97 research outputs found
Het delinquente zwarte schaap; een orienterende forensisch-psychiatrische studie
SAMENVATTING Deze studie heeft tot onderwerp het delinquente 'zwarte schaap'. Hieronder worden delinquenten verstaan die juist door hun delinquent zijn in het gezin van herkomst de positie van het 'zwarte schaap' innemen. Dit impliceert dat zij als eenling uit een sociaal aangepast milieu komen tot sociaal onaangepast gedrag in de vorm van delinquentie. In de volgende vragen is de vraagstelling van dit onderzoek naar het delinquente 'zwarte schaap' samengevat: I. Welke zijn de verschillen en overeenkomsten met delinquenten uit een duidelijk a-sociaal milieu afkomstig? Deze vraag valt uiteen in de volgende aspecten: a.verloop van de ontwikkeling van de maatschappelijke aanpassing; b.psychische eigenschappen; c.intrapsychische problematiek; d.het delinquent gedrag. 2. Waarin onderscheidt zich het ontstaan van een 'zwart schaap' van het ontstaan van een delinquent uit maatschappelijk onaangepast milieu? Ook deze vraag valt uiteen in vier aspecten: a.positie en gedrag binnen en ten aanzien van het ouderlijk gezin; b.relatie met de ouders; c.emotionele problemen; d.is er samenhang tussen de vorige aspecten enerzijds en gedrag en levensloop anderzijds? In dit onderzoek worden buiten beschouwing gelaten; vrouwelijke delinquenten en delinquenten boven de dertig jaar, terwijl de criminologische, constitutionele, somatische en hereditaire aspecten van de 'zwarte schapen' niet dan terloops de aandacht krijgen. ..
Het delinquente zwarte schaap; een orienterende forensisch-psychiatrische studie
SAMENVATTING Deze studie heeft tot onderwerp het delinquente 'zwarte schaap'. Hieronder worden delinquenten verstaan die juist door hun delinquent zijn in het gezin van herkomst de positie van het 'zwarte schaap' innemen. Dit impliceert dat zij als eenling uit een sociaal aangepast milieu komen tot sociaal onaangepast gedrag in de vorm van delinquentie. In de volgende vragen is de vraagstelling van dit onderzoek naar het delinquente 'zwarte schaap' samengevat: I. Welke zijn de verschillen en overeenkomsten met delinquenten uit een duidelijk a-sociaal milieu afkomstig? Deze vraag valt uiteen in de volgende aspecten: a.verloop van de ontwikkeling van de maatschappelijke aanpassing; b.psychische eigenschappen; c.intrapsychische problematiek; d.het delinquent gedrag. 2. Waarin onderscheidt zich het ontstaan van een 'zwart schaap' van het ontstaan van een delinquent uit maatschappelijk onaangepast milieu? Ook deze vraag valt uiteen in vier aspecten: a.positie en gedrag binnen en ten aanzien van het ouderlijk gezin; b.relatie met de ouders; c.emotionele problemen; d.is er samenhang tussen de vorige aspecten enerzijds en gedrag en levensloop anderzijds? In dit onderzoek worden buiten beschouwing gelaten; vrouwelijke delinquenten en delinquenten boven de dertig jaar, terwijl de criminologische, constitutionele, somatische en hereditaire aspecten van de 'zwarte schapen' niet dan terloops de aandacht krijgen. ..
Grade 6 primary school learners’ views on minibus taxis and their drivers
DATA AVAILABILITY : The data that support the findings of this study are not
openly available due to confidentiality and are available
from the corresponding author, C.D. v.d.M., upon reasonable
request.BACKGROUND : This study identifies potential assets of the minibus taxi industry space and
alerts taxi drivers to the expectations of various role-players in education, through
understanding the views of various role-players about minibus taxi drivers and their role in
supporting education.
AIM : Viewing the minibus taxi industry through alternative lenses may lead to
development which may ultimately lead to an improvement in the attitudes of the taxi
industry towards the education sector and perceived negative behaviour of taxi drivers.
SETTING: The study took place at three schools in Gauteng, South Africa.
METHODS : The study followed an interpretive, qualitative research approach for exploring and
understanding various views. A case study design using Lefebvre’s, ‘Production of Space’
theory and asset-based theory, were used as a theoretical framework in conjunction with
the Johari Window model. Convenient sampling was applied. Focus group interviews,
semi-structured questionnaires, fieldnotes, and observation were used for data collection and
RESULTS : The results indicated that views which are embedded in individuals have many facets;
hence, it is important to be aware of them to be able to identify the assets of minibus taxi drivers.
CONCLUSION : Minibus taxi drivers are key role players, valuable facilitators and role models
for learners, although educational development is needed.
