22 research outputs found

    Modifizierung von Kunststoffoberflächen durch Niederdruckplasmabehandlung zur Verbesserung der Adhäsionseigenschaften

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    Viele Kunststoffe besitzen nur schlechte Adhäsionseigenschaften. So lassen sich viele technisch wichtige Kunststoffe adhäsiv nur dann zufriedenstellend mit Adhäsionsklebstoffen kleben, wenn die Kunststoffteile vorbehandelt worden sind. Versuche mit einer Niederdruckplasmabehandlung führten zu brauchbaren Ergebnissen

    On the thermal inertia and time constant of single-family houses

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    Since the nineteen-seventies, electricity has become a common heating source in Swedish single-family houses. About one million smallhouses can use electricity for heating, about 600.000 have electricity as the only heating source. A liberalised European electricity market would most likely raise the Swedish electricity prices during daytime on weekdays and lower it at other times. In the long run, electrical heating of houses would be replaced by fuels, but in the shorter perspective, other strategies may be considered. This report evaluates the use of electricity for heating a dwelling, or part of it, at night when both the demand and the price are low. The stored heat is utilised in the daytime some hours later, when the electricity price is high. Essential for heat storage is the thermal time constant. The report gives a simple theoretical framework for the calculation of the time constant for a single-family house with furniture. Furthermore the “comfort” time constant, that is, the time for a house to cool down from a maximum to a minimum acceptable temperature, is derived. Two theoretical model houses are calculated, and the results are compared to data from empirical studies in three inhabited test houses. The results show that it was possible to store about 8 kWh/K in a house from the seventies and about 5 kWh/K in a house from the eighties. The time constants were 34 h and 53 h, respectively. During winter conditions with 0°C outdoor, the “comfort” time constants with maximum and minimum indoor temperatures of 23 and 20°C were 6 h and 10 h. The results indicate that the maximum load-shifting potential of an average single family house is about 1 kW during 16 daytime hours shifted into 2 kW during 8 night hours. Up-scaled to the one million Swedish single-family houses that can use electricity as a heating source, the maximum potential is 1000 MW daytime time-shifted into 2000 MW at night

    On the thermal inertia and time constant of single-family houses

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    Since the nineteen-seventies, electricity has become a common heating source in Swedish single-family houses. About one million smallhouses can use electricity for heating, about 600.000 have electricity as the only heating source. A liberalised European electricity market would most likely raise the Swedish electricity prices during daytime on weekdays and lower it at other times. In the long run, electrical heating of houses would be replaced by fuels, but in the shorter perspective, other strategies may be considered. This report evaluates the use of electricity for heating a dwelling, or part of it, at night when both the demand and the price are low. The stored heat is utilised in the daytime some hours later, when the electricity price is high. Essential for heat storage is the thermal time constant. The report gives a simple theoretical framework for the calculation of the time constant for a single-family house with furniture. Furthermore the “comfort” time constant, that is, the time for a house to cool down from a maximum to a minimum acceptable temperature, is derived. Two theoretical model houses are calculated, and the results are compared to data from empirical studies in three inhabited test houses. The results show that it was possible to store about 8 kWh/K in a house from the seventies and about 5 kWh/K in a house from the eighties. The time constants were 34 h and 53 h, respectively. During winter conditions with 0°C outdoor, the “comfort” time constants with maximum and minimum indoor temperatures of 23 and 20°C were 6 h and 10 h. The results indicate that the maximum load-shifting potential of an average single family house is about 1 kW during 16 daytime hours shifted into 2 kW during 8 night hours. Up-scaled to the one million Swedish single-family houses that can use electricity as a heating source, the maximum potential is 1000 MW daytime time-shifted into 2000 MW at night

    Kostråd till diabetiker baseras inte på studier av diabetiker! : en kritik av ovetenskapen inom vetenskapen

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    Övervikten i Sverige började öka sedan nyckelhålsmärkningen infördes 1989. I USA som ligger före Sverige vad gäller övervikt ökar nu typ-2-diabetes. Som intresserad lekman undrar man förstås varför, och det är glädjande att även näringsexperter börjar intressera sig för tänkbara orsaker. Johan Hedbrant har studerat det vetenskapliga underlaget för kostråden och funnit häpnadsväckande brister. I två artiklar i Läkartidningen hänvisar Larsson, Rothenberg och Vessby till nyligen uppdaterade kostråd av Diabetes Nutrition Study Group (DNSG), och noterar en skillnad jämfört med en typ av dieter som visat sig ge stora fördelar vid övervikt och typ-2-diabetes. De senare bygger på en reduktion av kolhydratinnehållet, medan DNSG ekommenderar upp till 60 energiprocent kolhydrat. I skenet av råden att äta mer kolhydrat och tredubblingen av typ-2-diabetes, undrar man lite över vetenskapen bakom att rekommendera mer av det näringsämne typ-2-diabetiker inte tål

    Somatisk tinnitus : Hör vi ljudet av muskelspänningar?

