kernels, only PFCAs with a chain length ≤ C8 as well as perfluorobutanesulfonic acid (PFBS) were detected. The highest soil-to-plant transfer for both straw and kernels was determined for short-chained PFCAs and PFSAs

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