219 research outputs found

    The expression of non-actual motion in Swedish, French and Thai

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Dynamic descriptions of static spatial situations, such as the road goes through the forest have attracted a lot of attention across different semantic theories. Analyses in terms of fictive motion and subjective motion have proposed that such expressions are strongly motivated by universal cognitive and conceptual factors. I present theoretical arguments for the conflation of several different motivations in the literature. Instead of a single general motivation, three distinct experiential motivations are presented under the term non-actual motion. These experiential motivations are used to design an elicitation tool for investigating non-actual motion cross-linguistically. Elicited descriptions from speakers of Swedish, French and Thai suggest that such descriptions are conventionalized in all three languages, which supports the universal character of non-actual motion across languages. However, in expressing non-actual motion, the language-specific resources for expressing actual motion are used

    The expression of non-actual motion in Swedish, French and Thai

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Dynamic descriptions of static spatial situations, such as the road goes through the forest have attracted a lot of attention across different semantic theories. Analyses in terms of fictive motion and subjective motion have proposed that such expressions are strongly motivated by universal cognitive and conceptual factors. I present theoretical arguments for the conflation of several different motivations in the literature. Instead of a single general motivation, three distinct experiential motivations are presented under the term non-actual motion. These experiential motivations are used to design an elicitation tool for investigating non-actual motion cross-linguistically. Elicited descriptions from speakers of Swedish, French and Thai suggest that such descriptions are conventionalized in all three languages, which supports the universal character of non-actual motion across languages. However, in expressing non-actual motion, the language-specific resources for expressing actual motion are used

    Language may indeed influence thought

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    We discuss four interconnected issues that we believe have hindered investigations into how language may affect thinking. These have had a tendency to reappear in the debate concerning linguistic relativity over the past decades, despite numerous empirical findings. The first is the claim that it is impossible to disentangle language from thought, making the question concerning “influence” pointless. The second is the argument that it is impossible to disentangle language from culture in general, and from social interaction in particular, so it is impossible to attribute any differences in the thought patterns of the members of different cultures to language per se. The third issue is the objection that methodological and empirical problems defeat all but the most trivial version of the thesis of linguistic influence: that language gives new factual information. The fourth is the assumption that since language can potentially influence thought from “not at all” to “completely,” the possible forms of linguistic influence can be placed on a cline, and competing theories can be seen as debating the actual position on this cline. We analyze these claims and show that the first three do not constitute in-principle objections against the validity of the project of investigating linguistic influence on thought, and that the last one is not the best way to frame the empirical challenges at hand. While we do not argue for any specific theory or mechanism for linguistic influence on thought, our discussion and the reviewed literature show that such influence is clearly possible, and hence in need of further investigations

    Joint action without and beyond planning

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    Leading philosophical accounts of joint activity, such as Michael Bratman’s account of ‘shared intentional activity’, take joint activity to be the outcome of two or more agents having a ‘shared intention’, where this is a certain pattern of mutually known prior intentions (plans) that are directed toward a common goal. With Bratman’s account as a foil, I address two lacunas that are relatively unexplored in the philosophical literature. The first lacuna concerns how to make sense of the apparently joint cooperative activities of agents that lack the capacities for planning and “mindreading” that one must have in order to be a party to a shared intention (consider, for example, the social play of young children or the cooperative hunting of non-human primates or social carnivores). The second lacuna concerns how participants (including adult human agents) are able to coordinate their actions “online”—that is, during action execution as a joint activity unfolds—without recourse to plans that specify in advance what they should do (consider the coordination involved when two friends meet and do a “high five”). Chapters 2 and 3 focus on the first lacuna, while chapters 4 and 5 focus on the second. In chapter 2, I focus on why participants must have mutual or common knowledge of each other’s intentions and beliefs in order to have a shared intention: Why must these attitudes be “out in the open”? I argue that, if participants lack the concept of belief, then one of the two main motivations for the common knowledge requirement—to filter out certain cases that intuitively aren’t cases of genuine joint activity—actually dissipates. Furthermore, a kind of “openness” that only requires of participants that they have the concept of goal but not that of belief can satisfy the other main motivation, to make sense of the idea that joint activities are non-accidentally coordinated. In chapter 3, I offer an account of a kind of joint activity in which agents such as young children and some non-human primates could participate, given what we know about their socio-cognitive capacities. In chapter 4, I argue that ‘shared intention’-accounts are unable to say much about spontaneous or skilful joint action because of the following widely accepted constraint on what one can intend: while an agent might intend—in the sense of commit to a plan—that “we” do something together, an agent cannot intend to perform “our” joint action. I reject this constraint and argue that some joint actions (such as a joint manoeuvre performed by two figure skaters) are joint in virtue of each participant having what I call ‘socially extended intention-in-action’ that overlap. In chapter 5, I review empirical work on subpersonal enabling mechanisms for the coordination of joint action. The review provides clues to what it is that enables participants to successfully coordinate their actions in the absence of plan-like intentions or beyond what such intentions specify. While what I address are lacunas rather than problems, an upshot of this thesis is that leading philosophical accounts of joint activity may have less explanatory scope than one might otherwise be led to believe. The accounts of joint activity and joint action that are presented in this thesis are arguably applicable to many of the joint activities and joint actions of adult human beings. The account also helps us avoid the false dichotomy between a very robust form of joint activity and a mere concatenation of purely individualistic actions—a dichotomy that accounts such as Bratman’s arguably invite us to adopt

    An in situ set up for the detection of CO(2) from catalytic CO oxidation by using planar laser-induced fluorescence.