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    Ungefär var tionde person rapporterar tinnitus, några få procent har besvärande problem. I denna översiktsartikel går Johan Hedbrant igenom forskningshistorien och diskuterar några moderna förklaringsmodeller för tinnitus och Ménières sjukdom. Tinnitus definieras som »en ljudupplevelse som inte förorsakats aven inre eller yttre akustisk källa och som inte är orsakat av en experimentell elektrisk stimulering. Tinnitus indelas i subjektiv och objektiv tinnitus, eller beskrivs utifrån det tillstånd som genererat ljudet. Den vanligaste formen är den subjektiva, ibland liknad vid fantomsmärta. I storleksordningen var tionde person rapporterar tinnitus, några få procent har tinnitus på en handikappande nivå

    En annorlunda dag om tinnitus

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    Det finns - nästan - lika många teorier om tinnitus som det finns forskare och vetenskapsman. Den gåtfulla sjukdomen penetrerades vid ett symposium i Lund, där många teorier stöttes och blöttes av 1 70-talet engagerade deltagare. Kan till exempel lösningen på gåtan om plötslig spädbarnsdöd stå fram som ett exempel för forskningen? D.v.s. att lösningen finns mitt framför ögonen på oss, men vi vill inte ta till oss den

    Kostråd till diabetiker baseras inte på studier av diabetiker! : en kritik av ovetenskapen inom vetenskapen

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    Övervikten i Sverige började öka sedan nyckelhålsmärkningen infördes 1989. I USA som ligger före Sverige vad gäller övervikt ökar nu typ-2-diabetes. Som intresserad lekman undrar man förstås varför, och det är glädjande att även näringsexperter börjar intressera sig för tänkbara orsaker. Johan Hedbrant har studerat det vetenskapliga underlaget för kostråden och funnit häpnadsväckande brister. I två artiklar i Läkartidningen hänvisar Larsson, Rothenberg och Vessby till nyligen uppdaterade kostråd av Diabetes Nutrition Study Group (DNSG), och noterar en skillnad jämfört med en typ av dieter som visat sig ge stora fördelar vid övervikt och typ-2-diabetes. De senare bygger på en reduktion av kolhydratinnehållet, medan DNSG ekommenderar upp till 60 energiprocent kolhydrat. I skenet av råden att äta mer kolhydrat och tredubblingen av typ-2-diabetes, undrar man lite över vetenskapen bakom att rekommendera mer av det näringsämne typ-2-diabetiker inte tål

    Särimner : a computer model for diabetes education

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    In diabetes mellitus pancreas fails to produce insulin enough to maintain tissue utilisation of blood glucose. To maintain a normalised metabolism many diabetic patients have to provide insulin from injections or an infusion pump. The disease affects some percent of western population. The insulin provided by the patient has to be adjusted to food and physical exercise. This may be achieved by following rules from diabetes professionals, but also by self learning how food, insulin and physical exercise interact and influence the blood glucose. It seems that the patients who have this intuitive knowledge of the interactions are the ones who manages their diabetes treatment best and have the highest quality of life. The learning have, however, been performed by trial and error - to the price of severe inconvenience and bad metabolic control. A combination of computer science and diabetes physiology has resulted in the computer program Särimner. It is created to give the user a possibility to experiment with diabetes treatment. Food, insulin and physical exercise may be varied and the blood glucose is calculated. Sarimner provides a short-cut to obtaining knowledge since it allows experiments, stimulates discussions and let the user by himself formulate and test hypotheses regarding experienced problems. Since Särimner may be adjusted to look more alike an individual, the experiments are driven by the user's own curiosity. He may experiment with situations of importance to himself and finally make himself the expert of his own treatment situation. The way Särimner is designed, allows interested users to get "under the skin" of the model and study details in the physiological processes. This transparency makes it possible to search for explanations to treatment phenomena. One drawback with the model is that it is quite complex and requires some knowledge from a user with the ambition to understand all the processes. To measure the impact of Särimner training, 11 diabetic teenagers were evaluated with respect to metabolic control, emotional adjustment, focus of control, self-esteem and ability to discuss treatment phenomena. No control group was possible to recruit. The results indicated that the education had been useful for some individuals. They increased their knowledge and ability to discuss treatment situations, their sense of control over the diabetes treatment, their self esteem and furthermore Särimner education may have caused a reduction of diabetes related stress. However, an increased level of diabetes related guilt did occur in some individuals, possibly due to either increased knowledge or a more internalised focus of control. The models ability to look alike reality is depending on for which purpose it is used. Even though it would be theoretically possible to fit the model to an individual, such an experiment would not be performable in reality since Särimner requires input data from the physiology which is impossible to measure. The properties of the model are, however, adequate for illustrating several treatment situations on a phenomenological level

    Somatisk tinnitus och Ménières sjukdom : nya metoder för behandling

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    Forskningsresultat kring somatisk, eller somatosensorisk, tinnitus är relativt färska. Flera studier har visat ett samband mellan tinnitus och dysfunktion i käkregionen, samt mellan Ménières sjukdom och dysfunktion i nackregionen. I denna artikel diskuterar Johan Hedbrant möjligheter till behandling av tinnitus och Ménières sjukdom från ett somatiskt eller somatosensoriskt perspektiv. Artikeln är en fortsättning på Johan Hedbrants artikel i Medikament nr 1/05