22 research outputs found

    Evaluation of synergetic effects of integrated recirculating aquaculture systems with water electrolysis units

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    Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are developing rapidly as a pathway towards a more sustainable and efficient aquaculture industry. Such facilities allow for precise control of parameters involved in fish farming, such as oxygenation units for providing oxygen and replenish oxygen saturation levels in the recirculated water. In order to locally supply the oxygen demand to these facilities, water electrolysis technology may be a complementary solution of which oxygen and heat are secondary products, typically unutilized in conventional production units, in addition to the main product which is hydrogen. To study the synergetic effects of combining RAS facilities for Atlantic salmon and water electrolysis systems, three pre-defined case studies of varying sizes have been established with regards to the technical feasibility, impact on the production cost of hydrogen, as well as sensitivity analyses of relevant economical variables. Simulation of the alkaline water electrolysis process is also carried out through Aspen Plus software, and the varying oxygen demand during the growth of Atlantic salmon is modeled for each case study presented in this report. The three case studies show considerable economical benefits through scale-up of the combined facilities. A promising hydrogen production cost of 27.74 kr/kg H2 was achieved for the largest facility (case 3), producing more than 50 tonnes of O2 per day, where revenues from oxygen sales and district heating are included. A more detailed techno-economic analysis, optimization of the general concept, a study of including alternative energy sources such as wind and solar, as well as further work with the simulated process in Aspen Plus may be recommended for future studies of the established cases in this paper

    Music+. An autoethnographic layered account on musical experiences in music therapy.

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    The thesis begins with the question of how the author can articulate and understand musical experiences in music therapy and personal music making outside of music therapy by employing autoethnographic methodology. As autoethnography seeks to challenge canonical ways of doing research, the text does not follow a standardized structure and does not claim to have any traditional “findings” as such. However, the text reflects on how aesthetics, musical values and representation of self and others in text can be understood as entangled ethical issues. Examples from practice placement in mental health care, work within dementia care, personal history and private musical practice are used to illustrate this. As musical experiences are conceptualized as an ecological phenomenon, these examples are discussed in relation to each other using a theoretical metaphor of music-plus, illuminated with the symbol +. By doing so, the text also gives a particular and nuanced description of an emerging professional identity of a music therapist in the specific context and training in Bergen.Masteroppgave i musikkterapiMUTP35

    På sporet av oppdragsbasert ledelse : Europeisk og norsk utvikling av infanteritaktikk før første verdenskrig

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    Denne masteroppgaven tar mål av seg å studere hvordan taktikken, og da i hovedsak fotstriden, utviklet seg mellom 1900 og 1914. Sentrale spørsmål som avhandlingen har søkt å besvare er: Hva er bakgrunnen for måten man slåss på? Hva har man blitt påvirket av? Når og hvorfor skjedde utviklingen? Videre søker besvarelsen å kaste lys over hvordan man i Norge systematiserte erfaringer, vurderte påvirkning fra kontinentet og hvordan endringer ble formalisert gjennom reglementer og håndbøker. Studien har besvart problemstillingen gjennom å studere sammenhengen mellom den teknologiske utviklingen og behovet for å tilpasse taktikken til denne, og i tillegg har den gransket sammenhengen mellom den taktiske utviklingen og fremveksten av nye tanker om militært lederskap i perioden. For å kunne svare på hvorvidt man i Norge var påvirket av den kontinentale taktikkutviklingen i årene frem mot første verdenskrig, har arbeidet har vært gjennomført som en komparativ studie, der den kontinentale utviklingen har blitt sammenlignet med den norske. Studien har gransket hvordan erfaringene fra utlandet ble diskutert i Norge, og hvilke formelle og uformelle prosesser dette igjen førte til, for til syvende og sist materialisere seg i praktiske endringer i form av reglementer og direktiver. Foreliggende masteroppgave har hatt til hensikt å granske hvorledes den norske offisers-profesjonen bidro til å utvikle sin egen organisasjon, og skiller seg fra eksisterende norsk forskning ved at den har sett på utviklingen av Hæren fra innsiden, fremfor å behandle Hæren som en organisasjon som endrer seg som følge av samfunnets påvirkning. Masteroppgaven indikerer langt på vei at de norske hæroffiserene i den studerte perioden var meget godt orienterte om de internasjonale strømningene, og at de stadig var på jakt etter måter de kunne forbedre sin egen organisasjon.The aim of the present thesis is to investigate how infantry tactics developed between 1900 and 1914, and it seeks to answer the following questions: What is the background for how we fight? What are changes in tactics influenced by? When and why did the changes occur? Further, the study will determine how European experiences were discussed and implemented in Norway. The dissertation explores the development of tactics and how this relates to the technological development, and in next turn how this correlates to the dawning of thoughts on military leadership in the period. I order to determine if the tactical development in Continental Europe had influence on the Norwegian army, there has been conducted a comparative study of European and Norwegian changes in tactics. A central aspect in this thesis is how Continental tactical experiences were discussed in Norway, together with what kind of processes they became part of, and how they finally appeared as formalized changes in military regulations and doctrine. There are only a few examples on Norwegian scientific military research works on the period, and Norwegian studies on the development of tactics barely exist at all. This makes this thesis unique. In addition, this thesis set out to investigate how the army-officers changed the Army from the inside, and how the profession contributed to the development of their own organisation. The thesis concludes that Norwegian army-officers were well oriented and up to date on the current international views, and steadily looking for possible improvements within the Army in the years between 1900 and 1914