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    We report the first experiment carried out on an in situ setup, which allows for detection of CO(2) from catalytic CO oxidation close to a model catalyst under realistic reaction conditions by the means of planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) in the mid-infrared spectral range. The onset of the catalytic reaction as a function of temperature was followed by PLIF in a steady state flow reactor. After taking into account the self-absorption of CO(2), a good agreement between the detected CO(2) fluorescence signal and the CO(2) mass spectrometry signal was shown. The observed difference to previously measured onset temperatures for the catalytic ignition is discussed and the potential impact of IR-PLIF as a detection technique in catalysis is outlined

    CO Oxidation on a Pd(100)

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    A stagnation flow reactor has been designed and characterized for both experimental and modeling studies of single-crystal model catalysts in heterogeneous catalysis. Using CO oxidation over a Pd(100) single crystal as a showcase, we have employed planar laser-induced fluorescence (PLIF) to visualize the CO2 distribution over the catalyst under reaction conditions and subsequently used the 2D spatially resolved gas phase data to characterize the stagnation flow reactor. From a comparison of the experimental data and the stagnation flow model, it was found that characteristic stagnation flow can be achieved with the reactor. Furthermore, the combined stagnation flow/PLIF/modeling approach makes it possible to estimate the turnover frequency (TOF) of the catalytic surface from the measured CO2 concentration profiles above the surface and to predict the CO2, CO and O2 concentrations at the surface under reaction conditions

    Phylogeny-Directed Search for Murine Leukemia Virus-Like Retroviruses in Vertebrate Genomes and in Patients Suffering from Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Prostate Cancer

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    Gammaretrovirus-like sequences occur in most vertebrate genomes. Murine Leukemia Virus (MLV) like retroviruses (MLLVs) are a subset, which may be pathogenic and spread cross-species. Retroviruses highly similar to MLLVs (xenotropic murine retrovirus related virus (XMRV) and Human Mouse retrovirus-like RetroViruses (HMRVs)) reported from patients suffering from prostate cancer (PC) and myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) raise the possibility that also humans have been infected. Structurally intact, potentially infectious MLLVs occur in the genomes of some mammals, especially mouse. Mouse MLLVs contain three major groups. One, MERV G3, contained MLVs and XMRV/HMRV. Its presence in mouse DNA, and the abundance of xenotropic MLVs in biologicals, is a source of false positivity. Theoretically, XMRV/HMRV could be one of several MLLV transspecies infections. MLLV pathobiology and diversity indicate optimal strategies for investigating XMRV/HMRV in humans and raise ethical concerns. The alternatives that XMRV/HMRV may give a hard-to-detect “stealth” infection, or that XMRV/HMRV never reached humans, have to be considered

    APES Beamforming Applied to Medical Ultrasound Imaging

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    As of today, sonar imaging is the most effective means of documenting the subsea environment. Existing sonar imaging systems generally rely on conventional beamforming methods to form the image. While conventional beamformers are robust and simple, they leave many of the challenges of sonar imaging unresolved. Sonar images are often degraded by noise, and the image resolution as well as the range at which useful images can be obtained is limited. This thesis addresses the use of adaptive beamforming and imaging methods applied to active sonar. The goal of an adaptive beamformer in this context is to improve the quality of the sonar image by allowing the beamformer to adapt to the situation, recognizing sources of noise and interference and suppressing them before they have the chance to contaminate the image. The desired result is an image containing more useful and correct information, less noise, and improved image resolution. Focus has been on investigating how different adaptive methods can be implemented in a practical setting, and analyzing the performance of each method. Key challenges that are addressed include coherent signals, arbitrary array geometries, computational load, and robustness. Two of the most common adaptive beamforming methods, the minimum variance distortionless response (MVDR) and the amplitude and phase estimation (APES) beamformers, are considered, as well as a low complexity variant of the adaptive MVDR beamformer. Adaptive imaging methods based on aperture coherence represent a promising class of adaptive methods, and are also considered. We conclude that in many cases, improved image quality is obtained by using adaptive beamforming methods

    Three-dimensional structure and antigenicity of transmembrane-protein peptides of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Effects of a neutralization-escape substitution

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    AbstractA point mutation (Ala-589 to Thr) in the transmembrane protein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has been shown to decrease the sensitivity of the virus to the neutralizing effect of human HIV-1 specific antibodies [(1990) J. Virol. 64, 3240-3248]. Here 17-residue peptides with the parental and mutant sequences were compared: the parental peptide bound antibodies of sera from HIV-1 infected persons more frequently and with higher affinity than the mutant peptide. However, according to circular dichroism (CD), NMR spectroscopy and molecular modelling the peptides have indistinguishable backbone conformations under a variety of experimental conditions. These techniques showed for both peptides that no ordered helix was present in water solution. However, for both peptides in alcohol-water solutions approximately 60% α-helix coula be induced. The three-dimensional structures of these peptides provide a basis for understanding how this mutation in the transmembrane protein may affect the interaction with both the outer envelope glycoprotein and with antibodies