113 research outputs found

    The symbolic crisis of the Euro: Trust and distrust in currency as an identifying medium

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    The European unification project has in a way always been in crisis. It was born out of experiences of disastrous divisions and wars, and a sense of balancing on the brink of an abyss has accompanied European self-understanding. The efforts to bridge gaps and forge co-operation between European nations have always been precarious

    Signifying Europe

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    Signifying Europe provides a systematic overview of the wide range of symbols used to represent Europe and Europeanness, both by the political elite and the broader public. Through a critical interpretation of the meanings of the various symbols—and their often contradictory or ambiguous dimensions—Johan Fornäs uncovers illuminating insights into how Europe currently identifies itself and is identified by others outside its borders. While the focus is on the European Union’s symbols, those symbols are also interpreted in relation to other symbols of Europe. Offering insight into the cultural dimensions of European unification, this volume will appeal to students, scholars and politicians interested in European policy issues, cultural studies and postnational cultural identity

    Діалектичні суперечності як рушійні сили процесу навчання правознавства в школі

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    (uk) У статті проведено аналіз діалектичних суперечностей, які виникають у процесі навчання праву, здійснено їхню класифікацію, визначено методично-дидактичні умови перетворення суперечностей на рушійні сили даного процесу.(ru) В статье проведен анализ диалектических противоречий, которые возникают в процесу обучения праву, разработана их классификация, определены методическо-дидактические условия, при соблюдении которых противоречия можуть стать двигателем даного процеса