    A risk model for recreational craft accidents

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    The Recreational Craft Platform (RCP, Norwegian: FritidsbĂĄtplattformen) is being developed to collect and merge available data on recreational craft accidents and thereby enable stakeholders to actively take measures to achieve the vision. The Norwegian Maritime Authority (NMA) will be the owner of the platform, using it to analyse the causes and risks associated with recreational craft, and to identify and evaluate risk reducing measures to reduce the number of accidents significantly. This paper presents the risk model for recreational craft accidents, developed together with the NMA that will support NMA's and their partners work to achieve these goals. The risk model was developed following NMA's existing risk modelling approach, with focus on the accident frequency of motorboats, sailing boats and personal watercraft. The model will be employed to assess effectiveness of measure and visualizing the contributing factors within the RCP.publishedVersio

    Cognitive impairments after critical illness. Methodology, incidences and consequences

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    Brain dysfunction describes the wide range of alterations in brain function from persistent vegetative state to minor cognitive impairments. It has become evident that brain dysfunctions that arise during an intensive care unit (ICU) stay are associated with mortality, morbidity, post-ICU functional status and rehabilitation. Brain dysfunction in ICU patients is therefore of major interest both in clinical practice and research. Cognitive impairment is one of several types of brain dysfunctions that may become evident after critical illness. The aims of this thesis were to document the incidences of cognitive dysfunction after critical illness, to investigate the post-ICU development and effects of cognitive functions and, if possible, to point out etiological and predisposing factors for such impairment. To achieve this, we needed a neuropsychological approach to our patients. We chose to use the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) as our method for evaluating cognitive function. CANTAB is a semi-automated neuropsychological test battery applied on a laptop PC. The program contains integrated normal reference population scores, which facilitate description of the tested patients’ level of cognitive function and the statistical handling of the results. CANTAB can be administered in an every day setting by non-specialised personnel

    Musikk+. En autoetnografisk layered account om musikkopplevelser i musikkterapi.

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    The thesis begins with the question of how the author can articulate and understand musical experiences in music therapy and personal music making outside of music therapy by employing autoethnographic methodology. As autoethnography seeks to challenge canonical ways of doing research, the text does not follow a standardized structure and does not claim to have any traditional “findings” as such. However, the text reflects on how aesthetics, musical values and representation of self and others in text can be understood as entangled ethical issues. Examples from practice placement in mental health care, work within dementia care, personal history and private musical practice are used to illustrate this. As musical experiences are conceptualized as an ecological phenomenon, these examples are discussed in relation to each other using a theoretical metaphor of music-plus, illuminated with the symbol +. By doing so, the text also gives a particular and nuanced description of an emerging professional identity of a music therapist in the specific context and training in Bergen

    Evaluation of synergetic effects of integrated recirculating aquaculture systems with water electrolysis units

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    Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are developing rapidly as a pathway towards a more sustainable and efficient aquaculture industry. Such facilities allow for precise control of parameters involved in fish farming, such as oxygenation units for providing oxygen and replenish oxygen saturation levels in the recirculated water. In order to locally supply the oxygen demand to these facilities, water electrolysis technology may be a complementary solution of which oxygen and heat are secondary products, typically unutilized in conventional production units, in addition to the main product which is hydrogen. To study the synergetic effects of combining RAS facilities for Atlantic salmon and water electrolysis systems, three pre-defined case studies of varying sizes have been established with regards to the technical feasibility, impact on the production cost of hydrogen, as well as sensitivity analyses of relevant economical variables. Simulation of the alkaline water electrolysis process is also carried out through Aspen Plus software, and the varying oxygen demand during the growth of Atlantic salmon is modeled for each case study presented in this report. The three case studies show considerable economical benefits through scale-up of the combined facilities. A promising hydrogen production cost of 27.74 kr/kg H2 was achieved for the largest facility (case 3), producing more than 50 tonnes of O2 per day, where revenues from oxygen sales and district heating are included. A more detailed techno-economic analysis, optimization of the general concept, a study of including alternative energy sources such as wind and solar, as well as further work with the simulated process in Aspen Plus may be recommended for future studies of the established cases in this paper

    English title: Evaluation of synergetic effects of integrated recirculating aquaculture systems with water electrolysis units Norsk tittel: Evaluering av synergetiske effekter av integrerte resirkulerende akvakultursystemer med vannelektrolyseenheter

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    Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are developing rapidly as a pathway towards a more sustainable and efficient aquaculture industry. Such facilities allow for precise control of parameters involved in fish farming, such as oxygenation units for providing oxygen and replenish oxygen saturation levels in the recirculated water. In order to locally supply the oxygen demand to these facilities, water electrolysis technology may be a complementary solution of which oxygen and heat are secondary products, typically unutilized in conventional production units, in addition to the main product which is hydrogen. To study the synergetic effects of combining RAS facilities for Atlantic salmon and water electrolysis systems, three pre-defined case studies of varying sizes have been established with regards to the technical feasibility, impact on the production cost of hydrogen, as well as sensitivity analyses of relevant economical variables. Simulation of the alkaline water electrolysis process is also carried out through Aspen Plus software, and the varying oxygen demand during the growth of Atlantic salmon is modeled for each case study presented in this report. The three case studies show considerable economical benefits through scale-up of the combined facilities. A promising hydrogen production cost of 27.74 kr/kg H2 was achieved for the largest facility (case 3), producing more than 50 tonnes of O2 per day, where revenues from oxygen sales and district heating are included. A more detailed techno-economic analysis, optimization of the general concept, a study of including alternative energy sources such as wind and solar, as well as further work with the simulated process in Aspen Plus may be recommended for future studies of the established cases in this paper