CONCLUSION : Very little work has been done on the educational value of spaces such as taxis
and transport vehicles; this research adds considerable value to this research lacuna.http://www.sajce.co.zaam2024Humanities EducationNon
Influence of timing of maternal antibiotic administration during caesarean section on infant microbial colonisation:a randomised controlled trial
OBJECTIVE: Revised guidelines for caesarean section (CS) advise maternal antibiotic administration prior to skin incision instead of after umbilical cord clamping, unintentionally exposing the infant to antibiotics antenatally. We aimed to investigate if timing of intrapartum antibiotics contributes to the impairment of microbiota colonisation in CS born infants. DESIGN: In this randomised controlled trial, women delivering via CS received antibiotics prior to skin incision (n=20) or after umbilical cord clamping (n=20). A third control group of vaginally delivering women (n=23) was included. Faecal microbiota was determined from all infants at 1, 7 and 28 days after birth and at 3 years by 16S rRNA gene sequencing and whole-metagenome shotgun sequencing. RESULTS: Compared with vaginally born infants, profound differences were found in microbial diversity and composition in both CS groups in the first month of life. A decreased abundance in species belonging to the genera Bacteroides and Bifidobacterium was found with a concurrent increase in members belonging to the phylum Proteobacteria. These differences could not be observed at 3 years of age. No statistically significant differences were observed in taxonomic and functional composition of the microbiome between both CS groups at any of the time points. CONCLUSION: We confirmed that microbiome colonisation is strongly affected by CS delivery. Our findings suggest that maternal antibiotic administration prior to CS does not result in a second hit on the compromised microbiome. Future, larger studies should confirm that antenatal antibiotic exposure in CS born infants does not aggravate colonisation impairment and impact long-term health
Ecodomy - Life in its fullness
This book provides a coherent and conceptual portrayal of aspects of the theological research theme, entitled Ecodomy (literally meaning to ‘build a house’). In its figurative meaning the term Ecodomy addresses the theme, ‘life in its fullness’. This fullness of life entails a polarity which is inherently part of life, namely its brokenness and its wholeness. From various theological disciplines, namely Old Testament Studies, New Testament Studies, Systematic Theology, Church History and Practical Theology, both the brokenness and wholeness are addressed theologically. Every chapter focuses on a specific theological discipline, while the combination of theological disciplines, addresses the brokenness and wholeness of life as coherent concept. One pole does not exclude the other. Brokenness is visible in current or recent very relevant societal challenges, such as racism and xenophobia, apartheid, foreignness and exclusivism, leadership crises and violence. In contrast, wholeness is embedded in themes such as the African concept of ubuntu, a life of faith and wisdom, reconciling leadership, or transforming space and community. Ultimately, a Greek term ἀναίδεια (persistence) is connected to the meaning of Ecodomy and ‘life in its fullness’. Several methodologies have been used in the different contributions of the book. Every theological discipline applies a different methodology for the purpose of exposing a specific topic or research theme. In general, the contributions in this book follow a combination of a literature study with the further application of diachronic and synchronic exegetical methods. In addition, single contributions follow an own hermeneutical approach. Not one single contribution, but a combination of different theological disciplines, which form the concepts of brokenness and wholeness (life in its fullness), which expose the polarity of life, are included in this book. In its exposed interdisciplinary interwovenness, the book provides a tapestry of how different theological disciplines are combined into a single theme and how they contribute together by means of theological analyses and attempted building blocks to build the broken ‘houses’ of societal structures or human life. The book contributes to selected aspects of broken life in society and the healing experiences of human life. Several themes touch on recent and relevant challenges which have contributed to the brokenness of life. Not only in South Africa, but globally these are currently relevant themes. They include realities of racism and xenophobia, apartheid, foreignness and exclusivism, leadership crises and violence. With the focus on wholeness, specific attention is given to the African concept of ubuntu, a life of faith and wisdom, reconciling leadership, and transforming space and society. A Greek term ἀναίδεια (insolence as ‘in keeping on asking’ – Lk 11:8) illuminates the theme of Ecodomy from the perspective of a parable. The target audience of the book is academic scholars and theologians, who specialise in the different fields of Theology, the Humanities and other Social Sciences. Furthermore, the book is also accessible to scholars of other academic disciplines outside these disciplines. The book contains original research and contributions have not been plagiarised from publications elsewhere
Effects of Deletion of Macrophage ABCA7 on Lipid Metabolism and the Development of Atherosclerosis in the Presence and Absence of ABCA1
ABCA7, a close relative of ABCA1 which facilitates cholesterol efflux to lipid-poor apoproteins, has been implicated in macrophage lipid efflux and clearance of apoptotic cells in in vitro studies. In the current study, we investigated the in vivo effects of macrophage ABCA7 deficiency on lipid metabolism and atherosclerosis. Chimeras with dysfunctional ABCA7 in macrophages and other blood cells were generated by transplantation of bone marrow from ABCA7 knockout (KO) mice into irradiated low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr) KO mice. Unexpectedly, macrophage ABCA7 deficiency did not significantly affect atherosclerosis susceptibility of LDLr KO mice after 10 weeks Western-type diet feeding. However, ABCA7 deficiency was associated with 2-fold (p<0.05) higher macrophage ABCA1 mRNA expression levels. Combined disruption of ABCA1 and ABCA7 in bone-marrow-derived cells increased atherosclerotic lesion development (1.5-fold (p>0.05) as compared to wild type transplanted mice. However, single deletion of ABCA1 had a similar effect (1.8-fold, p<0.05). Macrophage foam cell accumulation in the peritoneal cavity was reduced in ABCA1/ABCA7 dKO transplanted animals as compared to single ABCA1 KO transplanted mice, which was associated with increased ABCG1 expression. Interestingly, spleens of ABCA1/ABCA7 double KO transplanted mice were significantly larger as compared to the other 3 groups and showed massive macrophage lipid accumulation, a reduction in CD3+ T-cells, and increased expression of key regulators of erythropoiesis. In conclusion, deletion of ABCA7 in bone marrow-derived cells does not affect atherogenesis in the arterial wall neither in the absence or presence of ABCA1. Interestingly, combined deletion of bone marrow ABCA1 and ABCA7 causes severe splenomegaly associated with cellular lipid accumulation, a reduction in splenic CD3+ T cells, and induced markers of erythropoeisis. Our data indicate that ABCA7 may play a role in T cell proliferation and erythropoeisis in spleen
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